scholarly journals Analysis of difficulties in solving mathematical problems categorized higher order thinking skills (HOTS) on the subject of rank and shape of the root according to polya stages

2020 ◽  
Vol 1563 ◽  
pp. 012041
Ernawati ◽  
S Sutiarso
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Karim Karim ◽  
Taufiq Hidayanto ◽  
Kamaliyah Kamaliyah ◽  
Maulana Fatiehurrizqie Arrasyid

Pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) dapat dirancang guru untuk kegiatan proses pembelajaran atau dalam penyusunan soal evaluasi. Soal yang berorientasi pada HOTS diperlukan agar siswa terbiasa dan terlatih untuk menyelesaikan soal yang tidak hanya bersifat hafalan dan pemahaman, maupun penerapan konsep. Banyak penyuluhan atau pelatihan yang telah diperoleh guru dalam membuat soal matematika. Meskipun demikian, pelatihan yang secara spesifik untuk membuat soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS sangat kurang bahkan belum pernah mereka ikuti. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan pelatihan untuk membuat soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) adalah membimbing guru matematika SMP dalam menyusun soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan MGMP Matematika Kabupaten Banjar. Jumlah peserta yang hadir pada saat kegiatan ada 46 orang. Secara ringkas, tahapan kegiatan meliputi menyiapkan materi sebagai bahan pembimbingan pembuatan soal berorientasi HOTS dan melaksanakan pembimbingan. Kegiatan PKM ini telah menghasilkan 50 buah soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Kategori soal berdasarkan level HOTS, 39 buah (78%) termasuk soal analisis dan 11 buah (22%) termasuk soal evaluasi.The Learning that orienting to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) can be designed by the teacher for the learning process activities or in the preparation of evaluation questions. HOTS-oriented problems are needed so that students are accustomed and trained to solve problems that are not only memorizing, understanding, and applying concepts. Teachers have obtained much training in making mathematical problems. However, the training specifically in making HOTS-oriented mathematics problems is lacking. Therefore, the training needs to be held to cause HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The purpose of community service activities is to guide junior high school mathematics teachers in preparing HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The activity has been carried out in collaboration with the Mathematics MGMP of the Banjar District. The number of participants who attended the activity was 46 people. In summary, the stages of activities include preparing material as guidance material for making HOTS-oriented problems and implementing mentoring. This community service activity has produced 50 HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The problem categories are based on the HOTS level; 39 items (78%) included analysis problems, and 11 items (22%) included evaluation problems. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Henrik Bøhn

In this study data from verbal protocols and semi-structured interviews was analysed to explore Norwegian EFL teacher raters’ (n=10) orientations towards content in an oral English exam at the upper secondary school level, a context characterized by the absence of a common rating scale for the teacher raters. The content construct was mainly analysed in terms a subject matter dimension and a skills and processes dimension. The results indicated that the teachers were more concerned with the skills and processes dimension (e.g. analysis, reflection) than with the subject matter dimension (e.g. cultural knowledge). Moreover, their understanding of subject matter compared fairly well with the subject curriculum, despite instances of construct underrepresentation. The study points to the prominence of guidance for teacher raters in the assessment of content and to the significance of alerting students to the importance of higher-order thinking skills in language education at this level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-19
R. Ruslan ◽  
Iwan Setiawan HR ◽  
Alfiah Nurfadhilah AM. Hindi

Dalam proses pembelajaran ada tiga komponen utama yang merupakan satu kesatuan, yaitu tujuan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, dan evaluasi hasil belajar. Dalam melakukan evaluasi terhadap alat pengukur yang telah digunakan untuk mengukur keberhasilan belajar dari para peserta didiknya (muridnya, siswa, mahasiswa dan lain-lain). Alat pengukur dimaksud adalah tes hasil belajar, yang sebagai mana telah kita maklumi, batang tubuhnya terdiri dari kumpulan butir-butir soal.  Kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi/ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) adalah proses berpikir yang mengharuskan murid untuk memanipulasi informasi dan ide-ide dalam cara tertentu yang memberi mereka pengertian dan implikasi baru Limpan menggambarkan berpikir tingkat tinggi melibatkan berpikir kritis dan kreatif yang dipandu oleh ide-ide kebenaran yang masing-masing mempunyai makna. Berpikir kritis dan kreatif saling ketergantungan, seperti juga kriteria dan nilai-nilai, nalar dan emosi. Berpikir tingkat tinggi atau Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) merupakan cara berpikir yang tidak lagi  hanya menghafal secara verbalistik saja namun juga memaknai hakikat dari yang terkandung diantaranya, untuk mampu memaknai makna dibutuhkan cara berpikir yang integralistik dengan analisis, sintesis, mengasosiasi hingga menarik kesimpulan menuju penciptaan ide-ide kreatif dan produktif. Dan dari uraian di atas maka pengabdi bermaksud untuk melakukan pengembangan dan pelatihan analisis butir soal yang ditujukan kepada Guru MGMP Kabupaten Bone. Analisis butir adalah proses menguji respon-respon siswa untuk masing-masing butir tes dalam upaya menjustifikasi kualitas item. Kualitas item, khususnya direpresentasi oleh tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda, validitas dan reliabilitas, dan khusus untuk tes pilihan ganda tidak kalah pentingnya adalah keefektifan pengecoh dan omit. Tujuan analisis butir soal yaitu untuk mengadakan identifikasi soal-soal yang baik, kurang baik, dan soal yang buruk. Dalam menghadapi masalah yang telah diuraikan, maka solusi yang ditawarkan adalah gabungan antara teori dan praktik. Teori yang diberikan mengenai teknik melakukan analisis butir soal berdaya nalar tinggi untuk soal pilihan ganda dan soal essay serta interpretasi hasil output dengan menggunakan software ITEMAN dan SPSS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
Hiliyati Yus

