scholarly journals Teoretyczne badania konfrontatywne

2015 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 141-156
Danuta Roszko ◽  
Roman Roszko

Theoretical contrastive studiesThe contrastive studies criticism in the 60s – 70s of the 20th century was the only basis for quite a few researchers to formulate their opinion on the studies. Although the criticism is becoming out-of date, it has not lost its inertia to disapprovingly dispose to and discourage from contrastive studies. It should be emphasized that the contrastive studies have taken quite a different course since then. The key charge of the lack of a solid basis for the combination of the languages is no longer in effect. The contrastive studies guidelines formed from scratch by the Semantics Research team of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences are evidence for it, successfully finding their application in previously published multi-volume monographs (Koseska, Penčev 1988-2009, Korytkowska, Koseska, Roszko 2007), a number of works of the authorship of S. Karolak, M. Korytkowska, V. Koseska, V. Maldjieva, D. Roszko, R. Roszko and others (compare the bibliography in Korytkowska, Koseska, Roszko 2007), as well as in the Polish-Lithuanian Contrastive Grammar in preparation by D. Roszko, R. Roszko. The fundamental principle of the contrastive studies is orienting the studies from the semantic ground (the interlanguage) to the formal ground. Using the interlanguage as a semantic tertium comparationis creates a solid and explicit basis for the combination of the languages. The bases for theoretical contrastive studies have come into existence at the Institute of Slavic Studies. Therefore, the guidelines for them were applied for the contrast of Slavonic languages (mainly Polish and Bulgarian). Afterwards, the Lithuanian language, belonging to the Baltic languages, was included among the languages being contrasted. It is noticeable that the studies itself and the published works based on the criteria of theoretical contrastive studies refer to less popular and poorly spread languages, that is Polish, Bulgarian and Lithuanian. Moreover, for quite a time the majority of these works were published mainly in Polish and Bulgarian. Despite a few decades of the existence of the new linguistic contrastive method, the above-mentioned facts caused that the method isn’t well-known. The idea of this article is to make the researchers get interested in the guidelines for theoretical contrastive studies and the results of some of the linguistic contrasts carried out until now.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Ewa Masłowska

In Memoriam: Professor Dr hab. Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021)This article is an obituary of Professor Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021), a renowned linguist, Polish philologist, Slavist and Warsaw studies scholar, associated with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences for several decades. She served as Deputy Director (1990–1996) and Director of the Institute (1996–1999), Head of the Institute’s Academic Council (2007–2010), and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (2001–2013). Wspomnienie. Prof. dr hab. Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021)Artykuł jest wspomnieniem prof. dr hab. Kwiryny Handke (1932–2021), nestorki Instytutu Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, od 1990–1996 wice­dyrektora, a w latach 1996–1999 dyrektora IS PAN, Przewodniczącej Rady Naukowej IS PAN (2007–2010), byłej redaktor naczelnej „Studiów z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej” (2001–2013), językoznawcy, polonistki, slawistki i varsavianistki.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 517-522
Ewelina Drzewiecka ◽  
Ewa Wróblewska-Trochimiuk

Unconventional (hi)stories of Slavic institutionsThe text is a short account of the international interdisciplinary conference „Unconventional (hi)stories of Slavic institutions” which was organized by Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Slavic Foundation and Polish Ethnological Society (Branch in Warsaw) and held in Warsaw on 23-25 October 2014. Niekonwencjonalne historie instytucji slawistycznychTekst stanowi krótkie sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej nt. „Niekonwencjonalne historie instytucji slawistycznych”, która zorganizowana została w War­szawie w dniach 23-25 października 2014 roku przez Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Fundację Slawistyczną i Polskie Towarzystwo Etnograficzne (Oddział w Warszawie).

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2019/2) ◽  
Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky

The late Professor Louis Ligeti was one of the most influential scholars of the 20th century in the fields of Altaic historical linguistics and many others. Ligeti’s personal scholarly notes, according to the provisions of his will, were deposited in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) and were not released for 40 years. In 2018 a special research team of the HAS of Linguistics and Literary Scholarship Section was established to process the contents of the more than 70 large cardboard boxes. This study introduces a segment of his notes on deciphering the Khitan language, dealing with numerals, and offers insights into the current opinion of scholars whenever it varies from Ligeti’s. Minor corrections to the readings of Khitan ‘one’ as well as to the name of the ‘Old(er) Khitan State’ are also suggested.

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 367-378
Zofia Sawaniewska-Mochowa ◽  
Vilija Sakalauskienė

