Meaning and Structure

1972 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Richard Rystrom

Reading teachers and researchers have frequently assumed there is Some relationship between the syntactic structure of language and the reading acquisition process. Indeed, most methods for teaching reading are implicitly built upon assumptions about the interactions between language and reading behaviors. Often the findings of linguists can be used to suggest the nature of the relationship described above. Illustrated in this paper are different sentences which can be transformed in such a way that each has the same surface structure (typographic appearance) as the others, but which do not have the same meanings (deep structure). The paper illustrates why sentences which have various different meanings implicit in their syntactic structure would be difficult for beginning readers to understand.

2019 ◽  

Perkembangan studi linguistik di dalam penafsiran teks kitab suci memang masih lambat dan dalam tahap perkembangan. Tulisan ini adalah suatu penelitian untuk mengembangkan studi linguistik di dalam penafsiran teks kitab suci di Indonesia. Penulis memilih studi linguistik dengan pendekatan analisis wacana. Model analisis wacana yang digunakan adalah analisis colon yang diperkenalkan oleh Johanes P. Louw. Sampel teks yang digunakan adalah surat Filemon. Hasil penelitian ini akan mendapatkan struktur dan tema surat Filemon. Pendekatan analisis wacana menekankan semantik. Arti atau makna di dalam teks melampaui kata, frasa, dan kalimat (struktur mikro teks) sehingga fokus analisis sampai kepada keseluruhan wacana (struktur makro teks). Struktur makro teks melingkupi arti dari struktur mikro teks. Seorang penulis menulis teks mulai dari ide wacana yang kemudian secara sadar membangun ide tersebut dari struktur mikro teks yang dipilihnya. Dalam analisis colon, struktur makro teks yang terpenting adalah paragraf yang merupakan satu unit semantis yang dibangun dari beberapa kelompok colon (cluster) dan atau colons. Arti kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat tidak lepas dari isi semantis paragraf yang mewadahinya. Sementara, penafsir-penafsir lain lebih memprioritaskan penafsiran struktur mikro teks daripada makro teks. Wacana dianalisis mulai dari paragraf sampai frasa dan kata (top down). Unit semantis dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan klausa akan dianalisis dengan kategori semantis, pengelompokkan kata (grouping of words atau immediate constituents), dan transformasi struktur luar (surface structure) ke dalam struktur dalam (deep structure). Unit semantis dalam bentuk paragraf akan dianalisis dengan metode analisis colon. Di dalam analisis colon, ada beberapa langkah yang akan diuraikan yaitu pertama, membuat struktur colon (syntactic structure) dari setiap paragraf dan terjemahan literal. Pengelompokkan kata akan terlihat di dalam struktur colon. Kedua, mencari isi semantis dari setiap colon atau kelompok (cluster) dengan menganalisis kata, frasa, dan colon. Ketiga, mencari hubungan semantis di antara colon atau kelompok di dalam satu paragraf yang sama. Keempat, menentukan tema atau ide utama (the pivot point) dari setiap paragraf. Berdasarkan analisis colon, ide utama atau tema surat ini adalah permohonan Rasul Paulus kepada Filemon untuk mengembalikan atau menerima kembali Onesimus sebagai saudara di dalam Kristus. Tema wacana ini menentukan struktur makro dan mikro teks ditulis oleh Rasul Paulus. Rasul Paulus mulai menulis dengan pembukaan yaitu sapaan dan salam kepada Filemon dan seluruh jemaatnya. Kemudian, Rasul Paulus menuliskan dasar permohonannya yaitu iman dan kasih Filemon yang selama ini sudah didengar olehnya. Lalu, Rasul Paulus menuliskan permohonannya bahwa Filemon bisa menerima kembali Onesimus. Terakhir, Rasul Paulus menuliskan penutup yaitu salam dan doa berkat kepada seluruh jemaat. Implikasi pastoral atau teologis yang bisa dipelajari adalah cara iman dan kasih diterapkan secara nyata di dalam persekutuan dan kehidupan seperti pengampunan dan rekonsiliasi relasi dengan orang lain yang sudah berbuat dosa. Pengalaman jatuh ke dalam dosa dan dipulihkan oleh Allah adalah pengalaman yang tidak mungkin dipisahkan dalam hidup ini. Oleh karena itu, persekutuan sesama orang percaya menjadi wadah atau alat anugerah bagi setiap orang percaya menghadapi berbagai godaan dosa. Secara khusus, penulis mengucap terima kasih kepada para mahasiswa STT Soteria Purwokerto terutama mereka yang sudah mengikuti kelas Studi dan Exegesis Perjanjian Baru. Mereka adalah orang (pembaca) pertama yang bersama penulis menggumuli teks ini selama 1 semester. Penulis juga mengucap terima kasih kepada isteri, Rina Mansyur, dan puteri, Filipe File Cendekia atas dukungan yang tiada taranya. Terakhir, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penerbitan Leutikaprio yang sudah bersedia mengedit dan menerbitkan buku ini.

