scholarly journals Ascending hierarchical classification for camera clustering based on FoV overlaps for WMSN

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 382-388 ◽  
Ala-Eddine Benrazek ◽  
Brahim Farou ◽  
Hamid Seridi ◽  
Zineddine Kouahla ◽  
Muhammet Kurulay
Urban Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37 ◽  
Anh Hoang ◽  
Philippe Apparicio ◽  
Thi-Thanh-Hien Pham

In Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC, Vietnam), there is now an urgent need for evaluating access to parks in an effort to ensure better planning within the context of rapid and increasingly privatized urbanization. In this article, we analyze the provision and accessibility to parks in HCMC. To achieve this, the information gathered was then integrated into the geographical information systems (GISs). Based on an Ascending Hierarchical Classification, we were able to identify five different types ranging in their intrinsic characteristics. The accessibility measurements calculated in the GISs show that communities are located an average of at least 879 meters away from parks, which is a relatively short distance. Children have a level of accessibility comparable to that of the overall population. Accessibility also seems to vary greatly throughout the City—populations residing in central districts (planned before 1996) enjoy better accessibility compared to those in peripheral neighborhoods (planned after 1996). Parks located in areas planned between 1996 and 2002 are the least accessible, followed by parks in areas planned after 2003. Our findings suggest possible approaches that could be used to help ensure the quality of parks and their spatial accessibility.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106-117
Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Diarrassouba Nafan ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
Leki Konan Bertrand ◽  

Notwithstanding the inflows of currency for the populations who practice it, the cultivation of the cashew tree contributes to strengthening the forestry agrosystem in Côte d'Ivoire. However, this culture, with multiple interests, is confronted with attacks from parasites including bacterial disease. Bacterial disease causes extensive damage to vegetative organs as well as fruits and causes yield losses. The objective of this study is to assess the behavior of cashew genotypes in relation to the severity and incidence of bacterial disease in the context of agroforestry production in Côte d'Ivoire. To achieve this objective, 1.200 branches were observed to assess the tolerance or sensitivity of 30 cashew trees in agroforestry orchards of cashew trees in the localities of Korhogo, Sinématiali and Boundiali. These cashew genotypes were selected and geolocated. The factor studied is the cashew genotype, composed of 30 cashew genotypes, with 6 modalities which are the severity index of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts, the incidence of bacterial disease. bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts. The data collected that are the index of severity of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts, the incidence of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts have made the subject to descriptive analysis and PCA. The ascending hierarchical classification (HAC) and multivariate analysis completed the data analysis. The results obtained revealed three groups of cashew trees. Those of group 3 made up of twelve (12) genotypes, namely SYDN, SDYY, SDYN and KBSD coming from the localities of Sinématiali and Korhogo, differ from the others by a weak infection of the nuts (8.67 ± 2.74). The genotypes in this group are more resilient and their development in an agroforestry system could help promote  agroecological management of bacterial disease, improve and intensify agroforestry practices in C. d'Ivoire.

Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Leki Konan Bertrand ◽  
Kouassi Koffi II Nazaire ◽  

In Côte d'Ivoire, cashew cultivation faces several health obstacles. Among these problems, bacteriosis causes extensive damage to twigs, leaves and fruits, lowers the quality of crops and causes yield losses. The spread of this disease would be under the determination of the morphological characters of the cashew tree. The objective of this study is to search for agro-morphological determinants that influence the spread of bacteriosis in agroforestry systems in Côte d'Ivoire. To achieve this objective, 30 cashew trees spread across 26 agroforestry cashew orchards in the Korhogo, Sinématiali and Boundiali departments were chosen and geolocated. The study factor is the clone, consisting of 30 cashew genotypes, with 13 modalities. The collected data was subjected to descriptive analysis, correlation test, ACP and ascending hierarchical classification (CAH). The results obtained showed that the size and leaf areas and size of cashew trees are determinants that promote the spread of bacteriosis in these 30 cashew genotypes. Following this result, the ascending hierarchical classification (CAH) made it possible to screen the genotypes into three groups. These results should contribute to the agroecological management of bacteriosis, to enhance and intensify agroforestry cropping systems in Côte d'Ivoire.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 161
Mahaman Hamissou Illo Souley ◽  
Karim Saley ◽  
Issa Chaibou ◽  
Boubacar M. Moussa ◽  
Ali Mahamane ◽  

