Revista TEIAS ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (58) ◽  
Erica Andreia Cortez Monteiro ◽  
Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro

 RESUMOEste artigo pretende mostrar a importância das adaptações do currículo, da avaliação, dos materiais didáticos e do papel do professor, diante dos alunos com deficiência intelectual – síndrome de down no ensino regular. Os objetivos aqui apresentados são favorecer ensino e aprendizagem através dos materiais e adaptações de acesso ao currículo e a avaliação. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa são pesquisas bibliográficas. Conclui-se que por meio dos materiais adaptados todos os alunos com deficiência intelectual - síndrome de down são beneficiados, e torna possível uma prática pedagógica de forma igualitária e qualitativa garantindo uma educação para todos, priorizando cada um, independentemente de suas limitações. Os materiais adaptados, o currículo e avaliação otimizam a cooperação entre aluno e professor no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, valorizando a diversidade como agente de transformação de consciência social. ADAPTATIONS IN THE INCLUSION PROCESS - DOWN SYNDROME IN THE OPTICS: CURRICULUM, EVALUATION AND DIDACTIC MATERIALSABSTRACTThis article intends to show the importance of the adaptations of the curriculum, assessment, teaching materials and the role of the teacher, in front of the students with intellectual disability - down syndrome in regular education. The objectives presented here are to favor teaching and learning through the materials and adaptations of access to the curriculum and the evaluation. The methodology used in this research are bibliographic research. It is concluded that through the adapted materials all students with intellectual disability - down syndrome are benefited, and makes possible a pedagogical practice in an egalitarian and qualitative way guaranteeing an education for all, prioritizing each one, regardless of their limitations. Adapted materials, curriculum and assessment optimize student-teacher cooperation in the teaching-learning process, valuing diversity as an agent of transformation of social consciousness, enabling the exercise of citizenship in the construction of a more just society. ADAPTACIONES EN EL PROCESO DE INCLUSIÓN - SÍNDROME DE DOWN EN LA ÓSTICA: CURRICULUM, EVALUACIÓN Y MATERIAL DIDÁCTICOSRESUMEN  Este artículo pretende mostrar la importancia de las adaptaciones del currículo, de la evaluación, de los materiales didácticos y del papel del profesor, ante los alumnos con discapacidad intelectual - síndrome de down en la enseñanza regular. Los objetivos aquí presentados son favorecer la enseñanza y el aprendizaje a través de los materiales y adaptaciones de acceso al currículo y la evaluación. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación son investigaciones bibliográficas. Se concluye que por medio de los materiales adaptados todos los alumnos con discapacidad intelectual - síndrome de down son beneficiados, y hace posible una práctica pedagógica de forma igualitaria y cualitativa garantizando una educación para todos, priorizando cada uno, independientemente de sus limitaciones. Los materiales adaptados, el currículo y la evaluación optimizan la cooperación entre alumno y profesor en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, valorizando la diversidad como agente de transformación de conciencia social. 

Asif Al Matin

The two very prominent methodologies are GTM and CLT in the education system in teaching & learning English in Bangladesh. To show the importance of the combination of these two phenomenal methods is the purpose of this paper. In Bangladesh GTM is commonly used for a long time, and at present CLT is also a very famous method. In this paper, the two methods are elaborated clearly in effective teaching and learning of English in Bangladesh. The study focuses on GTM and CLT in respects of achieving four skills, accuracy/fluency, teaching-learning process, handling the students’ feelings and emotions, the role of the native language of students, the language skills that are emphasized, and the way of teacher’s response to students’ errors. Though CLT is the more beneficial method nowadays GTM also has some positive things to offer. Based on the data and findings, this paper has also presented some suggestions for effective teaching and learning of English in Bangladesh.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0092055X2110224
Dennis A. Francis

Not only does teaching about gender and sexuality diversity lead to some very interesting and often emotionally evocative, pedagogical exchanges; it can also create challenging issues for teachers and students alike. This article focuses on what happens when a module that addresses compulsory heterosexuality and schooling is broached in an undergraduate sociology class. More importantly, it offers an analysis of the critical incidents and tensions that pay specific attention to how power, knowledge, and emotion feature in teaching and learning. Using antioppressive and affect theories, this article offers an analysis of how we might understand pedagogical practice, especially as it relates to addressing the power of normative heterosexuality in a university classroom. With reflections emerging from the module, I argue for more sociological theorization and analysis of the role of affect in pedagogies that seek to advance liberatory teaching and learning in the area of anti-heterosexism education.

