Minority Journalism Student Academic Comparisons between Those with and Those without High School Print Media Experience

2009 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-272 ◽  
Jack Dvorak ◽  
Candace Perkins Bowen ◽  
Changhee Choi

To better understand the worth of high school publications experiences, this study examines minority high school journalism students as compared with non-journalism minority students. Using data gathered in ACT pre-college standardized tests and results of collegiate performance, researchers found that journalism minority students outperformed non-journalism minority students in twelve of fifteen major academic comparisons. For this study, 5,369 minority students were studied from a national database. Of those, 993 (18.5%) had served on the staff of a high school newspaper or yearbook.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 438-451
Piotr S. Bobkowski ◽  
Sarah B. Cavanah

Using data from the nationally representative Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, this study examined how journalism participation in high school relates to subsequent academic outcomes. The analysis statistically controlled for a host of correlates of academic achievement, isolating the associations between journalism participation and subsequent outcomes. Results indicated that students who take more journalism in high school score higher than their peers on standardized tests of English; are more likely to major in journalism or related fields; and when they do, have higher grades in college English. Students who participate in extracurricular journalism also see some of these gains.

Ewin Karman Nduru ◽  
Efori Buulolo ◽  
Pristiwanto Pristiwanto

Universities or institutions that operate in North Sumatra are very many, therefore, of course, competition in accepting new students is very tight, universities or institutions do certain ways or steps to be able to compete with other campuses in gaining interest from community or high school students who will continue their studies to a higher level. STMIK BUDI DARMA Medan (College of Information and Computer Management), is the first computer high school in Medan which was established on March 1, 1996 and received approval from the government through the Minister of Education and Culture, on July 23, 1996 with operating license number 48 / D / O / 1996, in promoting the campus, the team usually formed a promotion team to various regions in the North Sumatra Region to provide information to the community. Students who have learned in this campus are quite a lot who come from various regions in North Sumatra, from this point the need to process data from students who are active in college to be processed using data mining to achieve a target, one method that can be used in data mining, namely the ¬K-Modes clustering (grouping) algorithm. This method is a grouping of student data that will be a help to campus students in promoting, using the K-Modes algorithm is expected to help and become a reference for marketing in determining the marketing strategy STMIK Budi Darma MedanKeywords: STMIK Budi Darma, Marketing Strategy, K-Modes Algorithm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Sami Chedhli Nighaoui

That standardized tests do not accurately assess the true competencies of minority test takers is a widely shared claim among conservative educationists. The opt-out-of-testing community has lately grown unprecedentedly vocal in several states, questioning even more seriously the accountability of the testing system altogether. This paper adopts a Critical Race Theory perspective to investigate the conceptual underpinnings of conservative criticism as well as the interpretations made popular using quantitative methodology. The key premise of this paper is that a colorblind approach to testing understates the importance of a range of unquantifiable variables, mainly the linguitic and cultural backgrounds of the test takers, in determining assessment outcome. It attempts to demonstrate where specifically standardized tests may not be used as a reliable feedback mechanism and suggests that a more flexible assessment paradigm be considered, one that engages learning quality followup to keep cultural bias to a strict minimum.          

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Saiful Rahman ◽  
Akhsanul In’am

Abstract:Description Alternative: Abstract: The students 'reading ability is low, it certainly affects the students' writing ability. Implementation of the School Literacy Movement at the stage of habituation to reading, the lack of assistance in extracurricular reading clubs that are scheduled at the State Junior High School 5 Malang. This study aims to foster students' character through the culture of school literacy that embodies the Implementation of the School Literacy Movement so that students of SMP Negeri 5 Malang become lifelong learners. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type that describes the School Literacy Movement in State Junior High School 5 Malang by using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The habituation phase was carried out by way of students bringing reading books from home or borrowing books to the library. At this stage a class reading corner was prepared, reading 15 minutes before learning began, and a literacy journal; 2) The Development and Learning Phase increases the school resources especially at the State Junior High School 5 Malang, namely the existence of a reading corner in each class, an increase in the number of books, a 30-minute reading club, and a product of the School Literacy Movement.Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Habituation, Development, and Learning Abstrak: Kemampuan membaca peserta didik tergolong rendah pasti berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis peserta didik. Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah pada tahap pembiasaan minat baca, kurangnya pendampingan pada ekstrakurekuler club baca yang di agendakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkembangkan budi pekerti peserta didik melalui pembudayaan literasi sekolah yang mewujudkan dalam Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah supaya peserta didik SMP Negeri 5 Malang menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif yang mendeksripsikan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang dengan  menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Tahap Pembiasaan dilaksanakan dengan cara peserta didik membawa buku bacaan dari rumah atau meminjam buku ke perpustakaan. Pada tahap ini sudah disiapkan pojok baca kelas, membaca 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, dan jurnal literas; 2) Tahap Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran meningkatkan sumber daya sekolah khusnya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 5 Malang yaitu adanya pojok baca di masing-masing kelas, penambahan jumlah buku, adanya club baca 30 menit, dan hasil produk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah. Kata Kunci: Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, Pembiasaan, Pengembangan dan Pembelajaran

