scholarly journals The Mystery behind “Yawning”: A Physiological Insight

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Dipak Kumar Dhar ◽  
Ritik Arora

AbstractYawning is a very ubiquitous yet very poorly understood phenomenon. Even though with advancements in science, the scientific community has been able to decode the mechanisms and mysteries behind most of the physiological functions of the body, but we still do not have clear answers to this common activity that all of us experience numerous times on a daily basis. It is the enigma surrounding yawning that makes it all more intriguing. A lot of hypotheses and theories have been proposed since the times of Hippocrates. With more modern neuroimaging methods and bioassays available now, more meticulous inquiry is being increasingly made to elucidate a rational and scientifically sound physiological basis of yawning. A comprehensive and exhaustive study of articles and research work available on the internet on the subject was made through various search engines such as Google Scholar, PubMed, etc. This article attempts to provide in a nutshell the available information and knowledge on the subject and discuss its plausibility and the future direction of research in this field.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (04) ◽  
pp. 39-55
Rosa Lagos Torres

Este artículo muestra los efectos de la época y la cultura actual sobre la relación con el cuerpo, considerado como una unidad de valor en el mercado. Desde el psicoanálisis, en un recorrido por la noción de cuerpo tanto en Freud como en Lacan, se presenta una noción de cuerpo distinta a la de la medicina, diferenciando cuerpo y organismo, estableciendo que no hay El cuerpo, sino tantos cuerpos como sujetos, siendo el cuerpo concebido como una construcción a partir de la palabra y de la imagen, dando lugar al síntoma (Freud) como metáfora alojada en el cuerpo y como sinthome (Lacan) en tanto acontecimiento del cuerpo que empalma al sujeto con su modalidad de gozar, al hablante ser en su singular modalidad de satisfacción pulsional. This paper shows the effects of the times and the current culture on the relationship with the body, considered as a unit of value in the market. From the psychoanalysis point of view, on a tour of the notion of the body, with Freud, and Lacan both, the notion of body is different from the body presented by the medicine, distinguishing between body and organism. Stating that there is not A body, but many bodies as subjects, being the body, conceived as a construction from the word and the image, resulting in the symptom (Freud) and housed in the body as a metaphor and as a sinthome (Lacan) in all events of the body, that matches the subject with its way jouissance to the parletre in its singular modality of pulsional satisfaction.

During the quarter of a century which has elapsed since the discovery by Prof. Koch of the comma bacillus of cholera, research work has benn almost confined to the bacteriology of the subject. Unfortunately, with the exception of M. Haffkine’s prophylactic inoculations, which are now very little used even in india, this line of work has done little or nothing to help the practitioner who is confronted with the treatment of this terrible disease. No powerful antitoxic serum of practical value has been produced, and even if such should still be obtained, many patients value has been produced, even if such should still be obtained, many patients come under treatment in such a state of collapse that no medicine can be absorbed, even if retained. The old controversy between the evacuant conserative methods of treatment has long since ended in the practically universal adoption of the latter, although as late as 1866 Dr. George Johnson advocated castor oil, denying that there was any relationship between the amount of fluid lost from the body and the mortality, while he strenuously opposed the use of intravenous saline injections to replace it. There is still much difference of opinion about the latter treatment, for although all who have used transfusion testify to the remarkable immediate improvement in the pulse and general condition, yet this is commonly of such brief duration that many think it only severs to needlessly prolong the agony of the patient, so that of recent years it has been only exceptionally resorted to in India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (58) ◽  

In this article, the reflections of the problem "homelessness" in the field of art will be examined through three different art works created by Andres Serrano within the framework of the subject. The artist focuses on the problem of homelessness in the state of New York, United States, in his art series titled "Nomads” (1990), "Sign of the Times (2013) and “Residents of New York” (2014). Human body is the smallest unit that forms the social structure. It’s effects of its situation between the dilemma of existence and absence in social and psychological areas, will be covered through the dialogues held with the participants that took place in the artist's project. The coding and positioning of the body within the framework of the definition and classification of homeless / homelessness will be mentioned. Besides, the process of transforming the problem into an art work in a creative way will be evaluated. Keywords: Andres Serrano, homeless, homelesness, body, “Nomads”, “Sign of the Times”, “Residents of New York”

