Memoirs: Studies on the Shape of the Golgi Apparatus

1930 ◽  
Vol s2-73 (291) ◽  
pp. 477-506

1. Observations on the living ovary. The earthworm ovary, as also that of the medicinal leech, is surprisingly favourable material for the study of the Golgi apparatus and the mitochondria in the living condition. The Golgi elements stand out very prominently in all stages of oogenesis as highly refractile spherules of a dark-greyish colour, performing a dancing movement in the cell. In the earliest oogonia situated near the septal insertion of the ovary there is a single Golgi spherule lying near the nuclear membrane. It probably divides at first into two and then into four, till in advanced oocytes there is a large number of Golgi elements distributed uniformly in the cytoplasm. The mitochondria in the earliest oogonia cannot be detected. Soon, however, they arise in the form of either a horseshoe closely fitting the nuclear membrane or a roundish mass, consisting of whitish granules, much less refractile than the Golgi elements. Gradually they spread out in the cytoplasm and perform a dancing movement. The Golgi elements and the mitochondria remain unaltered for a long time after the death of the cell. Attention is drawn to the excellent work of Foot and Strobell (1901), who described in the fresh egg of Allolobophora only two types of granules, namely, the ‘deutoplasmic’ or ‘osmiophile’ granules (Golgi elements) and the ‘archoplasmic’ or ‘yolk-nucleus’ granules (mitochondria). They have also shown only one osmiophile granule in their photographs of the earliest oogonia. 2. Observations on the living stained ovary. Neutral red and janus green B do not in any way improve the visibility of the inclusions, if indeed any improvement were desired. The Golgi elements do not at all stain with neutral red. The mitochondria may appear slightly blue with janus green. 3. Observations on fresh ovaries treated with osmic acid. The importance of this technique is greatly emphasized. After five to ten minutes' osmication the Golgi elements become copper-coloured, but they still appear solid. After half an hour's osmication they become slightly black and each element now shows very clearly a dark peripheral rim and a clear central area. The element is therefore not a solid or a semi-solid body, but a vesicle with a definite osmiophilic rim and a hollow interior. After two hours' osmication the vesicles become still blacker. 4. Experiments with the Centrifuge. The centrifuge very clearly reveals the existence of only two types of inclusions, namely, the Golgi elements and the mitochondria. There is neither yolk nor any other type of inclusion. 5. Observations on Fixed Preparations. If a Champy-fixed ovary is mounted whole, the Golgi elements appear as black granules. Within a month or so, however, they are decolorized by xylol. This proves the existence of fat inside the Golgi vesicle. In Champy-fixed sections, however, the vesicles are decolorized immediately after immersion in xylol. Kolatschev preparations demonstrate very satisfactorily the vesicular shape of the Golgi element. 6. The morphology of the Golgi apparatus in general is discussed in detail in the light of the recent work of Gatenby, Hirschler, Bowen, and others.

1931 ◽  
Vol s2-74 (294) ◽  
pp. 257-274

1. The Golgi vacuoles and fatty yolk-formation in Peri-planeta orientalis were studied by means of Mann-Kopsch, Kolatschev, 2 per cent, osmic acid and neutral red preparations. 2. The Golgi vacuoles of the young oocytes are situated in the vicinity of the nucleus; later they pass to the periphery of the cell. In the older oocytes, towards the posterior end of the ovarioles, they become evenly distributed in the ooplasm, store up fat, increase greatly in size, and give rise to the fatty yolkspheres. In the older oocytes they darken much more rapidly in 2 per cent, osmic acid. 3. In neutral red preparations clear non-stained vacuoles are seen to occupy similar positions to those of the dark bodies of the osmic preparations; on introducing a few drops of 2 per cent, osmic acid under the cover slip the vacuoles develop an osmophilic rim. These Golgi vacuoles are not stained by neutral red. 4. In 2 per cent, osmic acid preparations the Golgi vacuoles are seen to consist of an osmophilic rim and a central clear substance. 5. The Golgi vacuoles of the follicle-cells are similar to those of the egg, except that they do not increase greatly in size and are not so rapidly darkened in 2 per cent, osmic acid. 6. The nucleoli of the early oocytes are spherical in shape and are amphiphil or slightly basophil in staining reaction; they may contain small vacuoles. In slightly older oocytes the nucleoli are non-vacuolated; they become strongly basophil, irregular in outline, and, at the same time, give rise to emissions which pass through the nuclear membrane to the ooplasm, where they ultimately disappear. In a certain few oocytes the nucleolus was seen to have broken up into several masses, some of the latter, in all probability, fragmenting to form nucleolar extrusions. In a certain oocyte one of the masses was observed to be vacuolated before the first type of extrusion had ceased. 7. In the more highly developed oocytes the first type of nucleolar emission ceases, and the nucleolus becomes more spherical in outline. Numerous vacuoles appear which give origin to nucleolar extrusions. The latter become vacuolated, either before extrusion through the nuclear membrane, or later in the ooplasm. 8. The second type of nucleolar extrusions pass to the periphery of the egg. Later they become evenly distributed in the ooplasm, where they fragment to forin homogeneous granules. The latter form clear spheres (Kolatschev material) which rapidly increase in size to form the albuminous yolk-globules. 9. Chromatin was not observed in the oocyte nuclei, nucleoli, or nucleolar extrusions (Feulgen's technique). The chromatin of the follicle-cells is in the form of granules connected by threads (which give the chromatin reaction). The chromatin of the follicular epithelial-cells was observed as granules scattered through the nuclei. 10. Bacteroid forms were observed in the ooplasm at the periphery of the older oocytes. 11. The method of yolk-formation is similar to that of Peri-planeta americanaas described by Nath and Piare Mohan. 12. The writer's conclusions regarding the shape and character of the Golgi vacuoles agree with tne findings of Nath and his co-workers and with the former conclusions of the present writer for oocyte Golgi vacuoles.

