Attitudes towards new romantic relationships

Torbjörn Bildtgård ◽  
Peter Öberg

This chapter investigates the attitudes of older people towards intimate relationships in later life by asking two central questions: (1) Attitudes to what? For example marriage, dating, a romantic partner, living together or apart? Attitudes may well differ strongly depending on what one is asking about. (2) The attitudes of whom? Women or men? Divorcees, widowed or never married people? Singles, LATs, cohabitants or marrieds? Older people themselves or those in their surroundings, such as children, relatives or the generalized other? Attitudes are likely to depend on who the persons holding the attitudes are and what their experiences are. Finally, the chapter uses Swedish data to update and fill in some of the gaps in previous research. By not focusing solely on marriage it shows that older people’s interest in repartnering is likely higher than what has been proposed before.

Torbjörn Bildtgård ◽  
Peter Öberg

Until recently the sex life of older people was more or less invisible in family and gerontological research. This chapter contributes to breaking this silence by focusing on the role and meaning of sex in intimate relationships in later life. Based on biographical case studies, the chapter investigates how sexual norms have changed over the life course of contemporary cohorts of older people and how they have experienced this change. The chapter considers sexual intimacy as part of new intimate relationships established late in life and questions the persistent assumption that older people who date are primarily looking for companionate relationships. It is shown that older people’s ideas about sex are deeply embedded in an ideology of love, where sex tends to be viewed as a natural part of a loving relationship, while sex outside of a loving relationship – also in a loveless marriage – is frowned on.

Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro ◽  
Isaac Peñil Fernández

Abstract:ROSES AND THORNS IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: LOVE, EXPECTATIONS, AND PROBLEMSThe intimate relationships have a great value in the life of the persons and, for most of them, to find and to maintain a stable couple relation, well-established and happy continue to be occupying a preponderant role in his/her “ideal” of life (to short, half or long-term), while either his absence or failure is frequently detected as a negative or stressful condition that affects the life of their protagonists. The present work deals with a psychosocial approximation to the study of the sentimental relations in youngster’s couples that are not yet living together neither they have done it in the past. In this phase it is accustomed to give rise the germ of future-conflicts and the couple behaviour patterns become established to be perpetuated and to constitute the guideline or the posterior relation model for it. Thus the way to understand love, the couple relationship, the conflict and the management skill to solve it, will be analyzed.Keywords: Romantic relationships, Love, ConflictResumen:Las relaciones íntimas tienen un gran valor en la vida de las personas y, para la mayor parte, encontrar y mantener una relación de pareja estable, consolidada y feliz sigue ocupando un papel preponderante en su “ideal” de vida (a corto, medio o largo plazo), mientras que su ausencia o fracaso es frecuentemente percibida como una condición negativa o estresante que mediatiza la vida de sus protagonistas. El presente trabajo pretende una aproximación psicosocial al estudio de las relaciones sentimentales en parejas jóvenes que aún no conviven juntas ni lo han hecho en el pasado, es decir, lo que popularmente se denomina pareja de novios. Es en esta fase cuando suele fraguarse el germen de futuros conflictos y cuando se establecen los patrones de comportamiento de pareja que tenderán a perpetuarse en el tiempo y a constituir la pauta o modelo de relación posterior entre ambos. Así se analizará la forma de entender el amor y la relación de pareja, el conflicto y las estrategias y habilidades exhibidas para resolverlo.Palabras clave: Relaciones de pareja, amor, conflicto

2002 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-143 ◽  
Rebecca L. Jones

This paper discusses narratives created during interviews with 23 older women (aged 61–90) about their experiences of sex and intimate relationships in later life. For analytic purposes, the paper understands narratives to be neither pre-existing nor a simple reflection of experience, but to be made moment-by-moment in the interaction between parties drawing on available cultural resources. Attention to the interactional situation in which the narrative is produced helps to explain the ways in which speakers perpetuate or resist dominant cultural storylines. Older women’s accounts of sexual relationships provide a particularly rich site for this analysis because a dominant cultural storyline of ‘asexual older people’ is often evident in popular culture. This storyline provides an important cultural resource which older women who are talking about sex can both draw on and resist in order to produce their own accounts. This paper uses a discourse analytic approach to discuss some of the moments in which speakers explicitly produce counter-narratives. These moments are visible to the analyst by the participants’ own orientations to telling a counter-narrative. The paper also considers parts of the accounts which the analyst identifies as counter-narratives, although the speakers do not orient to this. The analyst’s own position is thus implicated in the analysis and is reflexively considered.

Jana Marguerite Bennett

The author broadly defines singleness as including never-married, people in casual relationships as well as committed unmarried relationships, same-sex attracted and unattached people, widowed, divorced, and single parents; these are also called “states of singleness.” Singleness is usually identified with loneliness, having no sex, and having no romantic relationships. Focusing on any one of those identifications should be troubling for Christians, though, especially since Christian tradition has often praised and privileged single life. Loneliness is not the one central characteristic that should define any state of singleness (nor should no sex, or no romantic relationships). In this book, instead, each chapter focuses on a different state of singleness, and a corresponding holy person or Christian guide who inhabited that state of life and who wrote about Christian discipleship.

