deputy director
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2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
Małgorzata Ostrówka ◽  
Mirosław Jankowiak

Professor Iryda Grek-Pabisowa (1932–2021)This article presents the profile of Iryda Grek-Pabisowa, a renowned linguist, associated with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences for sixty years. She was a long-serving head of North Borderland Polish, and the deputy director of the Institute for two terms (1996–2003). She was a pioneer of research on the language and culture of Old Believers in Poland, and the language of Poles in Belarus and Lithuania. The most important research areas on which she focused were dialectology and lexicography: the study and description of the subdialects of Old Believers living in Poland (e.g. A Dictionary of the Dialect of Old Believers Living in Poland), the Russian language (e.g. The Great Russian-Polish Dictionary) and North Borderland Polish (7 monographs and A Dictionary of the Spoken Polish of the North-Eastern Borderland). She is the author or co-author of about 160 articles, 11 monographs and 7 dictionaries. In 1974–2003 she was associated with the journal Acta Baltico-Slavica, initially as its secretary and then editor-in-chief.  Profesor Iryda Grek-Pabisowa (1932–2021) Opracowanie przedstawia sylwetkę Irydy Grek-Pabisowej, znanej językoznawczyni przez 60 lat związanej z Instytutem Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Przez wiele lat kierowała Pracownią Polszczyzny Północnokresowej. Przez dwie kadencje pełniła funkcję wicedyrektorki ds. naukowych w IS PAN (1996–2003). Była prekursorką badań języka i kultury staroobrzędowców w Polsce oraz języka Polaków na Białorusi i Litwie. Do najważniejszych kierunków badawczych należały dialektologia i leksykografia: badanie i opis gwar staroobrzędowców mieszkających w Polsce ( Słownik gwary starowierców mieszkających w Polsce), język rosyjski ( Wielki słownik rosyjsko-polski) oraz polszczyzna północnokresowa (7 monografii oraz Słownik mówionej polszczyzny północnokresowej). Jest autorką lub współautorką około 160 artykułów, 11 monografii i 7 słowników. W latach 1974–2003 była związana z rocznikiem „Acta Baltico-Slavica”, początkowo jako sekretarz, a następnie jako redaktor naczelna.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Ewa Masłowska

In Memoriam: Professor Dr hab. Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021)This article is an obituary of Professor Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021), a renowned linguist, Polish philologist, Slavist and Warsaw studies scholar, associated with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences for several decades. She served as Deputy Director (1990–1996) and Director of the Institute (1996–1999), Head of the Institute’s Academic Council (2007–2010), and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (2001–2013). Wspomnienie. Prof. dr hab. Kwiryna Handke (1932–2021)Artykuł jest wspomnieniem prof. dr hab. Kwiryny Handke (1932–2021), nestorki Instytutu Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, od 1990–1996 wice­dyrektora, a w latach 1996–1999 dyrektora IS PAN, Przewodniczącej Rady Naukowej IS PAN (2007–2010), byłej redaktor naczelnej „Studiów z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej” (2001–2013), językoznawcy, polonistki, slawistki i varsavianistki.

Vladimir Tarabrin – Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for international anti-terrorist cooperation, Director of the Department on the Issues of New Challenges and Threats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MFA). He graduated from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He has been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of USSR/Russia (MFA) since 1979 and held various diplomatic posts in the central office of the MFA and abroad. 1995–1998 – Head of Division, Deputy Director of the Legal Department. 1998–2002 – Senior Counsellor and Legal Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in New York / Alternate Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Security Council. 2002–2008 – Deputy Director of the Legal Department. In 2008–2013 he served as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Gabonese Republic. In 2013–2017 he was Ambassador at large (international anti-corruption cooperation). In 2017–2019 – Director of the Department Crisis Situation Centre of the MFA. Has diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 122-128
Edy Susena ◽  
Dwi Iskandar ◽  
Muhammad Hari Wahyudi

Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta is a private university that has various study programs available. Some of the study programs must report learning preparation reports every semester which must be submitted and validated directly by Deputy Director I as an academic field. At first these activities were carried out manually and not yet computerized so as to facilitate program studies in conducting consultations and Deputy Director I who had a busy schedule but had to validate manually. This system was created with the aim of making it easier for Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta side in collecting file, conducting consultation, signing signatures, and making learning preparation reports. Data collection methods used include the method of literature study, observation, interviews and documentation. This system will use a MySQL database with the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework. The method used in making this web service is the waterfall method. The result of the webservice learning preparation report is that the webservice system can facilitate both study programs in submitting and conducting consultations and Deputy Director I in conducting validation, consulting, and preparing learning preparation reports. This system will store data from reports that are entered into the webservice database

