scholarly journals Participação social em audiência públicas no planejamento urbano: estudo de caso do Plano Diretor Estratégico do município de São Paulo / Social participation in public hearings in urban planning: a case study of the Strategic Director’s Plan of the municipality of São Paulo

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-475
Angela Limongi Alvarenga Alves ◽  
Rafael Barreto Castelo da Cruz

ResumoO Plano Diretor Participativo é o principal instrumento de política urbana nos municípios brasileiros, razão pela qual deve contar com a participação social como orientadora para a arquitetura das respectivas políticas públicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento urbano. Os processos participativos devem permitir que todos os atores contribuam para a definição da pauta de prioridades e que as contribuições se tornem insumos para o planejamento. Na mesma senda, os Planos Diretores Participativos devem articular a influência docidadão na construção das cidades. Embora audiências públicas tenham sido realizadas, a análise de dados secundários inerentes à revisão do Plano Diretor Estratégico (PDE) do município de São Paulo nos anos de 2013 e 2014, revelou que esse processo foi composto de sucessivas esferas de consulta, meramente informativas. Através da utilização da metodologia da “Escada de Participação Popular”, proposta por Sherry Arnstein, verificou-se que a elaboração do PDE pode ser considerada “pseudoparticipativa”, evidenciando que o procedimento de ausculta social se deu muito mais para legitimar as decisões políticas acerca do PDE do que efetivamente para garantir a participação democrática no planejamento urbano. Apesar dos avanços, o processo ainda está aquém do almejado para uma participação plural e determinante na tomada de decisões em comunidades.Palavras-chave: Participação Social. Audiências Públicas. Planejamento Urbano. Plano Diretor. Município de São Paulo. AbstractThe Participatory Master Plan is the main instrument of urban policy in Brazilian municipalities, which is why it must count on social participation as a guide for the architecture of the respective public policies aimed at urban development. Participatory processes must allow all actors to contribute to the definition of the agenda of priorities and that contributions become inputs for planning. In the same vein, the Participative Master Plans must articulate the citizen's influence in the construction of cities. Although public hearings were held, the analysis of secondary data inherent to the review of the Strategic Master Plan (PDE) of the municipality of São Paulo in the years 2013 and 2014, revealed that this process was composed of successive spheres of consultation, merely informative. Through the use of the “Ladder of Popular Participation” methodology, proposed by Sherry Arnstein, it was verified that the elaboration of the PDE can be considered “pseudoparticipativa”, showing that the social auscultation procedure took place much more to legitimize the political decisions about the PDE than effectively to guarantee democratic participation in urban planning. Despite the advances, the process still lags behind the goal of plural and decisive participation in decision-making in communities.Keywords: Social Participation. Public Hearings. Urban planning. Master plan. Municipality of SãoPaulo.

Leandro Fraga Guimaraes ◽  
Jaciara Martins Fontes Cruz

Both Paris and São Paulo are cities which feature notably distinct occupation histories. As of secondary data and by means of a bibliographical review that sought to collate standpoints of authors engaged in the fields of urban planning and mobility - in addition to urban mobility systems ideation and development historians and scholars – the historical report wherein mobile impairments evolved at each of the mentioned large urban centres, was summarized into a case study, encompassing from emergence to the 20th. Century - a period both cities experienced pivotal transformations - although these took place in substantially diverse manners. To this effect, reasoning was also gathered so as to, in overview, characterize the challenges that urban mobility, for thousands of years, continues to bring about to cohabitation within restricted space, at large cities. Much conversely to being a recent matter of issue, it is a challenge that remains and changes, although some of its core elements have been found to be breathtakingly perseverant throughout history. Conclusion resides in comments relative to a selection of contemporary alternatives that are currently in use at both cities so as to better direct the addressing of the urban mobility issue and also includes a set of alternatives deemed best successful than that known as solutions to this problem which strong holds its very presence at all major cities of the globe.