Dr. Zita Virginija Šimėnaitė (1950–2016)Dr. Zita Šimėnaitė passed away on the 1st of August, 2016. She was a researcher who made a great contribution to the still developing field of Lithuanian lexicography. Between 2005 and 2014, she conducted work of the Lexicographical Centre in the Institute of the Lithuanian Language in Vilnius. Her academic and intellectual life was devoted to her two great passions: collaborating with other linguists in creation of new scientific dictionaries of the Lithuanian language, and artistic photography. She made a valuable contribution to the great dictionary of the Lithuanian language (Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; LKŽ) via enriching files, editing and developing numerous entries, as well as preparing an electronic version of the dictionary ( She co-authored the phraseological dictionary of the Lithuanian language (2002) and the dictionary for learners of the Lithuanian language (2000, second edition 2010). She conducted many projects in the field of monolingual and translational lexicography. She also popularized ideas and work of Lithuanian lexicographers during symposia and conferences in her home country and abroad. She actively participated in the scientific exchange and cooperation between the Institute of the Lithuanian Language and the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Dr Zita Virginija Šimėnaitė (1950–2016)Dnia 1 sierpnia 2016 r. zmarła dr Zita Šimėnaitė, badaczka mająca wielkie zasługi dla pomnażania dorobku leksykografii litewskiej. Od 2005 do 2014 r. kierowała pracami Centrum Leksykograficznego Instytutu Języka Litewskiego w Wilnie. Swoje życie poświęciła realizacji dwóch wielkich pasji: tworzeniu we współpracy z innymi lingwistami naukowych słowników języka litewskiego oraz fotografii artystycznej. Wniosła cenny wkład w uzupełnianie kartoteki, opracowanie licznych haseł i redagowanie wielkiego słownika języka litewskiego (Lietuvių kalbos žodynas; LKŽ) oraz przygoto­wanie jego wersji elektronicznej ( Współtworzyła słownik frazeologiczny języka litewskiego (2002) oraz słownik do nauki języka litewskiego (2000, drugie wydanie 2010). Zrealizowała wiele projektów z zakresu leksykografii jednojęzycznej i przekładowej; przybliżała koncepcje i dzieła litewskich leksykografów na sympozjach w kraju i za granicą, uczestniczyła w wymianie naukowej między Instytutem Języka Litewskiego a Instytutem Slawistyki PAN.

2015 ◽  
pp. 199-207
Ludmila Dimitrova ◽  
Violetta Koseska-Toszewa

Bulgarian-Polish parallel digital corpus and quantification of timeThe paper presents the current state of the first Bulgarian-Polish parallel and aligned corpus, prepared in the frame of the joint research project “Semantics and Contrastive linguistics with a focus on a bilingual electronic dictionary” between the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, coordinated by L. Dimitrova and V. Koseska-Toszewa. In particular, problems related to tense quantification are also discussed

Adeptus ◽  
2013 ◽  
pp. 71-82
Karolina Kwiecińska

Comparison of the linguistic image of Africa in a specific Polish dictionaryThis project constitutes the main part of my doctoral thesis carried out under the supervision of Prof. Zbigniew Greń at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In order to conduct comparative research and to analyze the differences between lexemes in Polish and Swahili, I have chosen methodology connected within a course of cognitive research, namely the linguistic image of the world. As part of the project I would like to look into and describe the linguistic image of Africa in specific Polish reportages. In addition, and in order to show the differences in the ways of conceptualisation of the reality by representatives of other cultures, I am planning to visit Tanzania to do more research. This article contains the linguistic image of Africa in a specific Polish dictionary. I have analysed the lexemes: Africa, African and Negro to show the dissimilarities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
Arleta Łuczak

In Memoriam: Elżbieta Kędelska (16 March 1949 – 10 November 2014) Throughout her professional life, Elżbieta Kędelska (1949–2014) was associated with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. She made a substantial contribution to research on the history of Polish dictionary-making. Her work was focused on Polish and Slavic linguistics, mainly the history of Latin-Polish and Latin-Czech lexicography, comparative lexicography and issues of sixteenth-century Polish lexis. She also transcribed the 1532 and 1544 Latin-Polish manuscripts by Bartholomeus de Bydgostia – the most outstanding Polish lexicographer of the first half of the sixteenth century, and co-authored the recent reversed Polish-Latin edition of Bartholemeus’ dictionary.Wspomnienie. Elżbieta Kędelska (16 marca 1949 – 10 listopada 2014) Elżbieta Kędelska (1949–2014) przez całe swoje życie zawodowe była związana z Instytutem Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Wniosła znaczący wkład w rozwój badań nad historią polskiego słownikarstwa. Skupiała się na językoznawstwie polskim i słowiańskim: głównie historii łacińsko-polskiej i łacińsko-czeskiej leksykografii, komparatystyce leksykograficznej oraz zagadnieniach XVI-wiecznej leksyki polskiej. Odczytywała łacińsko-polskie rękopisy z lat 1532 i 1544 autorstwa Bartłomieja z Bydgoszczy – najwybitniejszego leksykografa polskiego pierwszej połowy XVI wieku. Jest współautorką obecnej edycji Słownika Bartłomieja w odwróconej, polsko-łacińskiej wersji językowej.

Anna Zawadzka ◽  
Michał Kozłowski

IntroductionThe text introduces the collection of articles devoted to modern reflection on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory, entitled Traces of Bourdieu: Inspirations, continuations, revisions (Ślady Bourdieu: Inspiracje, kontynuacje, rewizje), originally presented at the eponymous conference held in 2013 in Warsaw. The conference was coorganised by the Centre for French Culture, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology (University of Warsaw), the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences and the UW–EHESS Interdisciplinary Cooperation Group. WprowadzenieTekst stanowi wprowadzenie do zbioru artykułów poświęconych współczesnej refleksji nad teorią Pierre’a Bourdieu, zatytułowanego Ślady Bourdieu: Inspiracje, kontynuacje, rewizje (Traces of Bourdieu: Inspirations, continuations, revisions). Na zbiór ten składają się teksty referatów wygłoszonych podczas konferencji pod tym samym tytułem, która odbyła się w Warszawie w 2013 roku. Organizatorami konferencji były następujące instytucje: Ośrodek Kultury Francuskiej, Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk oraz Interdyscyplinarny Zespół Współpracy UW–EHESS.

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