scholarly journals On the temperatures and geological relations of certain hot springs ; particularly those of the Pyrenees ; and on the verification of thermometers

The author expresses his regret that notwithstanding the great interest, more especially in a geological point of view, which attaches to every topic connected with the origin, the nature, and the permanence in temperature of the many thermal springs met with in different parts of the world, our information on these subjects is exceedingly deficient. On many points which might easily be verified, and which are of essential consequence towards obtaining a satisfactory theory of the phenomena, we as yet possess but vague and uncertain knowledge. It is evident that the first step towards the establishment of such a theory must consist in the precise determination of the actual temperature of each spring ; from which we may derive the means of estimating by comparative observations, at different periods, the progressive variations, whether secular, monthly, or even diurnal, to which that temperature is subject. We have at present, indeed, not only to lament the total absence of exact data on which to found such an inquiry ; but we are obliged to confess that, owing to the difficulties which meet us even in the threshhold, we have not, even at the present day, made any preparation for establishing the basis of future investigation, by applying such methods of experiment as are really in our power, and are commensurate with the superior accuracy of modern science. The researches of Fourier would lead us to the conclusion that, if the high temperature of these springs be derived solely from that of the interior portions of the earth, the changes which can have occurred in that temperature, during any period to which history extends, must be so minute as to be inappreciable. On the other hand, the theory of internal chemical changes, which have been assigned as the origin of volcanos, would suggest it as improbable that this temperature has remained constantly the same ; and as a more likely occurrence, even were we to suppose that no uniform secular diminution took place, that it would be liable to occasional irregular fluctuations. The influence of earthquakes on the temperature of hot springs is also admitted ; and it would be very desirable to learn, from a series of consecutive observations, whether abrupt changes, similar to those which have occasionally been noticed, are not of frequent occurrence. The author has diligently laboured to collect, by observations made on the spot, materials for supplying this great chasm in the natural history of our globe. As an essential preliminary means of obtaining accurate results, he applied himself to the verification of the scales of the thermometers he employed in these researches : and he describes, in a separate section of this paper, the methods which he adopted for the attainment of this object. He first fixed with great precision the standard points of each thermometer, namely the freezing and boiling temperatures of water, by a mode which he specifies : and afterwards determined the intermediate points of the scale by a method, similar to that of Bessel ; namely, that of causing a detached column of mercury to traverse the tube ; but simpler in practice. Instead of employing for that purpose columns of mercury of arbitrary length, and deducing by a complex and tentative process the portions of the tube having equal capacities, the author detaches a column of mercury from the rest, of such a length as may be nearly an aliquot part of the length of the scale for 180° ; and causes this column to step along the tube ; the lower part of the column being brought successively to the exact points which the upper extremity had previously occupied : so that, at last, if its length has been properly chosen, the upper end of the column is found to coincide with the end of the scale : and this being accomplished, it is easy to apply to every part of the actual scale of the instrument the proper corrections, which may, for greater practical convenience, be drawn up in the form of a table.

James P. King ◽  
Robert D. Hendrix

This paper describes the many features of a detailed investigation into the determination of a root cause for internal cracking found in the circumferential welds of radiant superheater crossover piping lines, in the Units No. 1 and 2 boilers at Big Cajun II Station in New Roads, Louisiana. The history of inside diameter, circumferential cracks dates back to 1992. The cracking had been recorded during several outages for both units. It was discovered by use of ultrasonic shear wave testing, and verified by ultrasonic time of flight diffraction methods. During each of the ensuing unit outages, the crack depths were recorded and mapped. Repairs were undertaken by machining out the complete girth weld followed by re-welding. During the interim years cracking did re-occur at many of the weld locations. In 2000, a detailed investigation into the cause of the cracking was initiated, which resulted in recommendations for resolving the ongoing problem. This detailed study included; nondestructive testing and metallurgy of removed metal samples, boiler performance testing and analysis and stress, fatigue and fracture mechanics evaluations. The detailed background, applications and results of the many and varied testing and analytical tasks are fully described herein. The main conclusion to the root cause of the cracking is identified as fatigue caused by the combined effects of thermal and pressure cycles. Recommendations are given which address the actions needed to limit or prevent re-occurrence of the cracking, including revised boiler operating procedures. In addition, a series of fatigue crack growth curves is presented, as a monitoring toot for evaluating existing cracks in the welds.