The quality of teachers as educators is an important factor, one of which is the quality in making HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions which are the responsibility of the principal as the holder of the highest authority in the school, so the aim of this study is to improve the ability of teachers to make HOTS questions. (Higher Order Thinking Skills) through the teacher working group (KKG) which is the subject of this study 26 people using school action research methods that carry out cyclical research steps. The results showed an increase in teacher activity in the first cycle, the average percentage of teacher activity was 73% with a good category, and the average percentage of teacher activity in the second cycle was 91% with a very good category. The teacher's ability in making HOTS questions in the first cycle the average score was 80.76 in the good category, while the teacher's ability in making HOTS questions in the second cycle the average score was 96.92 with the very good category. So it was concluded that carrying out KKG activities was effective in increasing the ability of teachers to make HOTS questions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-120
M Zaiyar ◽  
Irfan Rusmar

Creative thinking skills one of the important aspects that must be possessed by students' mathematical thinking skills to connect mathematical concepts as well as the development of thinking processes in solving mathematical problems. The purposes of this research are to determine the level of students' creative thinking skills in solving Higher-Order Thinking questions and to investigate the students' creative thinking skills in solving Higher Order Thinking Questions. This research employed the descriptive qualitative method with 28 students who have passed the Calculus subjects the samples of the research determined through nonprobability sampling. The data were collected through tests and interviews. The research discovered that the average score obtained was 38.43%, specifically35.71%of the students were at the very creative level, 50% of the students were at the creative level, and 14, 29% of the students were at the fairly creative level. Students' creative thinking skills were lacking in creativeness and detail indicators. They were not able to solve problems properly and correctly. The fluency and flexibility indicators were in a good category. So, it can be concluded that the level of students’ creative-thinking skills in solving the Higher-Order Thinking Skills problems was at the creative level. 

Yusnadi Yusnadi ◽  
Rosdiana Rosdiana ◽  
Anifah Anifah

This research aims at generating: (1) the procedure of teaching material development (handbook) for the principles of nonformal education based on higher order thinking skills on the subject of population and education goals non formal education, and (2) the teaching materials for the principle of nonformal education based on higher order thinking skills on the Subject of Population and education goals that was valid to be used in learning process. With this purpose, the research was conducted using research and development methods. This research was held for 3 months at the Faculty of Education, Medan State University. The data was collected through a survey that was constructed by the appraisement of teaching materials for the principles of nonformal education based on higher order thinking skills from validator experts, language experts, instructional experts and students. The data was analyzed using descriptive-quantitative approach. The results of this research were (1) the procedure of teaching material development for the principles of nonformal education based on higher order thinking skills were valid to be used, and (2) The teaching materials of the principles of nonformal education were valid to be used in learning process for the subject of the principles of nonformal education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Fridgo Tasman

The result of 2015 PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) test which placed Indonesia in the 65th position of 72 countries showed the importance to improve the level of students thinking ability. There are many ways to improve the students’ thinking. One way to do that is by giving the students drill to solve higher order thinking problems. However, this solution is difficult to implement because designing HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) problem is difficult for the teachers. Therefore, 20 junior high school mathematics teaches ware selected in order to give them training and workshop to improve their ability to design higher order thinking skills using action research methods. Three stages ware implemented in this training and workshop. First, introduction to HOTS, Second, designing HOTS Problems, and third, trying out and evaluating the test result. Product of the workshop are 30 mathematical problems in certain topic in which 15 of them are HOTS problems. To measure the effectiveness of the training and workshop, the result of pre-test and posttest were compared. Based on the data analysis, there was an increase of the ability of mathematics junior high school teachers to design problems to assess the higher order thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Lintang Permatasari

The research aims to improve the ability of students insolving problems based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) subjects Mathematics material bangun ruang sisi datar with the use of learning models Team Assisted Individualization (TAI).  This research uses the Research method Classroom Action (CAR) with two cycles, where each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data analysis using the percentage formula, if completeness is ≥ 85%, the cycle is terminated sign that the research has been successful.  Based on research that has been done, obtained the increase in students completeness from the pre cycle results was 19.4%, in the first cycle amounted to 77.4%, and in the second cycle of 89.7%.  This shows that the use of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning model can improve the ability to solve questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) subject mathematics material to bangun ruang sisi datar in students VIII grade of SMP Negeri 1 Juwangi in the academic year 2019/2020.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-342
Pian Suci Sopiani ◽  
Iskhak Said ◽  
Ratnawati .

This study deals with the students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in writing skill. This case study was aimed at figuring out the students use HOTS in writing, figuring out the kinds of the students’ HOTS in writing will be evident in writing, and figuring out the students’ responses on using HOTS in writing. The subject of this study was 21 students at the eleventh grade of a Senior High School in Banjar. Two research instruments used were the essay written test and the questionnaire. To assess the research instruments, the writer combined and synchronized the results by using triangulation analysis as adapted from Fraenkel et al. (2012, p. 559). The findings showed that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) were used by the students in learning writing. The findings also showed that the kinds of the students’ HOTS were evident that they improved their writing without any treatment. The findings also showed that there were some benefits of using HOTS in writing according to the students’ responses. 

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