Raquel Rolnik

Este trabalho refere-se aos resultados da pesquisa Impacto da aplicação de novos instrumentos urbanísticos em cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Coloca-se a pergunta: passados dez anos da promulgação da Constituição — que inclui em seu texto uma série de novos instrumentos urbanísticos comprometidos com a idéia de ampliação do acesso à terra e moradia por parte do setor popular —, o que ocorreu nos municípios brasileiros com mais de 20.000 habitantes em relação a Planos Diretores e instrumentos urbanísticos previstos por lei? Qual é o perfil e a forma de elaboração desses planos? Os novos instrumentos, se adotados, possibilitam novas formas de administrar os conflitos urbanos? A pesquisa levanta a situação da legislação nos municípios, por meio de um questionário. Elabora o conceito de exclusão territorial, significando que parcela da população vive em condições de precariedade no que diz respeito à infra-estrutura urbana e às condições de habitabilidade do local de moradia. Em um segundo momento, realizaram-se estudos de caso em três municípios — Guarujá, Diadema e Jaboticabal —, aprofundando-se o estudo das relações entre os diferentes modelos econômicos e os processos de regulação urbanística.Palavras-chave: planejamento urbano; regulação urbanística; reforma urbana; urbanismo. Abstract: This paper refers to the results of the research project Effects of the Implementation of New Land Use Controls in the Cities of São Paulo State. It raises the following question: ten years after the introduction of the new Constitution — whose text includes new urban land use controls aimed at increasing land and housing for the poor — what has happened in cities of over 20.000 inhabitants concerning Master Plans and land use regulation procedures? What is the form and quality of the process which has led to these plans? Do the new controls, where in use, allow new ways of managing urban conflicts? The research looks into the current legislation situation in these cities through a series of questions. The concept of territorial exclusion is defined, meaning how much of the local population lives in precarious conditions regarding urban infra-structure and housing conditions. In the second part, three case studies were conducted — in the cities of Guarujá, Diadema and Jaboticabal — studying more thoroughly the relations between different local economic models, land regulation processes and territorial exclusion. Keywords: urban planning; urban planning regulations; urban reform; urbanism.

Redes ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 118 ◽  
Milena Pavan Serafim ◽  
Marcelo Salera Ricci

Resumo Este trabalho tem por iniciativa entender e ampliar o debate acerca da necessidade do Planejamento Urbano e do desenvolvimento coerente dos centros urbanos, por meio da análise da ferramenta dos Planos Diretores Municipais de duas cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo escolhidas a partir de características que as aproximam dentro de quatro categorias de análise (Mobilidade Urbana, ZEIS, Mecanismos de Preservação Ambiental e Mecanismos de Controle Social) considerando o contexto em que estas cidades estão inseridas e as suas características que as tornam únicas frente a qualquer outro município do Brasil, a fim de entender e mostrar que os Planos Diretores podem promover soluções, a curto, médio e longo prazo, para findar ou ao menos amenizar os problemas recorrentes da ocupação desordenada nas cidades, de modo geral. Abstract This paper has the initiative to understand and extend the debate about the necessity of Urban Planning and coherent development of urban centers, by the analysis tool of the Municipal Master Plans of two cities in the state of São Paulo chosen from characteristics that approach within four categories of analysis (Urban Mobility, ZEIS, Mechanisms of Environmental Conservation and Mechanisms of Social Control) considering the context in which these cities are located and their characteristics that make them unique compared to any other city in Brazil, in order to understand and show that the Master Plans can promote solutions in the short, medium and long term for ending or at least mitigating the recurring problems of disorderly occupation in cities in general.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-167 ◽  
Victor Albert

City master plans assumed a central role in urban planning in Brazil with the promulgation of a new constitution in 1988 and the passage of enacting legislation in 2001. Citizen participation became an important part of this new urban planning framework. In contrast to some of Brazil’s other democratic experiments, participation in urban planning has been received critically or with only cautious optimism. A comparison of two participatory forums in Santo André, São Paulo, shows that established patterns of administrative power can decisively influence the participation of the public in city planning. Differences in the executive structures of the two institutions enabled one of them but not the other to foster open-ended deliberation on policies with members of disadvantaged groups. The study suggests that participation might be enhanced by reserving executive positions for civil society participants, including the public at all stages of policy development, choosing participants largely from disadvantaged groups, and keeping the forum small. Planos diretores para cidades desempenharam papel fundamental no planejamento urbano brasileiro com a promulgação da Constituição de 1988 e o sancionamento da legislação em 2001. Demais, a participação de cidadãos tornou-se importante elemento dessa nova moldura de planejamento urbanístico. Ainda assim, em contraste com outros experimentos democráticos no Brasil, a participação no planejamento urbano tem sido recebida de maneira crítica ou no máximo com otimismo cauteloso. Contudo, uma comparação entre dois forums participativos em Santo André, São Paulo, demonstra que padrões estabelecidos de poder administrativo tiveram influência decisiva na participação pública no planejamento urbano. Diferenças na estrutura executiva das duas instituições permitiram que uma delas, mas não a outra, promovesse deliberações transparentes sobre iniciativas enquanto permitia a participação de grupos menos privilegiados. O estudo sugere que a participação pode ser ampliada com a nomeação de participantes da sociedade civil a cargos executivos, incluindo-se o público em todos os estágios da política de desenvolvimento e escolhendo-se indivíduos majoritariamente entre segmentos mais desfavorecidos da população. O forum deve, ainda, manter-se pequeno.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-160
Pedro Henrique Araújo dos Santos ◽  
Juliana Kelly Dantas da Silva

