SRAI to asses soy production... Revision of aflatosin levels possible...

1983 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 518-520
Rodrigo Javier Tapia ◽  
Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna ◽  
Ana Margarita Larranaga ◽  
Helena Beatriz Bettella Cybis

Cinthya Covessi Thom de Souza ◽  
Nelson Augusto Rosário Filho ◽  
Juliana Francis de Camargo ◽  
Ricardo Henrique Moreton Godoi

Asthma epidemics have been shown to be related to where soybeans are loaded and handled, but data are scarce in the literature. This pilot study evaluated the levels of Gly m 1 in dust samples collected in Maringá, Brazil, a city with high soy production and processing. A dust impactor was used to collect seven isolated samples during 2015 and 2016. Samples were analyzed by an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) detection method. Gly m 1 was found in all samples, ranging from 0.82–24.38 ng/m3 (median 2.41), regardless of the month or year evaluated. The levels of Gly m 1 were considered low, but the concentrations required to cause sensitization and symptoms are uncertain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Francisco José da Silva Tabosa ◽  
Pablo Urano de Carvalho Castelar ◽  
José Eustáquio Ribeiro Vieira Filho ◽  
Domingos Isaías Maia Amorim ◽  
Maria Josiell Nascimento Da Silva

The present work aims to analyze the impact of a government subsidy program of rural insurance in Brazil, (called the Programa de Subvenção ao Prêmio de Seguro Rural - PSR), on the productivity of insured producers in the MATOPIBA region of the country, which encompasses four Brazilian states, Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, between the years 2008 to 2019. For this, municipalities were selected that had at least one insured producer throughout the analyzed period. The variables used were the number of producers, the number of insurance policies, the planted area, the productivity obtained and the insured financial amount of the producers. The methodological procedure was based on Auto-regressive Vectors (VAR) for panel data. The results showed a concentration, of all the variables used in the research, in the state of Bahia, mainly in the municipalities of Formosa do Rio Preto and São Desidério, whose main economic activity is soy production. It was also found that the impulse response functions on productivity obtained through a shock in the other variables, except the planted area variable, the others showed positive initial (short-term) responses until the second year. The average time for responses to smooth over time occurs from the sixth year onwards.

Л. Г. Білявська ◽  
Ю. П. Васецький ◽  
О. В. Пилипенко ◽  
Ю. В. Білявський ◽  
А. О. Діянова

Показано цінність білкової культури сої, універсальність її використання, генетичний потенціал, вимоги споживача та переробника. Розглядаються шляхи та перспективи формування сортових ресурсів сої в Україні. До державного Реєстру сортів рослин, придатних для поширення в Україні, занесено значну кількість різноманітних сортів сої. Відмічається зростання частки скоростиглих сортів. Відповідно до сучасних вимог, сорт сої повинен бути високоврожайним, адаптивним, із високим генетичним потенціалом та мати відповідний рівень захисту рослин від біотичних та абіотичних факторів середовища. Базуючись на довготривалому практичному досвіді в селекції сої, у полтавському селекцентрі створено сорти з підвищеним базовим потенціалом. Серед них особливу цінність має сорт Аквамарин, занесений до Державного реєстру сортів рослин, придатних для поширення в Україні в 2013 році. Представлено окремі вимоги до елементів агротехніки. The value of protein culture of soy, the universality of its use is shown. The ways of increasing soy production in Ukraine are considered. To the State Register of plant varieties, suitable for distribution, a significant number of various soybean varieties are listed in Ukraine, most of which have a narrow ecological-geographical adaptation. In modern conditions, the soybean must be highly productive, adaptive, with a high level of resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Based on long-term practical experience in soybean selection, the hybridization of sources of adaptability to stress factors of the environment resulted in a variety with a higher base potential. Aquamarine variety, entered in the State Register of plant varieties, is suitable for distribution in Ukraine. The morphological and biological characteristics of the variety are given.

2022 ◽  
Nelson Villoria ◽  
Rachael Garrett ◽  
Florian Gollnow ◽  
Kimberly Carlson

Abstract Supply chain policies that leverage the upstream market power of trading companies and importing countries offer great promise to address forest clearing1,2 in regions of rapid commodity expansion but weak forest governance3,4. Yet leakage—when deforestation is not eliminated but instead pushed to other regions—is a potentially major but unquantified factor that could dilute the global effectiveness of regionally successful supply chain policies5,6. We find substantial domestic leakage rates (43-50%) induced by zero deforestation policy implementation in Brazil’s soy sector, but insignificant cross-border leakage (<3%) due to the interdependence of soy production in the U.S. and Brazil. Currently implemented zero-deforestation policies in the Brazilian soy sector offset 0.9% of global and 4% of Brazilian deforestation from 2011-2016. However, completely eliminating deforestation from the supply chains of all firms exporting soy to the EU or China over the same period could have reduced global deforestation by 2% and Brazilian deforestation by 9%. If major tropical commodity importers adopt policies that require traders to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains, as currently proposed in the EU, it could help bend the curve on global forest loss.

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