scholarly journals The Roles of Two Distinct Regions of PINCH-1 in the Regulation of Cell Attachment and Spreading

2010 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 4120-4129 ◽  
Satoko Ito ◽  
Yuko Takahara ◽  
Toshinori Hyodo ◽  
Hitoki Hasegawa ◽  
Eri Asano ◽  

Cells attach to the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrins to form focal adhesion complexes, and this process is followed by the extension of lamellipodia to enable cell spreading. PINCH-1, an adaptor protein essential for the regulation of cell–ECM adhesion, consists of five tandem LIM domains and a small C-terminal region. PINCH-1 is known to interact with integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and Ras suppressor protein 1 (Rsu-1); however, the precise mechanism by which this complex regulates cell–ECM adhesion is not fully understood. We report here that the LIM1 domain of PINCH-1, which associates with ILK to stabilize the expression of this protein, is sufficient for cell attachment but not for cell spreading. In contrast, the C-terminal region of PINCH-1, which binds to Rsu-1, plays a pivotal role in cell spreading but not in cell attachment. We also show that PINCH-1 associates with Rsu-1 to activate Rac1 and that Rac1 activation is necessary for cell spreading. Thus, these data reveal how specific domains of PINCH-1 direct two independent pathways: one utilizing ILK to allow cell attachment, and the other recruiting Rsu-1 to activate Rac1 in order to promote cell spreading.

1995 ◽  
Vol 108 (12) ◽  
pp. 3807-3816 ◽  
H. Ernst ◽  
M.K. Zanin ◽  
D. Everman ◽  
S. Hoffman

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans inhibit the adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix proteins that otherwise permit adhesion. Although proteoglycans are widely assumed to act by masking the other protein in a mixed substrate, recent studies suggest that proteoglycans inhibit adhesion through mechanisms initiated by their binding to specific cell surface receptors. To explore this issue, we developed a purification scheme to isolate proteoglycan aggregates, monomers, and core proteins. Two distinct adhesion assays were used to study the interaction of these proteoglycan preparations with human foreskin fibroblasts: the gravity assay in which cell attachment is stabilized by cell spreading, and the centrifugation assay in which spreading does not play a role. All proteoglycan preparations mediate adhesion in the centrifugation assay but not in the gravity assay. In the centrifugation assay, proteoglycan aggregates and monomers are considerably more active than other extracellular matrix proteins while proteoglycan core proteins are at least as active as other extracellular matrix proteins. Proteoglycan core proteins bind to cell-associated hyaluronic acid, but not to integrins. Using mixed substrates in the gravity assay, all proteoglycan preparations inhibited cell attachment to fibronectin and vitronectin but not to collagen I and laminin. Although proteoglycan aggregates and monomers are more active than core proteins in inhibiting adhesion in the gravity assay, core proteins are still clearly active. A variety of control experiments suggest that the inhibition of cell attachment by proteoglycans is mediated through the specific interactions of proteoglycans with cell surface receptors, resulting in the inhibition of cell spreading. These results suggest at least two molecular mechanisms for proteoglycan-fibroblast interactions, one involving the chondroitin sulfate on the proteoglycan and an as yet unidentified receptor, the other involving the proteoglycan core protein and cell-associated hyaluronic acid.

1999 ◽  
Vol 112 (24) ◽  
pp. 4485-4489 ◽  
C. Wu

Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is a focal adhesion serine/threonine protein kinase that is emerging as a key signaling protein functioning at one of the early convergence points of integrin- and growth factor-signaling pathways. ILK binds to PINCH through the N-terminal ankyrin (ANK) repeat domain and the PINCH binding is crucial for focal adhesion localization of ILK. The ILK-PINCH interaction also connects ILK to Nck-2, an SH2-SH3-containing adaptor protein that interacts with components of growth factor and small GTPase signaling pathways. The kinase activity of ILK is regulated by both cell adhesion and growth factors in a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent manner. ILK phosphorylates downstream targets such as protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) and regulates their activities. Overexpression of ILK in epithelial cells leads to striking morphological changes mimicking epithelial-mesenchymal transition, including upregulation of integrin-mediated fibronectin matrix assembly and downregulation of cell-cell adhesions. Furthermore, ILK regulates nuclear translocation of (beta)-catenin and gene expression, and promotes cell cycle progression and tumor formation. Recent genetic studies in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans have shown that lack of expression of ILK or PINCH results in phenotypes resembling those of integrin-null mutants, which demonstrates that ILK and PINCH are indispensable for integrin function during embryonic development.

