scholarly journals Elecciones 2018 en Paraguay: ¿hasta qué punto son democráticas las campañas y las elecciones?

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 95
Ava Mariana Gómez ◽  
Sara Mabel Villalba

El presente texto realiza un balance de las elecciones generales en Paraguay de abril de 2018, en las que fue electo presidente de la República Mario Abdo Benítez, de la Asociación Nacional Republicana (ANR), partido que lleva más de 66 años en el poder. El objetivo principal de este estudio es el análisis del proceso electoral, específicamente de la campaña electoral y la jornada de emisión del sufragio, considerando criterios democráticos.Se examinan los errores respecto a los resultados que vaticinaban las encuestas y las diferencias mínimas finales. Al respecto se plantea la pregunta: ¿qué tan democrática ha sido la campaña electoral? Para ello, se describe la oferta programática de los contendientes y las estrategias principales de la campaña electoral.  Palabras claves: elecciones; campaña electoral; comunicación política; Paraguay**2018 Elections in Paraguay: how democratic are campaigns and elections?This article analyzes the general elections in Paraguay in April 2018, in which Mario Abdo Benítez, of the Republican National Association (ANR), was elected president of the Republic, a party that has been in power for over 66 years. The main objective of this study is the analysis of the electoral process, specifically the electoral campaign and the voting day, considering democratic criteria. The prediction errors in the surveys and the final minimum differences are examined. In this regard, the question arises: how democratic has the electoral campaign been? For this, the programmatic offer of the contenders and the main strategies of the electoral campaign are described.Keywords: elections; electoral campaign; political communication; Paraguay

Obra digital ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 39-59 ◽  
Laura Alonso-Muñoz ◽  
Susana Miquel-Segarra ◽  
Andreu Casero-Ripollés

El uso de Twitter como herramienta estratégica para la comunicación política se ha incrementado notablemente durante los últimos años, especialmente en periodo de campaña electoral. El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar el grado de cumplimiento de los principios dialógicos atribuidos a las redes sociales. Para ello se aplica la técnica del análisis de contenido cuantitativo a los tuits publicados por los principales partidos españoles (PP, PSOE, Podemos y Ciudadanos) durante las elecciones generales de 2015. Los resultados demuestran que pese al elevado número de publicaciones realizadas por los cuatro partidos, ninguno aprovecha el potencial dialógico de Twitter.Untapped communication potential. Twitter as a mechanism for generating dialogue in an electoral campaignAbstractThe use of Twitter as strategic tool for political communication has increased considerably in recent years, particularly during electoral campaigns. The main goal of this paper is to examine the degree of compliance with the principles of dialogue attributed to social media. To achieve this, a quantitative content analysis was carried out on the tweets shared by the main Spanish political parties during the 2015 General Elections. The results show that although a high number of tweets were made by the four political parties during this period, none of them took advantage of the full potential of dialogue on Twitter.Keywords: Twitter, social media, political communication, electoral campaign, digital media

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-109
Dren Gërguri

The 2017 general elections in Kosovo are the first to be considered for the high use of Facebook by political parties. Kosovo has nearly 1 million Facebook users, and this is one reason that has pushed all political parties, without distinction, to include Facebook in their electoral strategies. The paper analyses the use of Facebook by political parties in the 2017 general election and deals with the adaptation of Kosovar political parties with this new form of political communication and their popularity on Facebook. Data were collected during the campaign using the software R. In the fourth age of political communication, the web 2.0 has changed political  campaigns and the flow of information now is more dynamic than in the past. The paper presents the flow of information/messages through Facebook, with politicians connecting directly with citizens, bypassing traditional media. Through a quantitative content analysis of the seven parties’ Facebook pages, it is analysed how they used Facebook as a campaigning tool and based on the findings, the mobilisation function was the dominant one. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 96
Lorenc Ligori

In recent election campaigns in Albania, whether general or local, party leaders have become increasingly important. There is a dominance of party leaders in political communication in an electoral campaign. Increasingly the media focus is on leading individuals, neglecting parties and collective identities. Political leaders now serve as a shortcut to informing the electorate. But why does this happen? Is this a feature of the Albanian electoral reality or a trend and influence from developed democracies? What are some of the specific circumstances in the country that enabled this change? Is it a demand from the electorate or an imposition on it? What role does media play in this regard? These and other matters related to it such as: how the party leaders are elected, internal party democracy issues, the methods and tactics of campaign organization, the role of electoral rules and the type of electoral system, etc. shall be briefly addressed in this paper, which is based on observations and analysis of three election campaigns, two general elections (2017 - 2021) and one local (2015).

