scholarly journals Theorem on the union of two topologically flat cells of codimension 1 inℝn

2006 ◽  
Vol 2006 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
A. V. Chernavsky

In this paper we give a complete and improved proof of the “Theorem on the union of two(n−1)-cells.” First time it was proved by the author in the form of reduction to the earlier author's technique. Then the same reduction by the same method was carried out by Kirby. The proof presented here gives a more clear reduction. We also present here the exposition of this technique in application to the given task. Besides, we use a modification of the method, connected with cyclic ramified coverings, that allows us to bypass referring to the engulfing lemma as well as to other multidimensional results, and so the theorem is proved also for spaces of any dimension. Thus, our exposition is complete and does not require references to other works for the needed technique.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
pp. 90-96
E. V. Arutiunova ◽  
E. V. Beshenkova ◽  
O. E. Ivanova

The study investigates the rule of spelling the root -ravn-/-rovn- and is considered to be a fragment of the academic description of Russian spelling, which is currently being under investigation at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors clarify the meanings that determine the spelling of the unstressed root, supplement the lists of exceptions, denote words with meanings not corresponding to the given values-criteria, and, for the first time in linguistics, investigate the words that can be correlated with different values-criteria, that is, they have double motivation. The rule codifies the spelling of words that have double motivation and fluctuate in usus, dictionaries, study guides and reference books. Spelling recommendations for these words correspond to the current linguistic norm and were approved by the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2019. The linguistic commentary to the rule contains the most significant etymological facts concerning the root -ravn-/-rovn- and summarises the scientific and methodological attempts to figure out the distribution of vocabulary with root -ravn-/-rovn- based on the meanings selected in the spelling rules. In the paper it is shown that the instability in spelling of various verbs with the root -ravn-/-rovn- in modern writing and dictionaries is determined by the double motivation of words, as well as contradictory recommendations and gaps in the rules.

Olga Mashukova ◽  
Olga Mashukova ◽  
Yuriy Tokarev ◽  
Yuriy Tokarev ◽  
Nadejda Kopytina ◽  

We studied for the first time luminescence characteristics of the some micromycetes, isolated from the bottom sediments of the Black sea from the 27 m depth. Luminescence parameters were registered at laboratory complex “Svet” using mechanical and chemical stimulations. Fungi cultures of genera Acremonium, Aspergillus, Penicillium were isolated on ChDA medium which served as control. Culture of Penicillium commune gave no light emission with any kind of stimulation. Culture of Acremonium sp. has shown luminescence in the blue – green field of spectrum. Using chemical stimulation by fresh water we registered signals with luminescence energy (to 3.24 ± 0.11)•108 quantum•cm2 and duration up to 4.42 s, which 3 times exceeded analogous magnitudes in a group, stimulated by sea water (p < 0.05). Under chemical stimulation by ethyl alcohol fungi culture luminescence was not observed. Culture of Aspergillus fumigatus possessed the most expressed properties of luminescence. Stimulation by fresh water culture emission with energy of (3.35 ± 0.11)•108 quantum•cm2 and duration up to 4.96 s. Action of ethyl alcohol to culture also stimulated signals, but intensity of light emission was 3–4 times lower than under mechanical stimulation. For sure the given studies will permit not only to evaluate contribution of marine fungi into general bioluminescence of the sea, but as well to determine places of accumulation of opportunistic species in the sea.

Carlos R Argüelles ◽  
Manuel I Díaz ◽  
Andreas Krut ◽  
Rafael Yunis

Abstract The formation and stability of collisionless self-gravitating systems is a long standing problem, which dates back to the work of D. Lynden-Bell on violent relaxation, and extends to the issue of virialization of dark matter (DM) halos. An important prediction of such a relaxation process is that spherical equilibrium states can be described by a Fermi-Dirac phase-space distribution, when the extremization of a coarse-grained entropy is reached. In the case of DM fermions, the most general solution develops a degenerate compact core surrounded by a diluted halo. As shown recently, the latter is able to explain the galaxy rotation curves while the DM core can mimic the central black hole. A yet open problem is whether this kind of astrophysical core-halo configurations can form at all, and if they remain stable within cosmological timescales. We assess these issues by performing a thermodynamic stability analysis in the microcanonical ensemble for solutions with given particle number at halo virialization in a cosmological framework. For the first time we demonstrate that the above core-halo DM profiles are stable (i.e. maxima of entropy) and extremely long lived. We find the existence of a critical point at the onset of instability of the core-halo solutions, where the fermion-core collapses towards a supermassive black hole. For particle masses in the keV range, the core-collapse can only occur for Mvir ≳ E9M⊙ starting at zvir ≈ 10 in the given cosmological framework. Our results prove that DM halos with a core-halo morphology are a very plausible outcome within nonlinear stages of structure formation.

