Language at the margins

2004 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-240 ◽  
Jo Arthur

Drawing on a recent ethnographic research project conducted in an urban neighbourhood of Liverpool, England, this paper focuses on Somali speakers, relating the experience of members of this minority language community to the local linguistic and cultural ecology of the city. The community forms part of a Somali diaspora created largely as a consequence of civil war in Somalia towards the end of the twentieth century. The paper opens with an account of the context of the languages and cultures of Liverpool, going on to explore the communicative roles of languages and literacies — Somali, English and Arabic — in the lives of members of the Somali community. Also reported are insights, gained in interviews, into the symbolic values which these languages and literacies hold for them. These data indicate unresolved tensions felt by the interviewees in relation to issues both of cultural identity and of social and educational aspirations — tensions which are closely linked to widespread concern in the community over what is perceived as inter-generational language shift, from Somali to English. This concern has led to the setting up of Somali literacy teaching for young people in the community, and the study included observation of these classes. The paper considers the contribution of such affirmative action to the maintenance and valorisation of Somali, as the language of community heritage, before concluding with discussion of the implications of the Somali community experience in Liverpool — of both marginalisation and resistance — for the management of multilingualism in this modern city. Sommaire Les langues dans la marge: Le cas du somalien à Liverpool Cet article se concentre sur les locuteurs somaliens. Les informations obtenues se rapportent à l’expérience des membres de cette communauté linguistique minoritaire et s’inspirent des conclusions d’une étude ethnographique menée dans un quartier urbain de Liverpool, en Angleterre. La communauté fait partie de la diaspora somalienne, créée principalement à la suite de la guerre civile en Somalie vers la fin du 20ème siècle. L’article présente le contexte des langues et cultures de Liverpool ainsi que les rôles de communication des langues et des taux d’alphabétisation pour les langues — somalien, anglais, arabe — dans la vie des membres de la communauté somalienne. En s’appuyant sur des entretiens effectués, cet article donne aussi un aperçu des valeurs symboliques que représentent pour eux ces langues et leur taux d’alphabétisation. Ces données révèlent les tensions irrésolues ressenties par les personnes interviewées en ce qui concerne les questions à la fois de culture identitaire et d’aspirations sociales et en matière d’éducation. Ces tensions sont intimement liées à une inquiétude répandue parmi la communauté en ce qui concerne les changements qui semblent intervenir au niveau du somalien et de l’anglais entre les générations. Cette inquiétude a mené à la création d’un enseignement du somalien pour les jeunes de la communauté et cette étude inclus les observations de ces classes. L’article prend en considération la contribution d’une action si affirmative pour le maintien et la valorisation du somalien, en qualité de langue du patrimoine de la communauté, et termine en conclusion par une discussion des implications — à la fois de la marginalisation et de la résistance de la communauté somalienne à Liverpool — en ce qui concerne la gestion du multilinguisme de cette ville moderne. [Cette étude se base sur des recherches effectuées en 2001–2002 avec le soutien du Leverhulme Trust. L’auteur remercie l’aide de Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige, Mariam Salah et Samsam Saleh.] Resumo Lingvo marĝena: La kazo de la somalia en Liverpool Surbaze de lastatempa etnografia esplorprojekto farita en urba kvartalo de Liverpool, Anglio, tiu ĉi artikolo fokusiĝas je somaliparolantoj, ligante la sperton de anoj de tiu ĉi lingvominoritata komunumo al la kultura ekologio de la urbo. La komunumo formas parton de somalia diasporo kreita plejparte rezulte de la civila milito en Somalio fine de la dudeka jarcento. La artikolo komenciĝas per prezento de la lingva kaj kultura kunteksto de Liverpool, kaj poste esploras la komunikajn rolojn de lingvoj kaj leg- kaj skribkapabloj — somaliaj, anglaj kaj arabaj — en la vivoj de anoj de la somalia komunumo. Oni ankaŭ raportas pri perceptoj, gajnitaj el intervjuoj, pri ilia sento de la simbolaj valoroj entenataj en tiuj lingvoj kaj kapabloj. Tiuj datenoj indikas, ke la intervjuatoj sentis nesolvitajn streĉitecojn rilate demandojn kaj de kultura identeco kaj de sociaj kaj edukaj aspiroj — streĉitecojn proksime ligitajn al disvastiĝinta maltrankvilo en la komunumo pri tio, kion oni perceptas kiel intergeneracian lingvoŝoviĝon de la somalia al la angla. Tiu maltrankvilo kondukis al starigo de somalia alfabetiga instruado por komunumaj gejunuloj, kaj la studo enhavis ankaŭ observadon de tiuj klasoj. La artikolo konsideras la kontribuon de tia pozitiva agado al konservado kaj valorigo de la somalia, kiel la lingvo de la komuna heredaĵo. La artikolo finiĝas per diskuto de la implicoj de la spertoj de la somalia komunumo en Liverpool — spertoj kaj de marĝenigo kaj de rezistado — por la mastrumado de multlingvismo en tiu moderna urbo. [La studo baziĝas sur esploroj subtenataj en 2001–2 de Leverhulme Trust. La aŭtoro danke rekonas la helpon de Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige, Mariam Salah kaj Samsam Saleh.]