2021 ◽  
Lucia Kalobwe

This paper reviews recent studies that examine how music has been used for electioneering in in the 2016 general elections in Zambia. After a survey of several papers addressing music and elections in contemporary Zambia, a total of three papers specific to the 2016 elections are examined, these are: “Music and its Role in the Electoral Process of Zambia” by Namuyamba et al (2018); “The Discursive Role of Music in African Elections: A Perspective from Zambia” by Mambwe (2019); and “Singing Dununa Reverse: Interrogating the Symbolic, Political, Cultural and Patriotic Perspectives in a Zambian Political Campaign Song” by Lumbwe (2017). From the three papers examined, there is an acknowledgement of the power that music has in communicating key messages in elections. Music has become an important element Zambian electioneering as parties have recognized how effective they can reach masses. Further, in the electioneering context, music can be used and examined differently. The papers analyzed demonstrate that there exists latitude in what music can achieve for political communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 356
Silvia Marcos-García ◽  
Laura Alonso-Muñoz ◽  
Andreu Casero-Ripollés

Social media has become an essential platform in the field of digital political communication. In the context of accommodating electoral campaigns to digital media and the absence of barriers to freedom of expression existing on these platforms, attacks on political rivals and negative campaigns are increasing on social media. This research analyzes the use of criticism on Facebook by political actors during the electoral campaign and citizens’ reactions to these messages. The sample (n = 601) contains the publications disseminated on Facebook by political parties and leaders during the electoral campaign of the general elections of 26 June 2016 in Spain. The results show that criticism is an emerging resource in the digital communication strategy of political actors, mainly used by the opposition parties and their candidates, who focus their attacks on the party and leader of the Government. Attacks are mainly focused on the professional side of their rivals, although they also give a central role to emotions. Citizens are attracted to these attacks and are prone to interact with posts that include this resource.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 501-512
Muhammad Husni Ritonga

The political year has seemed to be moving so fast. The 2019 Presidential General Elections in Indonesia gave rise to various political communications in order to attract public sympathizers. At the time, political contestation was often associated with a variety of utterances which in the end provoked conflict so that politics in the country was more interesting to study, especially in the study of political communication. All remarks conveyed by political communication figures are considered as interesting things to study. Various kinds of utterances, speeches or statements can in fact have an effect on the interlocutor so that the messages of political communication are considered to have certain symbols, both ver­bally and non-verbally. Nevertheless, political communication delivered by political actors can actually have an extraordinary effect on political opponents. Not just words, even body gestures can become weapons of political messages that can have an effect on political opponents. This paper discusses political symbols, such as speech or body gestures that can have an extraordinary effect on political opponents. All was done to attract public interest in one of the candidates for the President of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the context of the 2019 General Elections..Keywords: Political Messages, Sound Bite, Political News Tahun politik terasa bergerak begitu cepat. Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) calon Presiden yang dilaksanakan tahun 2019 memunculkan berbagai komunikasi politik demi menarik simpatisan masyarakat. Pada masa itu, kontestasi politik sering dikaitkan dengan berbagai macam ucapan yang pada akhirnya memancing konflik sehingga perpolitikan di tanah air semakin menarik untuk dikaji, khususnya dalam kajian komuni­kasi politik. Segala ucapan yang disampaikan oleh para tokoh komunikasi politik di­anggap sebagai suatu hal yang menarik untuk dikaji. Berbagai macam ucapan, ujaran ataupun pernyataan nyatanya bisa memberikan efek ter­hadap lawan bicara sehingga pesan-pesan komunikasi politik dianggap mempunyai simbol-simbol tertentu, baik secara verbal maunpun non-ver­bal. Kendati demikian, komunikasi politik yang disampaikan oleh para aktor politik ternyata bisa memberikan efek yang luar biasa terhadap lawan politik. Bukan hanya sekadar ucapan, bahkan gestur tubuh pun bisa men­jadi senjata pesan politik yang dapat memberikan efek kepada lawan politik. Tulisan ini membahas simbol-simbol perpolitikan, seperti ucapan ataupun gesture tubuh yang bisa memberikan efek yang luar biasa kepada lawan politik. Semua itu dilakukan untuk menarik minat masyarakat terhadap salah satu pasangan calon Presiden Republik Indonesia, khusus­nya dalam konteks Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2019.Kata Kunci: Pesan Politik, Sound Bite, Berita Politik

