Treatment of Polydipsia Using a Contingency Management Procedure Incorporating a Self-Management Approach: A Single Case Study

1993 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-279 ◽  
John Turnbull

Polydipsia is a disorder that has received little attention in the research literature. Treatment has been mainly confined to medical or pharmacological intervention. Few studies have reported the use of contingency management techniques and none have sought to encourage self-management. This study shows how such a procedure brought about a significant change in rates of water drinking in a thirty-one year old man with a mild learning disability.

Bendik Bygstad

Many companies have large expectations of the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, expecting to harvest benefits from dialogue marketing and internal knowledge synergies. How should these systems be implemented? And how easy do the benefits come? The research approach is a longitudinal, six-year case study of a company implementing CRM both as a marketing principle and as an information system. The implementation was, from the outset, regarded as an organizational experiment, and the case is laid out in some detail to provide a somewhat “thick description” of the social setting and actors’ behavior. The high failure rate of CRM projects illustrates the gap between our intentions and outcomes. Interpreting a longitudinal case study and the research literature, we find two options to improve our practice. From a managerial view, we should treat CRM projects as complex challenges, needing tight project control and the application of change management techniques, focusing on the marketing process and data quality. In contrast, we could accept that the mechanisms at work at the micro level are only partly controllable by management techniques, and we should let the infrastructure grow organically.

1998 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-171 ◽  
Andrew McDonnell ◽  
Simon Reeves ◽  
Amanda Johnson ◽  
Alan Lane

Behaviour change is often a desired outcome for carers and professionals who work with people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. Managing these behaviours in the short term is an important step towards this goal. This single case study presents the use of a low arousal approach in managing challenging behaviours in a young man labelled with severe challenging behaviour. This strategy focuses on the interaction of the carers with the client and how their approach has an important impact on the behaviour of the client. The study documents the incidents of challenging behaviour and shows a decline in their frequency from baseline over a one-year period. These gains were maintained at five-month follow-up. The implications for services of these findings are discussed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-111
Eliane Ramos ◽  
Jean Mead

This single case study of a bilingual child with a severe speech sound disorder examined whether language transference occurs when treatment is provided in L1 or L2 and whether monolingual or bilingual intervention is most effective. A 6-year 5-month old sequential Portuguese/English bilingual female was seen for 3 separate intervention phases lasting about 2 months each. Four phonological processes common to both languages were targeted in either monolingual or bilingual conditions in each phase. The child’s speech was examined with formal tests and analyses of spontaneous speech after each phase. Results indicated that transference occurred in both directions for some processes (L1 to L2 and L2 to L1), but in general L1 had to be specifically targeted for significant improvement to occur. For both languages, the bilingual condition was most effective. A follow-up assessment one year after Portuguese treatment was interrupted revealed that the child continued to make progress in English only (the only language treated for the entire year) and her Portuguese phonology still showed the same errors as in the previous year. This case study provides further evidence that bilingual intervention is the preferred choice for bilingual children. Implications for language choice and future studies are discussed.

Gaurav Sawarkar ◽  
Punam Sawarkar

Background: Malavastambha (Constipation) is defined as the infrequent and difficult passage of stool. The main features of Constipation are infrequent or hard stool, abdominal pain, bloating, and feeling of unsatisfactory bowel evacuation. Contemporary laxatives, which are generally used in Constipation, become habitual after some duration and only symptomatic relief. Moreover, these medicines never alter the pathogenesis of the disease.  So, it is a need of hour to search effective, safe & alternative   formulations in Ayurveda, which can completely break the pathogenesis of Constipation. As per Ayurveda,  Vata Dosha is the main factor involved in this condition. Therefore, the prime treatment principle recommended by Ancient Acharyas is to pacify Vata by using Vatahara herbs medicated with Snigdha Dravya, Amla, and Lavana Varga. The Chincha Lavana Taila is one such combination that possesses the above principle & so; it can be effective in Malavastambha. Aim: This case study is primarily carried out to study the role of oral administration of Chincha  Lavana Taila in Malavashtambha   Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of oral consumption of Chincha Lavana Taila in Malavastambha.  Methods: A single case study. A 50 years old male patient approached Panchakarma O.P.D. with Malavsthambha for one year; he was advised to intake 15ml Chincha Lavana Taila orally at bedtime lukewarm water for consecutive 15 days.  Observation and Results: The patient got 100% relief in his all chief & associated complaints and had regular and satisfactory bowel habits after 15 days.  Conclusion: Chincha Lavana Taila is one of the best effective oral medicine for Constipation.