Al-Albab ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Wahyu Iryana

In order to gain understanding of the meaning of symbolic variants of the myth in Kampung Naga, an objective analysis is required. Therefore, this paper applied the linguistic model study offered by Levi-Strauss as a new step for the objectivity of myth interpretation. The basic assumption of Levi-Strauss’ linguistic model is that myth often display a diverse surface structure, but in fact the diversity is the description of the human deep structure. The selection of this myth was solely based on the life of the Kampung Naga community as part of Sundanese Society. The results indicated that the myth in the religious life of the Kampung Naga community contains a various stories which include the revelation, the reincarnation, and the descent of revelation. These episodes can be constructed into the structure of a Levi-Strauss linguistic model, a binary opposition, namely the mandate giver (active) the mandate recipient (passive). The relationship between the giver and the receiver is vertical (structural) called “structure of three” (regular). From the “structure of three”, the “culinary triangle” can be constructed. From the “combined triangle”, the Batara Guru will also appear to become a central event that other figures have to go through. Finally, it can be stated that the deep structure construction that still refers to the aspect of Javanese cosmology in General.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-15
Howard Lasnik

The nature of the relationship between sentence form and meaning has been an important concern in generative grammar from the inception of the program. Chomsky (1955) raised the question of whether transformations preserve meaning. The suggested answer was negative at that time, and the locus of interpretation was the T-marker, the entire derivational history. In the standard theory of Chomsky (1965), it was proposed, based on work of Katz, Fodor, and Postal, that Deep Structure, a level newly proposed in that work, is the locus of semantic interpretation, though it was acknowledged that quantifiers raise certain difficulties. Those difficulties, along with similar ones involving anaphoric relations, led to the Extended Standard Theory, where Deep and Surface Structure jointly input interpretation, and soon, with the advent of traces, Surface Structure alone. In subsequent models within the GB framework, the derived syntactic level of LF becomes the sole locus of interpretation. Finally, in more recent Minimalist Chomskyan work, there is argued to be no one level of LF; rather, semantic interpretation is interspersed among cyclic steps of the syntactic derivation, reminiscent of the LSLT proposal, though more restricted, and very similar to proposals of Jackendoff and Lasnik in the 1970's. I will try to sort through the motivations for these changes, focusing especially on the problem of quantifier interpretation.

Widyaparwa ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-174 ◽  
Ratun Untoro

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap konsep hidup bahagia orang Jawa melalui relasi antara wong cilik dan priayi dalam tiga novel Pasar, Pengakuan Pariyem, dan Gadis Pantai. Relasi-relasi ter-sebut diperoleh dengan mencari ceritheme dan mitheme berupa tindakan dan cara pandang tokoh-tokoh menggunakan model teori strukturalisme Levi-Strauss. Ceritheme dan mitheme tersebut di-gunakan untuk mencari struktur dasar (surface structure) berupa pasangan-pasangan oposisi. Hal itu untuk mengantarkan pada temuan struktur nirsadar (deep structure) berupa cara pandang atau cara berpikir manusia. Oleh karena ketiga novel tersebut merupakan novel etnografi dengan latar belakang budaya Jawa, penelitian ini menemukan model cara berpikir manusia Jawa, khususnya mengenai hubungan antara wong cilik dan priayi. Ditemukan pula bahwa derajat wong cilik dan priayi tidak memengaruhi tingkat kebahagiaan manusia Jawa.The research is aimed to reveal Javanese happy life concept through relationship between the grass-roots and the nobleman in three novels, namely Pasar, Pengakuan Pariyem and Gadis Pantai. The relations are obtained by searching ceritheme and mitheme in form of action and character point of view using the theoretical model of Levi-Strauss structuralism. Mitheme and ceritheme are used to find surface structure in form of opposition pairs. The ceritheme and mitheme even-tually lead to discovery of deep structure in the form of point of view or way of human thinking. Therefore, the three novels are a ethnographical novels with Javanese cultural background. This re-search suggests the Javanese mans model of thinking, particularly the relationship between the grassroots and the nobleman. It is also found out that the grassroot status and the nobleman status do not affect the level of Javanese mans happiness.

