scholarly journals Development of rural areas of a coal-mining region in the context of the creation of an agglomeration system

2021 ◽  
Vol 315 ◽  
pp. 04003
Vladimir Merkuriev ◽  
Tatiana Yurzina ◽  
Piotr Kosinsky ◽  
Aleksey Kharitonov

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the development of rural agglomerations of a coal-mining region. It was revealed that the intensive development of the coal industry leads to negative consequences for the environment, which affect the socio-economic development and the quality of life of the population of a region. The rural areas of the Russian Federation and each individual region are strategic resources, however, the lack of opportunity to meet their urgent needs, difficult living conditions of the rural population, isolation of rural settlements from scientific and technological achievements, poor development of transport infrastructure and communications do not allow unlocking the potential of rural areas. Analyzing the decisions made in recent years by the Government of the Russian Federation to regulate the development of rural areas and the agro-industry, we can conclude about a qualitatively new approach to state regulation of the agrarian sector. At the same time, the financial position of the overwhelming majority of the rural population does not allow contracting house construction mortgage loans. The level of improvement of the rural housing stock is 2-3 times lagging behind the urban one. Coal mining entails disturbance of land, which cannot be further used. It is accompanied by a high incidence of respiratory diseases and cancers, which tends to grow. The resources allocated for welfare programs do not allow the residents in rural areas to significantly improve their living conditions, to increase the availability of social services and their quality. To solve the identified problems, it is proposed to create rural agglomerations, allowing for more efficient and independent development of rural areas; to reduce the overlapping of management functions through streamlining management structures; implement a more equitable social policy for the residents of rural areas.

Александр Пахомов ◽  
Василий Дарбасов ◽  
Михаил Охлопков ◽  
Екатерина Федорова ◽  
Михаил Соломонов

Статья написана в связи с выходом в 2018 г. последней редакции постановления Правительства Российской Федерации «О государственных закупочных интервенциях сельско-хозяйственной продукции». Целью исследования является обоснование продвижения государственного регулирования рынка местной сельскохозяйственной продукции в виде закупочных интервенций в регионах. Проведен анализ существующих зарубежных и отечественных государственных закупочных интервенций, дано обоснование закупочных интервенций в регионе, а также выработаны предложения по продвижению закупочных интервенций с федерального центра в регионы. This article was written in connection with a September 2018 release of the latest edition of a Regulation of the Russian Fed-eration Government on government purchasing interventions of agricultural products. An aim of the authors of the article is substantiation of promotion of the state regulation of a market of the local agricultural products in the form of the purchasing interventions in regions. The authors analyzed the existing for-eign and domestic government purchasing interventions, comments on the latest version of the Regulation of the Russian Federation Government on the govern-ment purchasing interventions, the substantiation of the purchasing interventions in the region and de-velopment of proposals to promote the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions. Relevance of the promotion of the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions fol-lows from Russian particularity: remoteness of the regions from the center, weak regional transport infrastructure, necessity to replicate a federal technology of the state regulation of the agricultural product market in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), repeated attempts were made to create compensation funds of the regulation of agricultural product prices. However, in the region there is no full-fledged intervention fund effectively influencing sales of the agri-cultural products. Consequently, in conditions of the Republic, where a shortage of the agricultural products, raw materials and food is acute, implementation of the commodity intervention is the neces-sary condition for the regulation of the agricultural market. For the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in our opinion, it is advisable to carry out the commodity interventions concerning beef, meat of young horses, venison, fish, dairy products, game, fruits of wild plants and even for rough and succulent fodder for livestock. The latter are relevant due to droughts and floods that regularly occur in a area of the region. Manufacturing costs of the local products will always be higher than the ones of imported food, given the harsh natural and climatic conditions, the remoteness of agricultural commodity producers from the sale markets in the conditions of absence of the transport infrastructure. In this regard, the prices of the local products should be regulated by the state in order to support the local producers. Obviously, the government regulation should not replace market functions or impede operation of its laws. Its main task is to mitigate undesirable consequences of manifestations of market power. One of the main regula-tory methods is the commodity intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 02028
Tatyana S. Lukina ◽  
Oleg Yu. Patlasov