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 320-322 ◽  
Patrick Nicholson ◽  
Alan O’Hare ◽  
Sarah Power ◽  
Seamus Looby ◽  
Mohsen Javadpour ◽  

ObjectiveTo determine the incidence and trends in subarachnoid hemorrhage in Ireland using data from a national database.Materials and methodsWe performed a retrospective nationwide query of the Irish Hospital In-patient Enquiry System (HIPE). This is a national database of all in-patient activity in acute public hospitals in Ireland. Each HIPE entry records one episode of in-patient care. The study period ranged from 1997 to 2015. Population data was obtained from the Irish Central Statistics Office, and the annual prevalence of smoking from the Irish National Tobacco Control Office. We were therefore able to calculate both crude annual acute subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) incidence rates, as well as population-standardized rates, and compared them with trends in the annual smoking rates.ResultsThe mean number of SAH cases per year is 549, with 465 cases in 1997 and 517 in 2015 (range: 465–624). The absolute incidence of SAH, therefore, remained relatively stable. Due to population increases over time, the population-adjusted rate of SAH therefore decreased, from 126.9/million people/year in 1997 to 111.5/million people/year in 2015. Nationally, there was a decrease in smoking prevalence, from 31% in 1998 to 19.2% in 2015. There was a statistically significant correlation between decreasing smoking rates and decreasing population-adjusted incidence of SAH (P=<0.0001).ConclusionsOur data suggests that the incidence of non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage in our population appears to be decreasing, a decrease which is correlated with decreasing smoking rates. This provides important data both in terms of the epidemiology of SAH, as well as the possible role of public-health interventions in tackling both smoking and declining rates of SAH.

1998 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-559 ◽  
Alfredo J. Artiles ◽  
Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz ◽  
Jamal Abedi

Notwithstanding the historical persistence of the disproportionate representation of ethnic minority students in special education, there is a scarcity of research on factors affecting the placement of minority students in these programs. The purpose of this study was to identify placement predictors in learning disabilities (LD) programs for Latino, African-American, and Anglo students. We used 12 predictor variables from two key domains (student and family) and used placement data from a national database of eighth-grade students. We found that although some factors predicted placement in LD programs for all ethnic groups, placement predictors also varied by student ethnicity. Based on these findings, we provide implications for research and practice from a sociocultural perspective.

2020 ◽  
pp. 001312452093145
Lawrence Jackson ◽  
Jesse Ford ◽  
Chélynn Randolph ◽  
Cydney Schleiden ◽  
DeAnna Harris-McKoy ◽  

The association between students’ academic identity and their academic outcomes has been well-established. The importance of a positive school climate has also been widely documented. However, Black males experience factors that uniquely and collectively comprise their school climate. As such, the purpose of this study was to test the extent to which school climate mediated the relationships between math academic identity and math outcomes of Black males. Bootstrapping mediation analyses were conducted in a sample of students in the 11th grade ( n = 1,106) using data from the High School Longitudinal Study. Results indicated that students’ math identity was positively associated with math scores. Moreover, partial mediation was established, demonstrating that school climate partially explained the relationship between math identity and student outcomes. Implications of these findings for school administrators, teachers, and counselors are discussed.

2004 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 223 ◽  
Sean Mahoney

This article attempts to identify and clarify incongruous and problematic perceptions of team-teachers' roles held by JET Programme Assistant English Teachers (AETs) and their Japanese English-teaching colleagues (JTEs). Confusion over who should do what, and especially the frustration resulting from belief conflicts between team teachers, produces negative pressure on partners that could be detrimental to English lessons and general classroom atmospheres. Using data collected from long-answer sections of a nationwide questionnaire involving over 1,400 junior and senior high school educators, the author investigates discord found between and within AET and JTE groups at both levels. While respondents generally concurred on the main (i.e. top three) roles expected of themselves and their partners, discrepancies did arise regarding other, less commonly perceived roles. 本稿はJETプログラムの英語指導助手(AET)と日本人英語教師(JTE)によるティームティーチング(TT)授業において、両者の役割に関する問題や齟齬を指摘し、詳述するものである。英語の授業におけるそれぞれの担当内容、特に教育方針の違いから生じる不満が積もると、両者に否定的なプレッシャーを与え、教室内の雰囲気に悪影響を及ぼすことになるだろう。中学校・高等学校で教えている全国1,400名以上の英語教師からの自由記述データを利用して、筆者がAET集団とJET集団間、及び、それぞれの集団内部の問題を検討する。全般的に、回答者からは各々のパートナーに期待されている主要な役割分担に関して共通の認識を持っている割合が高かったが、双方に差異が見られる場合、役割に関する共通認識の割合が低い傾向があった。

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 469-480
Giang-Nguyen T. ◽  
Byron Havard ◽  
Barbara Otto

<p>Students drop out of schools for many reasons, and it has negative effects on the individual and society. This paper reports a study using data published in 2015 from the Educational Longitudinal Study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics to analyze the influence of parental involvement on low-achieving U.S. students’ graduation rates from high school. Findings indicate that both students and parents share the same perspective on the need for parental involvement in their academic progress. For low-achieving high school students, parental involvement in academic work is a positive factor influencing students’ graduation from high school.</p>

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