2018 ◽  
pp. 33-41
Bhim Lal Gautam

This paper explores the patterns of language shift in Newar, the ethnic indigenous language community living in the Kathmandu Valley. The research focuses on language contact situations in different domains viz. social, cultural, personal, and official as well as media related activities where the informants are asked to use different languages along with the use of their own mother tongue i.e. Newar. This socio-ethnographic research aims at providing some clues as to how the discovery of a minority language triggers changes in representations and attitudes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-86
Cinthia Torres Toledo ◽  
Marília Pinto de Carvalho

Black working-class boys are the group with the most significant difficulties in their schooling process. In dialogue with Raewyn Connell, we seek to analyze how the collective conceptions of peer groups have influenced the school engagement of Brazilian boys. We conducted an ethnographic research with students around the age of 14 at an urban state school in the periphery of the city of São Paulo. We analyzed the hierarchization process between two groups of boys, demonstrating the existence of a collective notion of masculinity that works against engagement with the school. Well-known to the Anglophone academic literature, this association is rather uncommon in the Brazilian literature. We have therefore attempted to describe and analyze here the challenges faced by Black working-class Brazilian boys to establish more positive educational trajectories.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147447402110205
Shruti Ragavan

Balconies, windows and terraces have come to be identified as spaces with newfound meaning over the past year due to the Covid-19 pandemic and concomitant lockdowns. There was not only a marked increase in the use of these spaces, but more importantly a difference in the very nature of this use since March 2020. It is keeping this latter point in mind, that I make an attempt to understand the spatial mobilities afforded by the balcony in the area of ethnographic research. The street overlooking my balcony, situated amidst an urban village in the city of Delhi – one of my field sites, is composed of middle and lower-middle class residents, dairy farms and farmers, bovines and other nonhumans. In this note, through ethnographic observations, I reflect upon the balcony as constituting that liminal space between ‘field’ and ‘home’, as well as, as a spatial framing device which conditions and affects our observations and interactions. This is explored by examining two elements – the gendered nature of the space, and the notion of ‘distance and proximity’, through personal narratives of engaging-with the field, and subjects-objects of study in the city.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-230
Raluca-Daniela Duinea

"The City of Oslo in Jan Erik Vold’s Poems. The aim of this paper is to examine, from a cultural and social perspective, the Norwegian urban areas and everyday situations in Jan Erik Vold’s (b. 1939) poems. Our close-reading technique reveals important social aspects, different places and streets, located in the capital city of Norway, Oslo. These urban poems written by the contemporary Norwegian poet Jan Erik Vold contribute to the reconstruction of a new Norwegian cultural identity as it is reflected in a selection of poems taken from Mor Godhjertas glade versjon. Ja (Mother Goodhearted’s Happy Version. Yes, 1968), followed by the poet’s wanderings in the city of Oslo in En som het Abel Ek (One Named Abel Ek, 1988), and concluding with his bitter social criticism in Elg (Moose, 1989) and IKKE. Skillingstrykk fra nittitallet (Not: Broadsides from the Nineties, 1993). Vold’s urban poems emphasise the transition from nyenkle (new simple), friendly and descriptive poems which present closely the city of Oslo on foot, to short, political and social critical poems from the 90s. Thus, it is of great importance to traverse various urban ‘landscapes’ in different periods of time, beginning with the 1960s, followed by the 80s and the 90s. Keywords: Jan Erik Vold, urban poems, social criticism, Norwegian urban areas, the city of Oslo "