Rosada Pezzo ◽  
Danila Pescina ◽  
Fabio Fagiolari

Addiction is an issue that has existed for some time but with the rise of new technologies, not only was valued the concept of dependency inherent in the pathological bond that develops between a subject and substance, new forms have emerged much more aggressive devious and dangerously addictive behaviors related to recurrence of circular and harmful to humans. The key to the problem is offered by the constant pursuit of pleasure which satisfaction and psychological well-being, hedonistic concept has always sought by humans. The transition from "normal" to "abnormal" is relative to the times, more and more short, in which the subject tends to reach a positive value, such as that of being, behaving this flattening imagination to reality and removing its true value. This article will focus precisely on the new forms of behavioral addiction, or the New Addiction. Among these will be discussed also a dependence little known in Italy but very developed in America: the Vigorexia (or addiction to sports), which can lead to the assumption of doping substances. Vigorexia doping and traveling on the same track and take pathological forms because it is closely related to the need to need welfare linked to the use of substances harmful to the body and recurrence of harmful behaviors. Will address the issue of doping in many sports fields, to hear the case Pantani. With the epilogue, we will try to propose a thesis useful in a possible liberation from these circular needs, through the implementation of an inner path directed to the use of the resources that nature offers us spontaneously: endorphins. Riassunto La dipendenza è un tema che esiste ormai da diverso tempo ma con l’aumento delle nuove tecnologie, non solo è stato valorizzato il concetto di dipendenza inerente il legame patologico che si instaura tra un soggetto e la sostanza, sono emerse nuove forme molto più aggressive e subdole di dipendenza pericolosamente connesse alla reiterazione di comportamenti circolari e deleteri per l’essere umano. La chiave di accesso alla problematica è offerta dalla costante ricerca del piacere quale soddisfazione del benessere psico-fisico, concetto edonistico da sempre ricercato dall’essere umano. Il passaggio dal “normale” al “patologico” è relativo ai tempi, sempre più brevi, in cui il soggetto tende a raggiungere un valore positivo, quale quello del benessere, comportando questo un appiattimento sull’immaginazione e togliendo alla realtà il suo vero valore. Il presente articolo vuole focalizzare l’attenzione proprio sulle nuove forme di dipendenza comportamentale, ovvero le New Addiction. Tra queste verrà discussa anche una dipendenza poco conosciuta in Italia ma molto sviluppata in America: la vigoressia (o dipendenza da sport), che può portare all’assunzione di sostanze dopanti. Vigoressia e doping viaggiano sullo stesso binario e assumono forme patologiche perché strettamente connesse al necessario bisogno di benessere legato all’uso di sostanze dannose per l’organismo e alla reiterazione di comportamenti nocivi. Verrà affrontato il problema del doping in numerosi ambiti sportivi, fino a trattare il caso Pantani. Con l’epilogo si tenterà di proporre una tesi utile a un possibile affrancamento da tali bisogni circolari, mediante la realizzazione di un percorso interiore diretto all’utilizzo delle risorse che la natura ci offre spontaneamente: le endorfine.   Resumen La adicción es un problema que existe desde hace algún tiempo, pero con el surgimiento de las nuevas tecnologías, no solo se valoró el concepto de dependencia inherente al vínculo patológico que se desarrolla entre un sujeto y una sustancia, han surgido nuevas formas mucho más agresivas, tortuosas y peligrosamente adictivas. comportamientos relacionados con la recurrencia de circulares y perjudiciales para los humanos. La clave del problema la ofrece la búsqueda constante del placer que la satisfacción y el bienestar psicológico y el concepto hedonista siempre han buscado los humanos. La transición de "normal" a "anormal" es relativa a los tiempos, cada vez más cortos, en los que el sujeto tiende a alcanzar un valor positivo, como el de ser, comportando esta imaginación aplanada a la realidad y eliminando su verdadero valor. Este artículo se centrará precisamente en las nuevas formas de adicción conductual, o la Nueva Adicción. Entre estos se discutirá también una dependencia poco conocida en Italia, pero muy desarrollada en América: la Vigorexia (o adicción al deporte), que puede conducir a la asunción de sustancias antidopaje. La vigorexia dopa y viaja por el mismo camino y toma formas patológicas porque está estrechamente relacionada con la necesidad de necesitar bienestar relacionado con el uso de sustancias nocivas para el cuerpo y la recurrencia de comportamientos nocivos. Abordará el tema del dopaje en muchos campos deportivos, para escuchar el caso Pantani. Con el epílogo intentaremos proponer una tesis útil en una posible liberación circular de estas necesidades, a través de la implementación de un viaje interno mediante el uso directo de los recursos que la naturaleza nos ofrece de forma espontánea: las endorfinas.

