Origins of British India

Tirthankar Roy

The origin of British India can be traced to warfare in 18th-century Europe and India, trade-related conflicts and disputes, and the East India Company’s business model. The state that emerged from these roots survived by reforming the institutions of capitalism, military strategy, and political strategy. As the 19th century unfolded and its power became paramount, the Company evolved from a trading firm to a protector of trade. The rapid growth of the three port cities where Indo-European trade and naval power was concentrated exemplifies that commitment. But beyond maintaining an army and protecting trade routes, the state remained limited in its reach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 135-196
Piotr Dymmel

Autor zajmuje się planami Lublina, które przedstawiają cały obszar miasta w historycznym rozwoju. Plany Lublina nie tworzą dziś zwartego zbioru zgromadzonego w jednym miejscu. Ze względu na swoje funkcje, czas i okoliczności powstania, a także postać fizyczną są rozproszone zarówno w sensie przestrzennym, jak i instytucjonalnym. Najwięcej zabytków kartograficznych, przedstawiających obszar Lublina, zachowało się w archiwach państwowych w Polsce, z kolei spośród nich największy zbiór posiada Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie. Sytuacja ta wynika zasadniczo z urzędowego charakteru tych materiałów, które od początku XIX w. były tworzone głównie dla potrzeb władz i urzędów państwowych oraz miejskich w ramach pełnionych przez nie funkcji. Powstawały one przy okazji dokumentowania różnych czynności, związanych ze zmianami własnościowymi, projektowaniem budowlanym, planowaniem urbanistycznym i zagospodarowaniem przestrzennym. Wiedza na ich temat jest niepełna, co powoduje, że stan rozpoznania i zinwentaryzowania lubelskich planów nie jest jeszcze kompletny. W Archiwum Państwowym w Lublinie jest przechowywanych około 50 planów przedstawiających całą przestrzeń Lublina. Pochodzą one z okresu prawie dwóch stuleci, od końca XVIII do połowy XX w. Plany znajdują się w różnych zespołach archiwalnych, występują w postaci kolekcji tworzonej przez pojedyncze zabytki kartograficzne lub znajdują się w ramach poszczególnych zespołów, jako dokumentacja spraw tworzona w wyniku działalności urzędów. Rozproszenie materiałów kartograficznych powoduje w konsekwencji potrzebę ich rozpoznania i opisania. Zadaniem autora jest wykonanie prac podstawowych związanych z poszukiwaniem i rejestracją oraz analizą i opisem zachowanych zabytków kartograficznych. Historical Maps of Lublin in the Collection of the State Archives in Lublin Part I: the Area of the Entire City The author discusses the maps of Lublin that present the entire area of the city in historical development. Today, the maps of Lublin do not form a coherent collection gathered in one place: on account of their functions, time, and the circumstances of their creation and also of their physical form they are dispersed, both in the spatial and institutional sense. Most of cartographic relics representing the area of Lublin are preserved in the State Archives all over Poland; the greatest collection is in turn stored in the State Archive in Lublin. This situation stems mainly from the official character of these materials which, from the beginning or the 19th century, were created generally for the needs of the authorities and state and city offices as part of their functions. They were created alongside with the documentation of various activities connected with, inter alia, changes of ownerships, construction design, urban planning, and spatial development. The knowledge on their subject is not complete – consequently, the state of identification and inventory of Lublin map is not yet complete. In the State Archive in Lublin about 50 maps representing the entire area of Lublin are stored. They come from the period of almost two centuries, from the late 18th century to the mid-20th century. The maps are kept in various archival fonds, they appear in the form of collections created by single, cartographic pieces or are within particular fonds as the documentation of cases created as a result of the activity of the offices. Consequently, the dispersion of cartographic materials necessitates their identification and description. The author’s task is to carry out the basic work connected with the search, registration, analysis, and description of the preserved cartographic materials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Natakia S. Kharina ◽  