Susann Stritzke

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review critical success factors (CSFs) for the implementation of the Scaling Solar Programme in Zambia, the first solar public-private partnership (PPP) in the country. Design/methodology/approach The single case study is based on stakeholder interviews and the evaluation of primary and secondary sources of data. As a first step, the study illustrates the implementation of Scaling Solar in Zambia and links it to the formal PPP framework of the country. The second step compares central CSFs for PPPs identified by previous research with the current framework of the programme. Furthermore, it analyses whether these CSFs have affected the PPP project implementation in Zambia. Based on these findings the question discussed will be which CSFs can be identified that impacted the implementation of the programme in a third step. Findings The case study found that the design of the Scaling Solar Programme largely mitigated the main financial and political risks identified in previous studies with regard to the uptake of energy infrastructure processes in developing countries. It reveals that government stakeholder alignment and institutional capacity are the central CSFs which impact the roll-out of the programme in Zambia. Originality/value The study suggests that a pre-implementation phase of a complex PPP project should comprise government stakeholder alignment which can be based on approaches to Relationship Management Theory. By suggesting a stakeholder management approach, the study indicates how a PPP framework, with a redefined role of a horizontally integrated, independent Public-Private Partnership Unit, can support this approach.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Thor Christian Bjørnstad ◽  
Kari Steen-Johnsen

The aim of this article is to provide insight into how the presence of diverging organizational logics influences the outcome of worksite health promotion projects. The study is based on a one-year qualitative single-case study of the implementation of a health promotional physical exercise program in a transnational transport and logistics company based in Norway. While the program that was implemented was based on dominant logics in Norway, i.e., the emphasis on worker participation and influence, the organizational logics of the transport company defined company–worker relationships in other terms. We found that the logic of a highly specialized work organization that combined strict work distribution with a set of narrowly defined work tasks contradicted the logic that underpinned the health promotional program, and that this contradiction is an important reason why the initiative failed. We therefore conclude that in implementing health promotion projects at the workplace, there is a need to observe the relationship between logics related both to the project and to the organization.

1988 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-19
Deborah J. Smith ◽  
J. Ron Nelson ◽  
K. Richard Young

This article presents a program for teaching rural children and youth who are behaviorally disordered to assume responsibility for managing their own classroom behavior. The rationale for adopting a self-management approach to behavior change is discussed. A self-management procedure, which has been field tested in rural settings with children and youth who are behaviorally disordered, is presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol p4 (06) ◽  
pp. 2531-2535
Sucha Lakshmi R ◽  
Nirmal Krishnan R ◽  
Rathi S

Introduction: Shotha1 is the generic name told by Ayurveda Aacharyas correlating to inflammation or oe-dema affecting in any part of the body. Detailed description of anti-inflammatory measures is available in Ayurveda classics to handle such ailments. Ekanga Shopha is explained in Ayurveda Bruhathrayees, as an inflammation in any particular part of the body or organ, Papilledema is also such local inflammation which we can take into consideration as Ekanga Sopha. Papilledema is defined as passive oedema of optic disc in the eyes, secondary to raised intracranial pressure. Its incidence is getting increased day by day due to defective lifestyle and other aetiologies. Objectives: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the effi-cacy of Shodha Chikitsa in the management of papilledema. Methodology: A 64-year-old female patient having symptoms of papiledema selected for the study. By considering the papiledema as Drushti Anthara Sopha or Drishti Nadishotha and adopted the Shobha Chikitsa. The patient underwent with Nasya, Seka, and Thakradhara for 14 days. Punarnavashtaka kashaya, Navayasa choorna, Chandraprabha vati, Sapthamrutha loha given as internal medicine for 2 months. Results: The papilledema got regressed after 2 months of treatments and the patient got continuously monitored for one year and no reoccurrence found. Conclusion: Papilledema is a serious eye ailment which is not having permanent solution in other medical science but can be easily managed with Ayurvedic medicaments. It is the Yukthi of the Vaidya to adopt the treatments like Sothahara Chikitsa etc. to make the patients get recover from ailments like optic disc oede-ma or Papilledema.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Luciano Quinto Lanz ◽  
Patricia Amelia Tomei

This article analyses risk’ and stakeholders’ management in the project to establish a product created by BNDES to provide partial credit guarantees for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Investment Guarantee Fund (FGI). The project went through several adjustments during its development to adapt it to changes in the credit market, the demands of financial agents and credit access’ public policy. For this analysis were used risk management models, stakeholder management in projects and guarantee systems. The methodology used was the single case study with the fund manager, with document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results of the analysis indicate that the corrections in the direction and the adequacy of the fund project development pace, together with stakeholder management techniques use and project risk management, led to increased security in the Fund  implementation, minimizing the need for rework and schedule delays. This context prevented several risks associated with the operation and the adequacy of the final product, contributing to a gradual but steady adoption of the Fund's guarantee by financial agents.

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