The consolidation of municipalities of rural settlements in the Russian Federation has been revealed due to low financial security. The budgetary expenditures in rural municipalities have been analyzed; the dependence of the budgetary expenditures insufficiency for the solution of issues of local importance and stabilization of the rural population has been revealed. A model for assessing the effectiveness of the administrating authorities of rural settlements for possible adjustments of managerial influence in overcoming crisis phenomena in rural areas and involving the population in solving issues of local importance and local development has been proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 00088
Gulnara Krupina ◽  
Niyaz Safiullin ◽  
Dzhaudat Faizrakhmanov ◽  
Chulpan Kurakova

The paper touches upon the relevant issue connected with the processes of digital transformation of the modern economy of the country. It describes the current state of development of informatization of rural areas and provides data on the use of information and communication networks in households of the Russian Federation, including urban and rural settlements. The data on the skills of working with a personal computer are analyzed by types of settlements of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve the computer literacy of rural residents of the country. As an example, it is proposed to use educational resources for mastering digital skills. A comparative analysis of the use of the Internet by urban and rural residents, including during the provision of electronic state and municipal services, is carried out. The fact of the presence of a digital inequality in the use of the network between cities and the villages is established. The factors of the formation of the digital divide between urban and rural population when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form are determined. The main reasons for the refusal to use the Internet for remote interaction of rural residents with public authorities during the provision of public services are found. The measures for the popularization and expansion of the system for the provision of electronic state and municipal services among rural population are proposed. As additional measures, the authors give recommendations to use the premises of local self-government bodies in rural areas as free access points to the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Russian Federation. The main direction of popularizing electronic interaction between rural population and state authorities is to conduct specialized digital literacy courses when receiving state and municipal services. It is proposed to scale up these courses at the regional and federal levels.

Vladimir Victorovich Kurchenkov ◽  
Daria Aleksandrovna Koneva

The article gives an assessment of reducing the living standard of the population in rural areas of Russia (a case of the Volgograd region). The analysis of the current state of rural areas was carried out and problems and trends of a decreasing standard of living of the population were identified. The dynamics of the urban and rural population of the Volgograd region has been illustrated in accordance with the data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. The conclusions are drawn about the depopulation in the rural areas, natural loss, migration outflows, and the change in the category of settlements. There have been systematized the factors influencing the living standards of the population in rural areas in modern conditions, such as: legal, socio-economic, political, technological, etc. With the help of the Ishikawa diagram, the potential causes of the declining standard of living of the rural population are ordered and aggregated, and the most important factors are identified. The effectiveness and efficiency of the state policy aimed at the long term development of rural areas is assessed. It has been noted that the volume of financing the state program Comprehensive development of rural areas for 2020–2025 will amount to about 2.3 trillion rubles, which is 12 times more than funding of the previous program. Lack of activities and insignificant amount of funding aimed at the development of social infrastructure of modern villages, the development of education and health care were identified by the authors. A set of measures to improve the existing policy for the long term development of rural areas in Russia has been substantiated. The necessity of including the problems of the development of Russian villages into the system of national projects in the Russian Federation has been emphasized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 06022
Irina Turgel ◽  
Alexander Pobedin ◽  
Larissa Bozhko

Implementation of objectives set out in the Strategy for sustainable development of rural territories of the Russian Federation until 2030 requires solving the problems of spatial differentiation among rural territories in different regions of Russia. The article analyzes the level of differentiation using a set of socio-economic indicators of rural areas. The coefficient of variation was used as an indicator of the degree of spatial differentiation. In the course of analysis, the authors identified significant disparities in territorial development for most of the considered indicators, and particularly acute differences were found in economic parameters, including the volume of investment at the expense of the municipal budget. It is revealed that the degree of differentiation between rural territories is influenced not so much by economic development success as by the level of urbanization in the region. The empirical basis of the analysis is research results conducted within the framework of the research project “Improving the policy of state regulation of accelerated clustering of industrial regions” (AP05133531), carried out under grant funding from the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 07052
Svetlana Kuznetsova ◽  
Margarita Voytyuk ◽  
Tatiana Marinchenko ◽  
Vyacheslav Voytyuk ◽  
Sofia Sypok