 Resumo: Nos dias atuais, percebemos que muitas são as dificuldades para a organização da juventude e a participação política nos espaços de poder e decisão existentes na sociedade. Em muitos dos espaços políticos os jovens não se sentem representados, nem tem oportunidades de defender seus interesses. Nesse contexto, percebe-se a ausência de formação política e oportunidades de participação do jovem na sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa está pautada no levantamento de elementos da participação social, cultura política dos jovens e da trajetória de organização da Rede de Juventudes do Seridó que contribuem para a formação da consciência crítica dos jovens e favorecem o exercício do controle social e da promoção de políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude.  Palavras-chave: Juventude; Participação Social; Rede de Juventudes.  Abstract: Nowadays, we realize that there are many difficulties for the organization of youth and political participation in the spaces of power and decision in society. In many political spaces young people do not feel represented, nor do they have opportunities to defend their interests. In this context, one can perceive the lack of political formation and opportunities for youth participation in society. In this perspective, this research is based on the survey of elements of social participation, political culture of the young people and the organizational trajectory of the Youth Network of Seridó that contribute to the formation of the critical awareness of young people and favor the exercise of social control and promotion of public policies aimed at youth.  Keywords: Youth; Social Participation; Youth Network REFERÊNCIAS ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. NBR 14724: Informação e documentação. Trabalhos Acadêmicos - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2002. ABRAMO, Helena Wendel; BRANCO, Pedro Paulo Martoni. (Orgs). Retratos da Juventude Brasileira: análises de uma pesquisa nacional. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2005.  ALBUQUERQUE, Alexandre Aragão de, Juventude, Educação e Participação Política. Paco Editorial. Jundiaí, 2012.  ALMEIDA, Elmir de. Políticas públicas para jovens em Santo André In:_____. 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2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (157) ◽  
pp. 66-71
K. Didenko

The article describes the origin and formation of the «Dipromisto» Institute. The peculiarities of the project approach and methodological findings of the institute at the beginning of 1930s are considered.. The realism and pragmatism of Ukrainian specialists in the field of urban planning are noted. A necessary component in the devel-opment of the master plan of the new city, or the reconstruction of the existing one, was the technical and econom-ic studying of the city and more detailed analytical work. Only after that the sketch project was made and devel-opment of the final project of planning and drawing up in detail of the partial project of planning of the first turn was carried out. The Institute's development has consistently attempted to make the city aware and practical, not only as a supplement to industrial production, but as a self-sufficient facility designed to ensure all aspects of people's lives. The same approach was used in the process of developing the master plan of Kharkov (1933-1938). Thanks to the Institute, several dozen master plans of cities and about a hundred master plans of industrial settlements of the Ukrainian SSR were designed, and a master plan of Kharkov was developed. The school of complex urban planning was formed thanks to the work of many talented specialists: O. Eingorn, G. Sheleikhovsky and P. Alyoshin, as well as D. Bogorad, M. Davidovich, I. Malozyomov, O. Marzeev, P. Khaustov and other specialists. Eingorn was the undisputed ideological leader of the Institute. Thanks to his leadership, a methodology for designing cities was developed. First of all, the design process was divided into four stages: technical and eco-nomic studying of the city; drawing up a draft planning plan; development of the final planning project; drawing up a detailed partial draft of the first stage planning. Eingorn paid great attention to the architecture of the city and work with the landscape and another important implementation of O. Eingorn is a reorganization of the de-sign process and the work of the architect-designer and associates. Another prominent specialist – G. Sheleikhovsky. He co-authored and engineered and designed two large ur-ban projects, the master plan of Kharkiv and Big Zaporizhia. He was also a scientist who laid the foundations of urban climatology, which in the 1930s was just beginning to develop. Keywords: Dipromisto Institute, school of urban planning, Soviet urban planning, urban planning of the Ukrainian SSR, Kharkiv metropolitan period.

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