The study of various aspects of the Russian Orthodox Church history continues to be significant and relevant in modern science. From the second half of 15th – beginning of 16th centuries, we can speak about the emergence of two issues that will become the major touch points of Church and State. The strengthening of the absolute monarchy in the 18th century leads to the emergence of a new bureaucratic system in the state administration. These changes will inevitably affect the Tobolsk Bishop's house, and the conditions which it was placed in after 1764 led to changes in the principles of its organization and a significant restructuring. Therefore, the research objective is to redesign the process of socio-economic, political and cultural development of the Tobolsk Bishop's house in the 19th century. Various types of sources were used for the study: legislative and regulatory acts, published and archived materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Documents of management and record keeping of the Tobolsk Bishop's house occupy a special place, in particular the materials of the General paperwork management of Church institutions: ordinances, regulations, correspondence materials of local ecclesial authorities, reports of Siberian metropolitans to the Synod, etc. The study approach and methodological tools made it possible to achieve the goal and solve the research problems. The study shows that after the reform of 1764, the Tobolsk Bishop's house lost its former land holdings for a certain period, and like other diocesan departments, it was transferred to the state allowance. Diocese abolition to the episcopate, which deprived the former political influence, certainly had negative features. However, in the 19th century, there can be seen a gradual way out of the situation and the former possessions and property return, which to some extent allows to return to the former position of a large feudal lord of Western Siberia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 39-54
Jan Pacholski

The Prussian Giant Mountains — some remarks about the ideologisation of Silesia’s highest mountains during the flourishing of mass tourismThe author of the article examines the beginnings of the national or, more broadly, state ideologisation of the mountains, using as an example Karkonosze or the Giant Mountains, which undoubtedly come to the fore in the case of the popularisation of mountain tourism. Already in the second half of the 18th century a chapel dedicated to St. Lawrence was built on the summit of Śnieżka, becoming straight away a pilgrimage destination and launching tourism in this mountain range. Just as quickly the Giant Mountains were ideologised as border mountains unique in the state to which it partially belonged — the Kingdom of Prussia. Authors describing Silesia’s highest peaks in the Enlightenment period including J.T. Volkmar, J.E. Troschel, E.F. Buquoi and J.Ch.F. GutsMuths did refer to Swiss models, yet they showed the Giant Mountains as the highest range in Silesia and Prussia, stressing the exceptional role and nature of this mountain range. Throughout the 19th century the ideological appropriation of the Sudetes’ highest range continued, acquiring in the early 20th century a virtually grotesque dimension, a manifestation of which was the equation of the Spirit of the Mountains with the ancient pan-Germanic god Wotan, known from old tales and poems and, more recently, from Richard Wagner’s music dramas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 163-182
Jerzy Łojko

Nekrologi klasztorne to cenne źródła historyczne, w których jak w syntezie przedstawione są dzieje niejednego opactwa oraz jego powiązania klientarne i modlitewne. Renesans badań nad tego rodzaju źródłami, inspirowany dokonaniami niemieckiej szkoły prof. Tellebacha oraz pracami edytorskimi „Monumenta Poloniae Historica” (Z. Kozłowska Budkowa, K. Jasiński, K. Maleczyński) oraz nowszymi publikacjami (K. Oliński, K. Witkowski) skłania, by wreszcie zainteresować się licznymi obituarzami powstałymi przeważnie w XVIII stuleciu. Autor powyższego artykułu poddał szczegółowej analizie nekrologi wielkopolskiego klasztoru cysterskiego w Bledzewie (koło Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego) oraz rękopiśmienne księgi profesji, publikowane schematyzmu zakonne, diecezjalne i inne źródła, które zawierają informacje ułatwiające stworzenie komentarza krytycznego oraz umożliwiających wyjaśnienie procesu powstawania nekrologu oraz jego nawarstwiania się. Nekrolog bledzewski ukazuje powiązania cystersów bledzewskich w ramach przypisanej mu linii filiacyjnej, zakonu w ramach prowincji i państwa. Cenne są wpisy cystersów z niemieckiego opactwa Zinna, którego konwent w części przeniósł się do klasztorów polskich. Interesujące są także związki z bernardynami z Poznania, Sierakowa, Wschowy, karmelitami z Poznania i innymi konwentami. Publikowany tekst ukazuje różnorakie aspekty badawcze związane ze źródłami historycznymi tego typu. On the Cistercian Obituaries from Greater Poland as Sources to Conduct Research on the Composition of Order Bodies at the Turn of the 19th Century Monastic obituaries are a valuable historical source. They almost synthesize the histories of many abbeys, by presenting their clientelism and prayer relations. The revival of the studies on this particular source, inspired by the achievements of the school of professor Tellebach, the editorial work of Monumenra Poloniae Historica (Z. Kozłowska Budkowa, K. Jasiński, K. Maleczyński) and the most recent publications (K. Oliński, K. Witkowski) are an inspiration to finally take interest in numerous obituaries, which, in majority, were written in the 18th century. The author of this article profoundly analyzed the obituaries from the Cistercian monastery in Bledzew (near Gorzów Wielkopolski) and the hand-written books on the profession, published monastic and diocesan schemes, and other resources comprising information which makes it possible to create a critical commentary and to explain the process of creating an obituary and its accumulation. The Bledzew obituary demonstrates e. g. relations between Cistercians in the descendancy line and relations between the order, the province and the state. Entries written by Cistercians from the German abbey, Zinna, whose bodies partially moved to Poland are particularly valuable. Relationship between them and the Order of St. Bernard from Poznań, Sieraków, Wschowa, Poznań Caramelites and other orders are also interesting. This text presents various research aspects related to this particular type of historical resource.