J. B. Brown-Gilpin

The wide variety of reproductive patterns and behaviour in the many species of Nereidae already studied clearly justifies further research. But the life history of Nereis fucata (Savigny) is not only of interest from the comparative point of view. Its commensal habit (it occurs within shells occupied by hermit crabs) immediately gives it a special importance. This alone warrants a detailed study, particularly as no commensal polychaete has yet been reared through to metamorphosis and settlement on its host (Davenport, 1955; Davenport & Hickok, 1957). The numerous interesting problems which arise, and the experimental methods needed to study them, are, however, beyond the range of a paper on nereid development. It is therefore proposed to confine the present account to the reproduction and development up to the time when the larvae settle on the bottom. The complete life cycle, the mechanism of host-adoption, and related topics, will be reported in later papers.

1966 ◽  
Vol S7-VIII (1) ◽  
pp. 21-24
Dietrich Herm ◽  
Roland Paskoff ◽  
Joerg Stiefel

Abstract The Tongoy bay area, situated 300 km north of Valparaiso (Chile), is a graben bordered by two uplifted blocks. During the Pliocene and Quaternary this graben served as a depositional trap. From a geomorphic point of view, three marine stages are recognized, corresponding to periods of stillstand above present sea level. Geomorphic, paleontologic, and sedimentologic studies permit a precise determination of the Pliocene-Quaternary evolution of this region.

1979 ◽  
Vol 24 (7) ◽  
pp. 604-609 ◽  
Ittamveetil N. Kutty ◽  
Arthur P. Froese ◽  
Quentin A.F. Rae-Grant

Summary The HKM is but one of the many Eastern religious beliefs imported into the West. However, because of the way it is practised, it is the one which confronts North American values most directly. It is an offshoot of Hinduism and comprises a wide diversity of beliefs. It attracts many Western youths, much to the anguish of their parents and community leaders. Those who look at the HKM from a Western cultural point of view argue passionately with those who believe in it. The authors, one of whom (I.N.K.) has cultural roots in Hinduism and Western training in child psychiatry, attempt to look at this phenomenon dispassionately and analyze some of the relevant factors which attract Western youth to this culturally alien religion. A brief historical sketch of the HKM is given followed by an account of the significance of religion from a psychoanalytical perspective. The case history of a 15 year old adolescent male is presented and discussed in psychodynamic terms followed by an attempt to understand his attraction to the HKM. The manner in which the HKM met the needs of this adolescent may have implications for the management and understanding of similar cases, especially when professional interventions do not bring about the desired results of solving rather than just suppressing the intense and painful conflicts of development in adolescence.

In a Rutherford Memorial Lecture there are two alternative courses that might be taken. One is to describe one or other of the great developments that have later followed out from the many things which Rutherford started; the other is to describe some aspect of his own work from a historical point of view. If, as we hope and intend, the institution of these lectures should survive for many years, the first policy will probably be more useful in later times, but there still remain a number of people who lived through the wonderful experiences of those days, and while we survive it may be more interesting perhaps for us to leave some small records of what we saw. But there seems little purpose in merely giving again and again a biography recounting all the things that Rutherford did, and so I have chosen one item from among his discoveries, and I propose to give an account of this. It is the discovery of Atomic Number. I am going to try and give a picture of this whole subject; in it Rutherford of course played the leading part, but others made very important contributions, and it will be the whole history of it that I shall try to describe, and not merely his part in it. In the history of science there has been every now and then what I may call an ‘easy’ discovery, by which I do not in the least mean that it was easy to discover, but that when discovered it is so easy to understand, that it is difficult afterwards to see how people had got on without it. One example of such an ‘easy’ discovery was the discovery by Copernicus that the earth goes round the sun. After his time it was possible for anyone almost to forget what astronomy had been like before his day, and yet we have to recognize that the subject had been studied for three or four thousand years by many exceedingly intelligent men. Atomic number is another such ‘easy’ discovery. Any recent book on chemistry or physics describes the chemical elements in terms of it, and now with the development of atomic energy, even the daily press discusses quite readily the differences between uranium 238 and 235, and possibly even recalls that uranium is element number 92. In all the doubts that we may have about how future scientific discoveries will reshape our outlook on the world, we can feel sure that this one thing will never be changed; that the isotopes of the atoms of chemical elements will always have known atomic numbers and atomic weights. It now seems so simple that it is hard to believe how recently it was all discovered, and I want to show you that this ‘easy’ discovery was not at all easy to make.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 445-458 ◽  
Kapil Raj

