scholarly journals Zugang für alle? Rhetorik und Realität der Open Access‑Initiativen

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 161-170 ◽  
Herbert Hrachovec

ZusammenfassungDie Initiative, wissenschaftliche Publikationen, deren Entstehung in Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten zumeist von der öffentlichen Hand finanziert wird, der Öffentlichkeit auch entgeltfrei zugänglich zu machen, hat ein breites Echo gefunden. Angestoßen von der Budapester und der Berliner Erklärung (2002 und 2003) hat sie zum Aufbau einer leistungsfähigen Infrastruktur zwecks Erfassung, Distribution und Archivierung dieser Arbeiten geführt. Die damit verbundene Institutionalisierung wurde im Lauf der Zeit allerdings erfolgreicher als der Aufruf zur Mitbeteiligung an die „scientific community“, die Verwaltung ihrer Ergebnisse selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Die Hauptakteure sind nun Bibliotheken, Hochschulleitungen und Fördereinrichtungen. Ein Grund für diesen, die anfänglichen Betreiber der Initiative enttäuschenden, Umstand liegt in ihrem Ansatz selbst. Er übergeht, wie erst hinterher auffällt, die bestehende sozio-ökonomische Infrastruktur des Verlagswesens und die mit ihm gekoppelten Interessen der Wissenschaftlerinnen. In der Folge hat der Impuls zwar neue Verhältnisse geschaffen, aber paradoxer Weise zugunsten der wissenschaftlichen Großverlage, gegen die er ursprünglich gerichtet war.

Yulia V. Samodova

Information on the coming Open Access Week which will be held from 19 to 23 October 2009. Interest in the results of scientific researches all over the world has led to consolidation of forces of the international scientific community and to expand the now-annual event from a single day to seven days.

2020 ◽  
David Böhm ◽  
Alexander Grossmann ◽  
Michael Reiche ◽  
Antonia Schrader

Die zeitnahe, transparente und nachhaltige Verbreitung nachprüfbarer wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse ist eine der wesentlichen Anforderungen an die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation und Infrastruktur. Open Access, also die offene und kostenfreie Nutzung von wissenschaftlicher Literatur, ist hierfür die Grundvoraussetzung. Hochschulen und Universitäten sind in der Regel die Institutionen, an denen Wissenschaftler neue Forschungsergebnisse erzeugen und zur Veröffentlichung als Buch vorbereiten. Neben klassischen Wissenschaftsverlagen veröffentlichen daher immer mehr Hochschulverlage wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Das vorliegende Handbuch beschreibt einen nachhaltigen, allgemeingültigen State-of-the-Art-Workflow zur Herstellung und Distribution von akademischen Büchern, der es Hochschulen und Universitäten ermöglicht, bei weitest möglicher Verbreitung, Sichtbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit eigene Forschungsarbeiten und Graduierungsschriften in digitaler Form im Open Access und als gedrucktes Buch zu veröffentlichen. Dieses Workflow-Modell wird anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele als Proof of Concept demonstriert und spiegelt den aktuellen Stand der derzeit im Verlagsbereich technischen und wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten wider. Anhand der Fallbeispiele wurden zudem der Zeit-, Kosten- und Personalaufwand erfasst, sodass anderen Hochschulen und Universitäten Anhaltspunkte für nötige Investitionen bei der Gründung und dem Betrieb eigener OA-Hochschulverlage gegeben werden.

2020 ◽  
Khaled Moustafa

Over the past few years, different changes have been introduced into the science publishing industry. However, important reforms are still required at both the content and form levels. First, the peer review process needs to be open, fair and transparent. Second, author-paid fees in open access journals need to either be removed or reconsidered toward more affordability. Third, the categorization of papers should include all types of scientific contributions that can be of higher interest to the scientific community than many mere quantitative and observable measures, or simply removed from publications. Forth, word counts and reference numbers in online open access journal should be nuanced or replaced by recommended ranges rather than to be a proxy of acceptance or rejection. Finally, all the coauthors of a manuscript should be considered corresponding authors and responsible for their mutual manuscript rather than only one or two.

Luc Schneider

This contribution tries to assess how the Web is changing the ways in which scientific knowledge is produced, distributed and evaluated, in particular how it is transforming the conventional conception of scientific authorship. After having properly introduced the notions of copyright, public domain and (e-)commons, I will critically assess James Boyle's (2003, 2008) thesis that copyright and scientific (e-) commons are antagonistic, but I will mostly agree with the related claim by Stevan Harnad (2001a,b, 2008) that copyright has become an obstacle to the accessibility of scientific works. I will even go further and argue that Open Access schemes not only solve the problem of the availability of scientific literature, but may also help to tackle the uncontrolled multiplication of scientific publications, since these publishing schemes are based on free public licenses allowing for (acknowledged) re-use of texts. However, the scientific community does not seem to be prepared yet to move towards an Open Source model of authorship, probably due to concerns related to attributing credit and responsability for the expressed hypotheses and results. Some strategies and tools that may encourage a change of academic mentality in favour of a conception of scientific authorship modelled on the Open Source paradigm are discussed.