1938 ◽  
Vol s2-81 (321) ◽  
pp. 81-104
B. N. SINGH ◽  

1. In the young oocytes the Golgi apparatus has the form of a solid body situated at one side of the nucleus. This body fragments and the pieces spread around the nucleus where they elongate and join up to form a network. This network moves out to the periphery of the cell where it fragments into pieces. No chromophobe part could be seen at any stage. 2. The mitochondria are seen in the earliest stages in the archoplasmic area. Here they occur as a number of scattered granules. In the later stages they are seen distributed in clumps throughout the cytoplasm. 3. Fat arises in the area which has been vacated by the juxta-nuclear Golgi apparatus (archoplasmic area). Prom here it spreads around the nucleus and out through the cytoplasm. There is no connexion between the Golgi apparatus and the secretion of fat. 4. The passage of material from the nucleoli through the nuclear membrane as fine granules has been described. These granules pass to the periphery of the egg where they swell up, become surrounded by a vacuole, and give rise to yolk. Only the nucleolar extrusions and the yolk stained with neutral red. 5. After centrifuging, the contents of the egg become separated into five distinct layers as follows, beginning at the centripetal pole: fat, cytoplasm, Golgi material, yolk, and nuclear material with mitochondria.

Although the Golgi apparatus can be seen in the cells of all tissues prepared by the appropriate cytological technique (9), yet up to the present nobody has succeeded in demonstrating a typical Golgi apparatus in the cells of tissue cultures. This is all the more remarkable since the Golgi apparatus can readily be seen in certain living cells (2, 12), and can be stained intra vitam by Janus green in others, while Brambell and Rau (13) have been able to trace the behaviour of the apparatus during spermatogenesis in Cavia by staining smears of the testis with Janus green, and fixing the cells by the iodine method of M. and W. H. Lewis (6). Recently a paper has been published by Zweibaum and Elkner on the Golgi apparatus in tissue cultures (14). These investigators grew fragments of mesentery in both plasma and serum, and fixed their cultures in a variety of ways. They employed, amongst others, the osmic and silver impregnation methods. In only one case did they get a positive impregnation of the cells. This result was obtained with the silver impregnation method of Da Fano. Among their illustrations they include a figure of a cell with a cluster of black granules grouped towards one side of the nucleus. This is regarded as one form of the apparatus in tissue cultures. Further, in the majority of the cells, which had become flattened out on the under surface of the cover-glass, numerous vacuoles were observed. Some of these were elongated and canalicular in form. Others were irregular. Since nothing but what are described as fat globules became impregnated by the osmic acid method, it was concluded that certain of the vacuolations represented a negative picture of the Golgi apparatus. Zweibaum and Elkner failed completely to trace any intermediate stages between the typical reticulate form of apparatus, and the juxta-nuclear group of granules in their one successful impregnation, and their only reason for regarding certain of the vacuoles as homologous with the Golgi apparatus seems to be that some of them happened to be elongated and tubular in shape.