Ann Jefferson

This chapter looks at how the pathologizing of genius continued in the work of Jacques-Joseph Moreau—known as “Moreau de Tours”—who adopted the eloquent term “morbid psychology” for his particular branch of mental medicine and defined genius as a form of neurosis. His book on the subject, Psychologie morbide (Morbid psychology, 1859) examines the general phenomenon of “neuropathy” rather than confining itself to the study of individual cases as Lélut had done. But the underlying assumptions and approach remain the same, and Moreau follows Lélut in asserting the physiological basis of mental malfunction when he insists that “it is essential…to explore man in his entrails and to abandon visions of pure reason in the regions of the absolute.” The mind exists in inseparable conjunction with the body, and genius is inherently pathological, placed within a configuration of mental debility that extends from imbecility to delirium.

Маргарита Алексеевна Воронкина

В работе текст памятника развитого жреческого политеистического культа рассматривается как манифестация ритуальной вербальной практики, сохранившей проявления архаической шаманской сакральной деятельности. Исследование осуществлялось на языковом материале «Ригведы» — корпуса древнейших текстов, генетически восходящих ко времени праиндоевропейского единства и в ряде черт типологически близких евразийскому шаманизму. В фокусе внимания оказывается коммуникативный характер речевой деятельности шамана — наделенного особыми способностями представителя сообщества, который вступает в вербальное взаимодействие с миром духов. Предмет исследования составляют вопросительные речевые акты, которые предстают одним из важных элементов шаманской обрядности. Актуальность исследования обусловлена существенным влиянием шаманизма на становление современной культуры. Достижению цели способствовало решение таких исследовательских задач, как описание и анализ разных типов вопросительных речевых актов «Ригведы», а также выявление их коммуникативных интенций в контексте гимна и связанной с ним ритуальной практики. В работе функциональный анализ вопросительных речевых актов продуктивно дополняется привлечением методов и данных таких дисциплин, как коммуникативистика, прагмалингвистика, история, этнография, религиоведение. Методы лингвистического наблюдения и описания, контекстуального и статистического анализа, фонематические, синтаксические и семантические наблюдения дополнены компаративистским анализом изданного обрядового материала сибирского шаманизма. В работе находит применение и историко-генетический анализ текста «Ригведы». Выявление разных по времени напластований памятника позволяет точнее установить прагматику принадлежащих им вопросов. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что как в шаманской практике, так и в ведийских гимнах вопросы выполняют основные функции коммуникации: сообщение, общение и воздействие. Исследование демонстрирует, что помимо неспецифической прагматики вопросы в ритуальной практике реализуют магико-заклинательную функцию речи. Устанавливаются происхождение и функции вопросов космогонических гимнов. Доказывается их поздний характер и переходное положение от магических вербальных действий к функциям компонента в структуре спекулятивных построений. The subject of the study is interrogative speech acts which appear to be one of the markers of the shamanic ritualism. The research work was carried out on the linguistic data of the Rigveda genetically traced to the times of Proto-Indo-European unity and in the range of traits typologically relevant to the Eurasian shamanism. The author raises the issue if the questions presented in the monuments of developed priestly cult refer to the shamanic verbal practice. The achievement of the outlined objective was provided by solving such research problems as description and analysis of different types of interrogative speech acts of the Rigveda, revealing their communicative intentions in the context of hymns and ritual practice. In the paper the functional analysis of interrogative speech acts is productively complemented with appealing to approaches and data of such scientific disciplines as communication studies, pragmalinguistics, history, ethnography, folklore and religion studies. In addition to the descriptive method as well as the contextual analysis and the statistical technology the author makes use of comparative analysis of the published ceremonial material of shamanism. Historical and genetic analysis of the text of the Rigveda also finds its application in the study. The author elicits that both in shamanic activity and in the Vedic hymns questions fulfil general functions of communication: message, interaction and impact. The paper demonstrates that apart from nonspecific pragmatic the questions in ceremonial practice objectivate the magical and invocatory speech function. Light is thrown upon the genesis and functions of questions of the cosmogonic hymns.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-92
Susan Jones

