2018 ◽  
Vol 80 (5) ◽  
Nadhira Dahari ◽  
Mimi Haryani Hassim ◽  
Tuan Amran Tuan Abdullah

The aim of this research paper is to determine if dwellers of rural areas who cook using fuel-burning furnaces and appliances such as woods, charcoal and natural gas are exposed to carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication and to measure the extent of CO intoxication on dwellers resulting from their cooking activities. The data on CO concentration and health problems for this research study were gathered through the means of observation and interview. Samplings were also carried out to measure the CO level at the selected areas, which were identified based on the criteria of the research. These two steps were done concurrently. The measurements of CO in the houses at Kampong Orang Asli Simpang Arang, Gelang Patah residential were taken outside of the houses, inside the kitchen areas before switching the stove on, after the stove was switched on, during the cooking process and after the cooking was completed. The study shows that the dwellers of rural areas who cook using woods as cooking fuels are found to be exposed to CO intoxication and the factors that influence the health risks are duration of cooking activities per meal, frequency of cooking activities, the absence of proper ventilation as well as the amount of CO concentration released during cooking activities. The measured CO concentration from woods during the experiment was in the range of 150 to 500 ppm. Through CO samplings of charcoal and natural gas as control experiments, it is also found that both sources did not contribute to any serious health effects to the people using them as cooking fuels. Meanwhile, the average CO toxicant produced from burning woods was the highest and this indicates that the CO level from woods is the most risky one among the other domestic fuels commonly used.

2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 93-103 ◽  
Zofia Kalicka ◽  
Wojciech Jerzak ◽  
Elżbieta Kawecka Cebula

Abstract Natural gas combustion was carried out in air enriched with oxygen in the amount of 25 and 29% with addition of CO2 in place of part of nitrogen. The research was carried out at different flow rates of gas and oxygen excess ratios. The concentration of CO and NOx was analyzed. It has not been proved that the increased oxygen concentration influences significantly the CO concentration. However, the addition of CO2 caused a substantial variability of CO concentration in the exhaust gas, in contrast to the concentration of NOx which decreased monotonically. Model calculations, performed with use of FactSage, indicate an increase in the concentration of CO not only for the air enriched with oxygen, but after adding CO2 too, as well

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Yudith Vega Paramitadevi

Over the past decade, emission from carbon monoxide (CO) has risen due to the increase of vehicles per year. Bogor as a weekend tourist tour town has a heavy burden in the terms of the volume of motor vehicles. The object of this study is Baranangsiang Bogor toll gateway, where queue of motor vehicles is often the case, and allegedly produces many pollutants CO. This study was conductes to simulate the CO concentration by the method of Finite Length Line Source (FLLS) aroung Baranangsiang Bogor toll gateway and recapitulate types of diseases associated with CO impacts on communities around the toll is in line with the pattern of increase in the volume of vehicles at 6% per years. Based on the result of measurements and simulations that were conducted on four sampling points within 20 m and 190 m from the sources pollutions on 26th August to 1st September 2014, the concentration of CO is still within the range of quality standards in accordance with Regulation No. 41 of 1999 which is 634-9189 µg/Nm3. Dispesion of pollutants CO dominantly heading Eastwards with the wind speed measurements 1.5-5.2 m/s and atmospheric stability class B. Kampung Sawah RT 02 RW 07is exposed to higher CO. Recapitulation of medical records showed that CO intoxication suspected cases of the disease are more common in Kampung Sawah housing than IPB Baranangsiang 4 Settlement.Keywords : Baranangsiang Toll Gate, Carbon Monoxide, CO Intoxication, Dispersion CO

2021 ◽  
pp. 251660422197724
Jashim Uddin Ahmed ◽  
Saima Siddiqui ◽  
Asma Ahmed ◽  
Kazi Pushpita Mim

India’s medical service industry is an emerging force in Southeast Asia, which should be recognized. A large portion of the country’s GDP is being earned through this sector. Paradoxically, India’s rural sphere has always been highly deprived of medical facilities even in rudimentary level. This huge imbalance was previously an issue for India to reach to a footing through innovation. India still being a developing country has majority of people living in rural areas where quality healthcare is not only difficult to avail but sometimes even hard to access. In such circumstances, an initiative like Lifeline Express (LLE) has provided the people with access to quality healthcare which has been crucially needed. It is a very simple idea but incredibly complex in terms of execution throughout the whole region. The LLE is a hospital which moves throughout rural India in a form of a fully equipped train. Since 1991, this initiative in India has generated some commendable projects through which it has served many rural Indians. Through this case, it will be comprehensible of how the train and the medical team function and will show the limitations and challenges healthcare in India is facing and how LLE has proved its fantastic ability to fight with the constraints and make healthcare reach the doorsteps of the rural people. Despite the challenges and limitations, it is also been revealed how the journey of LLE has grown from a three-coach train to seven-coach train where patients get treatment of many diseases from the early 1990s to this day.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Jashim Uddin Ahmed ◽  
Saima Siddiqui ◽  
Asma Ahmed ◽  
Kazi Pushpita Mim