2019 ◽  

Tulisan ini adalah salah satu upaya penulis untuk mengembangkan studitafsir dengan pendekatan linguistik di Indonesia. Penulis memilih pendekatananalisis wacana (discourse analysis). Model analisis wacana yang digunakanadalah analisis colon yang diperkenalkan oleh Johanes P. Louw. Output tulisanini adalah struktur dan tema surat Filipi yang dapat memberikan kontribusipemikiran teologis. Pendekatan analisis colon menekankan semantik. Didalam semantik, arti atau meaning di dalam teks melampaui kata, frasa, dankalimat (struktur mikro teks) itu sendiri sehingga fokus analisis teks harussampai kepada keseluruhan wacana (struktur makro teks). Struktur makroteks melingkupi meaning struktur mikro teks. Seorang penulis menulis teksmulai dari ide wacana yang kemudian secara sadar membangun ide tersebutdalam bentuk struktur mikro teks yang dipilihnya. Tesisnya adalah menemukanmeaning (deep structure) melalui analisis teks asli (surface structure). Dalam analisiscolon, struktur makro teks paling penting adalah paragraf yang merupakan satuunit semantis yang dibangun dari beberapa kelompok colon (clusters) dan ataucolons. Arti kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat tidak lepas dari isi semantis paragrafyang mewadahinya. Sementara, banyak analisis atau interpretasi teks lain lebihmemprioritaskan penafsiran struktur mikro teks daripada struktur makro teks.Unit semantis dalam bentuk paragraf akan dianalisis dengan beberapacara. Pertama, membuat struktur colon (syntactic structure) dari setiap unitsemantis. Pengelompokan kata akan terlihat di dalam struktur colon. Kedua,membuat terjemahan literal. Ketiga, mencari isi semantis dari setiap colon ataukelompok (cluster) colon dengan analisis kata, frasa, dan colon. Hasil analisisisi semantis adalah terjemahan dinamis atau deep structure. Keempat, mencarihubungan semantis di antara colon atau kelompok colon di dalam satu unit semantis yang sama. Kelima, menentukan tema atau ide utama (the pivot point)unit semantis. Keenam, membuat konsep teologis yang merupakan penjelasanlebih lanjut dari tema tersebut. Ketujuh, membuat struktur dan tema surat Filipisebagai satu wacana. Unit semantis dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan colon akandianalisis dengan kategori semantis (semantic category), pengelompokan kata(grouping of words atau immediate constituents), dan transformasi struktur luar(surface structure) ke struktur dalam (deep structure).Analisis colon surat Filipi akan dibagi menjadi 16 unit semantis dalambentuk paragraf. Paragraf-paragrafnya adalah sebagai berikut: 1:1–2, 1:3–8,1:9–11, 1:12–26, 1:27–30, 2:1–4, 2:5–11, 2:12–18, 2:19–30, 3:1, 3:2–11, 3:12–16,3:17–21, 4:1–9, 4:10–20, dan 4:21–23. Surat ini bersifat personal dan tidak formalsecara struktur. Paulus bergerak dari satu ide utama ke ide utama lain sepertiterlihat pada struktur berikut ini. Melihat struktur berikut ini, peneliti dapatmengambil kesimpulan bahwa surat ini menekankan dua hal pokok yang dapatdisebut tema surat ini, yakni berbagai perhatian dan nasihat situasional Pauluskepada jemaat Filipi.