1938 ◽  
Vol s2-80 (320) ◽  
pp. 601-634

1. When Amoeba proteus is subjected to high centrifugal force most of the cytoplasmic bodies are thrown out of the cell, so this work was done with the ordinary electrical centrifuge. 2. The stratification of the various cytoplasmic components according to their specific gravity is as follows: the contractile vacuole and the fat, being the lightest, occupy the centripetal position; then there is a layer of cytoplasm followed by mitochondria, neutral-red bodies, crystals, and nutritive spheres. The nucleus occupies a position in between the crystals and the nutritive spheres (Text-fig. 2). 3. The redistribution of the various cytoplasmic components takes place within a few minutes after amoebae have been centrifuged by the electrical centrifuge. Ultra-centrifuged organisms kept in culture solution remain rounded for 10-15 days, and no cyst formation takes place. The crystals and nutritive spheres are reformed; the former seem to be the products of excretion formed by the metabolic activity of the cell. 4. The nutritive spheres contain glycogen as reserve food material, and give positive tests for glycogen with iodine and Best's carmine. 5. There is no evidence that the bodies which stain with neutral red are the homologue of the metazoan Golgi apparatus, although they are pre-existing bodies in Amoeba proteus . The contractile vacuole does not blacken even after prolonged osmication. No certain homologue of the Golgi apparatus was found in Amoeba proteus. 6. Fat and glycogen are two distinct types of storage material present in Amoeba proteus. The former is very well seen with osmic acid, Sudan IV, and Nile blue tests.

1928 ◽  
Vol s2-72 (286) ◽  
pp. 277-300

1. The oogenesis of the spider Crossopriza has been worked out by fresh cover-slip preparations stained with neutral red and Janus green B or kept in 2 per cent, osmic acid from ten minutes to half an hour. Routine laboratory methods have also been used. 2. Treatment with 2 per cent. osmic acid for the period mentioned above does not introduce any artifacts. 3. In the youngest oocyte the Golgi elements are in the form of vacuoles containing a watery and non-fatty fluid, and are embedded in the mitochondrial mass. 4. The solid granular Golgi elements are artifacts produced by the excessive precipitation of metallic silver or osmium inside the vacuoles. 5. The crescent-shaped Golgi elements are also artifacts produced possibly by the incomplete blackening of vacuoles. More probably, however, the crescents are the optical sections of the vacuoles. 6. A process of growth and deposition of fat not miscible with the general cytoplasm inside the Golgi vacuoles gives rise to the fatty yolk-vacuoles. 7. The mitochondria are granular and form a horse-shoe-shaped cap on one side of the nucleus of the youngest oocyte. The cap gradually grows into a complete circum-nuclear ring. The ring breaks up, and ultimately the mitochondria are distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. 8. There are no nucleolar extrusions. The albuminous yolk arises independently in the cytoplasm. 9. Experiments with the centrifuge have been performed. 10. The earlier literature on the origin of fatty yolk has been reviewed. 11. There is no structure in the egg of Crossopriza comparable to the ‘yolk-nucleus’ of the spider Tegenaria described by earlier writers.

1965 ◽  
Vol s3-106 (73) ◽  
pp. 15-21

The exocrine cells of the mouse pancreas were fixed in potassium dichromate solution, embedded in araldite or other suitable medium, and examined by electron microscopy. Almost every part of these cells is seriously distorted or destroyed by this fixative. The ergastoplasm is generally unrecognizable, the mitochondria and zymogen granules are seldom visible, and no sign of the plasma membrane, microvilli, or Golgi apparatus is seen. The contents of the nucleus are profoundly rearranged. It is seen to contain a large, dark, irregularly shaped, finely granular object; the evidence suggests that this consists of coagulated histone. The sole constituent of the cell that is well fixed is the inner nuclear membrane. The destructive properties of potassium dichromate are much mitigated when it is mixed in suitable proportions with osmium tetroxide or formaldehyde.

Felix Biermann

A small group of richly decorated spurs has been known for a long time for their characteristic non-ferrous metal covering as well as massive bronze or brass thorn points. Most of them have been found in in the states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. They are so similar that they could have been manufactured, if not in the same workshop, at least in the same region. The embossed metal sheath, reminiscent of the Late Slavic technology of sheath fittings, could indicate a the Slavic craft tradition. The latest find from a deserted village of Kastaven near Sähle, Oberhavel district in northern Brandenburg, sheds new light on this group of objects. The Kastaven spur has been found in the central area of the settlement which existed between the early 13th and the 15th centuries, in the vicinity of ruins of a church or a churchyard. The spur was probably lost at the village foundation phase, in the early 13th century. This context is of importance to the disputed chronology of the entire spur group, dated back to the late 12th and the early 13th centuries. The finds in Hamburg, Holstein, Eastern Mecklenburg and Northern Brandenburg indicate contacts between the élites in the southwest of the Baltic, related to migrations of petty nobility within the German Eastern Settlement or a communication network of the Slavic Leaders in the Abodrite/Mecklenburg cultural area.