2011 ◽  
Vol 675-677 ◽  
pp. 3-7
Peter Häussler ◽  
Martin Stiehler

Structure formation, the condensation of a cloud of atoms to a crystal is still not well understood. Disordered sytems (amorphous/liquid) should be in the center of this research, they are the precursors of any crystal. We consider elementary systems, as well as binary, or ternary amorphous alloys, irrespective whether they are metallically, covalently or ionically bonded and describe the process of structure formation in the formal language of thermodynamics but, as far as we know for the first time, by an extended version (general dynamics), based on the complete Gibbs fundamental equation, applied to internal subsystems. Major structural features evolve from global resonances between formerly independent internal subsystems by exchanging momenta and angular momenta, both accompanied by energy. By this they adjust mutually their internal features and create spherical-periodic structural order at medium-range distances. Under the given external constraints the resonances get optimized by selforganization. Global resonances of the type considered have clearly to be distinguished from local resonances between individual ions (described by quantum chemistry) forming local order. The global resonances cause anti-bonding (non-equilibrium) as well as bonding (equilibrium) states of the coupled total system, occupying the latter to form new structurally extended order. The transition to equilibrium creates entropy which itself leaves the system together with energy. At resonance the energetical splitting between the bonding and anti-bonding state is largest, the creation of entropy and the decrease of the total energy therefore, too. The crystal, finally, evolves by additionally optimizing a resonance based on angular momentum, and the additional adjustments of the local resonances to the global ones, theoretically done by applying Bloch’s theorem.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-49
Andrej Raspor ◽  
Iva Bulatović ◽  
Ana Stranjančević ◽  
Darko Lacmanović

Abstract Purpose – The situation in the field of gambling is changing due to the rise of Internet and Mobile gambling. In general gambling consumption is increasing every year, but the distribution of consumption has radically changed from Land Based gambling to Remote gambling. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of the world gambling industry and a specific overview in Austria, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia in order to find some main similarities and differences in observed period. Design/Methodology/Approach – The main research question is How important is gambling for the involved countries and what proportion of the national GDP does the gambling revenue account for? This paper presents the analysis of five statistical databases for the last sixteen years in order to find out some patterns, cyclical or seasonal features or other significant information that allows us to do forecasting of the future revenue with a certain degree of accuracy. We have systematically searched and collected data from the World Bank and the National Statistical Offices websites of the given countries. Statistical methods were used for benchmark analysis, while Box and Jenkins approach and ARIMA modelling were used for forecasting. Findings – The smallest increase was recorded in Slovenia and the largest in Italy. The same effects were also observed in the GDP of these countries. Thus, the state budgets of Croatia and Italy are increasingly dependent on gambling taxes. It also has negative wages. The gambling addictions among the locals have become more frequent as well. Originality of the research – The article shows the forecasts of the gambling revenue and its share in the GDP by 2027. We want to alert decision makers to adopt appropriate policies. States need to rethink their views on gambling and the excessive dependence of the state budget on gambling taxes. This is the first time a single comparative analysis of these countries and the above mentioned forecast has been conducted.

Yuliya Tanasyuk ◽  
Petro Burdeinyi

The given paper is devoted to the software development of block cipher based on reversible one-dimensional cellular automata and the study of its statistical properties. The software implementation of the proposed encryption algorithm is performed in C# programming language in Visual Studio 2017. The paper presents specially designed approach for key generation. To ensure desired cryptographic stability, the shared secret parameters can be adjusted to contain information needed for creating substitution tables, defining reversible rules, and hiding final data. For the first time, it is suggested to create substitution tables based on iterations of a cellular automaton that is initialized by the key data.

