scholarly journals Innovative development of the socio-cultural sphere of the region

2019 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 02060
Alexander Evmenov ◽  
Irina Blagova ◽  
Taisiya Sorvina ◽  
Svetlana Kuzmina

The paper discusses the features of the socio-cultural sphere in conjunction with the trends of economic development. For example, such as organizational and technological, creating a system to support their development and implementation. The paper presents the factors influencing the appearance of innovations in the socio-cultural sphere. The analysis of innovative activity of regional organizations is carried out. The assessment of existing gaps in innovative development is given. The prerequisites for the enhancement of regional differences in the innovative development of socio-cultural organizations have been identified. Based on the conducted analysis, the problems of innovative development are systematized, associated with globalization, the presence of protectionist barriers, and the underdevelopment of tools for goal-oriented planning of innovative development.

2020 ◽  
pp. 146-156
E. O. Butova

Innovation-driven development of the Russian economy requires a consistent national policy aimed at boosting scientific and innovative activity in the regions, which would facilitate the development of entrepreneurship and technology. It also plays an important role in ensuring the socio-economic progress of the regions and efficiency of income distribution.Aim. The presented study aims to examine the potential directions for optimizing scientific and innovative activity in regional socio-economic development and to identify factors that facilitate the intensification of innovative activity in the regions.Tasks. The authors conduct a correlation analysis between scientific and economic development of the regions with allowance for such factors as the level of education of the population and the number of researchers engaged in research and development (R&D). They also assess the current state of scientific and innovative activity and the national policy on the formation of the scientific and innovative potential of the regions.Methods. The methodological basis of the study of the scientific and innovative aspects of regional economic development includes correlation-regression analysis and abstract logical methods.Results. This study substantiates the role of scientific and innovative activity in regional economic development; determines a positive correlation between regional economic growth and the number of researchers; establishes an inverse correlation between scientific and economic development based on the dependence of innovative activity in the regions on the accumulated scientific potential; empirically assesses the impact of innovative factors on regional economic growth and proposes directions for improving the efficiency of the regional system of science and innovation.Conclusions. Concentrations of knowledge are analyzed as agglomerations of expenses on research and development, science and technology. This leads to an increase in the number of scientists, engineers, scientific and technological personnel of innovative enterprises in various Russian regions. A correlation analysis between scientific and economic regional development shows that per-capita GRP growth rate by the number of researchers is statistically significant, which means there are several factors affecting this dependence: geographical accessibility of higher education, university expenses on infrastructure and services, job creation, additional revenue from students from other countries and regions. It is established that efficient regional higher education systems and innovative development have a positive effect on regional economic development. The conducted analysis shows that a policy on the innovative development of resource regions should be based on government support that would facilitate the creation of innovations and strengthening of scientific potential.

Olena Lutskiv ◽  
Nazariy Popadynets

The paper dwells on the issues of institutional assistance to investment-innovative development in Ukraine. The paper emphasizes that low level of investment-innovative activity in Ukrainian regions is the major obstacle to economic development. It is caused, on one hand, by the low efficiency of separately functioning innovation sphere, innovative infrastructure and innovative entrepreneurship, and on the other hand – insufficient and inefficient institutional maintenance of innovative activity. The paper aims to research the features and problems of institutional maintenance of investment-innovative development in a region and to find the ways of its improvement. The authors mention that institutional maintenance of investment and innovative activity is the set of state and non-governmental institutions, which provide the availability of legal, organizational and economic conditions necessary to conduct and develop investment and innovative activity. The major tasks of institutional maintenance of innovative development in Ukraine are analyzed, including the creation of favourable entrepreneurship climate in the regions to absorb innovations and form consumers’ demand for innovative products, conditions of development of knowledge production basis, efficient system of financial provision of innovative process and efficient innovative capacity, etc. Main legal and regulative acts that provide the foundations of economic development in Ukraine are analyzed. The paper emphasizes that despite many legal and regulative acts directed at support of innovative development, the forming of legal basis of innovative activity in Ukraine is not complete. It is fragmentary, controversial and not fully corresponding to the foundations of innovative and smart economy. Therefore, it requires the review in terms of its improvement. European experience of approaches, principles, forms and methods applied in institutional system is examined. EU innovative strategies provide for efficient functioning of innovative economy model, granting tax and credit preferences, target funding of certain innovations, public procurement, restructuring and modernization of public enterprises, use of venture capital, creation and development of new innovative structures.

Y. V. Babayan

The analysis of factors and sources of innovative economic development, parameters and criteria, the impact of science and the human factor are very relevant, because the degree of development of science and scientific and intellectual resources increase the effectiveness of the economy and reduce production costs. The dynamics of the economy should be determined by the parameters of growth. Innovative capabilities of the region are estimated by the level and index of human capital development. The relevant investment climate contributes to the improvement of innovative activity of entrepreneurs and activates the whole process of reproduction based on innovation. It should be emphasized that the transition to innovative development is not limited to quantitative indicators. Currently, the main indicators are the quality of economic development. The key qualitative indicators of innovative development are: the quality of life of the population, political stability, the formation of innovative infrastructure, innovative activity and creative thinking. In order to improve the management of structural reorganization in the country, it is necessary to achieve a technological balance of economic sectors and to restructure a number of enterprises on the basis of differentiation. Enterprises in need of restructuring can be classified according to three criteria: a) bankrupt, producing uncompetitive, unprofitable products; b) production of defense industries and import-substituting production; C) enterprises with potential, but in a state of decline in production. In the analysis of factors and sources of innovative economic development, parameters and criteria, the impact of science and the human factor are very relevant, because the degree of development of science and scientific and intellectual resources increase the effectiveness of the economy and reduce production costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 05009
Gulsina Zagidullina ◽  
Rufina Ivanova ◽  
Idelia Badykova ◽  
Ella Biktemirova ◽  
Timur Azhimov

