How to Choose the Right Supplier

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-49
Paul Taylor

Abstract All organisations employ third-party suppliers, which means supplier selection is now a key organisational capability, writes Paul Taylor MBCS, author, speaker and mentor. To effectively select the right partners, follow this ‘four lensed’ approach.

Chen Lei

This chapter examines the position of third party beneficiaries in Chinese law. Article 64 of the Chinese Contract Law states that where a contract for the benefit of a third party is breached, the debtor is liable to the creditor. The author regards this as leaving unanswered the question of whether the thirdparty has a right of direct action against the debtor. One view regards the third party as having the right to sue for the benefit although this right was ultimately excluded from the law. Another view, supported by the Supreme People’s Court, is that Article 64 does not provide a right of action for a third party and merely prescribes performance in ‘incidental’ third party contracts. The third view is that there is a third party right of action in cases of ‘genuine’ third party contracts but courts are unlikely to recognize a third party action where the contract merely purports to confer a benefit on the third party.

Ly Tayseng

This chapter gives an overview of the law on contract formation and third party beneficiaries in Cambodia. Much of the discussion is tentative since the new Cambodian Civil Code only entered into force from 21 December 2011 and there is little case law and academic writing fleshing out its provisions. The Code owes much to the Japanese Civil Code of 1898 and, like the latter, does not have a requirement of consideration and seldom imposes formal requirements but there are a few statutory exceptions from the principle of freedom from form. For a binding contract, the agreement of the parties is required and the offer must be made with the intention to create a legally binding obligation and becomes effective once it reaches the offeree. The new Code explicitly provides that the parties to the contract may agree to confer a right arising under the contract upon a third party. This right accrues directly from their agreement; it is not required that the third party declare its intention to accept the right.

2021 ◽  
pp. 375-394
Aneta Suchoń

The article aimed to determine whether the legal regulations in the field of the statutory and contractual pre-emption right of a tenant of agricultural real estate provide adequate protection to dependent owners in terms of the possibility of acquiring such land and conducting business activity on it. Secondly, the paper indicated legal problems related to statutory and contractual pre-emption right of a tenant of agricultural real estate and suggested how those problems could be handled. In the beginning, the considerations focused on the statutory pre-emption right for agricultural real estate. It referred to a subjective and objective scope of the right in question, and an attempt was made to determine whether the leased land can be sold to a third party due to the obligation to run a farm in person (only the sale contract allows for exercising the pre-emptive right). Failure to perform the indicated obligations might result in the case being referred to the court by the National Center for Agricultural Support. The second part of the article discussed the contractual pre-emption right for agricultural real estate. The author pointed out the possible concurrence of the statutory pre-emption right of the National Support Centre for Agriculture and the contractual pre-emption right of the lessee. The paper also referred to the problems related to implementing this right due to the requirements that the buyer must meet. In summary, the author, among other things, pointed out the fact that the importance of the statutory pre-emption right of the tenant of agricultural real estate had been diminishing over the years. The position of the lessee of agricultural land in terms of purchasing agricultural land is weakening. Currently, in practice, tenants may rarely use the pre-emption right. The author proposed the introduction of a provision to the Act on Shaping the Agricultural System on an additional consent of the National Support Centre for Agriculture for the sale of real estate under a lease.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Dija Hedistira ◽  
' Pujiyono

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims to analyze the ownership and mastery of a fiduciary collateral object, in cases that often occur today, many disputes between creditors and debtors in fiduciary collateral agreements are caused because creditors assume that with executive rights as fiduciary recipients, the fiduciary collateral object legally owned by creditors and creditors the right to take and sell fiduciary collateral objects when the debtor defaults unilaterally, as well as the debtor who considers that the fiduciary collateral object is owned by him because the object is registered on his name, so that the debtor can use the object free as  giving to a third party or selling the object of fiduciary guarantee unilaterally. the author uses a normative <br />juridical approach, and deductive analysis method based on the Civil Code and fiduciary law applicable in Indonesia, Law No. 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees. The conclusion of the discussion is the ownership of the object of the Fiduciary Guarantee is owned by the debtor in accordance with the Law, mastery of the object of collateral controlled by the debtor for economic benefits, the procedure of execution The object of Fiduciary Guarantee is carried out in accordance with the Fiduciary Guarantee Act, an alternative mediation in resolving the dispute. There needs to be clarity in the use of language in making a law, so as not to conflict with each other between Article one and the other Articles.<br />Keywords: Ownership; Mastery; Object of Fiduciary Guarantee; Debtor; Creditors.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang kepemilikan dan penguasaan suatu objek jaminan fidusia, dalam kasus yang saat ini sering terjadi, banyak sengketa antara kreditur dan debitur dalam perjanjian jaminan fidusia disebabkan karena kreditur beranggapan bahwa dengan adanya hak eksekutorial sebagai penerima fidusia, maka objek jaminan fidusia tersebut secara sah dimiliki oleh kreditur dan kreditur berhak mengambil dan menjual objek jaminan fidusia saat debitur cidera janji<br />(wanprestasi) secara sepihak, begitupun dengan debitur yang menganggap bahwa objek jaminan fidusia tersebut dimiliki olehnya karena objek tersebut terdaftar atas namannya, sehingga debitur dapat mempergunakan objek tersebut secara bebas seperti menyerahkan kepada pihak ketiga atau menjual objek jaminan fidusia tersebut secara sepihak. penulis menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dan metode analisis deduktif yang didasarkan pada Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata<br />dan hukum jaminan fidusia yang berlaku di Indonesia, Undang-Undang No. 42 Tahun 1999 tentang Jaminan Fidusia. Kesimpulan pembahasan adalah Kepemilikan Objek Jaminan Fidusia dimiliki oleh debitur sesuai Undang-undang, penguasaan objek jaminan dikuasai debitur untuk manfaat ekonomis, prosedur eksekusi Objek Jaminan Fidusia dilakukan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Jaminan Fidusia, alternatif secara mediasi dalam menyelesaikan sengketa yang terjadi. Perlu ada kejelasan dalam<br />penggunaan bahasa pada pembuatan suatu Undang-Undang, agar tidak saling bertentangan antar Pasal satu dengan Pasal yang lainnya. <br />Kata Kunci: Kepemilikan; Penguasaan; Objek Jaminan Fidusia; Debitur; Kreditur.</p>

