The preparation of the recently released Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2383 Baby Food Composite and the process used for value assignment of nutrient concentrations are reported. SRM 2383 can be used as a control material when assigning values to in-house control materials and when validating analytical methods for measuring proximates, vitamins, and minerals in baby food and similar matrixes. The SRM was prepared as a commercial baby food would be prepared, with the same ingredients. The Certificate of Analysis for SRM 2383 provides assigned values for concentrations of proximates, vitamins, and minerals for which product labeling is required by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990. These assigned values were based on measurements by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and/or collaborating laboratories. Assignment of analyte concentrations based solely on analyses by collaborating laboratories is described in this paper. Certified values are provided for retinol, tocopherols, and several carotenoids including total β-carotene; the certification of and methodology used for measurement of these analytes is discussed in a companion paper (this issue, page 288). Reference values are provided for solids, ash, fat, nitrogen, protein, carbohydrate, calories, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, biotin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium, and chloride. Reference values for additional carotenoids are reported in the companion paper (this issue, page 288). Information values are provided for iodine, selenium, molybdenum, vitamin D, vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, choline, inositol, sugars, total dietary fiber, and 3 classes of fats.