The present study is conducted in the Sylvo-Pastoral Zone (ZSP) of the Goulbi N'Kaba Valley and the agricultural zone (fields on adjacent terraces), in the southern center of Niger. The objective of the study is to evaluate the inter-decennial plant biodiversity (2004-2014). Thus, the phytosociological surveys (Daget and Poissonet, 1971) were carried out in plots of 2500 m², along the 6.5 km transects following stratified sampling. An ascending hierarchical classification, followed by an ordination by Nonmetric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMS) allowed to identify the plant groups. The diversity of each group was evaluated. The results show that the families of Poaceae and Fabaceae are the most abundant in 2004 (15.58% and 11.69%) and in 2014 (18.75% and 7.29%). However, compared to the genera, Indigofera (10.53%), Cassia (6.58%), Acacia (5.26%), Aristida (5.26%) are the most abundant in 2004, while Aristida (4 , 17%), Cassia (4.17%), Spermacoce (3.13%), in 2014. Three groups (mixed, fields, ZSP) have been identified. The 2004 and 2014 index, of Margalef (18,38 and 11,28), Menhinick (2,55 and 1,52), Shannon-Weaver (4,77 and 4,14), the fairness of Pielou (0, 66 and 0.63), the Simpson index (0.89 and 0.91) and Hill (0.95 and 0.93) are high in all the groups, mixed, fields and ZSP (respectively for G1, G2 and G3). But the beta diversity (Whittaker (24), Jaccard (0.52), Sorensen (0.69) index) for each of these groupings remains low. There was no significant change in inter-decennial diversity at the Guidan Tawayé and Korin Habdjia sites from 2004 to 2014.

Cancers ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 3453
Lorène Seguin ◽  
Rajae Touzani ◽  
Anne-Déborah Bouhnik ◽  
Ali Ben Charif ◽  
Patricia Marino ◽  

Little is known about cancer survivors’ sexual health (SH)—particularly, from well after diagnosis and in cancers unrelated to sexuality. This study aimed to assess SH deterioration five years after diagnosis. We analyzed data from the French national VIe après le CANcer (VICAN) survey. Six items from the Relationship and Sexuality Scale were used to assess SH. Respondents were grouped according to an ascending hierarchical classification in four clusters: strong, moderate, and weak deterioration or stable (WD, SD, MD, or St). Out of 2195 eligible participants, 57.3% reported substantial SH deterioration as either SD (30.8%) or MD (26.5%), while WD and St accounted for 31.2% and 11.5% of respondents, respectively. Substantial deterioration was reported in all cancer sites (from 27.7% in melanoma to 83.1% in prostate). Treatment type, cancer sequelae, and pain, as well as psychological consequences (depression and anxiety, especially for younger patients) were associated with substantial SH deterioration. The same factors were identified after restricting the analysis to survivors of cancers unrelated to sexuality. Five years after diagnosis, the majority of cancer survivors reported SH deterioration. Interventions should be developed to improve SH regardless of cancer site. Particular attention should be paid to depression and anxiety, especially in younger survivors.

2008 ◽  
Vol 2008 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Amar Rebbouh

This paper seeks to develop an allocation of 0/1 data matrices to physical systems upon a Kullback-Leibler distance between probability distributions. The distributions are estimated from the contents of the data matrices. We discuss an ascending hierarchical classification method, a numerical example and mention an application with survey data concerning the level of development of the departments of a given territory of a country.

Ionel Muntele ◽  
Alexandru Banica ◽  

Dynamics ot the population of the main urban aglomerations in Europe (1980-2019). Using several available databases, all based on official information, the population evolution from the main European urban agglomerations (those with a minimum of 1000 thousand inhabitants) was reconstructed. The period considered was 1980-2019 in order to capture the changes generated by the disappearance of the iron curtain and the totalitarian regimes. The analysis based on the ascending hierarchical classification, carried out in XLSTAT, shows the persistence of strong east-west disparities but also the appearance of disparities, both between the former communist states and in the west of the continent. The generalization of the urban sprawl process, with the agglomeration of the population in the suburban areas was neither uniform nor constant over time. An urban resilience has played an important role, the ability to overcome the systemic crisis induced in the east of the continent by the transition to the market economy or in the west, to adapt to the new knowledge-based economy. Beyond the manifestation of these disparities that seem to be the expression of a historical inertia, a tendency of convergence at the continental level, similar to the one that was manifested in the case of the demographic transition after 1990, is timid.

Crustaceana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 91 (8) ◽  
pp. 913-946
Mustapha Chaouadi ◽  
Aziz Hafferssas

Abstract Investigations on the free-living, pelagic copepod community of the Algerian coasts were performed at the Habibas Islands and in Bou Ismail Bay (Sidi Fredj coast) between 0 and 100 meter depth during various seasons of the year 2012-2013. Seventy-seven taxa at species level have been identified, belonging to 47 genera and 24 families. The distribution of the copepod community revealed seasonal variability; high abundance and species richness (greater than 20 species) characterized winter and spring, while the summer period was characterized by low abundance and species richness. The spatial distribution showed high abundance and species richness on the Sidi Fredj coast (the respective mean abundances along the Sidi Fredj coast and at the Habibas Islands were 253.71 ind.m−3 and 109.77 ind.m−3, respectively). Analysis of the samples showed the presence of seven abundant and frequent species: Centropages typicus, Eucalanus elongatus, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Paracalanus parvus, Paracalanus nanus, Calanus helgolandicus, and Temora stylifera. Multivariate analysis (ascending hierarchical classification and non-metric multidimensional scaling) enabled us to group the stations according to the composition in the copepod species, and the influence of seasonal changes was well observed. A dominance of herbivorous behaviour, followed by an omnivorous feeding strategy, was observed in the two studied areas. A dominance of epipelagic and epi-mesopelagic species was observed during all seasons, reflecting a neritic character of both study areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 2204-2218
Kwassi Kporliawornou Ledi ◽  
Komi Odah ◽  
Hodabalo Kamou ◽  
Atalaèsso Bokobana ◽  
Lidaou Egbare ◽  