Pradeep Tomar ◽  
Shivani Verma

The future of higher education is intrinsically linked with developments on new technologies and computing capacities of the new intelligent machines. In this field, advances in artificial intelligence open to new possibilities and challenges for teaching and learning in higher education with the potential to fundamentally change governance and the internal architecture of institutions of higher education. The role of technology in higher learning is to enhance human thinking and to augment the educational process, not to reduce it to a set of procedures for content delivery, control, and assessment. With the rise of AI solutions, it is increasingly important for educational institutions to stay alert and see if the power of control over hidden algorithms that run them is not monopolized by tech-lords. This chapter will cover all the positive and negative aspects of AI technologies on teaching, learning, and research in higher education.

Libi Shen ◽  
Irene Chen ◽  
Anne Grey ◽  
Anchi Su

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing at a fast speed and has incessantly impacted the modern world for decades. AI technologies are beneficial for all kinds of industries, including businesses, economics, transportation, hospitals, schools, universities, and so forth. Many researchers have investigated the development of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd), specifically on how AI assists teaching, learning, assessment, references, and collaboration. Several questions arise. What impact do AI technologies have on education? How do AI technologies assist teaching (e.g., curriculum, assessment, student learning, and teaching practices)? How do teachers cope with AI Technologies in education? What are the ethical concerns of AI technologies? What are the barriers of AI-based learning in education? The purpose of this chapter is to explore the evolution and the challenges of AI technologies in education. Major research on AI from 1999 to 2019 will be reviewed. Problems with AI in education will be raised and solutions for solving the issues will be recommended.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. p162
K. Balamurugan

ICT—Information and Communication Technology is an extensional term for Information Technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and...ICT helps teacher to pass information to students within a very little time. ICT helps teacher to design educational environment. ICT helps teacher to identify creative child in educational institute. ICT helps teacher to motivate students and growing interest in learning. The paper envisages the maximum or at least optimum utility of ICT for the process of teaching and learning.

HOW ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-30
Ana Clara Sánchez-Solarte

This article overviews the major themes and pedagogical developments that have emerged via the academic endeavors of practitioners and researchers in the last 30 years, while also touching on how my work adheres to these developments. The document starts with a brief historical background on the establishment of HOW as a resource for the academic community. The next part of the article deals with the theoretical tenets that have influenced my published works. One of those perspectives is the post-method pedagogy, which acknowledges the limitations of attempting to determine what the “best” language teaching method is for everyone, and proposes three parameters to guide language teaching and learning. The next perspective is the psychology of language learning, particularly positive psychology, which is a field that adds balance to the study of negative emotions in the classroom and can be the basis for interventions that aim at enhancing the language learning process. The final construct discussed in the article is metacognition, which refers to how language teachers adapt their mental processes and behaviors to the emerging demands of their context. The article concludes highlighting a number of topics that were relevant three decades ago and that will likely keep their relevance in the future: the complexity of education, the dynamic nature of context and meaning, and the examination of the role of context in the L2 teaching/learning processes, to name only three.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
José Carlos dos Santos Debus