2017 ◽  
Vol 216 (11) ◽  
pp. 3785-3798 ◽  
Ralph T. Böttcher ◽  
Maik Veelders ◽  
Pascaline Rombaut ◽  
Jan Faix ◽  
Marina Theodosiou ◽  

Cell spreading requires the coupling of actin-driven membrane protrusion and integrin-mediated adhesion to the extracellular matrix. The integrin-activating adaptor protein kindlin-2 plays a central role for cell adhesion and membrane protrusion by directly binding and recruiting paxillin to nascent adhesions. Here, we report that kindlin-2 has a dual role during initial cell spreading: it binds paxillin via the pleckstrin homology and F0 domains to activate Rac1, and it directly associates with the Arp2/3 complex to induce Rac1-mediated membrane protrusions. Consistently, abrogation of kindlin-2 binding to Arp2/3 impairs lamellipodia formation and cell spreading. Our findings identify kindlin-2 as a key protein that couples cell adhesion by activating integrins and the induction of membrane protrusions by activating Rac1 and supplying Rac1 with the Arp2/3 complex.

2005 ◽  
Vol 393 (2) ◽  
pp. 565-573 ◽  
Ramon Wade ◽  
Scott Vande Pol

Tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK (focal adhesion kinase) regulates signalling that results from the interaction of integrins with extracellular matrix and growth factor receptors. A critical step in this process is the phosphorylation of Tyr397 of FAK, which creates a binding site for Src family kinases, PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) and Shc (Src homology and collagen homology). An intact Tyr397 site is required for FAK-mediated regulation of cell migration, survival signals and full responsiveness to soluble growth factors. We showed previously that the adaptor protein paxillin is required for the overall tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK in embryonic stem cells [Wade, Bohl and Vande Pol (2002) Oncogene 21, 96–107]. In the present paper, we identify the minimal structural features of paxillin that are required to support overall FAK tyrosine phosphorylation and Tyr397 phosphorylation. Paxillin contains N-terminal leucine-rich LD motifs that bind directly to FAK and four LIM (Lin-11, Isl-1 and Mec-3) domains in the C-terminus. We show that paxillin LIM domains 1, 2 and 3 are each required for FAK tyrosine phosphorylation, while LIM4 is dispensable. In addition to paxillin LIM domains 1, 2 and 3, a single LD motif on paxillin is required to support FAK tyrosine phosphorylation in embryonic stem cells. Both sequence and spatial requirements exist for LD motifs to support FAK tyrosine phosphorylation. Interestingly, synthetic LD motifs that fail to bind FAK in vitro are able to fully support FAK tyrosine phosphorylation, indicating that minimal interactions of LD motifs with FAK suffice. Our results demonstrate at least four distinct structural domains of paxillin support at least three distinct functions that are each required for FAK tyrosine phosphorylation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 2345-2365 ◽  
Ulrich Hermanto ◽  
Cong S. Zong ◽  
Weiqun Li ◽  
Lu-Hai Wang

