E-service quality and actual use of e-banking: Explanation through the Technology Acceptance Model

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 503-519
Sheraz Ahmad ◽  
Sabeen Hussain Bhatti ◽  
Yujong Hwang

Due to recent technological developments in banking, the use of e-banking is becoming increasingly widespread. This study explored the effect of e-service quality on actual use of e-banking services and explained it through the Technology Acceptance Model. A survey was conducted in Pakistan and 493 questionnaires were collected from e-banking users and the data was analyzed using AMOS 20 and SPSS 20. The results of the study indicate that e-service quality positively affects perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and intention to use e-banking and perceived usefulness positively affects attitude towards using e-banking and behavioral intentions to use e-banking. Perceived ease of use affects attitudes towards e-banking and attitudes positively affect behavioral intentions to use e-banking and behavioral intentions further positively affect actual use of e-banking. The sequential mediation of attitude and intention has been confirmed between e-service quality and actual use of e-banking. This study has significance for the managers of banking industry and will enable them to influence the attitude of customers in favor of their services and also help them devise strategies to improve their profitability.

Device ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Saifu Rohman

Company Profile sebuah perusahaan merupakan sebuah media yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menunjukkan eksistensinya di dalam berbagai bidang dunia bisnis. Perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi menuntut untuk selalu memberikan sesuatu yang lebih nyaman dan mengedepankan user experience. Metode TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) merupakan salah satu metode yang tepat dalam merancang dan membangun sistem yang user friendly dalam meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan pengguna pada user experience. Dengan mengimplementasikan konstruk-konstruk TAM yang meliputi PU (Perceived Usefulness), PEOU (Perceived Ease of Use), ATU (Attitude Toward Using), BITU (Behavioral Intention to Use) dan AU (Actual Use) maka dapat dipastikan akan meningkatkan tingkat kenyamanan user experience melalui interface yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna informasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 164
Anggit Esti Irawati ◽  
Ehrmann Suhartono

<p>Potensi penggunaan e-money sangat besar dan menarik perhatian sebagai cara pembayaran alternatif di seluruh dunia. Pemerintah melalui Bank Indonesia menggerakkan masyarakat untuk melakukan Gerakan Nasional Non Tunai (GNNT). Namun, hanya lapisan masyarakat tertentu yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan transaksi dengan <em>e-money</em>. Sebagian masyarakat beranggapan bahwa transaksi pembayaran menggunakan <em>e-money</em> masih terdapat banyak kekurangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji <em>Technology Acceptance Model</em> (TAM) yaitu <em>perceived ease of use</em> dan <em>perceived usefulness</em>, selain itu juga menambahkan <em>perceived risk</em> untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap <em>attitude toward using</em> dan <em>actual use</em> terhadap penggunaan aplikasi LinkAja. Metode analisis menggunakan <em>Structural Equation Modeling</em> (SEM) dengan alat analisis SmartPLS. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dan sampel diambil menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em> terhadap responden yang menggunakan aplikasi LinkAja di seluruh Indonesia. Responden yang diperoleh sebanyak 200 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa <em>perceived ease of use</em> dan <em>perceived usefulness</em> berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap <em>attitude toward using</em> dan <em>actual use</em>. <em>Perceived risk</em> tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap <em>actual use</em> aplikasi LinkAja.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Muhammad Malik Hakim

<p class="Abstrak">Pelayanan kepada pelanggan adalah salah satu tujuan bisnis setiap perusahaan dalam upayanya memberikan kepuasan kepada para pelanggannya. Untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh kegiatan pelayanan kepada pelanggan dari semua divisi yang terkait baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, Perusahaan X sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang TI telah mengimplementasikan sistem CRM (<em>Customer Relationship Management</em>). Implementasi CRM tersebut bertujuan untuk mensinergikan kegiatan pelayanan kepada pelanggan agar tidak saling tumpang tindih dan dapat terkoordinasi dengan baik. Untuk mendukung kesuksesan dan keberlanjutan penggunaan sistem CRM, penelitian ini mengkaji penerimaan pengguna sistem CRM di antara semua karyawan dalam divisi terkait di dalam perusahaan yang berjumlah 141 orang, menggunakan Model TAM (<em>Technology Acceptance Model</em>) yang dimodifikasi, yaitu tanpa melibatkan variabel eksternal. Penelitian ini mengkaji penerimaan pengguna berdasarkan empat variabel penyusun Model TAM, yaitu <em>Perceived Ease Of Use</em> (PEOU), <em>Perceived Usefulness</em> (PU), <em>Behavioral Intention</em> (BI), dan <em>Actual Use</em> (AU). Studi membuktikan bahwa diperoleh pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara variabel – variabel penyusunnya, yaitu PEOU terhadap PU dan BI, PU terhadap BI, serta BI terhadap AU dengan nilai pengaruh masing – masing adalah 0,43; 0,67; 0,58; dan 0,77. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penerimaan pengguna CRM sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor manfaat, kemudahan, serta perilaku karyawan dalam menggunakannya.</p>

