Nuncius ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-120

Abstract<title> SUMMARY </title>The aim of many eighteenth century «natural philosophers» - cartesians, leibnizians and newtonians - was to formulate a theory able to explain the propagation of physical phenomena. They conceived the universe as being filled with an incompressible fluid (ether) whose deformations allowed for the transmission of forces through spaces. These attempts continued throughout the nineteenth century.Riemann's writings on «Naturphilosophie», dating most probably from 1853-54, can be regarded in this context as a search for a unified explanation of physical phenomena. In these writings Riemann studies the state of a single particle of ether, and analyses locally the space around it. The passage from «local» to «global» constitutes the research method adopted by Riemann in his famous Inauguraldissertation (1851) and Habilitationsschrift (1854a), and in other papers on the propagation of electricity within a body (1854b, 1857a, 1876c). From this point of view it is possible to include Riemann's mathematical and physical writings, apparently fragmentary, in a wide-ranging research program (never brought to conclusion), which leads to the formulation of an unified theory of physical doctrines.

PMLA ◽  
1950 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 1130-1145 ◽  
Audrey Chew

During his own lifetime Bishop Joseph Hall was nicknamed “our spiritual Seneca” by Henry Wotton and later called “our English Seneca” by Thomas Fuller; as a result it has recently become fashionable to associate him with seventeenth-century English Neo-Stoicism. A seventeenth-century Neo-Stoic is of interest presumably because he points in the direction of eighteenth-century Neo-Stoicism, away from a revealed religion toward a natural religion, away from faith toward reason. In a recent article Philip A. Smith calls Hall “the leading Neo-Stoic of the seventeenth century” and says that he enthusiastically preached the “Neo-Stoic brand of theology” to which Sir Thomas Browne objected. This theology maintained that “to follow ‘right reason’ was to follow nature, which was the same thing as following God.” Smith goes on to say that “what most attracted seventeenth-century Christian humanists like Bishop Hall was the fact that Stoicism attempted to frame a theory of the universe and of the individual man which would approximate a rule of life in conformity with an ‘immanent cosmic reason‘”—though in the same paragraph he also mentions the point “that Neo-Stoic divines of the seventeenth century were interested in Stoicism almost exclusively from the ethical point of view.” He cites Lipsius to show how a Christian might reach an approximation between the Stoic Fate and Christian Providence, leaving the reader to assume that Hall might also have made this approximation. He says that “the natural light of reason, as expounded by the Stoic philosophers, became, for seventeenth-century Neo-Stoics, the accepted guide to conduct” and that “religious and moral writers endeavored to trace a relationship between moral and natural law which in effect resulted in the practical code of ethical behavior commonly associated with Neo-Stoicism.”

2020 ◽  
Jivesh Adhlakha

In this paper, I have deduced through logical and mathematical arguments that there is only one way to approach physical phenomena in order to understand the correct picture of physical world. Further, it has been deduced that this approach requires all phenomena to be explained in an emergent framework with one and only one underlying principal. Hence, it directly paves the way to a single theory that can explain all the phenomena of the Universe with same underlying reasoning - both at microscopic and macroscopic scales. Therefore, a probable approach to Unified Theory is asserted.

1967 ◽  
Vol 113 (501) ◽  
pp. 813-822 ◽  
Örnulv Ödegård

My choice of Kraepelin as a point of departure for this lecture has definite reasons. If one wants to stay within the field of clinical psychiatry (as opposed to psychiatric history), that is as far back as one can reasonably go. By this no slight is intended upon the pre-Kraepelinian psychiatrists. For our topic Henry Maudsley would indeed have been a most appropriate starting point, and by no means for reasons of courtesy. His general point of view is admirably sound as a basis for the scientific study of prognosis in psychiatry. I quote: “There is no accident in madness. Causality, not casualty, governs its appearance in the universe, and it is very far from being a good and sufficient practice simply to mark its phenomena and straightway to pass on as if they belonged not to an order but to a disorder of events that called for no explanation.” On the special problem of prognosis he shows his clinical acumen by stating that the outlook is poor when the course of illness is insidious, but this only means that these cases develop their psychoses on the basis of mental deviations which go very far back in the patient's life, so that in fact they are generally in a chronic stage at the time of their first admission to hospital. Here he actually corrects a mistake which is still quite often made. He shows his dynamic attitude when he says that prognosis is to a large extent modified by external conditions, in particular by the attitude of friends and relatives. Maudsley's dynamic reasoning was limited by the narrow framework of the degeneration hypothesis of those days. He had a sceptical attitude towards classification, which he regarded as artificial and dangerously pseudo-exact. His own classification was deliberately provisional, with very wide groups. He held that a description of various sub-forms of chronic insanity was useless, as it would mean nothing but a tiresome enumeration of unconnected details.