ABSTRACT The insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor (IGF-IR) is known to regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell proliferation, cell survival, cell differentiation, and cell transformation. IRS-1 and Shc, substrates of the IGF-IR, are known to mediate IGF-IR signaling pathways such as those of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), which are believed to play important roles in some of the IGF-IR-dependent biological functions. We used the cytoplasmic domain of IGF-IR in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap to identify IGF-IR-interacting molecules that may potentially mediate IGF-IR-regulated functions. We identified RACK1, a WD repeat family member and a Gβ homologue, and demonstrated that RACK1 interacts with the IGF-IR but not with the closely related insulin receptor (IR). In several types of mammalian cells, RACK1 interacted with IGF-IR, protein kinase C, and β1 integrin in response to IGF-I and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation. Whereas most of RACK1 resides in the cytoskeletal compartment of the cytoplasm, transformation of fibroblasts and epithelial cells by v-Src, oncogenic IR or oncogenic IGF-IR, but not by Ros or Ras, resulted in a significantly increased association of RACK1 with the membrane. We examined the role of RACK1 in IGF-IR-mediated functions by stably overexpressing RACK1 in NIH 3T3 cells that expressed an elevated level of IGF-IR. RACK1 overexpression resulted in reduced IGF-I-induced cell growth in both anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent conditions. Overexpression of RACK1 also led to enhanced cell spreading, increased stress fibers, and increased focal adhesions, which were accompanied by increased tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. While IGF-I-induced activation of IRS-1, Shc, PI3K, and MAPK pathways was unaffected, IGF-I-inducible β1 integrin-associated kinase activity and association of Crk with p130CAS were significantly inhibited by RACK1 overexpression. In RACK1-overexpressing cells, delayed cell cycle progression in G1 or G1/S was correlated with retinoblastoma protein hypophophorylation, increased levels of p21Cip1/WAF1 and p27Kip1, and reduced IGF-I-inducible Cdk2 activity. Reduction of RACK1 protein expression by antisense oligonucleotides prevented cell spreading and suppressed IGF-I-dependent monolayer growth. Our data suggest that RACK1 is a novel IGF-IR signaling molecule that functions as a positive mediator of cell spreading and contact with extracellular matrix, possibly through a novel IGF-IR signaling pathway involving integrin and focal adhesion signaling molecules.

2002 ◽  
Vol 115 (10) ◽  
pp. 2151-2163 ◽  
Marie-Hélène Disatnik ◽  
Stéphane C. Boutet ◽  
Christine H. Lee ◽  
Daria Mochly-Rosen ◽  
Thomas A. Rando

To understand how muscle cell spreading and survival are mediated by integrins, we studied the signaling events initiated by the attachment of muscle cells to fibronectin (FN). We have previously demonstrated that muscle cell spreading on FN is mediated by α5β1 integrin, is associated with rapid phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and is dependent on activation of protein kinase C (PKC). Here we investigated the role of individual PKC isozymes in these cellular processes. We show that α,δ and ϵPKC are expressed in muscle cells and are activated upon integrin engagement with different kinetics — ϵPKC was activated early, whereas α and δPKC were activated later. Using isozyme-specific inhibitors, we found that the activation of ϵPKC was necessary for cell attachment to FN. However, using isozyme-specific activators, we found that activation of each of three isozymes was sufficient to promote the spreading of α5-integrin-deficient cells on FN. To investigate further the mechanism by which integrin signaling and PKC activation mediate cell spreading, we studied the effects of these processes on MARCKS, a substrate of PKC and a protein known to regulate actin dynamics. We found that MARCKS was localized to focal adhesion sites soon after cell adhesion and that MARCKS translocated from the membrane to the cytosol during the process of cell spreading. This translocation correlated with different phases of PKC activation and with reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Using MARCKS-antisense cDNA, we show that α5-expressing cells in which MARCKS expression is inhibited fail to spread on FN, providing evidence for the crucial role of MARCKS in muscle cell spreading. Together, the data suggest a model in which early activation of ϵPKC is necessary for cell attachment; the later activation of α or δPKC may be necessary for the progression from attachment to spreading. The mechanism of PKC-mediated cell spreading may be via the phosphorylation of signaling proteins, such as MARCKS, that are involved in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.

