scholarly journals Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi Ringan yang Melakukan Exercise dan Tidak Melakukan Exercise di Posyandu Lansia

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Saiful Hidayat ◽  
Yuliana Heri Suselo ◽  
Dhoni Akbar Ghozali

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><strong>Pendahuluan:</strong> Hipertensi diderita oleh sekitar 1,13 milyar orang di seluruh dunia, di mana prevalensinya lebih banyak pada lansia dan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas hidup mereka. <em>Exercise</em> dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup melalui efeknya pada peningkatan kesehatan fisik dan mental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa kualitas hidup pasien hipertensi ringan yang melakukan <em>exercise</em> lebih baik dibandingkan pasien hipertensi ringan yang tidak melakukan <em>exercise</em> di posyandu lansia.</p><p><strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental quasi dengan <em>posttest only control group design</em>. Subjek adalah wanita berusia 45-70 tahun dengan hipertensi ringan, mampu membaca dan menulis, tidak merokok, tidak rutin meminum obat anti hipertensi, tidak memiliki penyakit terminal, dan telah rutin mengikuti kegiatan senam lansia selama satu tahun untuk kelompok pertama. Subjek berjumlah 35 orang yang dibagi dalam dua kelompok, kelompok pertama sejumlah 18 orang mendapatkan perlakuan berupa <em>exercise </em>berdurasi 10 menit selama 3 kali seminggu, sedangkan kelompok kedua yang berjumlah 17 orang sebagai kontrol. Kualitas hidup diukur menggunakan kuesioner SF-36 versi Bahasa Indonesia yang terdiri dari delapan domain yaitu fungsi fisik, peran fisik, peran emosional, energi, kesehatan emosional, fungsi sosial, nyeri, dan kesehatan umum. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t <em>independent</em> dan <em>Mann Whitney</em> dengan tingkat kemaknaan α=0,05.</p><p><strong>Hasil:</strong> Kualitas hidup kelompok pertama lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kedua pada semua domain. Akan tetapi, hanya tiga domain yang menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan yaitu fungsi fisik (p=0,003), peran fisik (p=0,013), dan energi (p=0,016).</p><p><strong>Kesimpulan: </strong>Pasien hipertensi ringan yang melakukan <em>exercise</em> memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik dibandingkan pasien hipertensi ringan yang tidak melakukan <em>exercise</em> di posyandu lansia.</p><p> </p><p>Introduction: Hypertension affects around 1.13 billion people worldwide. The prevalence mostly are elderly and reduce their quality of life. Exercise improves quality of life through improving physical and mental health. This study aims to prove the quality of life of patients with mild hypertension who exercise were better than those who do not exercise at Posyandu Lansia.</p><p>Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental study with posttest only control group design. Subjects were women aged 45-70 years with mild hypertension, literate, do not smoke, do not regularly take anti-hypertensive drugs, and without terminal illness. In the first group there was an additional criteria, that was had been exercising regularly for one year. Thirty-five subjects were divided into two groups, the first group of 18 people received treatment in the form of 10 minutes of exercise three times a week for four weeks, the second group of 17 people as controls. The research was conducted at Posyandu Lansia in the working area of Puskesmas Pucang Sawit, Surakarta, Indonesia. Quality of life was measured using the Indonesian version of the SF-36 questionnaire which was consisted of eight domains, namely physical function, physical role, emotional role, energy, emotional health, social function, pain, and general health. Data were analyzed using independent T test and Mann Whitney (α = 0.05).</p><p>Results: Quality of life in the first group was higher than the second group in all domains, but only three domains showed significant differences: physical function (87.59 ± 11.63 vs 62.31 ± 31.13; p = 0.003), physical role (75.46 ± 33.64 vs 47.06 ± 35.22; p = 0.013), and energy (74.72 ± 14.50 vs 63.42 ± 13.76; p = 0.016).</p><p>Conclusion: Patients with mild hypertension who exercise have a better quality of life than those who do not exercise at Posyandu Lansia.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Anisa Fitriani ◽  
Fuad Nashori ◽  
Indahria Sulistyarini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan regulasi emosi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup caregiver skizofrenia. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan pretest-posttest control group design dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Subjek terdiri atas dua puluh caregiver laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 47-63 tahun yang dibagi dalam kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan pengukuran kualtias hidup dengan skala World Health Organization of Quality of Life-BREF. Data dianalisis menggunakan anava campuran untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol saat prates, paskates, dan tindak lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang sangat signifikan pada skor kualitas hidup kelompok eksperimen setelah diberi pelatihan regulasi emosi. Skor kualitas hidup mengalami peningkatan kembali saat pengukuran tindak lanjut, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan regulasi emosi efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup caregiver skizofrenia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-224
Nieniek Ritianingsih

