scholarly journals Determining Proportion of Exfoliative Vaginal Cell during Various Stages of Estrus Cycle Using Vaginal Cytology Techniques in Aceh Cattle

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Tongku N. Siregar ◽  
Juli Melia ◽  
Rohaya ◽  
Cut Nila Thasmi ◽  
Dian Masyitha ◽  

The aim of this study was to investigate the period of estrus cycle in aceh cattle, Indonesia, based on vaginal cytology techniques. Four healthy females of aceh cattle with average weight of 250–300 kg, age of 5–7 years, and body condition score of 3-4 were used. All cattle were subjected to ultrasonography analysis for the occurrence of corpus luteum before being synchronized using intramuscular injections of PGF2 alpha 25 mg. A vaginal swab was collected from aceh cattle, stained with Giemsa 10%, and observed microscopically. Period of estrus cycle was predicted from day 1 to day 24 after estrus synchronization was confirmed using ultrasonography analysis at the same day. The result showed that parabasal, intermediary, and superficial epithelium were found in the vaginal swabs collected from proestrus, metestrus, and diestrus aceh cattle. Proportions of these cells in the particular period of estrus cycle were 36.22, 32.62, and 31.16 (proestrus); 21.33, 32.58, and 46.09 (estrus); 40.75, 37.58, and 21.67 (metestrus); and 41.07, 37.38, and 21.67 (diestrus), respectively. In conclusion, dominant proportion of superficial cell that occurred in estrus period might be used as the base for determining optimal time for insemination.

2018 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 06008
Anita Mayasari ◽  
Ady Suryawan ◽  
Margaretta Christita ◽  
Adven Tri Joy Simamora ◽  
Abinawanto Abinawanto ◽  

Anoa is an endemic species of Indonesia that is listed as endangered in the IUCN Redlist list and also included in the Appendix I CITES. Anoa’s reproduction have been constraint due to their natural behaviour. This animal is a solitary animal, monogamous, wild and aggressive, Incorrect mating time can lead the into a fight between the male and female. Information about the estrus cycle is very important in determining the optimal mating time for anoa. The study aim is to determine the estrus cycle of anoa based on behaviour and change in the vaginal epithelial cells. Behavioural data were observed by focal animal sampling technique to 3 female anoas in Anoa Breeding Center Manado during January-August 2017 at 07.00-17.00 CIT. Vaginal swabs cytology was done during July-August 2017 in the morning and afternoon by using terilized cotton swab and Giemsa stain. The vaginal swabs cytology techniques with Giemsa staining can be used to determine the changes in epithelial cells and confirm the estrus phase of anoa. Based on vaginal cytology the length of the estrus cycle of each individual anoa at the Anoa Breeding Center is different. At Manis the lengt of estrus cycle ranges 23 days, Rita 15 days, Denok 21 days and Ana is unidentified

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
pp. 3715
Pablo Tavares Costa ◽  
Gilson De Mendonça ◽  
Rômulo Tavares Costa ◽  
Fernanda Dornelles Feijó ◽  
Antonio Wrubleski Bogacki Neto ◽  

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of sexual status on blood testosterone levels and its influence on lamb growth. A total of 49 Texel x Corriedale males, originating of single births, were divided into three groups: uncastrated (n = 16), castrated (n = 17) and cryptorchid (n = 16), in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in extensive natural pasture, with feed supplementation after weaning. The effect of the sexual status was examined by analysis of variance. Uncastrated and castrated lambs showed higher body weight, thoracic perimeter, and body compactness between the 35th and 203th day of age. Uncastrated lambs had mean weight higher than cryptorchid lambs over the whole period. Cryptorchid lambs had an average weight gain greater than castrated lambs between the 203rd and 259th days. Castrated lambs had a higher body condition score on the 147th day than the cryptorchid lambs, and on the 175th and 203rd days than uncastrated and cryptorchid lambs. Blood testosterone concentrations were higher in the uncastrated and cryptorchid lambs on the 203rd and 231st days and in the overall mean. The findings of this study showed that, with advancing age, the sexual status affects the testosterone production, not showing differences regarding growth at young ages.