2018 ◽  
pp. 892-901
Dmitry V. Vasilyev ◽  

The article reviews major groups of sources on the administration policy of the Russian Empire in the Kazakh steppe in the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th century. Acts of law and legislative drafts make up the first group. Materials of the Asian and the Siberian Committees, supreme bodies directly involved in imperial policy-making in the Kazakh steppe, form the second group. Official correspondence (dispatches, official reports, statements, official notes, directions, and letters) of the major regional and central authorities that concern the carrying out the state policy in the southeast periphery are included in the third group. Studying laws, bills, and supporting materials allows not just to highlight changes in governmental views over time, but also to understand basic principles underlying state policies. Legislation concerning the Kazakh steppe was deposited in the archives of the State Council, the Governing Senate, the Committee of Ministers, the Asian Committee, the Siberian Committee, the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some pertinent materials can be found in papers of the Siberian Prikaz and, in some measure, of the Ambassadorial Prikaz: they contain documents on the establishment of diplomatic and trade relations with the Kazakhs. Fonds of the governing bodies of the Russian Empire store unpublished legislation and documents on the legislative process (drafts, materials for their discussion, etc.), correspondence of high-ranking officials with regional administration and traditional Kazakh elite. Some legal documents of imperial lawmaking are deposited in archival fonds of central governing bodies – the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of War. A sizeable portion of materials on discussions of legislative drafts is stored in regional archives, in fonds of local (regional) administrative agencies (boards, offices of military governors and governor generals) and in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Halyna Karpinchuk

The article explores the genealogy of Shevchenko’s mother Kateryna Boyko based on archival materials of the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv, the State Archive of Kyiv Region and the State Archive of Cherkasy Region. The author investigated this family tree starting from the end of the 18th century and until 1859, when Shevchenko visited Ukraine for the last time. In particular, the history of the poet’s family in connection with his grandfather Omelian Boyko was analyzed. The assumption that family line of Shevchenko’s mother originates from Carpathian rebel and contemporary of Oleksa Dovbush Ivan Boyko was rejected. Some details about the closest relatives of T. Shevchenko, namely his uncle Pavlo, aunts Dariya, Yevdokiya and Anna, have been clarified. Information about two unknown writer’s aunts Varvara and Motria has been found. The assertion that the mother’s family line lacked descendants was refuted. The surnames in marriage of the five Shevchenko’s aunts, having maiden surname Boyko, have been determined. They were Varvara Kryvenko, Motria Zavaliy, Dariya Diachenko, Yevdokiya Diadenko, Hanna Shkurup. By now we have information about forty nine poet’s cousins, seventy four nephews and three great-grandchildren of his aunts. The comprehensive analysis of the archival materials allows the researcher to deny the existence of Ahafiya Yakymivna Boyko, the alleged poet’s mother according to some media reports. The article also refers to the administrative structure, nature and geography of the village Moryntsi in the first half of the 19th century. The life of Ukrainian peasants is discribed based on the story “Kniahynia” (“Princess”) by T. Shevchenko as well as archival documents and research works by V. Hrabovetskyi, V. Orlyk, L. Pohylevych, O. Stepanyshyna.