Penyakit gagal ginjal kronis atau disingkat GGK, saat ini diakui sebagai prioritas kesehatan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Pasien GGK akan mengalami  gangguan fisik dan psikologis sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya. Teknik konservasi energi dengan pemberdayaan diri dapat diberikan pada pasien GGK dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan energi, mengurangi fatigue dan kualitas hidup dapat meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan teknik konservasi energi dengan pemberdayaan diri terhadap kualitas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronik.Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah teknik konservasi energydengan pemberdayaan diridapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien GGK.   Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 47 orang untuk kelompok intervensi dan untuk kelompok kontrol 47 orang responden. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metoda kuasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan pre test – post test control group design. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 maka dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara  kualitas hidup  kelompok kontrol dengankualitas hidup kelompok intervensi setelah dilakukan penerapan teknik konservasi energy. Perawat agar menerapkan tehnik konservasi energy sebagai suatu program terstruktur dari intervensi keperawatan bagi pasien GGK   Kata kunci : teknik konservasi energi, kualitas hidup, GGK   THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES WITH SELF-EMPOWERMENT TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE   ABSTRACT Chronic kidney failure or abbreviated CRF, is currently recognized as a public health priority throughout the world. GGK patients will experience physical and psychological disorders that affect their quality of life. Energy conservation techniques with self-empowerment can be given to CRF patients with the aim of increasing energy, reducing fatigue and quality of life can be increased. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of energy conservation techniques with self-empowerment to the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure. The hypothesis of this study is conservation techniques of energy with empowerment can improve the quality of life of patients with CRF. The respondents of this study were 47 people for the intervention group and for the control group 47 respondents. This research is a quantitative research using a quasi-experimental method with a pre test - post test control group design approach. The statistical test results obtained p value 0,000, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the quality of life of the control group and the quality of life of the intervention group after the application of energy conservation techniques. The nurse is to apply energy conservation techniques as a structured program of nursing interventions for CRF patients   Keywords: energy conservation techniques, quality of life, CRF

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 46-54

Aim of the present study was to examine the effect of yogic practices in managing libidinal impulses among adolescents and improving their quality of life. Experimental and control group design was used. Eighty samples were collected through accidental sampling (40 in experimental group and 40 in control group) from Mother Teresa Public School, Delhi. The students those who had high levels of libidinal impulses were selected. The age of the subjects ranged from 14-19 years. The students in the experimental group were made to do yogic practices regularly for 40 days. Libidinal Impulses Scale and PGI General Wellbeing Scale were used. The obtained values of t-test for Libidinal Impulses and General Wellbeing are significant at 0.01 level of confidence. The  result  of  the  study  shows  that  yogic practices  are  significantly  effective  in  reducing  the  levels  of  libidinal impulses  and  improve the level of quality of life of adolescents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Indahria Sulistyarini

Gratitude training is one of the Islamic intervention that is able to improve quality of life in hypertension patients. It applied quasy experimental design with pretest-posttest with control group design. Participants consist of 23 hypertension patients and at least diagnosed for 1 year. The result showed that gratitude training able to improved quality of life in hypertension patients. This indicated by increasing the score of quality of life in experiment group (MD = -18.833, p = 0.000 on pretest to posttest; MD = -28.417, p = 0.000 on pretest to follow up). MD’s negative value indicates that the mean score of the quality of life during posttest and follow up was higher than the mean score during pretest. It means gratitude training can be used to improve quality of life in hypertension patients. So it can also a companion to medical intervention.

2009 ◽  
Vol 137 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 524-528 ◽  
Dusan Mustur ◽  
Vladislava Vesovic-Potic ◽  
Dejana Stanisavljevic ◽  
Tatjana Ille ◽  
Mihailo Ille

