scholarly journals Decision Support Systems Suitability in Agarwood Tree Planting Using Simple Additive Weighting Method (Saw) In Merauke District

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 04032
Fransiskus Xaverius ◽  
Reza Zubaedah ◽  
Yesenia Resubun

Gaharu is a blackish colored wood produced by a number of tree species from the genus Aquilaria, especially Aquilaria Malaccensis. This type is used in the fragrance industry (perfume and clover) because it has a fragrant aroma. Gaharu is a commodity of non-timber forest products (HHBK) which is quite reliable, especially when viewed from its very special price when compared to other NTFPs. A simple decision support system (DSS) can be defined as a computer-based system that is used to make it easier to make decisions. The decision-making ability used by the community is still conventional in determining suitable land for gaharu planting, without a model to assist the assessment process. Based on the results of research conducted using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method with three samples of land and the type of gaharu to be planted is Aquilaria Malaccensis, which refers to several indicators including soil type, soil pH, altitude, rainfall, and temperature. land C with a value of 0.42.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Eddy Kurniawan ◽  
Achmad Miftakhul Ilmi ◽  
Nufan Balafif

Telkomsel Distribution Center (TDC) Jombang has problems in promoting employees to fill the Supervisor (SPV) and Branch Manager (BM) positions. TDC Jombang has several assessment criteria for employees to be able to fill SPV and BM positions. But in the assessment process, each criterion still tends to be subjective. In making decisions based on several criteria, a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach can be used by applying the method that is considered most appropriate to produce the best alternative decision recommendations. This study aims to provide the best solution by implementing the Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method which will be programmed in a computer-based decision support system (SPK). The SAW method was chosen because it can weigh the values on each attribute and rank to get the best alternative recommendations. The data used are Jombang TDC employee data. From this study, it was obtained that the use of the SAW method programmed in the SPK succeeded in presenting information comparing the value of preferences between candidates. Candidates with the highest preference value are the most recommended alternatives to choose

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-131
Yahdi Kusnadi ◽  
Muhammad Wildan Dwiyansyah

Abstrak:Sebagai lembaga pendidikan formal, SMKN 1 Ciomas merupakan salah satu sekolah yang memberikan beasiswa kepada para siswa. Beasiswa ini ditujukan untuk siswa kurang mampu. Untuk bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut, siswa harus memenuhi kriteria-kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh SMKN 1 Ciomas. Kriteria-kriteria tersebut antara lain surat keterangan tidak mampu, status anak dalam keluarga, penghasilan orangtua, jumlah tanggungan orangtua, dan nilai rata-rata raport semester terakhir. Hanya siswa yang memenuhi kriteria-kriteria tersebut yang dapat memperoleh beasiswa. Untuk membantu penentuan dalam menetapkan seseorang yang layak menerima beasiswa maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan. Sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis komputer merupakan salah satu cara untuk membantu permasalahan penyeleksi penerima beasiswa tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dibangun sistem pendukung keputusan untuk penerimaan beasiswa dengan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah multikriteria. Dari hasil pengujian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa sistem pendukung keputusan untuk penerimaan beasiswa ini telah berhasil dikembangkan dan menampilkan perankingan dari hasil penyeleksian para calon penerima beasiswa. Kata Kunci: beasiswa, sistem pendukung keputusan, SAW  Abstract: As formal education institutions, SMKN 1 Ciomas is one school that provides scholarships to students. This scholarship is intended for disadvantaged students. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must meet the criteria set by SMKN 1 Ciomas. These criteria include a certificate can not afford, the status of children in the family, parental income, number of dependents of parents, and the average value of the last semester report cards. Only students who meet the criteria to obtain a scholarship. To assist in determining a person determining the eligible then takes a decision support system. Computer-based decision support system is one way to help the problems of the grantee selectors. Therefore, it is necessary to build a decision support system for receiving a scholarship by using Simple Additive weighting method (SAW) which has the ability to solve the problem of multiple criteria. From the test results, we concluded that the decision support system for receiving this scholarship has been successfully developed and display the ranking of the results of the selection of the scholarship recipients. Keywords: scholarship, decision support systems, SAW