Nativa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 658-662
Lucas Henrique Ribeiro Magi ◽  
Isabela Lara Damião ◽  
Mylla Cristina Freitas Morais ◽  
Richarlla Aparecida Buscariol Silva ◽  
Sofia Regina Polizelle ◽  

Analisou-se a influência de diferentes protocolos de indução de puberdade em novilhas Nelore por meio da avaliação de dados referentes a 1528 animais relacionados ao resultado da avaliação ginecológica antes da realização do protocolo de indução, escore de condição corporal (ECC), peso médio e idade, protocolo de indução utilizado e resultado do diagnóstico de gestação. Após a tabulação dos dados foram realizadas análises estatísticas por meio do teste de Qui-Quadrado. Com relação ao ECC, 100% das fêmeas foram classificadas entre 3 e 3,5. Quanto a idade e peso, 30,9% possuíam em média 14 meses e pesavam cerca de 270 kg, e 69,1% cerca de 20 meses com peso médio de 320 kg. As novilhas que passaram por protocolo de indução apresentaram 8,3% a mais na taxa de prenhez. O protocolo que utilizou apenas progesterona injetável (P4) de longa ação apresentou os mesmos resultados do tratamento com dispositivo intravaginal reutilizável associado ao cipionato de estradiol. Conclui-se que a progesterona é eficaz para indução de puberdade em novilhas a partir dos 14 meses de idade com peso médio de 270kg, além disso, a utilização da P4 injetável pode ser uma alternativa eficaz para uso como protocolo de indução de novilhas pré-puberes. Palavras-chave: indução de ovulação; progesterona; taxa de concepção; tratamento hormonal.   EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PUBERTY-INDUCTION METHODS ON REPRODUCTIVE RESPONSE IN NELLORE HEIFERS   ABSTRACT: Examines the influence of different puberty induction protocols in Nellore heifers. Data referring to 1528 Nellore heifers related to the result of gynecological evaluation before the induction protocol; body condition score (BCS); average heifer weight and age; induction protocol used; and result of pregnancy diagnosis. After data tabulation, statistical analyses were performed using the Chi-Square test. For BCS, 100% of the females were classified between 3 and 3.5. In terms of age and weight, 30.9% had an average age of 14 months and weighed approximately 270 kg, whereas 69.1% were around 20 months old, with an average weight of 320 kg. Heifers that underwent an induction protocol showed an 8.3% higher pregnancy rate. The protocol that involved only long-acting injectable progesterone (P4) provided the same results as the treatment with the reusable intravaginal device associated with estradiol cypionate. In conclusion, progesterone is effective for inducing puberty in Nellore heifers from 14 months of age with an average weight of 270 kg. in addition, the use of injectable P4 can be an effective alternative as an induction protocol for prepubertal Nellore heifers. Keywords: conception rate; hormonal treatment; ovulation induction; progesterone.

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (04) ◽  
pp. 220-224
J. K. Mack ◽  
H. P. Remler ◽  
E. Senckenberg ◽  
E. Kienzle

Zusammenfassung Ziel der Studie war, den Energiebedarf von Warmblutfohlen zu überprüfen, die durch einen Betriebswechsel beim Absetzen erhöhtem Stress ausgesetzt sind. Material und Methoden: Neun Hengstfohlen, die als Absetzer von verschiedenen Züchtern gekauft und gemeinsam aufgestallt wurden, nahmen an der Studie vom Absetzen im Alter von etwa 6 Monaten bis zu einem Alter von etwa 1 Jahr teil. Das Absetzen erfolgte im heimischen Betrieb oder nach gemeinsamem Transport von Stute und Fohlen bei Ankunft im neuen Bestand. Die Fohlen erhielten Heulage (später erster Schnitt), Hafer und Fohlenaufzuchtfutter. Um eine individuelle Kraftfutterzuteilung zu ermöglichen, wurden die Fohlen zweimal täglich separat angebunden. Erhoben wurden die Gesamtaufnahme der Heulage aller Fohlen gemeinsam pro Tag, die tägliche individuelle Kraftfutteraufnahme sowie in 4-wöchigen Abständen Körpermasse und Body Condition Score (BCS). Ergebnisse: Die tägliche Energieaufnahme der Fohlen betrug 74 MJ verdauliche Energie (68 MJ umsetzbare Energie) pro Tier. Die Fohlen wurden mit vergleichsweise niedrigem BCS von 4,2 ± 0,4 (Skala von 1 bis 9) und einer durchschnittlichen Körpermasse von 285 ± 30 kg aufgestallt. Sie erreichten am Ende der Studie im Alter von 319 ± 22 Tagen eine Körpermasse von 326 ± 24 kg und einen BCS von 4,2 ± 0,4. Die Energieaufnahme der Fohlen war höher und ihre Gewichtsentwicklung langsamer als in einer parallel laufenden Studie mit Fohlen, die im Gestüt geboren und aufgewachsen und dementsprechend beim Absetzen weniger Stress ausgesetzt waren. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz: Fohlen mit relativ niedriger Körpermasse und BCS und erheblichem Stress zum Zeitpunkt des Absetzens benötigen deutlich mehr Energie als Fohlen, die beim Absetzen in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung verbleiben und dadurch weniger Stressoren unterliegen.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (06) ◽  
pp. 391-397 ◽  
N. Dillitzer ◽  
C. Sauter-Louis ◽  
E. Kienzle ◽  
N. Becker