Introduction Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic progressive autoimmune inflammatory disorder involving mainly the axial skeleton and larger peripheral joints that progressively limits spinal mobility and may lead to irreversible structural changes and consequently to impaired physical function and reduced quality of life. Objective The aim of this study was to assess functional disability and quality of life of patients with ankylosing spondylitis and determine the correlation between functional disability and quality of life. Methods The study enrolled 74 patients with ankylosing spondylitis (16 females and 58 males). The demographic data of the patients were collected. Functional disability was assessed with the Bath Ankylosing Functional Index (BASFI). Quality of life was assessed by the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) and the European Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQoL/EQ-5D). Results In our study, the mean age was 48.5?10.3 years. BASFI was negatively correlated with the SF-36 physical function subscale (p<0.001), physical role (p=0.002), bodily pain (p=0.003), general health (p<0.001), vitality (p=0.012) and mental health (p=0.010) subscale. There was a significantly inverse correlation between the BASFI score and the rating scale of EQ-5D (p=0.001). In the regression model, the BASFI score (p=0.000) showed an independent association with the physical function domain of SF-36. Conclusion In conclusion, the BASFI index was associated with physical function, physical role, bodily pain, general health, vitality and mental health domains of SF-36 and also with the rating scale of EQ-5D.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Nur Muji Astuti ◽  
I Ketut Sudiana ◽  
Joni Haryanto

Hypertension intradialytic can affect the quality of life and quality of life can affect hypertension too. An area of concern to nurses is related to non-pharmacological treatment to prevent the occurrence of intradialitic hypertension and improved quality of life. One of them is with stretching exercise and yoga breathing. This research used quasi experimental pre post control group design design, sample size was 28 ESRD clients intradialysis in Dr. Rumkital. Ramelan Surabaya. Sampling technique used purposive sampling. Variables in this study were stretching exercise, yoga breathing, stretching exercise modification and yoga breathing, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and quality of life. Data collection using mercury sygmomanometer, and KDQOL SF 1.3 questionnaire. Data were analyzed using paired t test and multiple linear regression. The results of this study showed that the most effective intervention for lowering blood pressure 27,143 mmHg is a combination of stretching exercise and respiratory yoga, whereas the most effective yoga breathing improves the quality of life 5,143. ESRD clients intradialysis are expected to remain active in applying stretching exercises and breathing yoga during hemodialysis, and for nurses is expected to increase client motivation as well as arrange a daily program and actively involved in applying stretching exercise and yoga breathing. Key Word: Stretching Exercise, Yoga Breathing, Blood pressure, Quality Of Life

Heon-Gyu Lee ◽  
Jungae An ◽  
Byoung-Hee Lee

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is used to treat end-stage osteoarthritis. However, this surgical procedure affects the mechanical receptor function and impairs the ability to balance. Dynamic balance training has been reported to improve stability and self-confidence and safely yield increased physical activity. This study aimed to investigate the effect of dynamic balance training on physical function, the ability to balance and quality of life among patients who underwent TKA. Thirty-eight participants were assigned to either the progressive dynamic balance training (PDBT) with physical therapy group (n = 19) or the control group (n = 19). The experimental group undertook a dynamic balance program with physical therapy for 30 minutes per day, five times per week for six weeks, while the control group undertook physical therapy only. A continuous passive motion exercise was performed for 20 minutes after training by both groups. The outcomes were evaluated using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index, pain pressure threshold (PPT), range of motion (ROM), Knee Outcome Survey-Activities of Daily Living (KOS-ADLS), Multifunction Force Measuring Plate, timed up and go (TUG) test and Short-Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36). Physical function (WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index, ROM and KOS-ADLS score) and the ability to balance (TUG test score, confidence ellipse area, path length and average velocity) significantly improved (p < 0.05) in the experimental group compared with the control group. In contrast, the physical component summary score for the SF-36 regarding quality of life significantly improved (p < 0.05); however, the mental component summary score for the SF-36 and PPT did not significantly differ between the groups. Therefore, we suggest that PDBT with physical therapy has positive effects on physical function, the ability to balance and quality of life among patients who underwent TKA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Prachita P. Walankar ◽  
Vrushali P. Panhale ◽  
Kanchi M. Vyas

Abstract Background Functional ankle instability is a common musculoskeletal condition affecting the community. It is characterized by repetitive bouts of giving away, recurrent sprains, and sensation of instability leading to functional deficits in an individual. The present study aimed to assess the influence of kinesiophobia on physical function and quality of life in participants with functional ankle instability. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 30 participants with functional ankle instability. Kinesiophobia was assessed using the 17-item Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, physical function using the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) and the FAAM-Sport version (FAAM-S), and quality of life using SF-36. Results The TSK score showed a moderate negative correlation with FAAM-S (r = −0.5, p = 0.005) and a weak negative correlation with SF-36 physical component summary (r = −0.42, p = 0.02). However, TSK showed no significant correlation with FAAM-ADL and SF-36 mental component summary. Conclusion Increased fear of movement, reduced physical function, and health-related quality of life were observed in functional ankle instability individuals. Hence, evaluation of these parameters is imperative in these individuals.

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