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 326-356 ◽  
Azra Hromadžić

Building on more than ten years of ethnographic research in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina, this article documents discourses and practices of civility as mutuality with limits. This mode of civility operates to regulate the field of socio-political inclusion in Bosnia-Herzegovina; it stretches to include self-described “urbanites” while, at the same time, it excludes “rural others” and “rural others within.” In order to illustrate the workings of civility as mutuality with limits, the focus is on interconnections and messy relationships between different aspects of civility: moral, political/civil, and socio-cultural. Furthermore, by using ethnography in the manner of theory, three assumptions present in theories of civility are challenged. First, there is an overwhelming association of civility with bourgeois urban space where civility is located in the city. However, the focus here is on how civility works in the context of Balkan and Bosnian semi-periphery, suspended between urbanity and rurality. Second, much literature on civility implies that people enter public spaces in ways that are unmarked. As is shown here, however, people’s bodies always carry traces of histories of inequality. Third, scholarship on civility mainly takes the materiality of urban space for granted. By paying careful attention to what crumbling urban space looks and feels like, it is demonstrated how civility is often entangled with, experienced through and articulated via material things, such as ruins. These converging, historically shaped logics, geographies and materialities of (in)civility illustrate how civility works as an “incomplete horizon” of political entanglement, recognition and mutuality, thus producing layers of distinction and hierarchies of value, which place a limit on the prospects of democratic politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (44) ◽  
Guillermo Stefano Rosa Gómez ◽  
Jose Luis Abalos Junior ◽  
Manoel Cláudio Mendes Gonçalves da Rocha

O presente artigo é resultado de um diálogo entre três experiências de produção coletiva de pesquisa etnográfica, que têm em comum os temas juventude, imagem e cidade. Um conjunto de nove etnografias visuais foi realizado a partir de uma parceria entre os pesquisadores associados ao Núcleo de Antropologia Visual (NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS) e os estudantes da disciplina de Antropologia Visual (2016/1) ministrada ao curso de Ciências Sociais da UFRGS sob a coordenação da antropóloga e professora Cornelia Eckert. As reflexões que aqui apresentamos percorrem um processo de ensino-aprendizagem implicado na experiência dos três autores enquanto estagiários docentes nesta disciplina. A proposta lançada consistiu em um exercício etnográfico a ser desenvolvido ao longo do semestre letivo, tendo como eixo temático as “intervenções artísticas urbanas”, no qual os discentes trabalhariam coletivamente no formato de grupos de trabalho, sob a orientação dos estagiários e pesquisadores do Navisual. Como desdobramento de tais experiências, foi produzida uma expografia compartilhada em parceria com o Departamento de Difusão Cultural (DDC/UFRGS) e o projeto UNIFOTO, que ficou exposta na galeria do Hall da Reitoria da UFRGS entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2016. Destacamos neste trabalho o diálogo e convergências entre três abordagens que percorrem universos empíricos específicos na cidade de Porto Alegre - as Batalhas de MCs, os itinerários e trajetórias de jovens praticantes de skate, e o evento Feira do Hip Hop - propondo uma abordagem imagética em torno do tema das “intervenções artísticas urbanas”, tendo em vista compreender as formas sensíveis através das quais estes sujeitos experienciam, praticam e transformam o viver urbano.Palavras Chaves: Cidade; Imagem; Juventude; Antropologia Visual; Formas Sensíveis.Youth, Image and city: experiences of ethnographic research with urban youngs in Porto AlegreAbstract  This paper is a result of a dialogue between three experiences of collective ethnographic work which have in common the categories of image, youth and city. A group of nine visual ethnographies was carried departed of a partnership of researchers associated with the “Núcleo de Antropologia Visual (NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS) and the students of the course of Visual Anthropology assign in Social Science under the coordination of Cornelia Eckert. The reflection that we present here go through a process of learning and teaching, based on the experience of the three autors. The proposal launched consisted in a etnographic exercise to be developped alonge the semester, under the bow of a tematic pivot: "urban artistic intervention".As a result of these experiences, a shared exhibition was produced in partnership with the Department of Cultural Diffusion (DDC / UFRGS) and the UNIFOTO project, which was exhibited in the gallery of the Rectory Hall of UFRGS between August and September 2016. We highlight in this work the dialogue and convergences between three approaches that explore specific empirical universes in the city of Porto Alegre - the MCs Battles, the itineraries and trajectories of young skateboarders, and the Hip Hop Fair - proposing an imaging approach around (Sansot, 1983, Ledrut, 1984; Rocha, 1995) through which these subjects experience, practice and transform urban living.Key words: City. Image. Youth. Visual Anthropology. Sensible Forms.     