1925 ◽  
Vol s2-69 (274) ◽  
pp. 291-316

1. The yolk-nucleus is merely a mass of mitochondria. 2. The mitochondria arise as a cap of threads over the nucleus, and this cap grows in size and density, migrates away from the nuclear membrane and breaks up into its component mitochondrial threads. These threads become evenly spread throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. 3. The mitochondria are not clearly defined in the very young oogonia. 4. The Golgi apparatus consists of numbers of Golgi elements lying separate in the cytoplasm. There is never any attempt at concentration of these elements round one central mass. 5. The Golgi elements are probably little platelets or spheroids somewhat resembling blood corpuscles in shape. They are not rods. As fixed by Da Fano technique, each element is a little plate with a very lightly impregnating centre and a very heavily impregnating rim. 6. The Golgi elements may probably arise from the cytoplasm. 7. The nucleus contains two nucleoli; an early arising karyosome, homogeneous and solid in structure, and a plasmo some arising later This plasmosome is liquid in consistency and contains an argentophil core. The karyosome disappears before the oocyte is half grown, but the plasmosome remains in the nucleus while the egg remains in the ovary. 8. No visible nucleolar extrusions into the cytoplasm were observed. 9. Yolk probably arises from the cytoplasm; no direct metamorphosis of either mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, or nucleolus into yolk was observed.

The formation of mucus in goblet cells and its relation to the Golgi apparatus has been studied by various workers. Nassanow (1923) showed clearly that the mucin granules in the goblet cells of Triton originated in the Golgi apparatus, and so brought secretion in these cells into line with his theory of the bound secretion. More recently Clara (1926) has shown in the goblet cells of birds that the mucin first appears in the region next to the nucleus, between it and the gland lumen. Florey (1932, a, b ) has considered this more extensively in two recent papers, and for a number of mammals has shown that the mucin granules of goblet cells first form in the meshes of the Golgi network. In epithelial cells of the mouse vagina, undergoing conversion into mucous cells, he has found that the same process occurs. In a recent investigation of secretory formation in the salivary glands and pancreas it was found by the present author that in every cell type examined the young secretory granules first appeared in the basal region of the cell in relation to the mitochondria. Subsequent emigration occurred into the Golgi zone, where they underwent conversion into mature secretory granules. In the mucous cells of the salivary glands it was shown that these newly formed granules might be stained intravitam by Janus green or neutral red, and that in fixed preparations they stained selectively with acid fuchsin as described by Noll (1902), In the light of this work it appeared probable that while mucin formation might occur in the Golgi zone of the goblet cells as described by these authors, the origin of the granules might lie in the basal region of the cell.

1984 ◽  
Vol 99 (6) ◽  
pp. 2011-2023 ◽  
J W Wills ◽  
R V Srinivas ◽  
E Hunter

The envelope glycoproteins of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), gp85 and gp37, are anchored in the membrane by a 27-amino acid, hydrophobic domain that lies adjacent to a 22-amino acid, cytoplasmic domain at the carboxy terminus of gp37. We have altered these cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains by introducing deletion mutations into the molecularly cloned sequences of a proviral env gene. The effects of the mutations on the transport and subcellular localization of the Rous sarcoma virus glycoproteins were examined in monkey (CV-1) cells using an SV40 expression vector. We found, on the one hand, that replacement of the nonconserved region of the cytoplasmic domain with a longer, unrelated sequence of amino acids (mutant C1) did not alter the rate of transport to the Golgi apparatus nor the appearance of the glycoprotein on the cell surface. Larger deletions, extending into the conserved region of the cytoplasmic domain (mutant C2), resulted in a slower rate of transport to the Golgi apparatus, but did not prevent transport to the cell surface. On the other hand, removal of the entire cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains (mutant C3) did block transport and therefore did not result in secretion of the truncated protein. Our results demonstrate that the C3 polypeptide was not transported to the Golgi apparatus, although it apparently remained in a soluble, nonanchored form in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; therefore, it appears that this mutant protein lacks a functional sorting signal. Surprisingly, subcellular localization by internal immunofluorescence revealed that the C3 protein (unlike the wild type) did not accumulate on the nuclear membrane but rather in vesicles distributed throughout the cytoplasm. This observation suggests that the wild-type glycoproteins (and perhaps other membrane-bound or secreted proteins) are specifically transported to the nuclear membrane after their biosynthesis elsewhere in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

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