Unequal at Birth: A Long-Term Comparison of Income and Birth Weight

1998 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 987-1009 ◽  
Dora L. Costa

Socioeconomic differences in birth weight have narrowed since 1900. The mother's nutritional status during her growing years, proxied by height, accounted for most of the differences in the past, but not today. Children born at the beginning of this century compared favorably to modem populations in terms of birth weights, but suffered high fetal and neonatal death rates. By day ten children in the past were at a disadvantage because best practice resulted in insufficient feeding. Improved obstetrical, medical, and nutritional knowledge has increased weight in the first days of life, which may account for increased adult stature.

1950 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-342

Analysis was made of 209,055 live births, 6978 fetal deaths subsequent to 20 weeks of gestation, and 5048 neonatal deaths, reported in New York City in 1939 and 1940. Comparison was made of fetal death rates per 1000 unborn children in each weight group by means of a modified life table method and of neonatal death rates per 1000 live births in each birth-weight group, for the two sexes and for the white and nonwhite races. For all infants, fetal death rates, so calculated, are relatively low and neonatal death rates very high in the lower weight groups. Both rates go up sharply in the higher weight groups, indicating that infants much over average weight are not good risks. Lower fetal death rates were observed for females in the weight groups below 3000 gm. and for males in the weight groups above 3000 gm. Neonatal death rates were lower for females throughout. The implication appears to be that relative maturity is more important than size in regard to variation in fetal death rate. Comparison by race indicates consistently higher nonwhite fetal death rates for nonwhite infants in all weight groups. Neonatal death rates were similar for white and nonwhite infants in the lower weight groups but higher for nonwhite infants in the upper weight groups. A study in 22 hospitals, giving presumably better care than the city-wide average, showed lower neonatal rates for the nonwhite infants in the lower weight groups. It is inferred that comparisons of observed mortality differences by race must consider differences between the races in regard to extrinsic factors such as economic status, nutrition and care. For practical purposes a uniform criterion of birth weight, 2500 gm., should be maintained in the diagnosis of prematurity. Using a method of combining fetal and neonatal mortality experience to measure the total risk to unborn children of different weights, it was possible to calculate "best birth weights." These were found to be about 120 gm. lower for female than for male, and about 160 gm. lower for nonwhite than for white births.

One of the most exciting recent developments in archaeology and history has been the adoption of new perspectives which see human societies in the past--as in the present--as made up of networks of interlinked individuals. This view of people as always connected through physical and conceptual networks along which resources, information, and disease flow, requires archaeologists and historians to use new methods to understand how these networks form, function, and change over time. The Connected Past provides a constructive methodological and theoretical critique of the growth in research applying network perspectives in archaeology and history and considers the unique challenges presented by datasets in these disciplines, including the fragmentary and material nature of such data and the functioning and change of social processes over long timespans. An international and multidisciplinary range of scholars debate both the rationale and practicalities of applying network methodologies, addressing the merits and drawbacks of specific techniques of analysis for a range of datasets and research questions, and demonstrating their approaches with concrete case studies and detailed illustrations. As well as revealing the valuable contributions archaeologists and historians can make to network science, the volume represents a crucial step towards the development of best practice in the field, especially in exploring the interactions between social and material elements of networks, and long-term network evolution.

Azrimaidaliza Azrimaidaliza ◽  
Rozaliny Asri ◽  
Meta Handesti ◽  
Yossi Lisnayenti

