16th-Century Ship Graffiti on the Town Walls of Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain

2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75 ◽  
Marcus Heinrich Hermanns
2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 11-41
Maciej Ziemierski

17th century testaments of the Królik family from Krakow The article is dedicated to the Królik family from Krakow, who lived in the town from the late 16th century until the first years of the 18th century. The family members initially worked as tailors, later reinforcing the group of Krakow merchants in the third generation (Maciej Królik). Wojciech Królik – from the fourth generation – was a miner in Olkusz. The text omits the most distinguished member of the family, Wojciech’s oldest brother, the Krakow councillor Mikołaj Królik, whose figure has been covered in a separate work. The work shows the complicated religious relations in the family of non-Catholics, initially highly engaged in the life of the Krakow Congregation, but whose members gradually converted from Evangelism to Catholicism. As a result, Wojciech Królik and his siblings became Catholics. This work is complemented by four testaments of family members, with the first, Jakub Królik’s, being written in 1626 and the last one, Wojciech Królik’s, written in 1691.

2017 ◽  
pp. 257-275
Гжегож Јавор

Апстракт: Миграције с простора Балкана у пoљске земље током XV и XVI века спадају у проблеме који су ретко обрађивани у историографији. Те миграције сматране су појавом мањег значаја, мада су поједини истраживачи прошлости покренули њихову обраду на маргинама појединих расправа које се тичу шире проблематике, али је ова тематика ипак остала и даље у категоријама ретких примера. Предузимању ширих истраживања није ишла на руку ни специфичности информација у изворима: оне су малобројне, по правилу веома уопштене и разбацане у бројним издањима изворâ и рукописних материјала, похрањених у пољским архивама. Циљ је овога рада да укаже на судбину представника породице назначене у наслову рада – Дукађиновича, која је вероватно из Албаније досељена у XVI веку на подручје Подоља, области која је тада припадала Пољском краљевству. Аутора су посебно интересовали место порекла ових дошљака, узроци и вероватни правац њиховог миграционог кретања, као и привредне иницијативе у новој домовини. Такође је указано на тешкоће с којима су се морали сучелити на Подољу, а чија је последица на крају био и неуспех подухвата браће Дукађинович. Исто тако, суштински задатак овога рада била је намера аутора да укаже на потенцијалне, до сада неискоришћене могућности предузимања целовитих истраживања миграција представника разних балканских етноса у правцу граница пољско-литванске државе, како у позном средњем веку тако и у раном новом веку. У том оквиру намеће се као постулат израда посебних монографија о овој проблематици. Кључне речи: Балкан, миграције, Пољска, Подоље, XVI век.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
István Kádas

In this paper, I focus on the channels of communication between the free royal towns of Šariš and the county authority at the beginning of the 16th century. In this period, the towns of Bardejov and Prešov became feudal landowners in the county and, as a result, they had to develop a close relationship with the county nobility. Alongside the official documents of the county authority, the noble judges also often wrote letters to the towns, in which they often mixed official and private matters. There were also verbal lines of communication; the noble community of Šariš county frequently sent emissaries to the town, and these elected envoys were often chosen from the former or acting noble judges who lived in the villages neighbouring the towns. This had the added advantage, for the towns, that they could draw upon the legal experience of these former officeholders. Both Bardejov and Prešov employed former noble judges as town lawyers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 42-48
Ramazan Alchikov ◽  
Zarema Nagayeva ◽  

Introduction: This paper analyzes the formation and development of major medieval settlements that emerged in the 14th–16th century within the boundaries of the modern Bakhchysarai. We studied written and archaeological sources to examine the evolution and structure of these settlements, and provide a general overview of the surviving architectural ensembles and landmarks. Bakhchysarai, the former capital of the Crimean Khanate, is one of those Crimean settlements where the medieval planning structure of the old town and the original organic links to the natural landscape survive to this day. Purpose of the study: We aimed to identify the historical background and specifics of how the Old Town and the surrounding historical complexes formed in Bakhchysarai. Our research involved examining historical, archaeological, and contemporary scientific sources and written media, as well as selecting and analyzing theoretical works, normative documents, and architectural designs relevant to the subject at hand. When making a systemic summary of the data that we examined, we used the following methods: structural and functional analysis, synthesis, deduction, generalization, and the comparative historical method. Results: Our findings show that, at the early stages of statehood in the Crimean Khanate, several settlements thrived in the region: Eski Yurt, which started out as a cultural, administrative, and economic hub and eventually became a major religious center; Qırq Yer, an ancient fortified cave settlement that survived into the early 20th century; and the Salacık settlement at the foot of Çufut Qale, which became the most direct precursor of the new capital in Bakhchysarai. The ruins of these settlements are part of the modern Bakhchysarai’s cultural heritage; they lie within its boundaries and greatly influence its modern appearance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-20
Mykola Bevz