Viacheslav Martynov

To calculate the optimal parameters of outbuildings, a mathematical model and method for optimizing the shape and resistance of heat transfer for opaque and transparent structures with a certain constant number of faces, building volume and amount of insulation to minimize the thermal balance of enclosing structures with the environment during the heating period In the course of calculations the geometrical parameters of translucent, opaque structures in the heat-insulating shell of buildings are determined taking into account heat losses, heat influx from solar radiation by the criterion of ensuring minimum heat losses through enclosing structures, rational parameters (buildings) The given technique and mathematical models should be used in the future in the design of energy efficient buildings in the reconstruction and thermal modernization of buildings. This will increase their energy efficiency and, accordingly, the energy efficiency class of buildings. For the research faceted attached building in the form of a triangular pyramid, the reduction in heat loss was 14.82 percent only due to the optimization of the shape and redistribution of the insulation. Similar results were obtained for other initial forms. For the first time, a computerized method was proposed, an algorithm and application package Optimparam for multiparameter shape optimization and insulation of translucent and opaque structures for outbuildings with a given number of arbitrarily arranged faces were developed.


This article is one of the first scholarly attempts to analyze the creative work of Ukrainian filmmaker and traveler Sofiia Yablonska-Uden. For the first time in the Ukrainian and the world literary studies, identical implications are analyzed in the «From the Country of Rice and Opium» by S. Yablonska. The purpose of the article is to highlight the complex nature of identity issues in travel literature. In terms of identity, the journey performs two fundamental, closely interconnected tasks: knowledge of the other and self-knowledge. Hermeneutic approaches are used in the article. The main results can be summarized as follows: 1) the journey has its own time-spatial dimension, consisting of two disproportionate moments: preparation for travel and travel itself, and begins literally and symbolically with the overcoming, or the crossing of the border; 2) the intention of the trip contains an identity challenge that affects the preparation, organization, realization of the travel, the way and the content of documenting impressions; 3) such parameters of travel as an accident, an adventure, a game which formed the world of traveler's impressions, are subordinated to the identity problem in the given work; 4) the essay character of the book makes it possible to talk about implications as a response to an identity challenge. The book of travel essays «From the Country of Rice and Opium» of S. Yablonska-Uden is a sample of a successful combination of the business and private aspects of travel, intentions of knowledge and self-knowledge, poetry and faculty; learning about another people and countries, the writer learns a lot of things about himself. Travel literature is an important study object of Ukrainian writing, which opens the prospects for further interdisciplinary studies. The study of travel literature, an identity issue, is extremely relevant both for the development of Ukrainian society and for the formation of optimal responses to the challenges of our time. Keywords travel, travel literature, identity, identical implications, time-space disposition.

2012 ◽  
Vol 166-169 ◽  
pp. 2774-2781
Yong Zhang ◽  
Da Jian Hu ◽  
Lu Xue

In step with body Ⅱ, analytic solution and illustration of elastic energy releasing amount of rock mass dynamic destabilization are given for the first time in the form of precise and approximate catastrophe model. It is upgraded from qualitative understand to quantitative description that study on rock stability at the stage before and after earthquake and rockburst. The halting point’s position of rock mass dynamic destabilization is ascertained strictly, and it offers scientific basis for the calculation on earthquake efficiency, the study on earthquake energy magnitude released, earthquake stress drop, fault offset after earthquake and amount of elastic strain recovery of surrounding rock. The system possesses the capability of applying work to surroundings when it destabilizes, and earthquake wave energy is the work that destabilizing rock system applies to surroundings by way of destructive. The given illustration of elastic energy releasing amount implicates wealth of information, it produces credible evidence for confirming that the mathematical abstract of rock dynamic destabilization is fold catastrophe model.

2009 ◽  
Vol 289-292 ◽  
pp. 679-686 ◽  
Yuriy S. Nechaev ◽  
Andreas Öchsner

An annotated analytical essay of possible nanofabrication and nanotechnology applications is presented with respect to: (1) some techniques and original results [1-4] concerning the regularities and micromechanisms (physics) of the hydrogen fluoride gas activator influence on the diffusion-controlled oxidation processes of titanium, zirconium and zirconium-based alloys with niobium, and also – on nitriding, boriding and carbiding a series of refractory metals (Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, W, Ta); (2) some techniques, original results and physics of the diffusion-controlled formation processes of the compound-like nanosegregation [5-13] and the results [13-23] on the liquid-like phase at grain boundary regions in metals and alloys. In the scope of this review, a constructive analysis, the Arrhenius-type treatment, and the original data interpretation [16-21] has been carried out for the first time; (3) some techniques, original analytical results, and physics [24, 25] of the diffusion-controlled processes of the hydrogen multilayer intercalation (physisorption of a condensation or clustering type) with carbonaceous nanostructures. The main objective of the given analytical essay is to attract the researchers’ attention to the expediency of such a non-conventional data analysis and interpretation.

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