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Luiz Felipe Rocha Benites

Abstract This article explores the idea of movement through an analysis of the flows between rural and urban areas, more specifically between small farms (roças) and the peripheries of big cities. I turn to my own ethnographic research on rural and riverside communities in the north of Minas Gerais, as well as ethnographies produced on populations in the Cerrado Mineiro, in order to question the primacy of movement in the definitions of the city and to extend the notion through an approach that incorporates the relations between persons and things circulating in both these social spaces.

Tomas Lopez-Guzman ◽  
Jesús Claudio Pérez Gálvez ◽  
Guzmán Antonio Muñoz-Fernández ◽  
Miguel Jesús Medina-Viruel

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the relationships existing among three basic constructs in the visitor’s decision-making process (motivation and satisfaction) in a tourist destination that is a World Heritage Site, such as the city of Cordoba (Spain). Bearing in mind the perception of heritage by the foreign visitors, the following four types were determined: alternative tourists, cultural tourists, emotional tourists and heritage tourists. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses the multivariate technique of grouping cases (K-means clusters) to analyse the similarity existing among the surveyed persons. From the groups or segments obtained, statistics and measurements of association were applied that provide the information necessary to study the possible trends of association existing between variables from a table of bidimensional contingencies. In the same way, non-parametric statistical procedures were used (Kruskal–Wallis H test and the Mann–Whitney U test). Findings The results show the existence of four diverse motivational dimensions among the foreign tourists to visit it: hedonic, cultural, convenience and circumstantial. Of the four dimensions, the hedonic and the cultural are the most relevant. The results show the existence of a common cultural identity: the Arabic cultural identity. Originality/value This paper contributes to complete the academic literature existing on the links of the tourist with the historical and monumental heritage that he visits, and with the tourist’s behaviour.

2003 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 101-120
H. T. Nortis

AbstractThe subject of this paper is the presentation and argument of a case for the millennium old record of an apparent steady migration of Berber Saharan nomads, who, at a later stage in their history, have came to be recognized as the principal tribes, federations and Sultanates of the Tuareg people whom we know today. These Berber speakers, who are variosly mentioned as the Lamṭa, Lamtūna, Ilemtin, Dag Elemtei and Azgar (Ifoghas), were the acknowledged ancestors of the so-called ‘Sanhaja’ peoples in the Western, the Central and the Eastern Sahara.The Fazzān contains the remains of the ancient city of Jarma (Garama) and from the evidence which has been found from Tifinagh inscriptions which have been discovered at that site, this ‘capital of the Garamantes’ played a significant role in shaping the linguistic and cultural identity of the Tuareg peoples. This identity is especially centered around the city of Ghāt, which borders both the Algerian and Libyan Sahara. This entire region, the Tassili -n- Ajjer and including Akakus, would appear to correspond to Jabal Ṭanṭāna, a toponym which finds a mention in the writings of a number of Arab geographers and historians. Its location made it pivotal for trans-Saharan trade.

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