Dicky Hartama Sinaga ◽  
Heru Satria Tambunan ◽  
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin

Decision Support System (SPK) is a computer-based system that combines models and data in an effort to solve unstructured problems with user involvement through an easy-to-use user interface. This system is used to help decision making in semitructured situations and unstructured situations, where no one knows for sure how decisions should be made. Simple Additive Weighting method is one of the settlement methods for Multi attribute decision making (MADM) problems. This method evaluates several alternatives to a set of attributes or criteria, where each attribute does not depend on each other. Hope from the results of the study, the use of Simple Additive Weighting as a model of the Eligible Decision Support System for Rastra Assistance using the weighted product method in Karang Bangun Village, Siantar Subdistrict, Simalungun Regency can help the village in calculating the feasibility of rice recipients and to determine the eligibility of recipients of rice faster and more accurate. because this application is easier than the old system and the data storage is more accurate.Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Simple Additive Weighting, Rastra, Poor

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 567
Veny Cahya Hardita ◽  
Ema Utami ◽  
Emha Taufiq Luthfi

<p class="Abstrak">Bagi PT. Eratel Prima, <em>canvasser</em> merupakan ujung tombak dalam suatu perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang pendistribusian produk indosat. Perusahaan ini mengandalkan modal dari Indosat sehingga penilaian <em>Key Performance Indicator </em>sangat penting untuk perusahaan ini. <em>Canvasser</em> sangatlah berpengaruh pada penilaian KPI ini. Sebagai ujung tombak perusahaan, tentu sangat penting untuk memelihara konsistensi dari kinerja <em>canvasser</em>. Untuk memberikan semangat pada <em>canvasser</em>, maka perusahaan memberikan apresiasi berupa bonus setiap bulan bagi canvasser yang memiliki kinerja terbaik. Dalam proses penilaian <em>canvasser</em> terbaik dilakukan oleh <em>Head of Marketing</em>. Namun, proses penilaian masih dilakukan secara penilaian masih subjektif dan tidak relevan dengan situasi aktual. Selain itu, proses penilaian masih manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu lama untuk melakukan pengolahan data. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang untuk membuat sebuah sistem guna memilih <em>canvasser</em> terbaik Metode pengambilan keputusan yang digunakan adalah metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Metode ini digunakan untuk menentukan nilai pembobotan setiap kriteria, yang kemudian dilakukan proses peringkat untuk menentukan alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif. Hasil perhitungan akhir dari sistem dan hasil perhitungan manual menunjukkan hasil yang sama dengan menggunakan 10 <em>canvasser</em> yang dinilai, dan <em>canvasser </em>mendapat nilai tertinggi yaitu Eko dengan nilai 18.6667 yang terpilih untuk menjadi <em>canvasser </em>terbaik.</p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>For PT. Eratel Prima, Canvasser is a company’s spearhead for indosat product distribution. Indosat as the investor of this company require a good evaluation of Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Canvasser’s role is very influential for KPI score. As a company’s spearhead, it is very important to maintenance the consistency of canvasser performance. To encourage their spirit, the company give a monthly reward in the form of bonuses for a canvasser with the best performance. The assessment process done by the Head of Marketing. But this assessment process done with manual method and for data process require more time.  In addition, the assessment is still subjective and not relevant with actual situation. Based on this problem, it needed a system to select the best canvasser. The used method for decision support system is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW).  This method used to determine the weighting value of each criterion, and then carried out a ranking process to determine the best alternative from a number of alternatives. The result of this research are the ranking and further recommendation for the best canvasser.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-138
Nur Roqim