This article explores the diversity of British literary responses to Diaghilev's project, emphasising the way in which the subject matter and methodologies of Diaghilev's modernism were sometimes unexpectedly echoed in expressions of contemporary British writing. These discussions emerge both in writing about Diaghilev's work, and, more discretely, when references to the Russian Ballet find their way into the creative writing of the period, serving to anchor the texts in a particular cultural milieu or to suggest contemporary aesthetic problems in the domain of literary aesthetics developing in the period. Figures from disparate fields, including literature, music and the visual arts, brought to their criticism of the Ballets Russes their individual perspectives on its aesthetics, helping to consolidate the sense of its importance in contributing to the inter-disciplinary flavour of modernism across the arts. In the field of literature, not only did British writers evaluate the Ballets Russes in terms of their own poetics, their relationship to experimentation in the novel and in drama, they developed an increasing sense of the company's place in dance history, its choreographic innovations offering material for wider discussions, opening up the potential for literary modernism's interest in impersonality and in the ‘unsayable’, discussions of the body, primitivism and gender.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-21
Amanda Dennis

Lying in ditches, tromping through mud, wedged in urns, trash bins, buried in earth, bodies in Beckett appear anything but capable of acting meaningfully on their environments. Bodies in Beckett seem, rather, synonymous with abjection, brokenness, and passivity—as if the human were overcome by its materiality: odours, pain, foot sores, decreased mobility. To the extent that Beckett's personae act, they act vaguely (wandering) or engage in quasi-obsessive, repetitive tasks: maniacal rocking, rotating sucking stones and biscuits, uttering words evacuated of sense, ceaseless pacing. Perhaps the most vivid dramatization of bodies compelled to meaningless, repetitive movement is Quad (1981), Beckett's ‘ballet’ for television, in which four bodies in hooded robes repeat their series ad infinitum. By 1981, has all possibility for intentional action in Beckett been foreclosed? Are we doomed, as Hamm puts it, to an eternal repetition of the same? (‘Moments for nothing, now as always, time was never and time is over, reckoning closed and story ended.’)This article proposes an alternative reading of bodily abjection, passivity and compulsivity in Beckett, a reading that implies a version of agency more capacious than voluntarism. Focusing on Quad as an illustrative case, I show how, if we shift our focus from the body's diminished possibilities for movement to the imbrication of Beckett's personae in environments (a mound of earth), things, and objects, a different story emerges: rather than dramatizing the impossibility of action, Beckett's work may sketch plans for a more ecological, post-human version of agency, a more collaborative mode of ‘acting’ that eases the divide between the human, the world of inanimate objects, and the earth.Movements such as new materialism and object-oriented ontology challenge hierarchies among subjects, objects and environments, questioning the rigid distinction between animate and inanimate, and the notion of the Anthropocene emphasizes the influence of human activity on social and geological space. A major theoretical challenge that arises from such discourses (including 20th-century challenges to the idea of an autonomous, willing, subject) is to arrive at an account of agency robust enough to survive if not the ‘death of the subject’ then its imbrication in the material and social environment it acts upon. Beckett's treatment of the human body suggests a version of agency that draws strength from a body's interaction with its environment, such that meaning is formed in the nexus between body and world. Using the example of Quad, I show how representations of the body in Beckett disturb the opposition between compulsivity (when a body is driven to move or speak in the absence of intention) and creative invention. In Quad, serial repetition works to create an interface between body and world that is receptive to meanings outside the control of a human will. Paradoxically, compulsive repetition in Beckett, despite its uncomfortable closeness to addiction, harnesses a loss of individual control that proposes a more versatile and ecologically mindful understanding of human action.