ABSTRAK Ibu hamil termasuk dalam kelompok rentan gizi. Kebutuhan gizi yang tidak terpenuhi pada masa kehamilan mempengaruhi kondisi gizi ibu dan tumbuh kembang janin, berikutnya bisa mempengaruhi kondisi bayi yang dilahirkan, yaitu berupa berat lahir rendah, panjang lahir pendek dan pertumbuhan otak tidak optimal. Tujuan jangka panjang kegiatan pengabdian yaitu untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan gizi pada ibu hamil dan jangka pendek yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil, kemudian meningkatkan sikap positif dan perilaku makan yang sehat dan bergizi selama kehamilan sehingga memberikan dampak positif bagi status gizi bayi yang dilahirkan. Sasaran kegiatan adalah ibu hamil yang mengikuti kelas ibu hamil yang diselenggarakan oleh Puskesmas Lapai. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi (KIE), meliputi kegiatan pre-test, penyampaian materi disertai pemberian leafleat dan kegiatan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu hamil berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test. Tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil dengan kategori baik saat pre-test adalah sebanyak 3 orang, sedangkan pada saat post-test meningkat menjadi 11 orang (91.7%). Kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar dan ibu hamil memahami konsep tentang gizi ibu hamil. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan secara rutin dengan adanya kerjasama antara institusi kesehatan dan pendidikan di semua Puskesmas di Kota Padang, selain jumlah peserta yang ikut berpartisipasi lebih banyak. Kata Kunci : Promosi kesehatan, Tingkat pengetahuan, Ibu hamil ABSTRACT Pregnant women are vulnerable nutrition groups. Unmet maternal nutritional needs during pregnancy affect the mother's nutritional condition and fetal growth, the next can affect the condition of the babies born, namely low birth weight, short birth length and brain growth is not optimal. The long-term goal is to help overcome the nutritional problems in pregnant women and the short-term goal is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women so that they have good nutritional status and health, and have a good impact for the babies born. The target is pregnant women who attend pregnant mothers classes in Lapai Health Center. This program is Communication Information and Education in the form of Pre-test, the presentation about good nutritional status and nutritious healthy diet during pregnancy accompanied by giving leaflets, and Post-test. The results showed that there was a significant increase in pregnant mother's nutritional knowledge by doing Pre-test and Post-test. The knowledge level of pregnant women with good category when the Pre-test are 3 people when Post-test increased to 11 people (91.7%). Activities run smoothly and pregnant women have understood the concept of pregnant women's nutrition. Hopefully, this activity is routinely carried out and the total of pregnant women’s participation increases. Keywords: Health Promotion, Knowledge Level, Pregnant women  

Robert Klinck ◽  
Ben Bradshaw ◽  
Ruby Sandy ◽  
Silas Nabinacaboo ◽  
Mannie Mameanskum ◽  

The Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach is an Aboriginal community located in northern Quebec near the Labrador Border. Given the region’s rich iron deposits, the Naskapi Nation has considerable experience with major mineral development, first in the 1950s to the 1980s, and again in the past decade as companies implement plans for further extraction. This has raised concerns regarding a range of environmental and socio-economic impacts that may be caused by renewed development. These concerns have led to an interest among the Naskapi to develop a means to track community well-being over time using indicators of their own design. Exemplifying community-engaged research, this paper describes the beginning development of such a tool in fall 2012—the creation of a baseline of community well-being against which mining-induced change can be identified. Its development owes much to the remarkable and sustained contribution of many key members of the Naskapi Nation. If on-going surveying is completed based on the chosen indicators, the Nation will be better positioned to recognize shifts in its well-being and to communicate these shifts to its partners. In addition, long-term monitoring will allow the Naskapi Nation to contribute to more universal understanding of the impacts of mining for Indigenous peoples.

Lindsey C Bohl

This paper examines a few of the numerous factors that may have led to increased youth turnout in 2008 Election. First, theories of voter behavior and turnout are related to courting the youth vote. Several variables that are perceived to affect youth turnout such as party polarization, perceived candidate difference, voter registration, effective campaigning and mobilization, and use of the Internet, are examined. Over the past 40 years, presidential elections have failed to engage the majority of young citizens (ages 18-29) to the point that they became inclined to participate. This trend began to reverse starting in 2000 Election and the youth turnout reached its peak in 2008. While both short and long-term factors played a significant role in recent elections, high turnout among youth voters in 2008 can be largely attributed to the Obama candidacy and campaign, which mobilized young citizens in unprecedented ways.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Hetriana Leksananingsih ◽  
Slamet Iskandar ◽  
Tri Siswati