Zusammenfassung Gegenstand und Ziel: Gewinn epidemiologischer Daten zur Fütterung von Hunden und Katzen in Deutschland. Material und Methoden: 865 Hundeund 243 Katzenbesitzer wurden anhand standardisierter Fragebögen zu ihrem Tier (Alter, Geschlecht, Gewicht, Ernährungszustand, Gesundheit), dessen Fütterung inklusive Belohnungen und Zusätzen, den Gründen für eine Futterumstellung und zur eigenen Person (Alter, Geschlecht, Schulbildung, Beruf) befragt. Die Befragungen fanden in Tierarztpraxen, Hundeschulen, Tierheimen, Parkanlagen und via Internet statt. Zudem wurde der Body Condition Score (BCS) der Tiere durch ihre Besitzer sowie die Interviewerin beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Das Durchschnittsalter der Hunde lag bei 4,8 Jahren, das der Katzen bei 6,8 Jahren. Das Gewicht reichte beim Hund von 2,2 bis 95 kg, bei der Katze von 2 bis 11 kg. Rund 52% der Hunde und Katzen waren übergewichtig (BCS 6–9). Zwischen der Beurteilung der Besitzer bzw. der Interviewerin gab es Differenzen. Viele Besitzer unterschätzten den BCS und erkannten vor allem beginnendes Übergewicht (BCS 6–7) nicht. 58% der Hundeund 90% der Katzenbesitzer verwendeten ausschließlich handelsübliche Fertigfutter, 35% bzw. knapp 10% kombinierten diese mit zusätzlichen Futtermitteln. Knapp 8% der Hundeund < 1% der Katzenbesitzer verfütterten selbst zubereitete Rationen. Ältere (> 7 Jahre) und kranke Hunde erhielten häufiger selbst hergestellte Rationen. Ältere Besitzer (≥ 46 Jahre) tendierten vermehrt dazu, das Futter selbst zuzubereiten, während die Schulbildung und die Berufstätigkeit keinen Einfluss auf die Fütterung hatten. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Art der Fütterung und BCS bestand nicht. Besitzer mit geringerer Schulbildung sowie Hausfrauen und Rentner hatten häufiger übergewichtige Tiere. Futterbelohnungen erhielten 95% der Hunde und 65% der Katzen. Ältere und berufstätige Besitzer gaben prozentual seltener Belohnungen. Schlussfolgerungen: Übergewicht ist das größte ernährungsbedingte Problem. Im Vergleich zu früheren Studien hat sich die Zahl übergewichtiger Tiere erhöht. Klinische Relevanz: Tierbesitzer sollten frühzeitig auf Übergewicht hingewiesen werden, da sie den Beginn der Adipositas häufig nicht wahrnehmen. Die meisten Tierbesitzer verabreichen Belohnungen, was bei Diäten berücksichtigt werden muss.