Neste texto procuramos apresentar uma compreensão do conceito de autonomia e emancipação do estudante nas relações de ensino e aprendizagem por meio da análise de alguns estudos, em particular de Piaget (1998, 1996, 2010), Vygotsky (1991), Freire (2009), Rancière (2007) e Nietzsche (2008), que trazem os princípios da autonomia e emancipação como pré-requisitos às práticas de ensino. A importância deste estudo se deve ao fato de que há outras perspectivas sobre educação escolar que entendem o espaço ensino/aprendizagem a partir de novas configurações, geradas pelas transformações nas comunicações, que possibilitam outros movimentos na educação e nos processos de construção do saber. E muitos desses movimentos indicam o princípio da autonomia como base da prática pedagógica. O estudante na perspectiva da autonomia e da emancipação é um sujeito histórico ativo que tem diante de si a possibilidade de direcionar o sentido de sua própria história. Constata-se que esse princípio estabelece um relacionamento no campo do ensino/aprendizagem mais igualitário e mais justo e nos leva a compreender o mundo de modos diferentes. Palavras chave: Estudante. Ensino. Autonomia.The autonomy of the student in the relations of teaching and learning: reflections on the actuality of the concept of autonomyABSTRACTIn this paper we seek to present an understanding of the concept of student autonomy and emancipation in teaching and learning relationships based on the analysis of some studies, in particular Piaget (1998, 1996, 2010), Vygotsky (1991), Freire (2009), Rancière (2007), and Nietzsche (2008) who bring the principles of autonomy and emancipation as prerequisites to teaching practices. The importance of this study is due to the fact that there are other perspectives on school education that understands the teaching / learning space from new configurations, generated by the transformations in the communications, that allow other movements in education and in the processes of knowledge construction. And many of these movements indicate the principle of autonomy as the basis of pedagogical practice. The student in the perspective of autonomy and emancipation is an active historical subject who has before him the possibility of directing the meaning of his own history. This principle establishes a relationship in the field of teaching / learning that is more equal and fairer and leads us to understand the world in different ways.Key words: Student. Teaching. Autonomy.La autonomía del estudiante en las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje: reflexiones sobre la actualidad del concepto de autonomíaRESUMENEn este texto buscamos presentar una comprensión del concepto de autonomía y emancipación del estudiante en las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje a partir del análisis de algunos estudios, en particular de Piaget (1998, 1996, 2010), Vygotsky (1991), Freire (2009), Rancière (2007) y Nietzsche (2008) que aportan los principios de autonomía y emancipación como prerrequisitos a las prácticas de enseñanza. La importancia de este estudio se debe al hecho de que hay otras perspectivas sobre educación escolar que entiende el espacio enseñanza / aprendizaje a partir de nuevas configuraciones, generadas por las transformaciones en las comunicaciones, que posibilitan otros movimientos en la educación y en los procesos de construcción del saber. Y muchos de esos movimientos indican el principio de la autonomía como base de la práctica pedagógica. El estudiante en la perspectiva de la autonomía y de la emancipación es un sujeto histórico activo que tiene ante sí la posibilidad de dirigir el sentido de su propia historia. Se constata que este principio establece una relación en el campo de la enseñanza / aprendizaje más igualitario y más justo y nos lleva a comprender el mundo de modos diferentes.Palabras clave: Estudiante, Enseñanza, Autonomia.

Muhammad Sameer ◽  
Ashfaq Ahmad

Academics clinical education is significant backbone of physiotherapy professionals' schooling and it is express as vital components w h i c h m a k e s r e a d y p r o f e s s i o n a l s o f physiotherapy for experience in clinical set-up.Objective: To investigate understudies' view of how the dual role of CEs as mentor and evaluator affected T-L relationship.Methodology: Self-oriented questionnaire was used using the quantitative research approach. A crosssectional survey design was used in this study. Consenting undergraduate physiotherapy clinical students from university of Lahore, Pakistan who had clinical education for at least one year completed the questionnaire. Consecutive sampling was used to recruit samples of 225 understudies.Results: The difficulties were noticed when CE needed tobehave and acting as the two evaluator and guider to the necessity of understudies. They change their behavior. This affected the relationship of teaching and learning thus affected the studying of undergrad learners. Desires for understudies and CE were frequently not satisfied.Conclusions: Discoveries found out in investigation, based onthe perspectives or the encounters that understudies have of double job of their CEs, become featured. This situation become critical to think about difficulties which are faced by understudies so as to limit possible harmful impacts on understudies' studying environment caused by difficulties

Elena Railean

Globalization, Anthropology, and Existentialism (GAE) is a philosophical paradigm of PreK–12 education that adds value to a new educational ideal: professionalism, planetary thinking, and cultural pluralism. Critical pedagogy constitutes a part of this philosophy, which describes the interdependencies between teaching, learning, and environmental assessment. By comparing the Freirean approach to the affordance of new educational technologies in everyday classrooms, the authors propose an instructional dynamic and a flexible strategy. Such a strategy proves the changing roles of teacher and learner during the learning process. This chapter aims to describe the instructional dynamic and flexible strategy as integral to teaching and learning and to evaluation methods that engage learners in classroom cognitive activity. The objective of the chapter is to investigate the transition from algorithmic to empirical methods, encouraged by the increasing role of self-regulation techniques. This presents insights into the perceived significance of the new learning strategy.

James E. Phelan

Cultural metacognition, or thinking about cultural assumptions, can help increase awareness, build trust, and create successful business outcomes. The role of cultural metacognition in business is vital. This chapter will enable building a cultural metacognition knowledge base, and promote appreciation of its importance and effect on business enhancement. The context of this chapter will amplify knowledge, ideas, and skills necessary to connect various issues of teaching and learning cultural metacognition in cross-cultural environments. The chapter will facilitate business educators' teaching practices that foster learning cultural metacognition and its effects on cross-cultural business practices. In addition, it includes discussion of the facts related to tools for developing metacognition skills, as well as suggestions for how to fill the gap between theoretical and practical implications. The ultimate goal is to help elevate teaching, learning practices, and research related to the topic of cultural metacognition in cross-cultural business education.

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