scholarly journals Dialek Laki-Laki dan Perempuan dalam Konteks Bahasa Arab

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-302
Raswan Raswan

Abstract This study aims to analyze the differences between male and female dialects in Arabic. The results obtained were the differences in both, that men tended to speak in high tones, rather sharp voices , to the point, clear, responsive and not afraid to argue and give rebuttal to things that are less suitable for him. Women's voices are sharper and higher (shrill), more clearly in pronunciation, more ambitious to pronounce vocabulary and sentences correctly than In addition, usually, women use a number of vocabulary words that are not used by men, for example, women use a large number of colors, such as muf, tarkawaz, bij, zuhri and bunai which are typical for women and are rarely used by men and men have a distinctive color for men, furthermore male language shows more power ratio while female language reveals the power of race more Sounds (women usually change the sound of letters into other letters that are typical of women), the selection and use of words, the use of the form of the sentence, the form of sentences and the way of delivering the language itself (pragmatic) that is reflected in the use of language limb cues. There is a language that is typical of women and there are men, if it is used not by the right sex it will cause ridicule for others. But of course there are also those who say that what is meant by men is not sex but what in psychological terms is known as a masculine name. Instead the woman in question is feminine. So that difference always arises, and that femininity always gets a position below compared to masculine is almost a fact that occurs in all languages in the world even in countries that adhere to a parental system even like America and Europe. The differences that occur are caused by biological, sociological and cultural factors which overshadow the existence of the language. In learning it is recommended to pay attention to aspects of male and female dialects. Keywords: dialect, language, male, female. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara dialek laki -laki dan perempuan dalam berbahasa Arab. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa perbedaan pada keduanya, bahwa laki-laki cenderung berbicara dengan nada yang tinggi, suara yang agak tajam, to the point, jelas, cepat tanggap dan tidak takut mendebat serta memberikan sanggahan atas hal-hal yang kurang pas baginya. Suara perempuan lebih tajam dan lebih tinggi (melengking), lebih jelas dalam pelafalannya, lebih berambisi melafalkan dengan benar kosakata dan kalimat dari pada laki -laki. Di samping itu, biasanya, perempuan menggunakan beberapa kosakata yang tidak dipakai oleh laki-laki. Antara lain, perempuan menggunakan sejumlah besar warna, seperti muf, tarkawaz, bij, zuhri dan bunai yang khas untuk wanita dan jarang dipakai oleh laki-laki dan laki-laki memiliki warna yang khas juga untuk laki-laki. Selanjutnya bahasa laki-laki lebih menunjukan kekuatan rasio sementara bahasa perempuan lebih mengungkap kekuatan rasa. Bentuk suara (perempuan biasa merubah suara huruf menjadi huruf lain khas perempuan), pemilihan dan pemakaian kata, pemakaian bentuk panggilan, bentuk kalimat dan makna serta cara penyampaian bahasa itu sendiri (pragmatis) yang tercermin dalam kehati-hatian dalam berbahasa bahkan dalam penggunaan isyarat anggota tubuh. Ada bahasa yang khas perempuan dan ada laki-laki, jika dipakai bukan oleh jenis kelamin yang tepat maka akan menimbulkan olok-olok orang lain. Namun tentunya ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan laki-laki bukan jenis kelamin melainkan apa yang dalam istilah psikologi dikenal dengan nama maskulin. Sebaliknya wanita yang dimaksud adalah feminim. Jadi perbedaan itu selalu muncul, dan bahwa feminim selalu mendapatkan posisi di bawah dibandingkan dengan maskulin adalah hampir merupakan fakta yang terjadi di semua bahasa di dunia bahkan di negara yang menganut sistem parental sekalipun seperti Amerika dan Eropa. Perbedaan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh faktor biologis, sosiologis dan budaya yang menaungi keberadaan bahasa tersebut. Dalam pembelajaran disarankan memperhatikan aspek dialek laki-laki dan perempuan. Kata Kunci: dialek, bahasa, laki-laki, perempuan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nils Franzén