1981 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-185 ◽  
William E. Tunmer ◽  
Claire M. Fletcher

An alternative explanation of the divergent findings appearing in the literature on conceptual tempo and reading acquisition is presented. The discussion yields three hypotheses, which are the focus of the present study: (1) conceptual tempo is related to phonological awareness; (2) the relationship between phonological awareness and reading ability (in beginning readers) is stronger than the relationship between conceptual tempo and reading ability; and (3) conceptual tempo and phonological awareness are differentially related to the recognition of real and synthetic words. Thirty-seven first grade children were individually administered tests of verbal intelligence, conceptual tempo, phonological awareness, and reading ability. The data indicate that phonological awareness is significantly correlated with conceptual tempo, that phonological awareness is related to synthetic word recognition, and that synthetic word recognition is highly correlated with real word recognition. The results are explained in terms of a model of reading acquisition that emphasizes the role of metalinguistic abilities in learning to read.

1972 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-109 ◽  
Arnold M. Zwicky

In several recent articles the issue of directionality in transformational grammar has been treated, rather unsatisfactorily to my mind. The question is this: are the relationships among the various levels of grammatical description (semantic structure, deep structure, surface structure, phonetic structure) such that certain levels are descriptively prior to others? That is, is there an inherent ‘direction’ to the relationship between two levels of description (say deep structure and surface structure)? Recent treatments suggest that the question is pointless, or that the answer is no. I maintain that this impression results entirely from the way previous discussions have been worded, and that the issues have yet to be approached properly.

O.L. Krivanek ◽  
G.J. Wood

Electron microscopy at 0.2nm point-to-point resolution, 10-10 torr specimei region vacuum and facilities for in-situ specimen cleaning presents intere; ing possibilities for surface structure determination. Three methods for examining the surfaces are available: reflection (REM), transmission (TEM) and profile imaging. Profile imaging is particularly useful because it giv good resolution perpendicular as well as parallel to the surface, and can therefore be used to determine the relationship between the surface and the bulk structure.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Stéphanie Bellocchi ◽  
Virginie Leclercq

Many studies have investigated the visual magnocellular system functioning in dyslexia. However, very little is known on the relationship between the visual magnocellular system functioning and reading abilities in typical developing readers. In this study, we aimed at studying this relationship and more specifically the moderation effect of educational stage on this link. We thus tested 82 French typical developing readers (40 beginning readers—Grade 1 and 42 advanced readers—Grade 5) with reading tests and a coherent dot motion task measuring the visual magnocellular functioning. Results indicate positive correlations between visual magnocellular functioning and reading for beginning readers but not for advanced readers. Moreover, moderation analyses confirm that reading proficiency moderates the relationship between magnocellular system functioning and reading outcomes. We concluded that the relationship between visual magnocellular pathway functioning and reading abilities in typical developing readers could depend on reading proficiency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 1421-1454 ◽  
Tamar Kalandadze ◽  
Valentina Bambini ◽  
Kari-Anne B. Næss

AbstractIndividuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often experience difficulty in comprehending metaphors compared to individuals with typical development (TD). However, there is a large variation in the results across studies, possibly related to the properties of the metaphor tasks. This preregistered systematic review and meta-analysis (a) explored the properties of the metaphor tasks used in ASD research, and (b) investigated the group difference between individuals with ASD and TD on metaphor comprehension, as well as the relationship between the task properties and any between-study variation. A systematic search was undertaken in seven relevant databases. Fourteen studies fulfilled our predetermined inclusion criteria. Across tasks, we detected four types of response format and a great variety of metaphors in terms of familiarity, syntactic structure, and linguistic context. Individuals with TD outperformed individuals with ASD on metaphor comprehension (Hedges’ g = −0.63). Verbal explanation response format was utilized in the study showing the largest effect size in the group comparison. However, due to the sparse experimental manipulations, the role of task properties could not be established. Future studies should consider and report task properties to determine their role in metaphor comprehension, and to inform experimental paradigms as well as educational assessment.

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