MNC Group as a television media company, performs performance appraisal for each employee as a job evaluation material, which is carried out by the head of the division, one of which is the head of the technical division of 112 other employees. The process of evaluating employee performance at MNC Group is still done manually, which is using Microsoft Excel applications one by one which makes the length of the process. The employee's assessment and appraisal report does not display the ranking from the top to the bottom of all of the employees. Decision support system in evaluating employee performance in MNC Group using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method with this white box test is made to assist the head of the division to expand employee appraisal capabilities. The employee performance appraisal process is carried out in a computerized, structured and systematic manner based on the assessment criteria previously determined by the MNC Group, namely the quantity of work, accuracy & time management, quality of work and efficiency. The SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method is a weighted addition method by looking for weighted sums of performance ratings on each alternative on all attributes. So that it can be obtained from every employee at MNC Group. Testing of system results that have been made is very necessary to know that the system is running well. Tests carried out are white box testing which is based on checking the details of the design, using the control structure of the program design procedurally to divide the test into several test cases. So that the value of the test results is known, namely 2 with the type of procedure is a simple procedure and the risk level is low risk.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-95
Romindo Romindo

The selection of the best lecturers gives recognition to lecturers who carry out tridharma higher education activities, whose results can be proud of and are useful for advancing academic and institutional quality. Educational institutions, especially the Ganesha Medan Polytechnic, annually select the best lecturers by conducting assessments by distributing questionnaires to their students. However, the assessment process is still done manually, so it takes a long time to process the data. In addition, the assessment is still not relevant to the actual situation because it only uses one assessment criterion, namely a student assessment questionnaire. Based on this, in this study, a decision support system design was used to select the best lecturers at the Ganesha Medan Polytechnic. Decision support systems built on a web basis using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The decision making method used is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This method is used to perform the best alternative ranking process from a number of alternatives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 10002 ◽  
Ramadiani ◽  
Dyna Marissa ◽  
Muhammad Labib Jundillah ◽  
Azainil ◽  
Heliza Rahmania Hatta

Rabbit is one of the many pets maintained by the general public in Indonesia. Like other pet, rabbits are also susceptible to various diseases. Society in general does not understand correctly the type of rabbit disease and the way of treatment. To help care for sick rabbits it is necessary a decision support system recommendation diagnosis of rabbit disease. The purpose of this research is to make the application of rabbit disease diagnosis system so that can help user in taking care of rabbit. This application diagnoses the disease by tracing the symptoms and calculating the recommendation of the disease using Simple Additive Weighting method. This research produces a web-based decision support system that is used to help rabbit breeders and the general public.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 309-318
Dwi Krisbiantoro ◽  
Wiga Maulana Baihaqi

The rehabilitation program is one of the programs given to people who have homes that are not habitable. They are usually from poor families with low economic income. In this program, the family will receive funds to rehabilitate their home. However, as long as the program is running, various problems have been encountered, including those who received fund sometimes received back the fund for rehabilitation funds. This is of course not in accordance with regulations that only allow applicants to receive the fund once. Based on this problem, a decision support system was made to select potential recipients of rehabilitation funds for uninhabitable house. By using the SAW method which is based on the value of criteria and preference weights, an appropriate assessment and ranking can be obtained after going through the selection process of assessing the weight of each attribute. The support for the selection decision for receiving uninhabitable rehabilitation fund was generated in this study. Decision making to determine beneficiaries was facilitated by the existence of a decision support system that was submitted, so that the fund provided was targeted at those entitled to receive uninhabitable rehabilitation fund.

Muhammad Irfan Sipayung ◽  
Arjon Samuel Sitio

Nutrition is a component of body builders in order to maintain and repair the tissues so that the function of the body can function properly. Currently in the village broke promontory has run a program providing nutrition food additive in which the program is based as a growth pattern in the village communities are uneven due to the lack of ancestry in consuming foods that are healthy and nutritious. Until now there has been the way of effective work to determine the acceptance of additional nutrients in the village broke headland. This study aims to assist the village in determiningNutritional Supplement acceptance in the village of Tanjung Disconnect. This system is built using a simple method that perogram Additvive weighting that can be done more effectively. Additvive simple weighting method is one method used in decision support seistem prosesperhitungnya by finding the weight values ??for each attribute.

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