The town of Zhovkva (Żółkiew) belongs to the late Renaissance foundations of private resident cities in Halychyna in the late 16th century. Urban-spatial structure of the town was designed according to the Renaissance ideal city. The city consisted of two conjugated parts: the owner’s castle and the fortified downtown. The combination of these two parts was of a specific nature – when the central square of the town is combined with the facade of the castle complex. On the base of the historical and urban studies presented the hypothesis that town of Zhovkva (Żółkiew) is an unique example of late Renaissance urbanism. The start of town build was in 1594 according to a project based on the concept of “ideal town”. We are thinking, that the author of the project and plan of town was Paolo Clamensi – Italian architect, worked in Lviv at the end of 16th century. The towns have a well-preserved original Renaissance planning structure and a number of architectural monuments that are connected with it. Reconstruction of the original historical town plan allows us to express the hypothesis of its similarity to the projects of cities published in the treatise of the Italian architect of the 16th century Pietro Cataneo.

Josep Juan Vidal

Resum: L’Estudi General de la Ciutat de Mallorca, creat el 1483, concedia graus en teologia, filosofia i arts, vàlids únicament en el territori de la monarquia hispànica. Des de mitjan segle xvi va haver d’afrontar la competència del col·legi dels jesuïtes. Per superar aquesta pugna sol·licità i obtingué (1673) que el papat reconegués las validesa dels seus títols a tota la cristiandat. Les dificultats econòmiques retardaren el funcionament d’aquesta universitat fins el 1691. Rebé el nom de Universitat Lul·liana de Mallorca. El 1772 passà a denominar-se Universitat Literària de Mallorca. El 1842 se suprimí definitivament. A Mallorca no hi tornà haver estudis universitaris fins a 1967, i el 1978 es creà la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Paraules clau: Universitat, Mallorca, Illes Balears, lul·lisme Abstract: The Estudi General de la Ciutat de Mallorca was an institution founded in Palma in 1483 which awarded degrees in theology, philosophy and the arts, valid only in the kingdoms of the Spanish monarchy. From the mid 16th century, it faced competition from a Jesuit college. To win this battle, it asked the Pope to recognize the validity of its qualifications throughout the whole of the Christian world, and this request was granted in 1673. Due to financial difficulties, the university–known as the Universitat Lul·liana de Mallorca or Lullian University of Mallorca–did not start operating until 1691 and, in 1772, its name was changed to the Universitat Literària de Mallorca (Mallorca Literary University). The institution was abolished in 1842 and no university studies were available in Mallorca until 1967, with the ensuing creation of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (University of the Balearic Islands) in 1978. Key words: University, Majorca, Balearic Islands, lullism

2019 ◽  
Goulven OIRY ◽  

French comedies from the late 16th century and early 17th century revolve around games of love-making which are systematically likened to acts of war. A compact web of metaphors draws a parallel between the conquest of maidens and the conquest of cities. This metaphor of the conquest of a city which provides the narrative basis of the plays also displays, at an ideological level, a fundamentally misogynous world view. This study proposes to analyse this fundamental schema and explain the changes it undergoes. Indeed, as we progress through the 17th century, the metaphor of the town siege can be turned around and some of the lead female characters tend to turn into conquerors. The theatre of comedy thus takes the edge off its misogynous side. In Corneille’s La Veuve and Le Menteur, in Claveret’s L’Esprit fort or in Rotrou’s La Célimène the relationships between male and female characters develop in a way that is gradually more favourable the the latter. Gender studies can bring fresh light to the study of French comedy from the 1550s-1660s. This theatre of the beginning of the modern age highlights both the foundations of our patriarchal society and the first signs of its shattering.

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