India’s medical service industry is an emerging force in Southeast Asia, which should be recognized. A large portion of the country’s GDP is being earned through this sector. Paradoxically, India’s rural sphere has always been highly deprived of medical facilities even in rudimentary level. This huge imbalance was previously an issue for India to reach to a footing through innovation. India still being a developing country has majority of people living in rural areas where quality healthcare is not only difficult to avail but sometimes even hard to access. In such circumstances, an initiative like Lifeline Express (LLE) has provided the people with access to quality healthcare which has been crucially needed. It is a very simple idea but incredibly complex in terms of execution throughout the whole region. The LLE is a hospital which moves throughout rural India in a form of a fully equipped train. Since 1991, this initiative in India has generated some commendable projects through which it has served many rural Indians. Through this case, it will be comprehensible of how the train and the medical team function and will show the limitations and challenges healthcare in India is facing and how LLE has proved its fantastic ability to fight with the constraints and make healthcare reach the doorsteps of the rural people. Despite the challenges and limitations, it is also been revealed how the journey of LLE has grown from a three-coach train to seven-coach train where patients get treatment of many diseases from the early 1990s to this day.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003802612110294
Shaoying Zhang

In this article, I examine the moral review councils (MRCs) established in China’s rural areas since the early 1980s. I show that MRCs create a liminal plebeian public sphere in the context of a civilising offensive that deals with the uncivil behaviours of individuals and disputes between neighbours. In this plebeian public sphere, the MRC incorporates techniques of the Maoist mass meeting, the democratic election, traditional mediation and a pedagogy of exemplars, all of which are depoliticised into purely technical instruments. Their institutional legitimacy comes from organised virtues based on councillors’ male seniority and the democratic method of their selection. MRCs, as an instrument of a civilising offensive, are a kind of paternalistic technology, which involves a complex strategy of a hybridity of acts, relationships, thoughts, desires and temptations of village residents in the context of the reform era. The people targeted in this civilising offensive often experience two levels of stigmatisation and their participation determines the effectiveness of the operation of MRCs.

Beschasnyi S.P. ◽  
Lysenko E.M. ◽  
Hasiuk O.M. ◽  
Erlish О.О.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is colourless, odourless, and has the potential to cause momentaryhypoxia by bonding with heme-inspired proteins. Because of these properties, it causes the highest number of toxications. Due to its properties, this gas causes damage to the nervous and cardiovascular system. The development of anoxia is associated with the impact on the system of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and the development of oxidative stress in the body. The body produces a small amount of carbon monoxide as a result of erythrocyte breakdown. Picomolar concentrations of carbon monoxide even have anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic,cytoprotective and antiproliferative properties. Kidney is one of the first organs,that responds to the occurrence of hypoxia, are responsible for the removal of products of metabolism and toxicants, including ethanol. For the study, the blood and urine samples were taken from patients with acute intoxication. The amount of methemoglobin in the blood was determined by spectrophotometric method. The concentration of ethanol in blood and urine was measured by gas-liquid chromatography method. The correlation analysis showed that carbon monoxide affects the rate of excretion of ethanol from the body. Among individuals under 40 years of age, there was a correlation between the level of carbon monoxide and the amount of ethanol in the blood. Among older adults this correlation was not established. A direct correlation with the level of this gas in the blood and the level of ethanol in the urine among people under 40 years of age was found. Among older individuals, the opposite was observed –a high level of methemoglobin was responsible for the decreased level of ethanol. There were no correlations between methemoglobin level and age. Comparison of the studied indices did not show any sexual differences in ethanol excretion, but there were age specific features: ethanol excretion under the influence of carbon monoxide among people under 40 years old was more accelerated.Key words:hypoxia, CO intoxication, blood, methemoglobin, kidneys. Монооксид карбону являє собою токсичний газ, який не має кольору,без запаху та здатен спричиняти миттєву гіпоксію шляхом зв’язування з гем-вмісними білками. Через такі властивості він спричиняє найбільшу кількість отруєнь. Цей газ,завдяки своїм властивостям,спричиняє ураження нервової та серцево-судинної системи. Розвиток аноксії пов’язаний із впливом на систему окисного фосфорилювання у мітохондріях та розвиткомоксидативного стресу. В організмі продукується невелика кількість ендогенного монооксиду карбону внаслідок розпаду еритроцитів. Пікомолярні концентрації монооксиду карбону навіть володіють протизапальними, антиапоптичними, цитопротекторними та антипроліферативними властивостями. Нирки є одним із перших органів, який реагує на розвитокгіпоксії, вони відповідають за видалення продуктів метаболізму й токсикантів, зокрема етанолу.Зміни у функціонуванні нирок відображаються на загальному стані організму.Для дослідження отримували зразки крові та сечі від осіб із гострою інтоксикацією. У крові спектрофотометричним методом визначали вміст метгемоглобіну, який утворювався внаслідок вдихання монооксиду карбону та відповідного потрапляння до кровоносної системи. Методом газово-рідинної хроматографії вимірювали концентрацію етанолу у крові та сечі. Розрахунок кореляційних зв’язків показав, що монооксид карбону впливає на швидкість екскреції етанолу. У осіб до 40 років спостерігалася кореляція між показником рівня метгемоглобінута вмістом етанолу у крові. У осіб старшого віку цього зв’язку не встановлено. Виявлено прямий зв’язок із рівнем цього газу у крові та рівнем етанолу в сечі у осіб до 40 років. У осіб старшого віку спостерігалася зворотня реакція–високий рівень метгемоглобінуобумовлював зниження рівня етанолу. Кореляційні зв’язки між вмістом метгемоглобіну та віком не було виявлено. Порівняння досліджуваних показників не виявило статевих відмінностей у екскреції етанолу, проте виявлено вікові особливості: екскреція етанолу в умовах впливу монооксиду карбону в осіб до 40 років була більш пришвидшена.Таким чином, можна стверджувати, що монооксид карбону обумовлює зміни у функціональній активності нирок.Ключові слова:гіпоксія, інтоксикація СО, кров, метгемоглобін, нирки.