Keh-Wen “Carin” Chuang ◽  
Kuan C. Chen

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal. One of the toughest aspects of PLM implementations is choosing the appropriate software. In order to choose the right software that meets the business requirements, it is necessary to have a systematic view to serve as an evaluation guideline for advice from an independent third-party and that can guide decision makers through a structured process and understands the entire PLM market. This is an important aspect of the PLM assessment and planning process. This study built a systems model to fulfill the PLM software selection and evaluation needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 164
Muhammad Dzulfaqori Jatnika

Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah menganalisis pengaruh faktor makroekonomi yaitu nilai tukar, inflasi, suku bunga, dan GDP per kapita terhadap dana pihak ketiga di bank umum Syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan data sekunder yang berupa data panel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis linier berganda Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil uji Hausman menunjukan model yang tepat dalam penelitian ini adalah random effect model. Semua variabel signifikan, variabel inflasi dan nilai tukar memiliki pengaruh positif sedangkan variabel suku bunga dan GDP per kapita memiliki pengaruh yang negatif terhadap dana pihak ketiga di bank umum Syariah. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bagi para pelaku usaha perbankan untuk menentukan waktu yang tepat dalam menarik dan menyalurkan dana pihak ketiga dari masyarakat. Dan dapat menjadi acuan untuk mengeluarkan kebijakan terkait bisnisnya. Dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat menjadi acuan untuk mengembangkan kembali penelitian berikutnya. Pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menambah variabel-variabel terkait lainnya selain variabel yang telah diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini adalah tambahan variabel yang mempengaruhi dana pihak ketiga dan juga tambahan sampel bank umum Syariah sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini lebih mendalam daripada penelitian sebelumnya.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of macroeconomic factors, namely the exchange rate, inflation, interest rates, and GDP per capita on third party funds in Islamic commercial banks. This research is a quantitative study with secondary data in the form of panel data. The analysis technique used is the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple linear analysis method. The Hausman test results showed the right model in this study was the random effect model. All variables are significant, inflation and exchange rates have a positive effect while interest rates and GDP per capita have a negative effect on third-party funds in Islamic commercial banks. The results of this study have implications for banking businesses to determine the right time in attracting and channelling third party funds from the public. And can be a reference for issuing policies related to business. And for further researchers can be a reference to develop further research. In the next research, it is expected to be able to add other related variables besides the variables that have been examined in this study. The novelty in this study is the addition of variables that affect third party funds and also additional samples of Islamic commercial banks so that this research is expected to be more in-depth than previous research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 455-476
Evgeniy A. Erbakhaev ◽  
Maxim V. Kratenko ◽  

The article examines the problem of compensation for harm caused in the process of using a building and structure. Attention is paid to the side of the defendant in relation to apartment buildings and non-residential buildings, the distribution of liability in the case of a plurality of tortfeasors, the regulation of third-party liability issues by the contract. A comparative analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China regulating the liability of building’s owners (users) and contractors involved in the maintenance of a building as well as court practice is conducted. The choice of the Chinese legal system is due to the presence of special rules in Tort Liability Law of China (2009). According to the results of the study, the authors have formulated a number of proposals, in particular: to unify the legal regime for residential and non-residential buildings for the purposes of compensation for harm caused to third parties; to differentiate the liability for harm caused by the destruction of a building (its structural components) and damage due to items falling out from the building (snow or ice falling from the roof, falling advertising designs, objects being thrown out of the building, etc.), to allow the contractual regulation of owner’s liability provided that the victim is given the right to choose the defendant (the building’s owner or the maintenance company, the contractor involved). The authors also argue in favor of a codified act as a source of tort law, which will ensure consistent regulation of the studied relations.