Think ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (60) ◽  
pp. 33-49
William Lyons

The author sets out to respond to the student complaint that ‘Philosophy did not answer “the big questions”’, in particular the question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ The response first outlines and evaluates the most common religious answer, that human life is given a meaning by God who created us and informs us that this life is just the pilgrim way to the next eternal life in heaven. He then discusses the response that, from the point of view of post-Darwinian science and the evolution of the universe and all that is in it, human life on Earth must be afforded no more meaning than the meaning we would give to a microscopic planaria or to some creature on another planet in a distant universe. All things including human creatures on Planet Earth just exist for a time and that is that. There is no plan or purpose. In the last sections the author outlines the view that it is we humans ourselves who give meaning to our lives by our choices of values or things that are worth pursuing and through our resulting sense of achievement or the opposite. Nevertheless the question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ can mean quite different things in different contexts, and so merit different if related answers. From one point of view one answer may lie in terms of the love of one human for another.

PMLA ◽  
1959 ◽  
Vol 74 (4-Part1) ◽  
pp. 356-364
Virgil W. Topazio

With the emergence of philosophy in the nineteenth century as a separate discipline which stressed primarily questions insoluble by empirical or formal methods, Voltaire's reputation as a philosopher has gone into gradual eclipse. It has become unfashionable and degrading for philosophers to concern themselves with the practical aspects of philosophical enquiry. In eighteenth-century France, on the other hand, the identification of philosophy with science, which by twentieth-century standards had vitiated philosophical thought, produced the “philosophes” or natural philosophers who were on the whole more interested in human progress than in the progress of the human mind. And Voltaire was by popular consent the leader of this “philosophe” group, the one who had unquestionably contributed the most in the struggle to make man a happier and freer member of society. Yet, ironically, despite a lifelong effort in behalf of humanity, Voltaire's reputation as a destructive thinker has steadily grown even as the critics have pejoratively classified him as a “practical” rather than a “real” philosopher. Typical of this criticism of Voltaire is Macaulay's statement: “Voltaire could not build: he could only pull down: he was the very Vitruvius of ruin. He has bequeathed to us not a single doctrine to be called by his name, not a single addition to the stock of our positive knowledge.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-247
Huawang Li

In this paper, we conjecture that gravitation, electromagnetism, and strong nuclear interactions are all produced by particle collisions by determining the essential concept of force in physics (that is, the magnitude of change in momentum per unit time for a group of particles traveling in one direction), and further speculate the existence of a new particle, Yizi. The average kinetic energy of Yizi is considered to be equal to Planck’s constant, so the mass of Yizi is calculated to be <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>7.37</mml:mn> <mml:mo>×</mml:mo> <mml:msup> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>10</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> <mml:mrow> <mml:mo>−</mml:mo> <mml:mn>51</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> kg and the average velocity of Yizi is <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>4.24</mml:mn> <mml:mo>×</mml:mo> <mml:msup> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>10</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> <mml:mn>8</mml:mn> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> m/s. The universe is filled with Yizi gas, the number density of Yizi can reach <mml:math display="inline"> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>1.61</mml:mn> <mml:mo>×</mml:mo> <mml:msup> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>10</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> <mml:mrow> <mml:mn>64</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math> /m3, and Yizi has no charge. After abandoning the idealism of physics, I try to construct a physical framework from three elementary particles: Protons, electrons, and Yizis. (The elementary particles mentioned here generally refer to the indivisible particles that constitute objects.) The effects of Yizi on the conversion of light, electricity, magnetism, mass, and energy as well as the strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces are emphasized. The gravitation of electromagnetic waves is measured using a Cavendish torsion balance. It is shown experimentally that electromagnetic waves not only produce pressure (repulsion) but also gravitational forces upon objects. The universe is a combination of three fundamental particles. Motion is eternal and follows the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. There is only one force: The magnitude of change in momentum per unit time for a group of particles traveling in one direction. Furthermore, this corresponds to the magnitude of the force that the group of particles exerts in that direction. From this perspective, all physical phenomena are relatively easy to explain.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 2275-2279 ◽  

