scholarly journals XXXVI. On the mutual relations of the vital and physical forces

1850 ◽  
Vol 140 ◽  
pp. 727-757 ◽  

The degree to which the phenomena of Life are dependent upon Physical agencies, has been a subject of inquiry and speculation among scientific investigators of almost every school. That many of the actions taking place in the living body are conformable to the laws of mechanics, has been hastily assumed as justifying the conclusion that all its actions are mechanical; and hence arose the iatro-mathematical doctrines, which obtained considerable currency among the physicians and physiologists of the seventeenth century. In like manner, the fact that many of the changes of composition which take place within living bodies are analogous to those occurring externally to them, was assumed by another party as the foundation of the hypothesis that all the phenomena of life are of the nature of Chemical actions; and of that hypothesis the iatro-chemial doctrines which superseded the system of Galen, and which held their ground under various modifications for several centuries, were the natural expressions. The insufficiency of either of these hypotheses, or of both of them combined, to explain the phenomena of life, gave origin to a third, which was undoubtedly more correct in its fundamental conception than either of its predecessors had been; the position assumed being, that the phenomena of each livingbody proceed from a vital agency, or anima , peculiar to each organized structure, and having nothing in common with chemical or mechanical principles. The sect of the Vitalists, however, did not steer clear of the exclusiveness which had been the great fault of the chemists and physicists; but, in looking at every action of the living body as the immediate result of vital agency, claimed for that agency much that is clearly attributable to the operation of chemical and physical forces. Among modern Physiologists there is a distinct recognition of the fact, that many of the phenomena of living bodies may be placed in the same category with those of inanimate matter, and that such are not otherwise affected by vital agency than as this prepares or modifies the conditions under which they occur. But there is also a distinct recognition of the fact, that living bodies present a large class of phenomena which are altogether peculiar to them, and which can only be attributed to agencies of which the inorganic world is altogether independent; and hence has arisen the notion of vital agency as the foundation of Physiological science, just as the notion of affinity is the foundation of Chemistry, and that of mutual attraction of General Physics. And putting aside all hypothetical considerations with regard to the abstract nature of that agency, Physiologists have been aiming to determine the laws of its operation; following the same mode of inquiry for this purpose, as that which has been found successful in other departments of scientific investigation. In doing this, it has been necessary for them to isolate , as much as possible, those phenomena which may be regarded as Chemical or Physical, from those which must be distinguished as Vital; in order that, by the collocation and comparison of the latter, their mutual relations may be discovered. Still, after making every possible allowance for the operation of chemical and physical agencies, in the direct production of the changes of composition, mechanical movements, &c. which connect living beings (so to speak) with the universe around them, it is impossible for the discriminating inquirer not to see, that the influence of these agencies is indirectly exerted, to a yet greater extent, in the production or modification of purely vital phenomena. Thus, to take a very simple case, it cannot be for a moment doubted that heat and light exert an influence upon the vegetable germ, which is essential to its growth and development into the perfect plant, and to the performance of all the actions of the latter, whether these have reference to the extension of its own fabric, to the formation of organic compounds from the materials supplied by the inorganic world, or to the production of the germs of new individuals which are in like manner to go through the same series of phases. Hence light and heat have been designated as “vital stimuli;” the current idea being, that their agency upon the vegetable germ excites or awakens the forces which were dormant in it; and that, by enabling it thus to assimilate the new materials supplied by the inorganic world, and to give to these the structure of organized bodies, they contribute to develope the latent powers of these materials, which in their turn exhibit vital properties as they are made to form part of organized structures. Such, at least, is the doctrine of those who have most clearly expressed themselves upon the relation of the “vital stimuli” to the "vital properties” of organized bodies; and the author has not been able to find in physiological writings, any indication of a more intimate relationship between the physical forces and vital phenomena, than that just stated,—save on the part of those who have vaguely identified Heat or Electricity with the “vital principle,” with about the same amount of philosophical discrimination as that which was exercised by the iatro-chemists and iatro-mathematicians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Sara Heinämaa

AbstractToday the phenomenological concept of the lived body figures centrally in several philosophical and special scientific debates. In these wide and widening fields, the concept is used with multiple different meanings. In order to clarify and delineate the debates, this paper provides an explication of the phenomenological-transcendental methods. It argues that these methods help us remove the most fundamental ambiguities of the concept of embodiment by distinguishing between the main constituents of the lived body and by illuminating their mutual relations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 183-185 ◽  
pp. 1020-1024
De Li Chen ◽  
Run Qing Yang ◽  
Tian Zhu Li ◽  
Li Long Yan ◽  
Xiao Hui Wang ◽  

In this study, the mechanism of accumulation of pollutants into living body and defense from health damage were elucidated. Based on the obtained knowledge in this program, the innovative methodology and new functional materials for purification and the restoration were developed. Through these activities, the sustainable understanding and trust about the pollution issuse were established. Six research projects were expected by the fusion of the results. We had investigated the environments around waterfowls which come flying mutually, and the concentration of pollutants in water, soil, fold in wet land and also in waterfowl were measured cooperatively and the accumulation mechanism were clarified. The microchip electrochemistry assay method is developed and applied to actual environments. New materials and methodologies based on the konwledge of the mechanism of accumulation and the defense from health damage were developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yu N Golubchikov