Kuei-Mei Cheng

This study is based on technology acceptance model (TAM). It investigates consumer attitudes toward the use of and consumer behavioral intention to use an RFID door security system at Taipei Arena Ice Land. This study adopts a questionnaire method using purposive sampling and collects data from 250 consumers of Taipei Arena Ice Land. The results of this study show that: 1) system quality has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, 2) information quality has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, 3) service quality does not have a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, 4) perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness, 5) perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant positive impact on attitudes toward use, 6) attitudes toward using have a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions to use, 7) perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions to use, and 8) perceived ease of use has a significant impact on attitude toward using via perceived usefulness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-78
Steventri Sontrust Lee ◽  
Wella Wella

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi penggunaan elearning.umn.ac.id pada mahasiswa melalui kerangka Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Terdapat lima konstruk asli dari TAM yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain persepsi kegunaan (PU), persepsi kemudahan penggunaan (PEOU), sikap terhadap penggunaan (ATU), minat perilaku (BI), dan penggunaan senyatanya (AU). Terdapat pula tiga konstruk eksternal yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain keyakinan individu (SE), aksesibilitas sistem (SA), dan kualitas sistem (SQ). Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini menemukan tingkat penerimaan dan penggunaan e-learning UMN pada mahasiswa dengan menggunakan faktor internal (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention, actual use) dan faktor eksternal (self-efficacy, system accessibility, system quality) TAM sudah tinggi. Perceived ease of use tidak memiliki hubungan apapun terhadap faktor-faktor yang lain, sehingga apabila faktor perceived ease of use ditingkatkan maka tidak akan terjadi pengaruh apapun terhadap actual use, meskipun didukung dengan faktor system accessibility. Adapun pengaruh positif signifikan yang dimiliki semua pasangan variabel memiliki sifat pengurangan nilai, sehingga jika sebuah faktor independen memiliki peningkatan skor sebanyak n, maka faktor dependen yang memiliki hubungan terhadap variabel independen tersebut ikut mengalami peningkatan skor namun mengalami penurunan nilai dengan besar n sejumlah dengan nilai koefisien total pengaruh yang dimilikinya.

ProBank ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-254
Singgih Darmawan ◽  
Retno Setyorini

Virtual Assistant Serina SMB Telkom's is the latest technology-based customer service launched by Telkom'sSMB National Admission. The Virtual Assistant who is familiarly called the Serina chatbot can serve questionsas well as complaints of students, new students, and parents through the LINE messenger application. Thisresearch was conducted to determine consumer responses and to see the influence between variables regardingcompatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention, and actual use of Serina chatbotusing the TAM approach. This research uses quantitative methods with descriptive and causal research types.The sampling technique uses a non probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling type with a samplesize of 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS using the outermodel and inner model. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, overall compatibility is in the goodcategory, perceived usefulness in the good enough category, perceived ease of use in the good category,behavioral intention in the good enough category, and actual use in the good enough category. The t-statisticand P-coefficient results show that: compatibility influences perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use,perceived ease of use affects perceived usefulness and behavioral intention, perceived usefulness influencesbehavioral intention and behavioral intention influences actual use.Keywords: Chatbot, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Compatibility, Partial Least Square (PLS)

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-255
Indah Purwandani ◽  
Nurfia Oktaviani Syamsiah