Abstract This article discusses why it is the case that we refuse to accept strange evaluative claims as being true in fictions, even though we are happy to go along with other types of absurdities in such contexts. For instance, we would refuse to accept the following statement as true, even in the context of a fiction: (i) In killing her baby, Giselda did the right thing; after all, it was a girl. This article offers a sensibilist diagnosis of this puzzle, inspired by an observation first made by David Hume. According to sensibilism, the way we feel about things settles their evaluative properties. Thus, when confronted with a fictional scenario where the configuration of non-evaluative facts and properties is relevantly similar to the actual world, we refuse to go along with evaluative properties being instantiated according to a different pattern. It is the attitudes we hold in the actual world that fix the extension of evaluative terms, even in nonactual worlds. When engaging with a fiction, we (to some extent) leave our beliefs about what the world is like behind, while taking our emotional attitudes with us into the fiction. To substantiate this diagnosis, this paper outlines a sensibilist semantics for evaluative terms based on recent discussion regarding predicates of personal taste, and explains how, together with standard assumptions about the nature of fictional discourse, it makes the relevant predictions with respect to engagement with fictions.

2000 ◽  
Vol 45 (S8) ◽  
pp. 159-177 ◽  
Hotze Lont

Financial self-help organizations can be found in many parts of the world, and the cities of Java are among the areas where they are particularly widespread. Since about the 1950s, interest in these institutions among anthropologists and development sociologists has increased considerably. Analyses of financial self-help organizations have most often focused on their economic or their social function; few scholars have pointed to their function as providers of security and identified self-help organizations as typical forms of local social security institutions. The main shortcoming of most of these studies is that they base their conclusions solely on an analysis of the financial arrangements provided by these self-help organizations, neglecting the accommodating practices that people undertake in order to fit the provisions of self-help organizations to their own household needs. This essay explores the observation that financial self-help organizations do not simply provide security through the different kinds of insurance mechanisms they might contain, but that, particularly through the way in which people use them and participate in them, these institutions become meaningful for coping with insecurity. It examines the question of whether participation in financial self-help organizations contributes to the ability of households to cope with adversities and deficiencies in a concrete social context. Research aiming to answer this question was conducted in Bujung, an urban ward on the outskirts of Yogyakarta, on the island of Java.

2011 ◽  
Vol 685 ◽  
pp. 181-187 ◽  
Chen Li ◽  
Xian Zheng Gong ◽  
Su Ping Cui ◽  
Zhi Hong Wang ◽  
Yan Zheng ◽  

With increasing concerns about global warming, and the cement plants emitting huge CO2, it is necessary to know how the CO2 emits and how much the CO2 emits due to cement manufacture in both direct and indirect ways. A precise method to calculate CO2 emissions including three processes was established in this paper and a case study was provided. From the case of LQDX plant, we can see the amount of CO2 emissions at the right level. The summary of CO2 emissions is consisted by emissions from raw materials, fuels and electricity. The direct CO2 emissions are 0.822 ton CO2 per ton clinker, and the total CO2 emissions are 0.657 ton CO2 per ton cement in this study. Therefore, the way that CO2 emissions due to cement manufacture was pictured and then measured. An approach provides a basic framework to identify various situations in different cement plants in China and other in the rest of the world. The framework would be useful in quantitatively evaluating CO2 emissions for government to know precisely CO2 emissions in cement plants.

Worldview ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 6-9
William J. Barnds

The idealists and crusaders of every age and era develop certain underlying attitudes and values which, while connected with the specific goals they struggle to attain, are clearly distinct from them. Often these attitudes and values grow out of their effort to obtain more limited and specific goals. However, many of the participants in today's turmoil, and particularly the younger ones, seem to have little in the way of a general program — though they often protest against specific acts or situations — but instead proclaim that unless the nation and the world adopt a new set of values no particular set of reforms will leave a lasting imprint.