R. Stavetska ◽  
Y. Dynko ◽  
M. Bushtruk ◽  
I. Starostenko ◽  
O. Babenko ◽  

It has been experimentally proven that the strength and direction of the connection between the linear type traits evaluation of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cows and their body build depends on the type of the build and the sign of the exterior. The study was conducted in 2018 on a breeding plant of the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed SPC named Shchorsa in Kiev region (n=89). Differentiation of cows on types of their body build was conducted by the method proposed by Chernenko (low-capacity, mid-capacity and high-capacity types) and Kolesnik (by the massiveness index – on the friable and dense, the bone index – delicate and rough, the wide-breast and wide-rump indices – on narrow-body and wide-body types). It was found that the cow-heiferswere well-developed, had intermediate stature and optimum body condition score, deep body, and wide, slight slope rump. They alsohad desirable rear legs, set and foot angle but some toe-out, the udder was well-balanced. Under the good total score of the exterior of studied cows there were some animals with short stature (134– 136 cm), very wide rump, straight rear legs side view and toe-out, extremely steep foot angle, loose fore udder attachment, deep udder below hocks and front teat placement inside of quarter. The degree of development of the studied linear traits of cow-heifers confirms their in-herd variability. The variability of the exterior traits varies from 10,7 % (body depth) to 38,6 % (stature). In addition to the stature of a significant variability was characterized of angularity (22,4 %), rear legs set (22,5 %), body condition score (21,8 %), as well as traits that describe udder: rear udder attachment (31,4 %), udder depth (32,6 %) and front and rear teat position (31,3 % and 25,1 %, respectively). The high variability of linear traits indicates the possibility of effective their selection. As a result of the research, it has been established that the strength and direction of the correlations between the linear type traits evaluation of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed cows and the type of their body build depends on the type of the body build and the linear trait. The low-, mid- and high-capacity bodies build types (according to Chernenko) reliably correlate with chest width (r=0,58) and body depth (r=0,48), rear legs rear view (r=0,30), the central ligament (r=0,28), udder depth (r =-0,22) and teat length (r=0,25), P˂0,01–0,001. Friable and dense bodies build (according to Kolesnik) were most strongly associated with stature (r=-0,28), chest width (r =-0,70), and body depth (r=-0,38), as well as with rear legs rear view (r=-0,23), P˂0,05...0,001; delicate and rough bodies build – with stature (r=-0,51), angularity (r=-0,22),rump width (r=-0,35), udder depth (r=-0,27) and rear udder attachment (r =0,20), P ˂ 0,05–0,001; narrow-body and wide-body types – with chest width (r=0,30) and rump width (r=0,23), P˂0,05–0,01. Linear type trait evaluation of cows depends on the body build. The strength and direction of the correlations between types of body build and linear traits showed that the most informative is the classification of the body build by low-, mid- and high-capacity according to Chernenko – on the average η2x=17,5 %. The less informative – by narrow-body and wide-body types according to Kolesnik – η2x=7,6 %. The classification of cows on delicate-rough, narrow-body and wide-body types (according to Kolesnik) according to informativeness and reliability can have the intermediate position – η2x=10,0–11,5 %. The strongest influence on the body build has the cows’ height (η2x=27,9 % on average for all studied types of body build), chest width (η2x=33,5 %), body depth (η2x=21,8 %), rump width (η2x=24,1 %) and rear legs (η2x=18,7 %). Key words: cows, linear type trait evaluation, body build, correlation, power of influence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hassan Sadri ◽  
Morteza Hosseini Ghaffari ◽  
Katharina Schuh ◽  
Christian Koch ◽  
Helga Sauerwein

AbstractOver-conditioned dairy cows, classified by body condition score (BCS) and backfat thickness (BFT) are less able to metabolically adapt to the rapidly increasing milk yield after parturition. Based on serum metabolome and cluster analyses, high BCS cows (HBCS) could be classified into metabotypes that are more similar to normal (NBCS) cows, i.e., HBCS predicted normal (HBCS-PN) than the HBCS predicted high (HBCS-PH) cows—similar to the concept of obese but metabolically healthy humans. Our objective was to compare muscle metabolome and mRNA abundance of genes related to lipogenesis and lipolysis in adipose tissue between HBCS-PH (n = 13), HBCS-PN (n = 6), and NBCS-PN (n = 15). Tail-head subcutaneous fat was biopsied on d −49, 3, 21, and 84 relative to parturition. Potential differences in the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle were assessed by targeted metabolomics in M. semitendinosus from d 21. Besides characteristic changes with time, differences in the mRNA abundance were limited to lipogenesis-related genes on d −49 (HBCS-PH > HBCS-PN). The HBCS-PH had more than two-fold higher muscle concentrations of short (C2, C4-OH, C6-OH) and long-chain acylcarnitines (C16, C18, and C18:1) than HBCS-PN, indicating a greater oxidative capacity for fatty acids (and utilization of ketones) in muscle of HBCS-PN than HBCS-PH cows.

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