scholarly journals Measuring grain size and identifying Near Eastern cereal domestication: evidence from the Euphrates valley

2004 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-150 ◽  
George Willcox
K. P. Staudhammer ◽  
L. E. Murr

The effect of shock loading on a variety of steels has been reviewed recently by Leslie. It is generally observed that significant changes in microstructure and microhardness are produced by explosive shock deformation. While the effect of shock loading on austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, and pearlitic structures has been investigated, there have been no systematic studies of the shock-loading of microduplex structures.In the current investigation, the shock-loading response of millrolled and heat-treated Uniloy 326 (thickness 60 mil) having a residual grain size of 1 to 2μ before shock loading was studied. Uniloy 326 is a two phase (microduplex) alloy consisting of 30% austenite (γ) in a ferrite (α) matrix; with the composition.3% Ti, 1% Mn, .6% Si,.05% C, 6% Ni, 26% Cr, balance Fe.

R. Sinclair ◽  
B.E. Jacobson

INTRODUCTIONThe prospect of performing chemical analysis of thin specimens at any desired level of resolution is particularly appealing to the materials scientist. Commercial TEM-based systems are now available which virtually provide this capability. The purpose of this contribution is to illustrate its application to problems which would have been intractable until recently, pointing out some current limitations.X-RAY ANALYSISIn an attempt to fabricate superconducting materials with high critical currents and temperature, thin Nb3Sn films have been prepared by electron beam vapor deposition [1]. Fine-grain size material is desirable which may be achieved by codeposition with small amounts of Al2O3 . Figure 1 shows the STEM microstructure, with large (∽ 200 Å dia) voids present at the grain boundaries. Higher quality TEM micrographs (e.g. fig. 2) reveal the presence of small voids within the grains which are absent in pure Nb3Sn prepared under identical conditions. The X-ray spectrum from large (∽ lμ dia) or small (∽100 Ǻ dia) areas within the grains indicates only small amounts of A1 (fig.3).

Takao Suzuki ◽  
Hossein Nuri

For future high density magneto-optical recording materials, a Bi-substituted garnet film ((BiDy)3(FeGa)5O12) is an attractive candidate since it has strong magneto-optic effect at short wavelengths less than 600 nm. The signal in read back performance at 500 nm using a garnet film can be an order of magnitude higher than a current rare earth-transition metal amorphous film. However, the granularity and surface roughness of such crystalline garnet films are the key to control for minimizing media noise.We have demonstrated a new technique to fabricate a garnet film which has much smaller grain size and smoother surfaces than those annealed in a conventional oven. This method employs a high ramp-up rate annealing (Γ = 50 ~ 100 C/s) in nitrogen atmosphere. Fig.1 shows a typical microstruture of a Bi-susbtituted garnet film deposited by r.f. sputtering and then subsequently crystallized by a rapid thermal annealing technique at Γ = 50 C/s at 650 °C for 2 min. The structure is a single phase of garnet, and a grain size is about 300A.

Ernest L. Hall ◽  
Shyh-Chin Huang

Addition of interstitial elements to γ-TiAl alloys is currently being explored as a method for improving the properties of these alloys. Previous work in which a number of interstitial elements were studied showed that boron was particularly effective in refining the grain size in castings, and led to enhanced strength while maintaining reasonable ductility. Other investigators have shown that B in γ-TiAl alloys tends to promote the formation of TiB2 as a second phase. In this study, the microstructure of Bcontaining TiAl alloys was examined in detail in order to describe the mechanism by which B alters the structure and properties of these alloys.

Ernest L. Hall ◽  
Lee E. Rumaner ◽  
Mark G. Benz

The intermetallic compound Nb3Sn is a type-II superconductor of interest because it has high values of critical current density Jc in high magnetic fields. One method of forming this compound involves diffusion of Sn into Nb foil containing small amounts of Zr and O. In order to maintain high values of Jc, it is important to keep the grain size in the Nb3Sn as small as possible, since the grain boundaries act as flux-pinning sites. It has been known for many years that Zr and O were essential to grain size control in this process. In previous work, we have shown that (a) the Sn is transported to the Nb3Sn/Nb interface by liquid diffusion along grain boundaries; (b) the Zr and O form small ZrO2 particles in the Nb3Sn grains; and (c) many very small Nb3Sn grains nucleate from a single Nb grain at the reaction interface. In this paper we report the results of detailed studies of the Nb3Sn/Nb3Sn, Nb3Sn/Nb, and Nb3Sn/ZrO2 interfaces.