Extra-dimensional theories contain additional degrees of freedom related to the geometry of the extra space which can be interpreted as new particles. Such theories allow to reformulate most of the fundamental problems of physics from a completely different point of view. In this essay, we concentrate on the brane fluctuations which are present in brane-worlds, and how such oscillations of the own space–time geometry along curved extra dimensions can help to resolve the Universe missing mass problem. The energy scales involved in these models are low compared to the Planck scale, and this means that some of the brane fluctuations distinctive signals could be detected in future colliders and in direct or indirect dark matter searches.

2011 ◽  
Vol 123 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
R.W. Home

In setting up the Flagstaff Observatory in Melbourne in 1857, the young German geophysicist Georg Neumayer brought new standards of precision to the pursuit of physics in Australia. His wide-ranging research program in geomagnetism, meteorology and oceanography was conceived within an overall approach to science associated especially with the name of Alexander von Humboldt, that saw the Earth and its oceans and atmosphere as an integrated dynamical system. Neumayer also, however, envisaged immediate practical outcomes from his work, whether in determining optimal sailing routes between Europe and Australia, or in locating new mineral deposits. From a personal point of view he regarded his seven years in Australia as, above all, a preparation for the scientific investigation of Antarctica that he dreamed in vain of undertaking.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (14) ◽  
pp. 1830009
Virginia Trimble

A large majority of the physics and astronomy communities are now sure that gravitational waves exist, can be looked for, and can be studied via their effects on laboratory apparatus as well as on astronomical objects. So far, everything found out has agreed with the predictions of general relativity, but hopes are high for new information about the universe and its contents and perhaps for hints of a better theory of gravity than general relativity (which even Einstein expected to come eventually). This is one version of the story, from 1905 to the present, told from an unusual point of view, because the author was, for 28.5 years, married to Joseph Weber, who built the first detectors starting in the early 1960s and operated one or more until his death on 30 September 2000.

Adistya Iqbal Irfani, ◽  
Moh. Yasir Alimi ◽  
Rini Iswari

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi bentuk toleransi dan faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat toleransi masyarakat Jawa dengan studi kasus di Dukuh Medono Kabupaten Batang. Di dukuh tersebut, penganut organisasi agama seperti NU, Muhammadiyah dan Kristen Jawa di Dukuh Medono saling hidup rukun. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa toleransi antar penganut NU, Muhammadiyah, Kristen Jawa tampak berbagai bentuk. Antara NU dan Kristen Jawa dalam bentuk partisipasi dalam ritual tahlilan, sedangkan antar ketiganya tampak dalam bentuk kerja bakti, saling membantu dalam acara hajatan, perkawinan campur dan saling berkunjung bila ada yang sakit. Faktor pendorong toleransi antara lain budaya toleransi yang sudah lama, pernikahan antar penganut yang berbeda, sosialisasi toleransi dalam keluarga, dan kepemimpinan desa yang menekankan pentingnya toleransi. Sedangkan faktor penghambat toleransi yaitu perbedaan pandangan antar penganut NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam pelaksanaan ibadah, pernikahan beda keyakinan, dan sikap menyinggung keyakinan diantara penganut yang ada. The objective of this study is to explore forms of tolerance and the driving factor of religious tolerance in Dukuh Medono, Batang. In that village, the followers of NU, Muhammadiyah, and Kristen Jawa live peacefully and united in tolerance. The research method used here is a qualitative method with phenomenology approach. The result of the research shows that the tolerance between NU followers and Javanese Christians take the form of participation in tahlilan ritual. The tolerance between NU, Muhammadiyah followers, and Kristen Jawa followers are expressed through kerja bakti, mutual support in hajatan rituals, mixed marriage, visits to the sick, and social activities together. The factors which help to create tolerance include the culture of tolerance which exist in the village, marriages between religious followers, the socialization of tolerance within family, the socialization of tolerance within the society and the role of village administrative leaders. On the other hand, the factors which distract tolerance are different point of view between NU dan Muhammadiyah followers in some religious aspects, marriage between different religious followers, and the attitude of insulting others beliefs.

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