scholarly journals A survey of members' access to information technology

1996 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 505-507
Ian Pullen
2011 ◽  
pp. 1990-1996
Holly Yu

The concept of access to information has changed in the past three decades to reflect the changes in the methods of receiving and conveying information. With the advent of information technology and the unprecedented opportunities created by the technology for people with and without disabilities, it has become apparent that information technologies have a tremendous potential for allowing people with disabilities to participate in mainstream activities and to support their ability to live independently. However, the new forms of access to information that have made it easier for non-disabled people have often created barriers for people with disabilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-73
Nasrul Makdis

Abstract: To run the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, lecturers must at all times be able to access and update information quickly. Thus the lecturer will not miss the latest knowledge and information from students or from the general public. Without mastering information, the lecturer will look passive and "telmi" (late thinking). Especially in this highly competitive information technology era, information becomes very important so that lecturers continuously develop and deepen their knowledge. To meet the information needs of lecturers, it is needed a mechanism for access to information and information availability. Access to information requires the availability of infrastructure (telecommunications, electricity) and devices (hardware and software) as well as mastering the use of computers (computer literacy). the problem that often arises now is that there are several attitudes of lecturers in terms of finding information. There are among lecturers who are always actively seeking and finding various information. Meanwhile there are also lecturers who are passive, in the sense that said lecturer there is no desire in finding new information and knowledge, but it is enough to hold the knowledge as it is. However the situation must be said that every lecturer is not likely to neglect information, because that information is an academic and scientific need.Keywords: Information Needs, Tridharma College,Abstrak : Untuk menjalankan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, dosen setiap saat harus dapat mengakses dan meng-update informasi dengan cepat. Dengan demikian dosen tidak akan ketinggalan pengetahuan dan informasi terkini dari mahasiswanya atau dari masyarakat umum. Tanpa menguasai informasi maka dosen akan terlihat akan pasif dan “telmi“ (telat mikir). Apalagi di era informatika yang sangat kompetitif ini, informasi menjadi sangat penting agar dosen secara berkelanjutan mengembangkan dan memperdalam pengetahuannya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi bagi dosen dibutuhkan adanya mekanisme akses terhadap informasi dan ketersediaan informasi. Akses terhadap informasi membutuhkan ketersediaan infrastruktur (telekomunikasi, listrik) dan perangkat (hardware dan software) serta penguasaan penggunaan komputer (literasi komputer). persoalan yang sering muncul sekarang adalah bahwa terdapat beberapa sikap dosen dalam  hal mencari informasi. Ada di antara dosen yang senantiasa aktif mencari dan menemukan berbagai informasi. Sementara itu ada juga dosen yang pasif, dalam arti kata dosen tersebut tidak ada keinginan dalam mencari informasi dan pengetahuan baru, tetapi cukup memadakan pengetahuan apa adanya. Bagaimana pun situasinya harus dikatakan bahwa setiap dosen tidak mungkin alpa dengan informasi, karena informasi itu adalah kebutuhan akademik dan kebutuhan ilmiah. Kata kunci :Kebutuhan Informasi, Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi,

Agrika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Wenny Mamilianti

ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui persepsi petani kentang terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi dan (2) menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan teknologi informasi dan faktor-faktor lain terhadap perilaku petani pada risiko harga kentang. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Pasuruan dengan responden berjumlah 183 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode tabulasi data untuk menggambarkan persepsi petani terhadap teknologi informasi. Analisis untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknologi informasi dan faktor lain terhadap risiko produksi adalah analisis regresi logit. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa teknologi informasi bermanfaat dalam kegiatan usahatani kentang khususnya untuk informasi harga dan pasar. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap sikap petani pada risiko harga adalah usia, harga sebelumnya, harga saat ini dan penggunaan teknologi informasi. Teknologi informasi sangat bermanfaat bagi petani dataran tinggi khususnya petani kentang yang terbatas akan akses informasi sehingga perlu adanya penyediaan sarana prasarana yang memadai untuk kemudahan penggunaan teknologi informasi. Perlu ada sarana yang menyediakan informasi harga dan pasar secara terbuka untuk petani. ABSTRACTPurpose of this study is (1) to determine the perception of potato farmers on the use of information technology, and (2) to analyze the effect of the use of information technology and other factors on farmer's behavior on the potato price risk. The study was conducted in Pasuruan Regency with 183 respondents. The analytical method used is the data tabulation method to describe farmers' perceptions of information technology. Analysis to determine the effect of information technology and other factors on production risk is logit regression analysis. The results show that information technology is beneficial in potato farming activities especially for price and market information. The factors that influence the attitude of farmers to price risk are age, previous prices, current prices and the use of information technology. Information technology is very beneficial for highland farmers, especially potato farmers, who are limited in access to information, so there is a need to provide adequate infrastructure to facilitate the use of information technology. There needs to be a means that provides information on prices and markets openly for farmers. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Asmara Jimi

Abstract The development of the village government are now either in the presence of village funds from the central government that aim to advance, village the current rural development related to information technology support, almost luminance village need to improve information technology services to the.One example from the village, about the internet the internet is not currently only enjoyed by urban residents but comes to. village communityThe difficulty of access to information that is keen to develop research make village based information system website for the purpose of improving public services, village access to information can be obtained easily, for the villagers, promotion , potential of the village , population area and forth with, literature in a interview observation, field and drafting, system the website based information system able to improve services to the community so that information to the public can be accessed easily and accurately.

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