Background: Riskesdas in 2013 showed that Yogyakarta (DIY) had a prevalence of stunted new kid in school is less than the national average, which is 14.9% (MOH, 2013). Stunted or short, is a linear growth retardation has been widely used as an indicator to measure the nutritional status of individuals and community groups. Stunted can be influenced by several factors: birth weight, birth length match and genetic factors. Objective: To determine the weight, length of low birth weight and genetic factors as predictors of the occurrence of stunted on elementary school children. Methods: The study was a case control analytic. Research sites in SD Muhammadiyah Ngijon 1 Subdistrict Moyudan. The study was conducted in May and June 2015. The subjects were school children grade 1 to grade 5 the number of cases as many as 47 children and 94 control children. With the inclusion criteria of research subjects willing to become respondents, was present at the time of the study, they have a father and mother, and exclusion criteria have no data BB and PB birth, can not stand upright. The research variables are BBL, PBL, genetic factors and TB / U at this time. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and Odd Ratio (OR) calculation. Results: In case group as much as 91.5% of normal birth weight and length of 80.9% of normal birth weight, most of the height of a normal mother and father as many as 85.1%. In the control group as much as 78.7% of normal birth weight and 61.7% were born normal body length, height mostly normal mom and dad that 96.7% of women and 90.4% normal normal father. Statistical test result is no significant correlation between height mothers with stunted incidence in school children, and the results of chi-square test P = 0.026 with value Odd Ratio (OR) of 3.9 and a range of values from 1.091 to 14.214 Cl95%. Conclusion: High maternal body of mothers can be used as predictors of the occurrence of stunted school children and mothers with stunted nutritional status have 3.9 times the risk of having children with stunted nutritional status.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (suppl 1) ◽  
pp. bjgp20X711581
Charlotte Greene ◽  
Alice Pearson

BackgroundOpioids are effective analgesics for acute and palliative pain, but there is no evidence base for long-term pain relief. They also carry considerable risks such as overdose and dependence. Despite this, they are increasingly prescribed for chronic pain. In the UK, opioid prescribing more than doubled between 1998 and 2018.AimAn audit at Bangholm GP Practice to understand the scale of high-strength opioid prescribing. The aim of the audit was to find out if indications, length of prescription, discussion, and documentation at initial consultation and review process were consistent with best-practice guidelines.MethodA search on Scottish Therapeutics Utility for patients prescribed an average daily dose of opioid equivalent ≥50 mg morphine between 1 July 2019 and 1 October 2019, excluding methadone, cancer pain, or palliative prescriptions. The Faculty of Pain Medicine’s best-practice guidelines were used.ResultsDemographics: 60 patients (37 females), average age 62, 28% registered with repeat opioid prescription, 38% comorbid depression. Length of prescription: average 6 years, 57% >5 years, 22% >10 years. Opioid: 52% tramadol, 23% on two opioids. Indications: back pain (42%), osteoarthritis (12%), fibromyalgia (10%). Initial consultation: 7% agreed outcomes, 35% follow-up documented. Review: 56% 4-week, 70% past year.ConclusionOpioid prescribing guidelines are not followed. The significant issues are: long-term prescriptions for chronic pain, especially back pain; new patients registering with repeat prescriptions; and no outcomes of treatment agreed, a crucial message is the goal is pain management rather than relief. Changes have been introduced at the practice: a patient information sheet, compulsory 1-month review for new patients on opioids, and in-surgery pain referrals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 213-223
Meirina Dwi Larasati ◽  
Nurul Dwi Anggriyani ◽  
Susi Tursilowati ◽  
Ria Ambarwati ◽  
Yuniarti Yuniarti

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Shukla

FIIs are companies registered outside India. In the past four years there has been more than $41 trillion worth of FII funds invested in India. This has been one of the major reasons on the bull market witnessing unprecedented growth with the BSE Sensex rising 221% in absolute terms in this span. The present downfall of the market too is influenced as these FIIs are taking out some of their invested money. Though there is a lot of value in this market and fundamentally there is a lot of upside in it. For long-term value investors, there’s little because for worry but short term traders are adversely getting affected by the role of FIIs are playing at the present. Investors should not panic and should remain invested in sectors where underlying earnings growth has little to do with financial markets or global economy.

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