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-12

The 7th Forum on Bulgarian Grammar – symbolically hosted by the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo and co-organised by the Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – was held on 22 October 2020 under the heading Innovation Processes in the Grammar of Contemporary Bulgarian. Due to the pandemic, the Forum took place online, with participants and attendees communicating to each other from three principal locations: the Institute for Bulgarian Language, the University of Veliko Tarnovo and the University of Plovdiv. Some participants logged in from their homes. Despite these difficulties, the two sessions were received with great interest and spurred lively discussions. There were 23 talks included in the programme (presented according to the authors’ affiliations): 5 – from the University of Veliko Tarnovo, 5 – from the Institute for Bulgarian Language, 5 – from Sofia University, 4 – from the University of Plovdiv, 1 – from Trakia University, 1 from the South-West University, 1 – from the Institute of Mathematics and Informat-ics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1 – from the Bashkir State Uni-versity at Ufa, Russian Federation. The Forum began with congratulatory addresses by the Deputy Director of the Institute for Bulgarian Language Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hristina Deykova, the President of the University of Veliko Tarnovo Prof. Dr. Hristo Bondzholov and the Head of the Department of Modern Bulgarian of the Fac-ulty of Philology at the University of Veliko Tarnovo Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ma-ria Ilieva. The Forum was dedicated to Prof. Dr. Sc. Ruselina Nitsolova and her immense contribution to Bulgarian grammar as the only Bulgarian author of a grammar on Bulgarian to have been published in Germany in English. Her work was translated by another invited speaker – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hris-to Stamenov. A leading expert in Bulgarian grammar, Prof. Ruselina Nitsolova was an invited speaker at the Forum where she delivered her talk on Context and Meaning of Grammemes after Grammaticalisation. The talks submitted for publication by the participants in the Forum will be published in the 2021 Supplement of Balgarski ezik.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002436392110379
Emily Scire ◽  
Carrie Z. Morales ◽  
Alan Herbst ◽  
Matthew Goldshore ◽  
Jon B. Morris

We are the Center for Surgical Health (CSH), an academic community partnership that supports, educates, and advocates for vulnerable Philadelphians with surgical diseases, founded in 2016 by Dr. Jon B. Morris, a leader in surgical education and a general surgeon at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Alan Herbst, a current third-year Penn general surgery resident. At the time, Dr. Morris, raised in a Reform Jewish household, had been participating in an RCIA Program to convert to Catholicism. The mission of providing surgery to uninsured patients, primarily undocumented individuals, by helping them obtain insurance and see Penn providers was seen by Dr. Morris as a form of Catholic charity, which he has continued to remain dedicated to as his faith in Jesus Christ has deepened. Dr. Herbst, now Associate Director of Clinics for the CSH, recalls working with Dr. Morris as a sub-intern during his conversion, beginning with passion and a neon poster board inviting people to “See the Surgeon.” Since that time, the CSH has grown from an organization with 10 volunteers, called “personal patient navigators,” who provide insurance support and advocacy at every step of the perioperative continuum, to one with over 50, who have now seen 156 patients and assisted in providing 49 needed procedures. Much of this growth has been brought about through the dedication and vision of Dr. Matthew Goldshore, the Deputy Director of the CSH and a fifth-year Penn general surgery resident, as well as Dr. Carrie Z. Morales, Associate Deputy Director of the CSH and a recent Perelman School of Medicine graduate. Through their leadership, and the talent and commitment of other members of the CSH board, overseen by Director Dr. Morris, the CSH now has policy and research divisions, a surgical equity curriculum, and continues to develop new ways of providing better care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 176-185
Maya J. Lo Bello

This review article examines the 2018 publication by Helena History Press of A Nation Adrift [‘Az elsodort ország’]: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyő. Translated by Miksa Fenyő’s son, Mario D. Fenyő, this work gains new layers of meaning when alternately read as a Holocaust narrative, a family history, an example of life writing and the continuation of intellectual activity in the face of great adversity. Only recently available to an English-speaking audience, Az elsodort ország provides a remarkably comprehensive, well-composed description of the Hungarian Holocaust, World War II and the Siege of Budapest, as related by Miksa Fenyő (1877-1972), the former editor and critic of the modern literary journal, Nyugat [‘West’] and deputy director of GyOSz [Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége; ‘Association of Hungarian Industrialists’].     

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-117
O.P. Olshtynska ◽  
G.V. Kliushyna ◽  
N.S. Dovbysh

The article is devoted to Oleksiy Mytropolskyi, one of the founders of the Ukrainian school of Marine geology; a scientist and researcher in the field of marine geology, geochemistry and geoecology, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Founder and Leader of the Department of Modern Marine Sedimentogenesis, Deputy Director of Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 230-232
Frédéric Mérand

The entry into office of the von der Leyen Commission on December 1, 2019 allows the commissioner and cabinet members to envisage a transition before the end of the year. Career officials return to the administration. For them, the cabinet’s political experience is over. Olivier is being considered for a deputy director-general position in a noneconomic sector of the Commission, Reinhard for a director position at DG ECFIN. David and Ioana return to their respective DGs, TAXUD and ECFIN, Maud to Michel Barnier’s task force on relations with the UK....

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-114
Lu Gan

a33mi21 Cave 阿明洞 as the holy land of the Dongba religion is located in Baidi 白地, Sanba 三坝, Shangri-la, Yunnan province. Li Lincan, a grandmaster in the study of Dongba characters and the deputy director of the Taipei Palace Museum, paid homage to the a33mi21 Cave in 1942 and wrote an inscription. In 2005, his son Li Zaizhong, following in his father’s footsteps, paid a formal visit there again, and He Xiudong Dongba from Tacheng 塔城, traveling with him, recorded the pilgrimage journey in Dongba characters and translated it into Chinese, which is the first travelogue published in the Naxi language and has considerable research value. This paper has a verbatim translation and annotation of the travelogue and conducts preliminary research from the perspectives of the author and the age, the paper and the line, the frequency and number of words and text structure, the word relationships, the variants and transformation of the words, lexical features, and so forth.

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