2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-160 ◽  
Catherine Salmon

Pornography and romance, at first glance they seem to be two genres that are almost polar opposites. Yet both are the products of our evolved human sexuality and both have been the subjects of a variety of authors and researchers. Particularly in the case of pornography, some have argued strongly against its very existence, charging it, its creators and consumers with many of the evils in the world (real and imagined). In the case of romance, many have been derogatory and dismissive of the writers' skills and the readers' minds. In this article, I hope to introduce a different approach to these genres, through an evolutionary lens that serves to illuminate the way in which our sexual natures combined with modern technology to create such widespread distribution and sales. Romance and pornography are both multibillion dollar industries, and their stark contrasts reflect the deep divide at the heart of male and female erotic fantasies. These differences reflect the fact that the selection pressures males and females faced in the reproductive realm over human evolutionary history were not identical.

PMLA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-162
Jonathan Freedman

What are we mourning when we mourn helen tartar's loss? we are responding, first and foremost, to the loss of a friend, a collaborator, a companion in crime. Like so many, I owe my career to Helen. She plucked me out of a professional abyss at a crucial pre-promotion moment, got a stalled manuscript accepted, into production, and out into the world in an unheard-of nine months. Along the way she sent me countless messages of support testifying (I can now see) to her savvy and ingenuity but phrased in a way that made me think it was merely my due. Heady stuff for an oppressed-feeling assistant professor at an Ivy League school coming up for promotion to associate professor, and inspiring enough in all the right ways to catalyze not just that promotion but a continuing sense that someone—somewhere—would respond to my work and push me in the right directions. More than an editor, Helen was the reader I—we all—yearn for: responsive, generous, exacting.

Chelovek RU ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 229-243
Pavel Tishchenko ◽  

The idea of human design rests in the heart of European humanist project. The existential meaning of the idea of human design is analyzed. A piece of the work by J. Pico della Mirandola is interpreted as a prophecy expressing the fate of the New European era (by M. Heidegger). Several aspects could be distin-guished in this prophecy: the throwing of man into the world without his place, form and purpose, the right and demand to define both place and form and raison d 'être by reason. Historically, special exper-iments of solving the fundamental mystery are considered - what it means to be human from Descartes to modern transhumanistic projects of human self-construction? The meaning of the New Time era is de-fined through J. Pico 's proposed existential task. It is emphasized that at every historically special stage of subjugation of the nature of man, the dream of almighty condensed in the strange topos of about-being. Faced with the impossibility of defeating death, and without abandoning new projects of its sub-jugation, the modern era generates existential substitution. Suffering is put on the scene of death as the main representative of evil. The result is euthanasia technologies that view death not just as a lesser evil compared to suffering (pain), but as the most radical mean of achieving the new goal - radical pain relief. A thought experiment is being conducted to demonstrate the possibility of self-destruction of mankind motivated by the desire to solve the difficult problems of mankind in the way of its euthanasia.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-400
Daniel Sperling

AbstractIn recent years, assisted reproductive technologies have played an important role in shaping the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Their promise to make people become parents is believed to fulfil the most elementary interests a person may have. It is argued and legally acknowledged that such interests constitute with much significance a person's self-identity and sense of belonging to the living society, also constituting her reproductive liberty or the right to procreate. Despite their significance and importance, access to these technologies and to fertility care specifically may not always accord with the principle of equality and justice. It will be argued that, in some cases, such unequal access reflects various forms of discrimination between different groups in society. It is the purpose of this article to show that such a phenomenon is the result of an underdeveloped and unregulated area of law, characterising many Western countries. Specifically, it demonstrates conceptual deficiencies in so-called ‘procreative liberty’ with regard to the content and scope of the right to procreate, the values underlying such a right, and the legal and social institutions supporting and securing it. The article highlights these deficiencies, making them more evident when the notion of ‘reproductive liberty’ applies to positive and modern attempts to become parents, especially but not exclusively those brought by men.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 506-510
Gulnoza I. Narmurodova