2022 ◽  
Shibbir Ahmad ◽  
Mohammad Kamruzzaman

Abstract In this study, implemented artificial nueral network (Ann) in apparel manufacturing organizations to optimize the supply chain converging on right supplier selection by analyzing their performance criteria.Moreover, data collected from three diffrents factory to analyze the efficiney and profit -loss status of that units. Furthermore, analyze the supplier selection criteria of three suppliers in order to select the right supplier at the real time in apparel manufacturing industry . This study shows that it can be saved 20 % of the total cost.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Magmun Migfar ◽  
Amin Purnawan

ABSTRAKDalam memberikan kredit, Perusahaan Pembiayaan wajib mempunyai keyakinan didasarkan pada unsur perinsip kehati-hatian biasa di kenal dengan 5C, yaitu terdiri dari character (watak), capacity (kemampuan), capital (modal), collateral (jaminan), dan condition of economic (kondisi ekonomi).Di dalam penelitian penulis membuat rumusan masalahanuntuk mengetahui tanggung jawab para pihak dalam pembutan akta jaminan fidusia pada Notaris dan penyelesaian sengketanya apabila debitur mengalihkan objek jaminan fidusia tanpa persetujuan tertulis oleh pihak PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat diskriptif dan apabila dilihat dari tujuannya teremasuk penelitian hukum empiris. Lokasi penelitian di PT. BAF Rembang. Jenis data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan yaitu melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan kualitatif analitis.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui dalam perjanjian pembiayaan antara kreditur dan debitur saling mengikatkan diri, debitur harus membaca dan memahami surat perjanjian pembiayaan, sebelum melakukan kesepakatan sengan Leasing, setelah menandatangi perjanjian pembiayaan, debitur harus memenuhi kewajiban membayar angsuran secara tepat waktu sesuai dengan besaran dan tanggal yang telah disepakati, kemudian timbulah hak dan kewajiban supaya jangan sampai ada konflik atau kesalah pahaman yang bias merugikan debitur dikemudian hari.Dalam hal benda jaminan yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia dialihkan kepada pihak ketiga berlaku asas drot de suite, kreditur tetap dapat mengeksekusi benda jaminan tersebut di tangan siapaun benda tersebut berada. Pengalihan benda yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia pada pihak ketiga dan seterusnya tidak menghalangi hak kreditur untuk tetap mengeksekusi benda jaminan fidusia tersebut. Memang dalam peneyelesain sengketa benda jamian fidusia di PT BAF Rembang masih mengedepankan cara musyawarah dahulu akan tetapi jika PT BAF Rembang berpedoman pada POJK No.29/POJK.05/2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Perusahaan Pembiayaan dan perlu adanya pendampingan dai pihak kepolisian maka akan sangat mudah dan mungkin untuk mengatasi debitur yang nakal.Kata kunci : Debitur, Kreditur, Eksekusi Benda Jaminan Fidusia.           ABSTRACTIn granting credit, a Financing Company must have confidence based on the usual principle of prudence known as 5C, which consists of character, capability, capital, collateral and condition of economic ( economic conditions). In the study the authors make the formulation of the problem to know the responsibility of the parties in the fiduciary guarantee certificate pembutan notary and settlement of disputes if the debtor divert the fiduciary guarantee object without written approval by the PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian is a descriptive study and when viewed from its purpose including research empirical law. Research location at PT. BAF Rembang. Types of data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are through literature research and interviews. Analytical data use qualitative analytical.Based on the results of the research can be known in the financing agreement between the creditor and the debtor bind each other, the debtor must read and understand the letter of financing agreement, before making leasing agreement, after signing the financing agreement, the debtor must meet the obligation to pay installments in a timely manner in accordance with the amount and date which has been agreed, then arise rights and obligations so that there will be no conflicts or misunderstandings that bias detrimental to the debtor in the future. In the event that the collateral object becomes the object of fiduciary guarantee transferred to a third party applies the principle of drot de suite, the lender can still execute the guarantee object in the hands of whoever the object is located. The transfer of objects which become the object of fiduciary collateral to a third party and so on shall not preclude the right of the creditor to keep executing the fiduciary assurance object. Indeed, in peneyelesain dispute fiduciary jamian objects in PT BAF Rembang still put forward the first musyawarah way but if PT BAF Rembang based on POJK No.29 / POJK.05 / 2014 About the Implementation of Financing Company Business and the need for assistance from the police then it will be very easy and possibly to deal with naughty debtors.Keywords: Debtor, Creditors, Execution of Fiduciary Guarantee Items.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (336) ◽  
pp. 7-22
Anna Edyta Szymańska

One of the elements used in the process of tariff calculation of premiums in motor liability insurance is a bonus‑malus system. This systems takes into account the “claims ratio” by means of increases and discounts of the base premium called net premium rates. The aim of this work is to propose an estimation method of the net premium rates in the bonus‑malus classes of the motor third‑party liability insurance portfolio of individuals. The Bühlmann‑Straub model was used for the premium estimation. In order to improve the credibility of the estimated premium rates, a data correction in the classes with premium increase was preformed. An example of the application of the new method is presented based on the data obtained from one of the insurance companies operating on the Polish market, which has reserved the right to stay anonymous.

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