2005 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-86 ◽  
M S Sriram

In recent times, microfinance has emerged as a major innovation in the rural financial marketplace. Microfinance largely addresses the issue of access to financial services. In trying to understand the innovation of microfinance and how it has proved to be effective, the author looks at certain design features of microfinance. He first starts by identifying the need for financial service institutions which is basically to bridge the gap between the need for financial services across time, geographies, and risk profiles. In providing services that bridge this gap, formal institutions have limited access to authentic information both in terms of transaction history and expected behaviour and, therefore, resort to seeking excessive information thereby adding to the transaction costs. The innovation in microfinance has been largely to bridge this gap through a series of trustbased surrogates that take the transaction-related risks to the people who have the information — the community through measures of social collateral. In this paper, the author attempts to examine the trajectory of institutional intermediation in the rural areas, particularly with the poor and how it has evolved over a period of time. It identifies a systematic breach of trust as one of the major problems with the institutional interventions in the area of providing financial services to the poor and argues that microfinance uses trust as an effective mechanism to address one of the issues of imperfect information in financial transactions. The paper also distinguishes between the different models of microfinance and identifies which of these models use trust in a positivist frame and as a coercive mechanism. The specific objectives of the paper are to: Superimpose the role of trust in various types of exchanges and see how it impacts the effectiveness of repeated transactions. While greater access to information fosters trust and thus helps social networks to reduce transaction costs, there could be limits to which exchanges could solely depend on networks and trust. Look at the frontiers where mutual trust cannot work as a surrogate for lower appraisal costs. Use an example in the Canadian context and see how an entity that started on the basis of social networks and trust had to morph into using the techniques used by other formal nonneighbourhood institutions as it grew in size and went beyond a threshold. Using the Canadian example, the author argues that as the transactions get sophisticated, it is possible to achieve what informal networks have achieved through the creative use of information technology. While we find that the role of trust both in the positivist and the coercive frame does provide some interesting insights into how exchanges with the poor could be managed, there still could be breaches in the assumptions. This paper identifies the conditions under which the breaches could possibly happen and also speculates on the effect of such breaches.

2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 155-157 ◽  
Craig Kennedy ◽  
Peter Yellowlees

A pilot trial was established to support visiting psychiatric services and local public and private practitioners through the use of videoconferencing. The purpose of the trial was to determine whether people in the community received better health-care with telemedicine. A community-based approach was used to evaluate health outcomes, costs, utilization, accessibility, quality and needs for such services in a rural community in Queensland. Over a two-year period data were collected from 124 subjects who met the criteria of having a mental health problem or mental disorder. Nine further subjects refused to participate in the study. Only 32 subjects used videoconferencing to receive mental health services. Preliminary results did not show any significant improvements in wellbeing or quality of life, although the time span was relatively short. However, the results confirmed that the people were no worse off from a consumer or a practitioner perspective from using videoconferencing. Most consumers found that videoconferencing with a psychiatrist moderately or greatly helped them in managing their treatment, with 98% of them preferring to be offered videoconferencing in combination with local services. Overall, videoconferencing is a crucial part of enhancing psychiatry services in rural areas. However, it is not necessarily cost-effective for all consumers, general practitioners, psychiatrists, or the public mental health service.

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