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-195
Francisco Serrano Oceja ◽  
Mónica Viñarás Abad ◽  
Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Valles ◽  

The use of social networks encourages individuals to access political information directly, either through the personal profiles of political leaders, their parties or organizations. All this without limiting the information in the media themselves, but already, with a limited time. Politicians, problems of this situation, take advantage of the direct contact of social networks to seek participation among their followers, which can lead to the press in a time of crisis. This work aims to analyze the use made by Twitter of the main political parties in the General Elections of April 28, 2019, in order to find out the content strategy followed and to what extent it could influence press consumption. The results will reach the way politicians will use social media content as the strategy to achieve their communication goals, and how it could influence press consumption. Keywords: Press; Social Networks; Crisis; Political Communication; Electoral Campaign.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-377
Lydia A. Nkansah ◽  
Delali A. Gawu

There have been seven general elections, under Ghana's Fourth Republic, to elect presidents and members of parliament. There are laws regulating the electoral process and election results have generally been accepted and, in a few cases, challenged through the laid-down process. Elections in Ghana are nonetheless reportedly flawed with irregularities tainting the outcome and creating tensions and sometimes pockets of violence. This article examines the electoral process under Ghana's Fourth Republic, namely the adoption of regulations for each electoral cycle, voters’ registration and the voters’ register, nomination of aspirants, voting, counting of votes and declaration of the results. To ensure the integrity of the electoral process, the laws regulating elections should comply with the dictates of the procedural requirements of the rule of law and the Electoral Commission's actions must be consistent with these laws.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (11) ◽  
pp. 255-268
Amit Kumar

Modern politics, particularly prevalent in the Western Democracies, is replete with instances wherein communication has come to play a pivotal role in the formation or dislodging a government. This is not to say that in traditional political scenario, the role of communication was any lesser. Far from it, communication has always characterized the build-up of events in politics. However, the significance of the same has increased manifold thanks to the advent of social media and complex nature of modern politics as well as due to rise of such concepts as political branding which has gained traction in the wake of proliferation of technology. The same holds true in the Indian political scenario as well. The last few years have redefined the role of communication and its tools in Indian politics, especially during a mega-political event like election. The last two general elections were testimonies to the same. The might of social media has been realized by even its staunchest critics. Along with it, the popular concept of permanent campaign has also characterized the phenomenon of political communication. This paper goes on to explore the underlying concept of political communication and how the same has come to influence the turn of events as well as the final outcome of an election.

2009 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-328 ◽  
Peter Nugus

Research on the Australian monarchy—republican debate has considered arguments for and against the republic, the 1999 referendum and interpretations of the republic. Little attention has been paid to the debate’s discursive construction. Therefore, this article analyzes the rhetorical strategies with which political parties and organized movements sought to persuade the public to adopt their position in the debate in the 1990s. The article discerns and analyzes various rhetorical strategies in terms of the patterns in their use among these elites. In contrast to the cognitive bias of much research in political communication, the article accounts for the embeddedness of these strategies in their public political, national-cultural and popular democratic contexts. It shows that the use of such strategies is a function of the socio-political context of actors’ statuses as parties or movements. The article recommends combining deliberative democracy with discourse analysis to comprehend the dynamics of public political language.

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