Au Togo, la production du piment (Capsicum spp.), légumineuse prisée, reste encore très faible. Afin d’aider à sa promotion, une enquête a été menée dans 20 localités, pour évaluer les contraintes qui y sont liées, la perception paysanne du déficit hydrique et les pratiques endogènes de gestion de l’eau. Au total, 28 contraintes ont été répertoriées dont la plus citée est le déficit hydrique (94,74%). La corrélation entre les localités et les contraintes citées a permis de définir trois groupes de localités dont deux géographiquement homogènes. La région centrale, avec le plus grand nombre de contraintes, connaît également les plus longues durées de poches de sécheresse en pleine saison pluvieuse (2,4 ± 0,75 semaines). En périodes de manque d’eau, les producteurs adoptent diverses pratiques endogènes consommatrices d’eau (irrigation, arrosage) et/ou conservatrices d’humidité (paillage, agriculture sur berge). Aussi, 34 cultivars, sous réserve de synonymie, ont été identifiés, répartis en six groupes suivant une classification ascendante hiérarchique basée sur la forme des fruits. Le cultivar Gboyébéssé est le plus prisé avec un indice de valeur d’importance de 1,22. Ces résultats pourront permettre de mieux planifier les plans d’action des différents acteurs de la filière piment pour une production optimale.Mots clés : Légumes, stress hydrique, pratiques endogènes, contraintes de culture, Togo.   English Title: Endogenous knowledges and perception of water deficit related to chilli (Capsicum spp.) cultivation of in TogoIn Togo, the production of chili pepper (Capsicum spp.), estimated vegetable, is still very low. In order to help its promotion, a survey was conducted in 20 areas, to assess the related constraints, the peasant perception of water deficit and the endogenous practices of water management. A total of 28 constraints were identified and the most cited is water deficit (94.74%). Three groups of areas (of which two are geographically homogeneous) emerged after a correlation between areas and constraints. The central region, with the highest number of constraints cited, also has the longest dry pockets in the wet season (2.4 ± 0.75 weeks). In response to periods of lack of water, producers adopt various endogenous water-consuming practices (irrigation, watering) and/or humidity-conserving practices (mulching, riverbank farming). Also, the study identified 34 cultivars if no synonymy, divided into six groups according to an ascending hierarchical classification and based on the pomological characteristics of the fruit. Cultivar Gboyébéssé is the most popular cultivar with a value index of 1.22. These results can be the basis for better action plan of the various stakeholders in the chilli pepper sector for an optimal production.Keywords: Vegetables, water stress, endogenous practices, cultural constraints, Togo.

2021 ◽  
Brahimi Djamel ◽  
Rahmouni Abdelkader ◽  
Brahimi Abdelghani ◽  
Mesli Lotfi

The wetland of Naâma situated in the arid region of Alegria offers an important fauna and flora diversity due to its geographical location it constitutes the main resting place in North Africa for migratory birds. Insects are used as bioindicators, due to their sensitivity to environmental conditions which, because of their ecological peculiarities, gives information on the characteristics of terrestrial and aquatic environments. The aim of this study is to know and specify the entomofauna bio-indicator of the quality of the aquatic environment of the wetland Naâma (SW Algeria). The study carried out in the wetland from September 2017 to September 2020. Benthic insects were sampled according to the IBGN protocol (Standard Global Biological Index). Study and statistical analysis of insects communities was based by the use of the structural and statistical index, Correspondence factor analysis (CFA), and The ascending hierarchical classification (C.H.A). The results show that the collected insect 51 species, belong to 9 orders, The Coleoptera order is the most represented with 11 species, followed by the Odonata with six species, Lepidoptera ranks third with five species followed by Diptera with 03 species. The various indicators used, namely the specific richness (51 species), the Shannon index (1.01 bits), and fairness (0.56) show that this environment is characterized by significant fauna biodiversity. The study of the hydro-biological quality of the water courses of this site, assessed by the IBGN method showed a good hydro-biological quality with moderate pollution (IBGN = 14). This pollution is precisely marked by the requirement of Ephemeroptera and the disappearance of Plecoptera. These results lay the foundation for any biomonitoring action of the ecological quality of the waters of this wetland.

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