The article tries to revive the traditions of neptunizm. The neptunist Cuvier believed that «the fossil is the key to the past. The past is characterized by a radical break with the present, perhaps it even proceeded according to another physical laws. This is evidenced by the fossils. With the modern action of physical forces, all the deceased remnants decompose. Fossils could have formed during catastrophically rapid burial with reliable isolation from oxygen. The present is the key to the past according to the lawyer Lyell. The past is like the present. It contains an incredible amount of time and years. All processes were going with the same energy as they do now and were not overshadowed by any gigantic disaster. Lyell's statements entered science under the name of the principle of actualism. He gave a paradigmal form not only to the earth sciences, but to all of science, and formed the basis of the evolutionary doctrine. The fundamental dogma of randomness of both natural and all historical processes is the basis of modern scientific ideology. This randomness has no purpose and cannot have. Nevertheless, paradoxically, it predetermines the evolutionary progress of all things. With the appearance of the anthropic principle the teleologism regains its completeness and direction. The anthropic principle is teleological. Since the entire Universe and the biosphere are attuned to human nature, the more such attunement can be expected from earthly nature. There are opportunities for harmonizing human with natural landscapes for health-improving purposes. Nothing was known about the subtlest adjustment of the Universe for humans, or about the incredible complexity of the biosphere even 50-70 years ago. The universe could be explained by evolution and actualism. The discovered incredible complexity of the world brings religion and science closer together. A catastrophic and probably anti-random picture of the planet's history is emerging more and more clear. In this light, the power of science is seen again not in confrontation with religion, but in harmonization with it.

Diana Silva

This article intends to share, in summary form, part of the work developed in the scope of the Master in Museology (MMUS) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP), having as context the José Régio's House in Vila do Conde and as a focus on antique book collection, from the 16th to the 19th century. The general objective was to contribute to its preventive conservation. More specifically, it intended to contribute to reducing the risk of its loss, by revising and updating its inventory, as well as proposing some solutions for other more general risk contexts. After a brief overview of the evolution of the support materials for the book, the main agents that can contribute to its deterioration are indicated. The universe of the study sample and the assumed work methodology are considered: documentary research, survey research, through non-formal interviews, and fieldwork. Finally, the results of the work developed are presented and basic preservation procedures are suggested.

2020 ◽  

In simple view, the universe consists of coherent, organizational sentience that we can call Intelligence. This builds organizationally from sub-quantum through the cosmos. An axiom rather than a theory — this a priori millenia-old assumption provides fruitful means for fundamental advance in all scientific investigation. We re-posit and reinvigorate it, as a prelude to further work, with extensive consequences.

1859 ◽  
Vol 6 (31) ◽  
pp. 50-78 ◽  
Henry Maudsley

1“Man and his Dwelling Place.” London: J. W. Parker & Sons, West Strand.2“Essay on the Unity of Science,” by Rev. B. Powell, F.K.S., &c.3“Order of Nature,” by the Rev. B. Powell.4Grove, on “The Correlation of the Physical Forces.”5On “The Mutual Relations of the Vital and Physical Forces.” Dr. Carpenter, Philosoph. Transac., 1850.6Oersted's “Soul in Nature.”

1988 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-195
Adolfo Gentile

Abstract This paper discusses oral translation work carried out in Australia. It argues that the physical presence of the translator is a significant factor both for the act of translation and for the development of typologies of translation. In his highly readable and extremely thought-provoking book Grammatical Man Jeremy Campbell titles one of his chapters “The Struggle against Randomness” (Campbell, 1982:75). I believe that this is an apt definition of our particular concerns with the development of text typologies. I consider it a struggle because in my view we are still grappling with the randomness of phenomena; we are still in a high entropy state. The aim of this paper is to attempt to make a small contribution to the typology debate by outlining some observations of certain data which form part of the random world of texts; these data are different in at least two ways: one, they are derived from the Australian context and two, they refer to “oral translations” which, while being specific to the Australian context are firmly ensconced in the universe of oral translations. I intend to briefly describe the Australian context and then outline the characteristics of that context which sets it apart from others. I shall then discuss a theoretical framework for the observations which will be subsequently described and finally, I shall venture a possible avenue for further investigation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 75-79
Min Raj Lamsal

This article deals with the introduction of supersymmetry as the latest and most emerging burning issue for the explanation of nature including elementary particles as well as the universe. Supersymmetry is a conjectured symmetry of space and time. It has been a very popular idea among theoretical physicists. It is nearly an article of faith among elementary-particle physicists that the four fundamental physical forces in nature ultimately derive from a single force. For years scientists have tried to construct a Grand Unified Theory showing this basic unity. Physicists have already unified the electron-magnetic and weak forces in an 'electroweak' theory, and recent work has focused on trying to include the strong force. Gravity is much harder to handle, but work continues on that, as well. In the world of everyday experience, the strengths of the forces are very different, leading physicists to conclude that their convergence could occur only at very high energies, such as those existing in the earliest moments of the universe, just after the Big Bang.The Himalayan Physics Vol. 4, No. 4, 2013 Page: 75-79 Uploaded date: 12/23/2013 

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1405
Gunnar Houen ◽  
Nicole Trier

Molecular recognition, the specific interaction between molecules by a combination of physical forces, has been a subject of scientific investigation for decades [...]

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