2021 ◽  
pp. 146879412110059
Barbara Barbosa Neves ◽  
Josephine Wilson ◽  
Alexandra Sanders ◽  
Renata Kokanović

This article draws on crystallization, a qualitative framework developed by Laurel Richardson and Laura Ellingson, to show the potential of using sociological narratives and creative writing to better analyze and represent the lived experiences of loneliness among older people living in Australian care homes. Crystallization uses a multi-genre approach to study and present social phenomena. At its core is a concern for the ethics of representation, which is critical when engaging with vulnerable populations. We use two case studies from research on loneliness to illustrate an application of crystallization through different narrative types. To supplement our sociological narratives, we invited author Josephine Wilson to write creative narratives based on the case studies. Josephine was awarded the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award in 2017 for Extinctions, a novel exploring themes such as later life and loneliness. By contrasting the two approaches—sociological and creative narratives—we discuss the implications of crystallization for qualitative research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092110053
Daisuke Watanabe

This essay introduces sociological studies on aging and related topics in Japan since 2000. It argues the three following points. First, the results of sociological studies on aging, and those from related social science disciplines, have moved away from a uniform understanding of aging to reveal greater diversity in the process. Second, it has become apparent that older people face various social problems, such as social isolation, social disparities, and family care problems. Studies have argued that it is essential to support mutual aid in the community. Finally, the reflexivity of high modernity attempts to push the problem of aging towards autonomy, but a new culture of aging assumes that dependence has the potential to overcome this reflexivity.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. e049829
Elizabeth Tyler ◽  
Fiona Lobban ◽  
Rita Long ◽  
Steven H Jones

ObjectivesAs awareness of bipolar disorder (BD) increases and the world experiences a rapid ageing of the population, the number of people living with BD in later life is expected to rise substantially. There is no current evidence base for the effectiveness of psychological interventions for older adults with BD. This focus group study explored a number of topics to inform the development and delivery of a recovery-focused therapy (RfT) for older adults with BD.DesignA qualitative focus group study.SettingThree focus groups were conducted at a university in the North West of England.ParticipantsEight people took part in the focus groups; six older adults with BD, one carer and one friend.ResultsParticipant’s responses clustered into six themes: (1) health-related and age-related changes in later life, (2) the experience of BD in later life, (3) managing and coping with BD in later life, (4) recovery in later life, (5) seeking helping in the future and (6) adapting RfT for older people.ConclusionsParticipants reported a range of health-related and age-related changes and strategies to manage their BD. Participants held mixed views about using the term ‘recovery’ in later life. Participants were in agreement that certain adaptations were needed for delivering RfT for older adults, based on their experience of living with BD in later life. The data collected as part of the focus groups have led to a number of recommendations for delivering RfT for older adults with BD in a randomised controlled trial (Clinical Trial Registration: ISRCTN13875321).

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-225 ◽  
Elizabeth C.J. Pike

The proposal that older people should engage in “active aging” has come to dominate local, national, and international policy agendas. This encompasses a variety of ways that older persons might maintain active citizenship, but invariably promotes physical activity and exercise as having health and social benefits, despite a lack of conclusive evidence to support such claims. In this paper, I further examine the meaning of these claims through an analysis of policy documents, reports, and media articles which promote the perceived benefits of physical activity in later life. I revisit Cohen’s (2002) concepts of folk devils and moral panics to understand how these messages simultaneously problematize older people while creating a market for emergent moral entrepreneurs who claim to have the solution to the problem they have in part created. I conclude with recommendations for improved understanding of the benefits and appropriate provision for active aging.

Societies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Paul Higgs ◽  
Chris Gilleard

This paper is concerned with the issue of ageism and its salience in current debates about the COVID-19 pandemic. In it, we address the question of how best to interpret the impact that the pandemic has had on the older population. While many feel angry at what they see as discriminatory lock-down practices confining older people to their homes, others are equally concerned by the failure of state responses to protect and preserve the health of older people, especially those receiving long-term care. This contrast in framing ageist responses to the pandemic, we suggest, arises from differing social representations of later life, reflecting the selective foregrounding of third versus fourth age imaginaries. Recognising the tension between social and biological parameters of ageing and its social categorisations, we suggest, may offer a more measured, as well as a less discriminatory, approach to addressing the selective use of chronological age as a line of demarcation within society.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 1167-1189 ◽  

ABSTRACTThe isolation of older people is recognised as a major social problem in contemporary Western society. While the risk factors and social or health outcomes of isolation and loneliness in later life are well documented, evidence regarding the effectiveness of programmes aimed at reducing social isolation in older people remains inconclusive. This paper reports on the challenges of attempting to undertake a rigorous evaluation of three demonstration pilot projects targeting older people at risk of social isolation, conducted within different social settings in Queensland, Australia. The demonstration projects were part of the Queensland Cross-Government Project to Reduce Social Isolation in Older People (CGPRSIOP) led by the Office for Seniors within the Queensland Department of Communities. In the absence of good evaluation of programmes aimed at social isolation, this government-run programme incorporated validated psychological measures to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. While use of these measures suggested some promising results, the focus of this paper is on the methodological and practical challenges associated with utilising evaluation measures in community-based interventions. The detailed consideration of the methodological issues involved in this programme highlights some key lessons and offers new insights into evaluating interventions for reducing social isolation.

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