Abstrak: Elearning merupakan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang menggunakan teknologi komputer. Banyak platform digunakan dalam proses penyelenggaran elearning di berbagai jenjang pendidikan ini diantaranya yang paling banyak digunakan, group whatsapp, Google Classroom, Trelo, Zoom meeting, Duo, Google Meeting dan aplikasi pembelajaran online lainnya. Studi kasus dalam penelitian ini akan diambil dari pengguna Google Classroom di Indonesia khususnya dikalangan pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui skala penerimaan elearning berbasis Google Classroom oleh pengguna elearning khususnya mahasiswa Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika. TAM merupakan adaptasi dari Theory of Reason (TRA). David memaparkan bahwa tujuan utama TAM adalah untuk memberikan dasar untuk penelusuran fakor eksternal terhadap kepercayaan, sikap dan tujuan pengguna. Terdapat 5 komponen yang akan diukur menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model. Dari beberapa komponen yang ada pada Technology Acceptance Model dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use,  Attitude Toward Using, Behavioral Intention to Use mendapatkan skala penerimaan yang cukup tinggi dalam penerimaan Teknologi Google Classroom. Sedangkan komponen Actual Use mendapatkankan skala penerimaan tertinggi di antara komponen lainnya Abstract: Elearning is distance learning using computer technology. Many platforms are used in the process of organizing elearning at various levels of education that are most widely used, whatsapp groups, Google Classroom, Trelo, Zoom meetings, Duos, Google Meetings and other online learning applications. Case studies in this study will be taken from Google Classroom users in Indonesia specifically among higher education. This study offers to determine the scale of Google-based class learning by eearning users specifically for Bina Sarana Informatika University students. TAM is an adaptation of Theory of Reason (TRA). David explained that the main purpose of TAM is to provide a basis for external factors guiding the user's beliefs, attitudes and goals. It is estimated that there are 5 components that will use the Acceptance Model Technology. From some of the components in the Technology Acceptance Model, it can be concluded in terms of Perceived Uses, Easy Use Perceptions, Attitudes Towards Use, Behavior Interested in Using, get a high enough acceptance scale in accepting Google Classroom Technology. While the Actual Use component receives the highest acceptance scale among other components.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-157
Kenti Yuliana ◽  
Siti Suhaimah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem Computer Based Test (CBT) dengan model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) berdasarkan lima konstruk. Kelima konstruk tersebut adalah Kemudahan Pengguna Persepsian (Perceived Ease Of Use/PEOU), Kegunaan Persepsian (Perceived Usefulness/PU), Sikap terhadap Perilaku (Attitude Towards Behavior/ATB), Minat Perilaku (Behavioral Intention/BI) dan Penggunaan Sesungguhnya (Actual Use/AU). Tingkat signifikan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 5% dengan nilai ttabel 1,96 yang didapatkan dari proses bootstrapping yang berasumsi memiliki Derajat Kebebasan (DK) sebesar 500. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Konstruk kemudahan penggunaan persepsian berpengaruh terhadap konstruk kegunaan persepsian sebesar 69%; (2) Konstruk kemudahan penggunaan persepsian berpengaruh terhadap konstruk sikap terhadap perilaku sebesar 38%; (3) Konstruk kegunaan persepsian berpengaruh terhadap konstruk sikap terhadap perilaku sebesar 47%; (4) Konstruk kegunaan persepsian berpengaruh terhadap konstruk minat perilaku sebesar 29%; (5) Konstruk kegunaan persepsian berpengaruh terhadap konstruk penggunaan sesungguhnnya sebesar 19%; (6) Konstruk sikap terhadap perilaku berpengaruh terhadap konstruk minat perilaku sebesar 46%; dan (7) Konstruk minat perilaku berpengaruh terhadap konstruk penggunaan sesungguhnya sebesar 59%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-72
Hadi Khalil Ismael ◽  
Aree Mohammed Ali

Building on the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study examines university student’s acceptance of information and communication technology (ICT) as a learning resource outside of the classroom. With the aim of looking more deeply into this subject, the study applied the technology acceptance model to recognize the effect of perceived usefulness on the student’s actual use of ICT with the existence of perceived usefulness as a moderator variable. Data were collected from 376 students from Duhok Polytechnic University in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq using a questionnaire survey consisting of 15 items developed based on the related literature. The results support that both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are key determinants of student’s actual use of ICT as a learning resource, and the relationship between perceived ease of use and actual use is moderated by perceived usefulness. Based on the findings, conclusions, implications, limitations, and an outlook for future studies were made. The originality of this study stems from the use of perceived usefulness as a moderator on the relationship between perceived ease of use and actual use of ICT among university students.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 402-409
Deepak Shrivastava ◽  
Apurva Shrivastava ◽  
Gyan Prakash

Tech-friendliness in this new era is an important quotient considered and the persons’ acceptance towards the technology frequency matters a lot. But still the frequency varies from person to person, this brought in the concept of Technology Acceptance Model given by Fred Davis in 1989. The theory of TAM is based on two theories that are Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior, TAM is extended version of these two. Green Banking is a new technology introduced by the banks that focuses on the growth of Sustainable development and Banking system too. Thus, banks ask their customers to use it or practice it in their daily life transactions. But every customer has their own point of view on the usage of Green banking. Thus, the research aims to understand the customers’ perception towards the Green Banking for this TAM is used. The research states that Perceived risk is the primary factor that is followed by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use that impacts the decision to use green banking. Thus, the behavioral intention results in actual use of green banking usage for which people are trying to accept the new technology. So, the banks have earned points for creating awareness among their customers but still they have to work hard and clarify their customers’ problems and vanish that hitch that is stopping them to use green banking easily.

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