Abstract Amongst the many narrative strategies in the recent “global turn” in the history of science, one commonly finds attempts to complement the single European story by multiplying histories of knowledge-making in as many different regional and cultural contexts as possible. Other strategies include attempts to generalize the “Needham Question” of why the Scientific Revolution occurred only in early-modern Europe to the exclusion of other parts of the world, or to challenge the diffusionist vision of the spread of modern science from Europe by attempting to show that non-European scientific traditions already had an understanding of recent European discoveries. These latter strategies seek simply to pluralize the Scientific Revolution without actually unpacking the latter concept itself. This article seeks firstly to show that the “Scientific Revolution” was in fact a Cold War invention intended to bring the freshly decolonized world into the ambit of the West by limiting the conception of modern science to Europe-specific activities thus delegitimizing other knowledge domains and using the term as a spatially circumscribed chronological marker. Using a broader understanding of scientific activity in the early modern period, and mobilizing relational methodologies, such as circulatory and connected historiographies, the paper then re-examines the well-known history of the Hortus Malabaricus, one of the most celebrated seventeenth-century botanical works, to show the short- and long-range knowledge circulations, intercultural interactions and connections involved in its making to bring out the global nature of scientific activity of the period and illustrate relational approaches to global history.

Veronika Novotná ◽  
Vladěna Štěpánková

Economy can be considered a large, open system which is influenced by fluctuations, both internal and external. Based on non-linear dynamics theory, the dynamic models of a financial system try to provide a new perspective by explaining the complicated behaviour of the system not as a result of external influences or random behaviour, but as a result of the behaviour and trends of the system’s internal structures. The present article analyses a chaotic financial system from the point of view of determining the time delay of the model variables – the interest rate, investment demand, and price index. The theory is briefly explained in the first chapters of the paper and serves as a basis for formulating the relations. This article aims to determine the appropriate length of time delay variables in a dynamic model of the financial system in order to express the real economic situation and respect the effect of the history of factors under consideration. The determination of the delay length is carried out for the time series representing Euro area. The methodology for the determination of the time delay is illustrated by a concrete example.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Teuku Amnar Saputra Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga

The Post Truth era has made truth relative from a personal point of view not based on scientific facts. Freedom of information access makes the quality not proportional to the existing quantity. This relative truth has implications for the development of hadith which has been consumed by Muslim World in general. From the historical point of view, the modification of the hadith is inseparable from the interests of three Islamic thought orientations, namely Syiah, Ahlusunnah Wal Jamaah and Khawarij. The purpose of this study is to map the history of the development of the hadith from the time of the Prophet Muhammad and how the truth of the traditions used by the community from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the Post Truth era. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of hadith originated in the early days of Islam, but not in official writing. Then came the official codification period in the caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz II century Hijri. In the next period the hadith is recorded in the form of books and in the global era the hadith has been in the form of a website to the implications that can be used through smartphones. But in terms of the truth of the hadith in the Post Truth Era is still influenced by the interests of related parties so that the truth must be reviewed. Seeing the many uses of hadith in accordance with the wishes of the stakeholders. The interests are in the form of political interests and the interests of content providers with commercial purposes in various forms such as applications, dissemination on social media.