Mahmud Mohammed Imam ◽  
Zahra Muhammad ◽  
Amina Zakari

In this research work the concentration of zinc, copper, lead, chromium, cadmium, and nickel in cow milk samples obtained from four different grazing areas   (kakuri, kudendan, malali, kawo) of Kaduna metropolis. The samples were digested by wet digestion technique .The trace element were determined using bulk scientific model VPG 210 model  Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).. The concentration of the determined heavy metal were The result revealed that Cr,  Ni and Cd were not detected in milk samples from Kawo, Malali  and Kudendan whereas lead (Pb) is detected in all samples and found to be above  the stipulated limits of recommended dietary allowance (NRC,1989) given as 0.02mg/day. Cu and Zn are essential elements needed by the body for proper metabolism and as such their deficiency or excess is very dangerous for human health. However, they were found in all samples and are within the recommended limits while Cd (2.13 – 3.15 mg/kg) in milk samples from Kakuri was found to be above such limit (0.5mg/day). Cow milk samples analyzed for heavy metals in this research work pose a threat of lead and cadmium toxicity due to their exposure to direct sources of air, water and plants in these grazing areas, thereby, resulting to a potential health risk to the consumers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Riris Susiani ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

AbstrakMasalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya strategi produk dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing  dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat dan perkembangan zaman yang sangat cepat. Strategi produk sangat diperlukan dalam mememenuhi tuntutan konsumen seperti meningkatkan kualitas, menciptakan merek, pelayanan serta jaminan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan agar usaha mampu berkembang. Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah usaha yang sedang berkembang dan telah mampu memasarkan produk bordirnya hingga menembus pasar ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi produk bordir di Limpapeh”s Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Kota Payakumbuh. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif, jenis data berupa data primer dan  sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisa model interaktif yang berkaitan dengan pokok permasalahan yaitu dengan model reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu strategi produk yang dilakukan di Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah dimulai dari menciptakan produk bordir yang berkualitas, desain motif bordir yang up to date dan kreatif, menyediakan ukuran yang special, memberi merek pada produk bordir, memberi kemasan yang menarik (paperbag) dan serbaguna, pelayanan yang cepat, tepat dan ramah serta pemberian jaminan terhadap produk border.Kata Kunci: strategi produk, pelayanan, bordir. AbstractThe problem in this study is the importance of product strategy in running a business in order to be able to survive and compete with other similar companies in conditions of intense competition and very rapid development of the times. Product strategy is very necessary in fulfilling consumer demands such as improving quality, creating brands, services and guarantees for products offered so that businesses are able to grow. Limpapeh's Kebaya is a growing business and has been able to market its embroidery products to penetrate the export market. This study aims to describe the strategy of embroidery products in Limpapeh's Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Payakumbuh City. The research method uses qualitative descriptive method, the type of data in the form of primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with interactive model analysis techniques that are related to the subject matter, namely with a model of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the research, namely the product strategy carried out at Limpapeh's Kebaya, are started from creating quality embroidery products, up-to-date and creative embroidery motifs, providing special sizes, giving brands to embroidery products, giving attractive packaging (paperbag) and versatile, fast, precise and friendly service and guarantee of embroidery products. Keywords: product, service, embroidery strategy.

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