1999 ◽  
Vol 112 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-190 ◽  
S.M. Thomas ◽  
M. Hagel ◽  
C.E. Turner

Paxillin is a focal adhesion scaffolding protein which was originally identified as a substrate of the oncogenic tyrosine kinase, v-src. Paxillin has been proposed to be involved in regulation of focal adhesion dynamics. Two alternatively spliced mouse paxillin cDNAs were cloned and in the process, a paxillin-related protein, Hic-5, was also identified. Cloning and characterization of Hic-5 indicates that this protein shares extensive homology with paxillin. Although Hic-5 was originally characterized as a TGF-beta-inducible gene and proposed to be a transcription factor involved in senescence, the studies here demonstrate that Hic-5 is localized to focal adhesion in REF52 cells and can interact with the focal adhesion proteins, Fak, Frnk, and vinculin. In addition, like paxillin, Hic-5 can bind to a negative regulator of Src PTKs, csk but does not bind to the adaptor protein Crk. Like paxillin, localization of this protein to focal adhesions is mediated primarily by the LIM domains; however, sequences outside the LIM domains also play a minor role in focal adhesion targeting. These results suggest that Hic-5 like paxillin could be involved in regulation of focal adhesion dynamics and raise the possibility that Hic-5 and paxillin could have overlapping or opposing functions in the overall regulation of cell growth and differentiation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 293 (3) ◽  
pp. H1978-H1986 ◽  
Charles S. Wallace ◽  
Sophie A. Strike ◽  
George A. Truskey

Efforts to develop functional tissue-engineered blood vessels have focused on improving the strength and mechanical properties of the vessel wall, while the functional status of the endothelium within these vessels has received less attention. Endothelial cell (EC) function is influenced by interactions between its basal surface and the underlying extracellular matrix. In this study, we utilized a coculture model of a tissue-engineered blood vessel to evaluate EC attachment, spreading, and adhesion formation to the extracellular matrix on the surface of quiescent smooth muscle cells (SMCs). ECs attached to and spread on SMCs primarily through the α5β1-integrin complex, whereas ECs used either α5β1- or αvβ3-integrin to spread on fibronectin (FN) adsorbed to plastic. ECs in coculture lacked focal adhesions, but EC α5β1-integrin bound to fibrillar FN on the SMC surface, promoting rapid fibrillar adhesion formation. As assessed by both Western blot analysis and quantitative real-time RT-PCR, coculture suppressed the expression of focal adhesion proteins and mRNA, whereas tensin protein and mRNA expression were elevated. When attached to polyacrylamide gels with similar elastic moduli as SMCs, focal adhesion formation and the rate of cell spreading increased relative to ECs in coculture. Thus, the elastic properties are only one factor contributing to EC spreading and focal adhesion formation in coculture. The results suggest that the softness of the SMCs and the fibrillar organization of FN inhibit focal adhesions and reduce cell spreading while promoting fibrillar adhesion formation. These changes in the type of adhesions may alter EC signaling pathways in tissue-engineered blood vessels.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 622-635 ◽  
Whitney M. Cleghorn ◽  
Kevin M. Branch ◽  
Seunghyi Kook ◽  
Christopher Arnette ◽  
Nada Bulus ◽  

Focal adhesions (FAs) play a key role in cell attachment, and their timely disassembly is required for cell motility. Both microtubule-dependent targeting and recruitment of clathrin are critical for FA disassembly. Here we identify nonvisual arrestins as molecular links between microtubules and clathrin. Cells lacking both nonvisual arrestins showed excessive spreading on fibronectin and poly-d-lysine, increased adhesion, and reduced motility. The absence of arrestins greatly increases the size and lifespan of FAs, indicating that arrestins are necessary for rapid FA turnover. In nocodazole washout assays, FAs in arrestin-deficient cells were unresponsive to disassociation or regrowth of microtubules, suggesting that arrestins are necessary for microtubule targeting–dependent FA disassembly. Clathrin exhibited decreased dynamics near FA in arrestin-deficient cells. In contrast to wild-type arrestins, mutants deficient in clathrin binding did not rescue the phenotype. Collectively the data indicate that arrestins are key regulators of FA disassembly linking microtubules and clathrin.

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