Jurnal Sains Terapan
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Published By Institut Pertanian Bogor

2722-5232, 2088-8732

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-87
Helmi Taufiq Al Hakim ◽  
Galih Suryo ◽  
Sofiyanti Indriasari

ABSTRACTPT Sagara Asia Technology or better known as Sagara Technology is a company engaged in technology consulting and digital products. Sagara Technology manufactures and provides premium software development, training and talent products. The work done at Sagara Technology focuses on developing website technology and mobile applications. Investment is an option for many groups of people to invest in a company because investment promises long-term benefits. Therefore, PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi decided to create a Bond Coin application to reach all groups of people who want to invest and can take advantage of investment returns according to their wishes.The methodology used during the creation of this application is Scrum. Scrum is used as a framework because this methodology is suitable for small teams, clear application specifications and Scrum allows iteration and incremental of a product requirement that will be found during product development. Bond coins make it easier for investors to conduct checks on Government Securities purchased, including transparency, security and efficiency in transactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Inna Novianty ◽  
Nurul Ulfa Ashilah ◽  
Arni Diana Fitri

ABSTRACTVarious interesting activities and facilities have been carried out at RSHP IPB, but these activities have not been packaged and disseminated attractively resulting in a lack of information received by the society. Companies can disseminate information moreinteresting and easy to understand to the target according to the goals to be achieved by implementing multimedia. Animal Hospital for Education of IPB uses video and motion graphic as a promotional forum to introduce           RSHP   IPB and expand the information the public will receive. The methods used in the manufacture of company profile video and multimedia product are briefing, idea construction, audiens target, device application determining, reference process, revision and publication.The result of this projects are a company profile video and multimedia product such as motion graphic.This products were shared at RSHP IPB’s Social Media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
M. Muslim ◽  
Andri Iskandar ◽  
Andri Hendriana ◽  
L. Lutfi

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the growth of parent stock snakehead fish Channa striata in a pond fed with tilapia Oreochromis sp. seeds using different feeding rates. Studies were carried out using three different treatments feeding rate (FR), which is 2%, 3%, and 4%. The parameters observed included growth, feed conversion ratio, and water quality. The results showed that the growth of the average weight of fish FR 4% per day (growth rate 86,01 g) had higher than other treatments. The value of feed conversion is 2,5 while the fish is given FR 2%. Parameters of water quality, i.e. pH, temperature, alkalinity, and ammonia still in the range of tolerance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Henry Kasmanhadi Saputra ◽  
Muhammad Subhan Hamka ◽  
Lily Susanti ◽  
Rahma Mulyani ◽  
Agus Dwiarto ◽  

ABSTRACTDensity in shrimp farming is closely related to the dissolved oxygen needs, this can be overcome one of them through aeration technology to increase dissolved oxygen in the waters. Economic activities in the form of shrimp benur packaging is also an important thing because the safety of benur to consumers becomes a benchmark for the success of farmers in distributing their products so as to support the increase in the level of profit obtained. The aim of this study is to evaluate the opportunity of applying simple aeration technology on the transportation of closed short-range shrimp benur, bioeconomic aspect and oxygen consumed/post larvae. The method in this study is divided into several series, the first weighing weight of the benur is post larvae 10 with average a weight of 0,0026 ± 0,0021 g/larvae. The second is the preparation of raw water with aeration or bubbling type aeration technology. The third is by providing benur with research treatment into plastic bags and the last is short distance transportation process. The treatment applied is 200 post larvae/bag, 400 larvae/bag and 600 larvae/bag with a volume of 450 ml. The results showed that all treatments do not differ significantly both in terms of water quality, oxygen consumption rate and survival rate (sintasan), but in the bioeconomic count of treatment with a density of 600 larvae/bags in 450 ml of water showed the largest net profit of Rp45 753 000 compared to other treatments in the value of the profit including bonuses of a number of larvae if there is a death of larvae during the trip. ABSTRAKKepadatan dalam budidaya udang erat kaitannya dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigen terlarut, hal ini bisa diatasi salah satunya melalui teknologi aerasi untuk meningkatkan oksigen terlarut pada perairan. Kegiatan ekonomi berupa pengemasan benur udang juga menjadi hal penting karena keselamatan benur ke konsumen menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan pembudidaya dalam mendistribusikan produknya sehingga dapat mendukung kenaikan level keuntungan yang diperoleh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi peluang penerapan teknologi aerasi sederhana pada transportasi tertutup benur udang jarak pendek, aspek bioekonomi dan kebutuhan oksigen yang dikonsumsi/ekor benur udang. Metode dalam penelitian ini terbagi dalam beberapa rangkaian, pertama penimbangan bobot benur yakni post larvae 10 dengan bobot 0,0026 ± 0,0021 g/ekor. Kedua yakni persiapan air baku dengan teknologi aerasi jenis gelembung atau bubbling. Ketiga yakni dengan penyediaan benur dengan perlakuan penelitian ke dalam kantong plastik dan terakhir yakni proses transportasi jarak pendek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata baik dari segi kualitas air, tingkat konsumsi oksigen maupun tingkat kelangsungan hidup (sintasan), namun pada hitungan bioekonomi perlakuan dengan kepadatan 600 ekor/kantong dalam 450 ml air menunjukkan keuntungan bersih terbesar yakni Rp45 753 000 dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya yang didalam nilai laba tersebut sudah termasuk bonus sejumlah benur jika ada kematian benur selama di perjalanan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Rosyda Dianah ◽  