This article provides information on the expression of feelings in expressing sympathy in English culture. There are a lot of emotions. The way they are expressed is special and unique for each culture and is influenced by various historical, social, and cultural factors. Therefore, as there are people in the world, there are as many ways to express sympathy. Each person chooses for himself how to express joy, sorrow, compassion, or simply remain silent and stay on the sidelines. The study of the verbal expression of sympathy allows us to assert that a sympathetic attitude can induce a person to the following speech actions - the expression of sympathy or condolences. Various factors influence the choice of a specific speech act. Emotions such as sympathy and condolence are aimed at establishing speech contact and maintaining speech and social relations with the interlocutor, at regulating them.

2009 ◽  
Vol 6 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 84-101
Nerijus Čepulis

Šiuo straipsniu siekiama permąstyti tradicinę tapatumo sąvoką. Į tapatumą Vakarų mąstymo istorijoje buvo žiūrima visų pirma ontologiniu požiūriu. Moderniųjų laikų posūkis į subjektą susitelkia į Aš kaip bet kokio tapatumo centrą, pagrindą ir gamintoją. Fenomenologinė analizė tapatumo ištakas pagilina iki Aš santykio su išore, su pasauliu, su kitybe. Tačiau kitybė, tapdama sąmonės turiniu, nėra absoliuti kitybė. Būdas, kuriuo tapatumas, įsisavindamas savinasi pasaulį ir naikina kitybę, yra reprezentacija, siekianti akivaizdumo. Reprezentacija kaip intencionalus įžvalgumas bet kokį objektą lokalizuoja sąmonės šviesoje. Šviesa ir regėjimas – tai paradigminės Vakarų mąstymo tradicijos metaforos. Straipsnyje siekiama parodyti, kodėl ir kaip šviesa bei akivaizdumas netoleruoja absoliučios kitybės. Iš akivaizdumo kerų tapatumas atsitokėti gali tik per atsakingą santykį su Kitu, tai yra etiką. Čia tapatus subjektas praranda pirmumo teisę kito asmens imperatyvo atžvilgiu. Begalybės idėja, draskydama totalų tapatumą iš vidaus, neleidžia jam nurimti ir skatina atsižvelgti į transcendenciją, į kitybę, idant ji būtų laisva nuo prievartinio tapimo egocentrinio tapatumo turiniu ir manipuliacijos auka. Atsakomybė kito žmogaus veido akivaizdoje eina pirma akivaizdaus suvokimo ir įteisina jį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: tapatumas, akivaizdumas, kitybė, socialumas.Charms of Evident IdentityNerijus Čepulis SummaryIn this article I seek to rethink the traditional notion of identity. In the tradition of Western thought identity was viewed first and foremost from an ontological point of view. After the turn toward the subject, the I is thought of as the centre, the base and the producer of any identity. Phenomenological analysis deepens the origin of identity to the relation of the I to the world, i.e. to the alterity. Yet the alterity, by becoming the content of consciousness, is not an absolute alterity. The way, in which identity assimilates, possesses the world and annihilates alterity, is representation. Representation seeks evidence. Representation as intentional perceptivity localizes every object in the light of consciousness. Light and vision are paradigmatic metaphors of the traditional Western thought. Hence in this article I seek to show why and how light and evidence do not tolerate absolute alterity. Identity can be sobered from the charms of evidence only by responsible relation to the Other, i.e. by ethics. Here identical subject loses the right of priority in front of the imperative of the other person. Idea of infinity worries total identity from within. Infinity does not permit identity to quiet down and induces to heed transcendence and alterity. Only in this way alterity can escape the violence to become a content of egocentrical identity and the victim of manipulation. Responsibility in the face of the other person precedes evident perception and legitimates the latter.Keywords: identity, evidence, alterity, sociality.

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