M. V. Loskutova ◽  
A. A. Fedotova

Based on published and archival sources, the paper considers the transformations in Russian legislation and administrative policies on forest beekeeping (harvesting honey from owned or tended nests in forests) in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It demonstrates how in the course of the eighteenth century, the ownership of bee nests started violating the concept of absolute private property over forests, which was increasingly incompatible with the rights of other individuals to exploit natural resources on the same territory. From the early decades of the 19th century, borders were gradually demarcated between forested areas belonging to the state and private owners, and between the state forests and those designated for the use of state peasants. This process made possible to exercise the concept of absolute private property over forests in practice. These changes in legislation and the forest cadastre were closely linked to the making of ‘forestry science’ that developed in the late 18th century under the influence of a growing demand for timber needed for the navies and merchant fleets of all European states. The precepts of ‘forestry science’ were dictated by its objective to maximise profits by focusing on the production of commercially valuable sorts of timber. By the early 19th century, this logic prompted the forest administration of the Russian empire to start contemplating measures that would obstruct any alternative forms of forest exploitation, such as harvesting honey from tended trees. The paper considers in details the tightening of administrative regulations in this area, as imposed by the Ministry of State Domains that reached its peak in the Great Reforms era, and analyses the mechanisms that translated these general causes at work into specific policies.

1978 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-107 ◽  
Albert O. Hirschman

The possibility and widespread practice of exit, on the part of dissatisfied citizens, has important, though highly diverse, bearings on the formation, solidity, and “quality” of the state. An association exists between the wide availability of exit and the condition of statelessness in a number of aboriginal societies as well as in Rousseau's state of nature. In the 18th century, the exit option—which became available to the wealthy as movable forms of property increased in importance—was hailed by such observers as Montesquieu and Adam Smith as a restraint on arbitrary rule or taxation. Today, on the other hand, such exit (capital flight) tends to render the introduction of needed reforms more difficult. Emigration-exit was benign in its effect on the sending countries in the 19th century and may have been helpful to the process of democratization in Europe. Lately, however, exit has been considered a threat to the existence of the state and has led to strong, though very different, defensive reactions in Ireland and East Germany. The small modern state can fend off excessive exit by providing a variety of public goods to its citizens; one of these public goods is “understood complexity.”

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 182-187
Vlastimil Kolda

The members of the Zink family ran a bookbinding workshop in České Budějovice for 140 years. From the activities of the two last bookbinding masters, two accounting books with records for the years 1788–1804 and 1817–1868 have been preserved. These books are unique sources on the clientele of the bookbinding workshop, the volume of the bookbinding work performed and the amount of the prices charged for it. After more than two centuries, they make it possible to identify the authors of book bindings of a number of official books preserved in the collections of the state district archives in České Budějovice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Marek Maciejewski

The origin of universities reaches the period of Ancient Greece when philosophy (sophists, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, stoics and others) – the “Queen of sciences”, and the first institutions of higher education (among others, Plato’s Academy, Cassiodorus’ Vivarium, gymnasia) came into existence. Even before the new era, schools having the nature of universities existed also beyond European borders, including those in China and India. In the early Middle Ages, those types of schools functioned in Northern Africa and in the Near East (Baghdad, Cairo, Constantinople, cities of Southern Spain). The first university in the full meaning of the word was founded at the end of the 11th century in Bologna. It was based on a two-tiered education cycle. Following its creation, soon new universities – at first – in Italy, then (in the 12th and 13th century) in other European cities – were established. The author of the article describes their modes of operation, the methods of conducting research and organizing students’ education, the existing student traditions and customs. From the very beginning of the universities’ existence the study of law was part of their curricula, based primarily on the teaching of Roman law and – with time – the canon law. The rise of universities can be dated from the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modernity. In the 17th and 18th century they underwent a crisis which was successfully overcome at the end of the 19th century and throughout the following one.

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