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is modify dessert for patients or people with diabetes mellitus in the form of Bread Fruit Pudding with natural sweeteners. Bread Fruit Pudding products use the main ingredients of jelly and low fat milk and fruit as a sweet taste. Pudding product development into bread fruit pudding is attempted to increase public insight regarding the importance of considering the use of sugar and changing the negative stigma of society regarding the consumption of fruit with a sweet taste. The production stage of Bread Fruits Pudding products consists of the preparation of materials and tools, the processing stage using the boiling technique (100˚C) and serving (150 grams/serving). The nutritional content of Bread Fruits Pudding is 92.7 Calories of energy; 5.3 grams of protein; 3.8 grams of fat; 12.9 grams of carbohydrates; 2.2 grams of fiber and 6.6 grams of natural sugar. The result of the preference test obtained that 78% liked the appearance and portion of the product, 56% liked the taste and 89% liked the texture. The composition of ingredients in pudding products in the community generally uses a lot of sugar or added artificial sweeteners that increase the risk of Diabetes Mellitus, Pudding product development into bread fruit pudding is efforts are made to become a solution for pudding products that are safe for consumption without any risk to health in consuming it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Ani Nuraeni ◽  
Lu'lu Ilmaknun

ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this study is to examine the consumer's acceptability to the main dish in the Sehati Canteen College of Vocational Studies IPB University, by comparing the consumer's acceptability between chicken katsu and chicken teriyaki dishes served. Main course (main course) is a staple dish of a complete menu arrangement served at lunch anddinner,the portion size is larger than the appetizer (appetizer). The main course or main course of Japan consists of a bowl of rice(gohan), a bowl of miso soup(miso shiru),pickled vegetables(tsukemono) and fish or meat. Similar to in Indonesia, rice is a staple food of the Japanese people. The most popular Japanese main course among teenagers today is Chicken katsu and Chicken teriyaki. Chicken katsu is a famous dish from sakura country with the basic ingredients of chicken meat wrapped in flour so that the texture is crispy outside and soft inside. Chicken teriyaki is one of the typical Japanese food made from chicken breast in fillets and then diced or elongated, cooked with teriyaki sauce. Preparation to make the main course in the Sehati Canteen College of Vocational Studies IPB University consists of preparation of tools and preparation of ingredients. The main dish processing procedure is divided into staple food processing, animal side dishes and vegetable dishes. The preparation stage is done to make chicken katsu,chicken is reported before processing while at the preparatory stage of making chicken teriyaki,chicken, rice, and salad are reported in a ripe state. The main dish favorite test was conducted organoleptic test with panelists who came from healthy canteen consumers. Based on the results of the favorite test and the results of the output of statistical analysis obtained that the panelists prefer chicken katsu dishes in terms of appearance, color, taste, texture and shape compared to chicken teriyaki.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-103
Bayu Widodo