The study is devoted to scientific provisions and principles of economic development of construction organizations in modern conditions. Based on the study of the theory of economic development, a retrospective analysis of the cyclical nature of construction production, the main factors and directions of their interaction are systematized. Economic and mathematical modeling of the real economic development of construction production was carried out. New approaches to assessing and ensuring the effective functioning of construction organizations are proposed, including substantiation of the target setting of the organization's activities, classification of factor space multidimensional statistical analysis, determination of the optimal ratios of the main technical and economic indicators that ensure the financial and economic stability of construction organizations. The developed models of innovative development of a construction organization are based on increasing the level of total resource productivity. It has been proven that there is a close relationship between the level of economic development and the financial sustainability of a construction organization. An increase in the level of innovative activity in construction production leads to an increase in the financial strength of the organization. The revealed relationship gave the basis to form an algorithm for managing the innovative development of a construction organization on the basis of structure regulation of production costs. The forms and methods of stimulating the economic growth of construction organizations have been substantiated, which consist in improving the system of relations between the participants in the investment process being a significant reserve for economic growth.

Мария Цвиль ◽  
Mariya Tsvil ◽  
Влада Полуян ◽  
Vlada Poluyan

The innovative direction of the economic policy of the Rostov region determines the prospects for economic development of this region. In the formation of the innovative component of the Don region, the city of Rostov-on-Don occupies the main position on a number of key parameters for assessing innovation activity. This includes more than a third of innovative and active organizations of the region, which produce over forty percent of innovative good shipped organizations of the region in 2016. The article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the main indicators of innovative development of the region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3(11)) ◽  
pp. 57-60 ◽  
Margarita Vasylivna Sharko ◽  
Olena Ivanivna Zaitseva ◽  
Nataliya Viktorivna Gusarina ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 830-839
E. Ya. Litau

Aim. The presented study examines and develops theoretical and methodological foundations that make it possible to distinguish innovative entrepreneurship among other economic phenomena.Tasks. The author identifies the specific features of entrepreneurship and its qualitative differences from other types of economic activity aimed at obtaining benefits, specifies the relationship between creative destruction and economic development, determines the attributes of innovative entrepreneurship.Methods. This study uses systematic analysis of professional literature on entrepreneurship to highlight the main attributes of entrepreneurial activity. The methodology of dialectical contradiction in its original Hegelian interpretation plays an important role in elaborating and substantiating the definition of entrepreneurship. The author considers innovative activity as creation of new values, which, according to the logic of dialectical development, destroy the old ones, triggering the process of economic development.Results. An approach to understanding the phenomenon of entrepreneurship is proposed, making it possible to distinguish this type of activity as significantly different from other types of economic activity, which may be externally similar but have different content. During the development of this approach, the concept of “anti-ideology” of entrepreneurship is introduced, which reflects the essence of innovative activity as a process of creative destruction. The necessary and sufficient attributes of entrepreneurial innovation are identified, making it possible to reflect the meaning of this phenomenon and verify this complex defining structural element in the system of economic relations. The study substantiates that the level of anti-ideology and public benefit can be used as criteria for assessing the significance of an entrepreneurial idea. A progressive model of anti-idea realization (PMA) is proposed based on the methodological principle. It can be used to develop an efficient system for evaluating startups within the framework of venture capitalism.Conclusions. Specification of the relationship between creative destruction and economic development is crucial to understanding the importance of innovative entrepreneurship. Each historical period creates its own demand for a specific type of entrepreneurs. The principle of anti-ideology, which lies at the heart of the PMA model, is key in identifying competitive commercial ideas, making it possible to focus resources and attention on projects that can make a significant contribution to economic development.

Лариса Андреевна Кузьмина

Реализации задач, определенных Президентом РФ и направленных на обеспечение устойчивости экономического развития, преодоление технологического отставания и достижение мирового лидерства, обусловливает переход к иной, инновационной модели развития. В статье рассматриваются подходы к формированию такой модели на региональном уровне. Уровень инновационной активности в регионе определяется поддержкой со стороны государства и региональных властей, использующих различные инструменты ее стимулирования. Implementation of the tasks set by the RF President and aimed at providing for sustainable economic development, overcoming technological lagging and attainment of the global leadership provides conditions for a transition to a different, innovative development model. The article considers several approaches to the formation of this model at the regional levels. The level of innovation activity in the region largely depends on the support offered by the state and regional authorities which use various tools of stimulating this activity.

Anatoly I. Kotov ◽  

Recognizing the special role of innovations in ensuring the economic development of Russia, the state authorities have been intensively looking for ways and means to strengthen innovation activity in Russia over the past decade. The main document proclaiming the goals and main directions of innovation policy is the Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. Due to the fact that the implementation period has expired, the author analyzes the achievement of the goals and indicators defined in the strategy, and also draws some conclusions about the outcomes obtained by the analysis of the development of innovation activity in Russia.

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