Alan Kelly

This chapter reviews the development of the modern scientific paper, from the sixteenth century forward, and explores the ways in which scientific information has been disseminated in the past. Great scientific advances of the past are discussed in the context of how they were first published, or otherwise brought to the attention of the broader scientific community, and the modern scientific publishing sector is explored. The types and categories of scientific journals are discussed, along with an overview of current publishing trends, such as the exponential increase in number of journals, changes in the ways in which researchers access the literature, and in particular the emergence and current state of open access journals. In addition, various ways in which journals are ranked are discussed, and key trends in such lists over the last ten years or so explored.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 185-196 ◽  
Man Bahadur Khattri

The purpose of this article is to discuss some important aspects involved while writing an article to publish in a scientific journal. This is a review article. I argue that writing an article is technical as well as creative art of an author which facilitates acceptance of article for publication in a scientific journal. Academicians are obliged to conduct research and publish articles to demonstrate their job efficiency. To publish an article in a scientific journal is the first necessary condition to meet standard norms i.e. journal's guideline for authors and the next is to follow the editing processes of the journal. Writing an article for printed version is becoming an old fashion. Therefore, authors need to learn how to submit a scholarly written article online and follow review processes. Writing and publishing of a scientific article is not only important for individuals and specific scientific community, it is also important to the wider society which helps to enhance stock of knowledge, and sharing and learning culture. Key words: Online publication; author aid; open access; copy editing; peer review DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v3i0.2787 Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.3 2009 185-196

2021 ◽  
Marie Garin ◽  
Myrto Limnios ◽  
Alice Nicolaï ◽  
Ioannis Bargiotas ◽  
Olivier Boulant ◽  

AbstractWe review epidemiological models for the propagation of the COVID-19 pandemic during the early months of the outbreak: from February to May 2020. The aim is to propose a methodological review that highlights the following characteristics: (i) the epidemic propagation models, (ii) the modeling of intervention strategies, (iii) the models and estimation procedures of the epidemic parameters and (iv) the characteristics of the data used. We finally selected 80 articles from open access databases based on criteria such as the theoretical background, the reproducibility, the incorporation of interventions strategies, etc. It mainly resulted to phenomenological, compartmental and individual-level models. A digital companion including an online sheet, a Kibana interface and a markdown document is proposed. Finally, this work provides an opportunity to witness how the scientific community reacted to this unique situation.

Maria Sorokina ◽  
Christoph Steinbeck

Natural products (NPs) have been the centre of attention of the scientific community in the last decencies and the interest around them continues to grow incessantly. As a consequence, in the last 20 years, there was a rapid multiplication of various databases and collections as generalistic or thematic resources for NP information. In this review, we establish a complete overview of these resources, and the numbers are overwhelming: over 120 different NP databases and collections were published and re-used since 2000. 98 of them are still somehow accessible and only 50 are open access. The latter include not only databases but also big collections of NPs published as supplementary material in scientific publications and collections that were backed up in the ZINC database for commercially-available compounds. Some databases, even published relatively recently are already not accessible anymore, which leads to a dramatic loss of data on NPs. The data sources are presented in this manuscript, together with the comparison of the content of open ones. With this review, we also compiled the open-access natural compounds in one single dataset a COlleCtion of Open NatUral producTs (COCONUT), which is available on Zenodo and contains structures and sparse annotations for over 400000 non-redundant NPs, which makes it the biggest open collection of NPs available to this date.

Sebastian Aigner ◽  
Bruno Bauer ◽  
Snježana Ćirković ◽  
Gabriele Höfler ◽  
Marion Kaufer ◽  

– Bibliotheksräume – real und digital: 6. Bibliothekskongress in Leipzig (Bruno Bauer) – Innovation – Strategie – Wandel (Marion Kaufer) – RDA – Theorie und europäische Praxis (Karin Kleiber) – Normdaten Anwendertreffen (Sebastian Aigner) – Nachhaltigkeit von Open Access-Zeitschriften (Snjezana Cirkovic & Ute Sondergeld) – LibRank: Neue Ansätze zur Relevanzsortierung in bibliografischen Informationssystemen (Gabriele Höfler) – Autorenidentifikation für wissenschaftliche Publikationen (Bruno Bauer) – Crowdsourcing als Form von Open Innovation in Bibliotheken (Josef Steiner)– NS-Provenienzforschung – real und digital (Olivia Kaiser-Dolidze & Markus Stumpf)– Drucken, was Recht ist – die Geschichte der juristischen Verlage: Arbeitssitzung der AjBD (Josef Pauser)– Bücher bauen Brücken – Integration durch Information: ABDOS-Workshop (Josef Steiner)– Open Access-Zeitschriften im LIS-Bereich: Gegenwart und Zukunft (Bruno Bauer)

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