ABSTRACTIn IP-based networks with many users, a bandwidth usage regulation mechanism is needed to ensure service quality. Mikrotik RouterOS has a feature to run QoS known as queue. RouterOS uses the Hierarchichal Token Bucket (HTB) method as the main queue method. The results of the tests carried out show that HTB is able to provide traffic limitation facilities for each classification and guarantee or ensure the amount of bandwidth is less or equal to the predetermined amount. If there is unused bandwidth it can be used by a lower classification (borrowing mechanism).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-115
Faranita Ratih Listiasari

ABSTRACTThe Research results as the result of thoughts from researchers or lecturers need to be protected from harmful fraudulent actions. Protection of the research results also provides motivation for researchers or lecturers to continue working. One form of protection provided is the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Various forms of IPR can be utilized as long as it meets the criteria of the IPR field. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of protection of trade secrets for the Research Results. In addition, to find out the efforts that need to be made to fulfill trade secret requirements. This research is normative legal research with a qualitative approach. The Research results of The College of Vocational Studies IPB University’s lecturer who research grants in 2020 that can be given protection as trade secrets. The Research results can be protected as trade secrets if they meet the criteria that the research results are confidential information in the field of technology and/or business, have economic value and are kept confidential by researchers or lecturers. To maintain the confidentiality of the research results, efforts were made such as providing a password, writing the word "Secret", storing documents in a safe place, making a confidentiality agreement and inserting a confidentiality clause in the license agreement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-75
Walidatush Sholihah ◽  
Armand Fadilla

ABSTRACTPT Rimba Makmur Utama is located on Jalan Kantin No.8 Kota Bogor. This private business company is engaged in the field of forest restoration on the island of Kalimantan, precisely in the Sampit region. This company's restoration is to save the forest from illegal logging and protect animals from extinction in the forests around the Sampit area. PT Rimba Makmur Utama is already using a hotspot so users can connect to the internet. However, problems arise when users move between rooms or places in the office but the wireless signal coverage cannot be reached. To overcome this, the solution is to build a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) network. WDS is a method that can be used to expand wireless networks by connecting multiple access points without using cables. Hotspot networks do not always provide fast and stable internet access. To overcome this, a user management system and bandwidth are needed using the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service protocol or RADIUS Server. User Manager is a RADIUS Server developed by MikroTik. All the area in the building have been covered with the internet. Users need username and password to connected to the network in the building.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-82
Pria Sembada ◽  
Irsan Ramadhan ◽  
Muhammad Rizky Fanidhia Raihan ◽  
Aldi Mugniawan ◽  
M Rifky Ramdani Hendrawan

Peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk berkembang dan dikembangkan. Meskipun demikian, peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia menghadapi berbagai tantangan terutama dalam meningkatkan performa reproduksi dan produksi. Peran penting unit pelaksana teknis perlu diperkuat untuk dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan performa peternakan di Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan mengidentifikasi profil performa reproduksi dan produksi serta faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan performa di BPPIB-TSP Bunikasih. Penelitian dilakukan di BPPIB-TSP Bunikasih dari 13 Januari hingga 3 April 2020 dengan mengumpulkan data primer maupun sekunder, antara lain data populasi, pemberian pakan, produksi (kualitas dan kuantitas), dan reproduksi. Data-data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa reproduksi dan produksi di lokasi penelitian ini masih perlu ditingkatkan. Beberapa peubah sudah sesuai dengan yang telah ditargetkan, namun beberapa peubah masih perlu ditingkatkan seperti jarak partus ke IB I, conception rate, days open dan calving interval. Faktor-faktor penting yang berkaitan untuk meningkatkan performa antara lain pemberian pakan (kuantitas, kualitas, dan imbangan), manajemen pemeliharaan, kesehatan ternak, dan aspek teknis lainnya. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya perbaikan faktor-faktor tersebut dalam rangka meningkatkan performa reproduksi dan produksi sapi perah.

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