J.M. Schwartz ◽  
L.F. Francis ◽  
L.D. Schmidt ◽  
P.S. Schabes-Retchkiman

Ceramic thin films and coatings are of interest for electrical, optical, magnetic and thermal barrier applications. Critical for improved properties in thin films is the development of specific microstructures during processing. To this end, the sol-gel method is advantageous as a versatile processing route. The sol-gel process involves depositing a solution containing metalorganic or colloidal ceramic precursors onto a substrate and heating the deposited layer to form a crystalline or non-crystalline ceramic coating. This route has several advantages, including the ability to create tailored microstructures and properties, to coat large or small areas, simple or complex shapes, and to more easily prepare multicomponent ceramics. Sol-gel derived coatings are amorphous in the as-deposited state and develop their crystalline structure and microstructure during heat-treatment. We are particularly interested in studying the amorphous to crystalline transformation, because many key features of the microstructure such as grain size and grain size distribution may be linked to this transformation.

G. Mackiewicz Ludtka

Historically, metals exhibit superplasticity only while forming in a two-phase field because a two-phase microstructure helps ensure a fine, stable grain size. In the U-5.8 Nb alloy, superplastici ty exists for up to 2 h in the single phase field (γ1) at 670°C. This is above the equilibrium monotectoid temperature of 647°C. Utilizing dilatometry, the superplastic (SP) U-5.8 Nb alloy requires superheating to 658°C to initiate the α+γ2 → γ1 transformation at a heating rate of 1.5°C/s. Hence, the U-5.8 Nb alloy exhibits an anomolous superplastic behavior.

H. Lin ◽  
D. P. Pope

During a study of mechanical properties of recrystallized B-free Ni3Al single crystals, regularly spaced parallel traces within individual grains were discovered on the surfaces of thin recrystallized sheets, see Fig. 1. They appeared to be slip traces, but since we could not find similar observations in the literature, a series of experiments was performed to identify them. We will refer to them “traces”, because they contain some, if not all, of the properties of slip traces. A variety of techniques, including the Electron Backscattering Pattern (EBSP) method, was used to ascertain the composition, geometry, and crystallography of these traces. The effect of sample thickness on their formation was also investigated.In summary, these traces on the surface of recrystallized Ni3Al have the following properties:1.The chemistry and crystallographic orientation of the traces are the same as the bulk. No oxides or other second phases were observed.2.The traces are not grooves caused by thermal etching at previous locations of grain boundaries.3.The traces form after recrystallization (because the starting Ni3Al is a single crystal).4.For thicknesses between 50 μm and 720 μm, the density of the traces increases as the sample thickness decreases. Only one set of “protrusion-like” traces is visible in a given grain on the thicker samples, but multiple sets of “cliff-like” traces are visible on the thinner ones (See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).5.They are linear and parallel to the traces of {111} planes on the surface, see Fig. 3.6.Some of the traces terminate within the interior of the grains, and the rest of them either terminate at or are continuous across grain boundaries. The portion of latter increases with decreasing thickness.7.The grain size decreases with decreasing thickness, the decrease is more pronounced when the grain size is comparable with the thickness, Fig. 4.8.Traces also formed during the recrystallization of cold-rolled polycrystalline Cu thin sheets, Fig. 5.

Nanoscale ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (45) ◽  
pp. 21824-21833 ◽  
Jyoti V. Patil ◽  
Sawanta S. Mali ◽  
Chang Kook Hong

Controlling the grain size of the organic–inorganic perovskite thin films using thiourea additives now crossing 2 μm size with >20% power conversion efficiency.

Chenge An ◽  
Zheng Gong ◽  
Kensuke Naito ◽  
Gary Parker ◽  
Marwan A. Hassan ◽  

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