Тамара Белаловна Джамбекова ◽  
Джамиля Салавдиевна Товсултанова

Творчество выдающегося чеченского писателя, мастера лирического и убеждающего слова, Магомеда Мамакаева (1910-1973) в наши дни вновь притягивает внимание общественности и приобретает статус объекта не только для отклика критиков, но и для научного исследования в связи с актуализацией многолетней проблемы социально-политических конфликтов, охватывающих весь мир, а также в связи с новой волной переоценки исторических событий в России начала ХХ века, в частности роли Октябрьской революции 1917 г. в истории горских народов. Целью исследования является характеристика жизненных и эстетических событий романов «Мюрид революции» и «Зелимхан» М. Мамакаева. В задачи исследования входит анализ сюжета и стиля романов, характеристика образов главных героев, определение особенностей художественного мастерства писателя. Полученные результаты подтверждают мысль о единстве противоположностей в структуре повествования, о диалектической сбалансированности частей целого в произведении, о доминирующем тоне автора, что придает художественной структуре «дух целого», придавая всем элементам признаки фрактальности. The work of an outstanding Chechen writer, master of lyrical and persuasive speech, Magomed Mamakaev (1910-1973), nowadays again attracts public attention and acquires the status of an object not only for the response of critics, but also for scientific research in connection with the actualization of the many-year problem of social political conflicts covering the whole world, as well as in connection with a new wave of reassessment of historical events in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, in particular, a reassessment of the role of the October Revolution of 1917, including its role in the history of mountain peoples. The aim of the study is to characterize the life and aesthetic events of the novels "Murid of the Revolution" and "Zelimkhan" by M. Mamakaev. The research objectives include: an analysis of the plot and style of the novels; characterization of the images of the main characters; determination of the features of the writer's artistic skill. The results obtained confirm the idea of the unity of opposites in the structure of the narrative, of the dialectical balance of the parts of the whole in the work, of the dominant tone of the author, which surrounds the artistic structure with the “spirit of the whole”, giving all elements the signs of fractality.

Bibliosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 42-48
N. Р. Dvortsova

The research centers upon the bibliographical study of the history (1991–2017) and prehistory (1957–1990) of M. M. Prishvin’s «Diaries» (1905–1954) publication recognized as the longest (18 volumes) diaries in Russian literature.  In modern science Prishvin’s «Diaries» are studied in a number of aspects: as a historical and cultural chron­icle of the country in 1905–1954; the writer’s self-consciousness and creative laboratory; a fiction text in the system of its motives, literary and philosophical contexts, as well as from the point of view of its publishing fate which is narrowly understood as a fragmentary history of its publication.  The paper novelty is due to, first, reconstruction of the history and prehistory of the «Diaries» publication, and second, the system analysis of the publication history in connection with the changing economic models of publishing business, types of publishing houses, their repertoire, strategies, and features of the editorial work during the publication of the collected works. Moreover, the author distinguishes three types of ego-texts in Prishvin’s works (sketch books, diary, and diary books) and, accordingly, different publication strategies.  The study reveals that within the prehistory of the «Diaries» publication there were two main approaches to their publishing: first, they were published in shortened versions (1986); second, in fragmentary versions based on the thematic or chronological principle, most often in a journal variant.  Prishvin’s «Diaries» are considered in the context of the writer’s whole collected works: the pre-Soviet («Znanie Publishing House», 1912–1914) and the Soviet («Gosizdat», 1927–1930, 1929–1931; «Goslitizdat», 1935–1939; «Khudozhestvennaya literature», 1982–1986) periods.  The history of Prishvin’s «Diaries» publication in the post-Soviet period is described as a collective book project carried out by the efforts of five state and non-state publishing houses: «Moskovskii Rabochii» (1991–1995), «Russkaya kniga» (1999–2004), «ROSSPEN» (2012); «Novyi Khronograf» (2013–2014); and «Rostok» (2006–2017). The author demonstrates the «Diaries» connection with the repertoire and strategies of these publishers.  After the reconstruction of the history and prehistory of Prishvin’s «Diaries» publication from the initial fragments to full print and electronic versions, the author convincingly proves that this long-term collective book project belongs to the local history of the Russian publishing industry in the XX–XXI centuries.  

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