In recent years, the number of unemployed persons, low-income families, refugees and families in difficult life situations has increased, which has led to a decrease in the standard of living. The paper is devoted to the problem of poverty in the aspect of the analysis of rural areas and the quality of life of the rural population. The population of rural areas is more vulnerable and often lacks the factors necessary to improve the quality of life. Social problems in rural areas and factors of decreasing the quality of life and their consequences are shown. The analysis has showed that the main source of income for the able-bodied rural population is labor activity, including personal subsidiary farming. The poverty rate varies across the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from 3.8% to 43.3%. In general, the poverty level increased by 38% of the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2019.Despite the relative progress in solving social problems in rural areas in recent years, including that thanks to the implementation of measures of state programs, the quality of life of the rural population not only remains low level, but also tend to decrease. In this regard, the study of poverty as the main factor in reducing the quality of life of the rural population becomes relevant. In order to solve more effective the poverty problems, it is necessary to revise the principles of budgeting at different levels and introduce tools that have shown high efficiency in foreign countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 69-75

The article considers the factors and their interrelations that influence the development of rural areas and the population living on them. The influence of the income of the population and the level of development of social engineering infrastructure on the migration of the rural population is considered separately, and the centers of attraction of rural residents are established. The problems of implementing rural development pro-grams in the subjects of the Russian Federation are identified. The role of enterprises of the agro-industrial sector in the development of rural areas is shown.

Sergey Valerevich Belov ◽  
Irina Mikhalovna Kosmacheva ◽  
Irina Vyacheslavovna Sibikina

To solve the problem of information security management the method was proposed that allows determining the degree of importance of confidential documents of the organization. The urgency of the proposed algorithm was substantiated taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of information security. The stages prior to the formation of the list of confidential documents of the organization were described. A review of the main documents of the legal and regulatory framework was carried out including documents relating to the state regulation of relations in the sphere of information security. The classes of protected information for the accessing categories were considered. The criteria changes of the value of information in the process of time were represented. The algorithm of formation of the list of confidential documents of the organization based on the properties of information was offered. The algorithm is based on an expert method of pair comparison of alternatives. The result of the use of this method is a number of confidential documents, ranked in descending order of importance. For each document the weighting factor of importance can be calculated. The verification stage of the degree of expert consistency was included in the methodology to eliminate the use of erroneous expert data. The application of the methodology is illustrated by a calculated example.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (12) ◽  
pp. 2210-2224
V.M. Sharapova ◽  
T.N. Medvedeva ◽  
E.A. Farvazova

Subject. The article considers a procedure for calculating and distributing State support to depressed agricultural regions in the framework of a new type of budget financing, i.e. compensating and stimulating subsidies. Objectives. The purpose is to evaluate the efficiency of the system of State regulation of agribusiness in a depressed region, determine the priority of modern methods of budgetary support from the State, improve the methodological approach to the distribution of State aid among subjects of the Russian Federation with low level of socio-economic development. Methods. The study draws on the abstract and logical method, methods of statistical analysis, grouping, comparison, and generalization. Results. We realized the objectives of the study, using the agricultural producers of the Kurgan Oblast case. The paper analyzes the condition of agricultural sector in the depressed region, assesses the State support system efficiency for the agricultural sector of the Trans-Ural region, considers government measures related to the regulation of the economy of backward regions. It presents an updated method of budget financing within an incentive subsidy by clarifying the calculations and introducing an additional indicator that reflects the level of remuneration of regional agricultural producers. Conclusions. The updated calculation methodology for incentive subsidies to depressed regions enables to build a certain economic rating of ten depressed regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account not only the volume of production and employment, but also the level of wages of agricultural workers.

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