scholarly journals Warisan Islam Nusantara

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-92
Zakiya Darajat

AbstrakDi tengah perbenturan dua arus utama yang saling tarik menarik antara arus sekulerisme-liberal Barat dan arus fundamentalisme-radikal Timur Tengah, Islam Nusantara—dengan berbagai macam karakteristiknya—berhasil mempertahankan warna kemoderatannya. Sikap mengambil jalan tengah dalam segala dimensi kehidupan keberagamaan sangat selaras dengan watak dan karakteristik umat Islam Indonesia yang sangat fleksibel, toleran dan terbuka dalam menerima dan mensikapi segala perbedaan tradisi, pandangan dan keyakinan keberagamaan, sehingga melahirkan kearifan lokal (local wisdom), serta corak dan warna Islam Nusantara yang sangat khas, berupa Islam yang ramah, toleran, dan pluralistik. Karakteristik Islam Indonesia yang toleran, ramah, smiling, dan flowering ini bukanlah sesuatu yang muncul tiba-tiba, akan tetapi merupakan hasil sebuah proses panjang yang telah dilalui umat Islam Indonesia, menyangkut profil para tokoh pendakwah Islam, metode yang digunakan dalam penyebaran Islam di Nusantara, sarana dan media penyebaran Islam, juga relasinya dengan kekuasaan politik. Beberapa hal inilah yang turut mempengaruhi begitu kokohnya warna moderatisme Islam di Nusantara. Kini, Islam Nusantara telah banyak melahirkan warisan peradaban sebagai harta peninggalan yang tak ternilai harganya, sekaligus sebagai bukti otentik betapa Islam telah ikut  memberi corak dan warna bagi kemajuan peradaban masyarakat Muslim Indonesia maupun dunia---Abstract In the midst of the clash between two mainstreams; ‘liberal-secularism’ of the West mainstream and radical-fundamentalism of Middle East mainstream, Islam Nusantara—with its various characteristics—managed to maintain its moderate color. The attitude to choose moderate way in every dimension of religious life is in line with the nature and characteristics of Indonesian muslim community which is flexible, tolerant, and open minded to receive and respond with the various of traditions, views, and religion belief to create local wisdom, characteritistics, and the distinctive type of Islam Nusantara that shows friendly, tolerant, and pluralistic Islam. The characteristics of Indonesian muslims which are tolerant, friendly, smiling, and flowering do not suddenly appear, but it is the result of a long process experienced by Indonesian muslim community, including the profile of Islamic figures, method used to spread Islam in Nusantara, infrastructure and media of spreading Islam, and its relation with political power. These factors influence the strength of moderation of Islam in Nusantara. Currently, Islam Nusantara has created civilization heritage as precious inheritance, as well as authentic evidence showing that Islam has contributed to the civilization progress of Indonesian muslim community specifically, and the world population generally.

Farhad Khosrokhavar

The creation of the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS) changed the nature of jihadism worldwide. For a few years (2014–2017) it exemplified the destructive capacity of jihadism and created a new utopia aimed at restoring the past greatness and glory of the former caliphate. It also attracted tens of thousands of young wannabe combatants of faith (mujahids, those who make jihad) toward Syria and Iraq from more than 100 countries. Its utopia was dual: not only re-creating the caliphate that would spread Islam all over the world but also creating a cohesive, imagined community (the neo-umma) that would restore patriarchal family and put an end to the crisis of modern society through an inflexible interpretation of shari‘a (Islamic laws and commandments). To achieve these goals, ISIS diversified its approach. It focused, in the West, on the rancor of the Muslim migrants’ sons and daughters, on exoticism, and on an imaginary dream world and, in the Middle East, on tribes and the Sunni/Shi‘a divide, particularly in the Iraqi and Syrian societies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-282
Parhan Hidayat

Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara dengan komunitas Muslim terbanyak di dunia. Corak keislaman di Indonesia juga memilik kekhasan tersendiri, yang berbeda dengan sumber aslinya di Timur Tengah. Salah satu cara memahami corak keislaman Indonesia adalah dengan mempelajari naskah-naskah Islam Nusantara yang tersebar di Indonesa, sampai ke negara-negara tetangga. Keberadaan naskah itu tentu menjadi kekayaan tak ternilai untuk bangsa kita, sehingga sangat perlu untuk dilestarikan. Perpustakaan sebagai lembaga yang berfungsi untuk mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan menyebarkan informasi, perannya dalam pelestarian naskah Islam Nusantara sudah pasti sangat diperlukan. Perpustakaan bahkan dapat menjadikan kekayaan naskah Islam Nusantara tersebut sebagai strategi branding untuk bersaing dengan perpustakaan lainnya. Selain mengumpulkan informasi tentang naskah, mengolah dan menyebarkan informasi tentang naskah Islam Nusantara, perpustakaan juga harus memiliki pustakawan-pustakawan yang handal dan mumpuni dalam melestarikan naskah Islam Nusantara. Keberadaan Database Sumber Primer Islam Nusantara yang nantinya akan diintegrasikan dengan sistem otomasi di perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora (FAH) UIN Jakarta, akan menjadikan perpustakaan FAH sebagai perpustakaan yang memiliki distingsi dan keunggulan tersendiri dibanding perpustakaan lainnya.---Abstract Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim community in the world. Islamic pattern in Indonesia also picks its own peculiarities, which is different from the original source in the Middle East. One way to understand the Indonesian Islamic style is by studying Islamic texts of archipelago scattered Indonesa, even to neighboring countries. The existence of the manuscript that will become invaluable wealth for our nation needs to be preserved. The library as an institution whose function is to collect, manage, and disseminate information, its role in the preservation of Islamic manuscripts archipelago is definitely indispensable. Libraries can even make the wealth of the archipelago of Islamic texts as a branding strategy to compete with other libraries. In addition to collecting information about the script, process and disseminate information on Islam Nusantara manuscripts, the library must also have librarians who are reliable and qualified in preserving texts of Islam Nusantara.  The existenceof primary source databases of Islam Nusantara which will be integrated into the automation system in the library of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta, will make FAH library as a library that has its own distinctions and advantages compared to other libraries.

Anna Sun

This introductory chapter talks about the confusions and controversies over the religious nature of Confucianism. It argues that the confusions come mainly from three sources. First, they come from the conceptualization of Confucianism as a world religion at the end of the nineteenth century in Europe, which was a historical product of the emergence of the “world religions” paradigm in the West. Second, they are caused by the problematic way in which Confucianism—and Chinese religions in general—has been studied and represented by questions which are based on a Judeo-Christian framework that cannot capture the complexity of Chinese religious life. Finally, confusion arises from the often contradictory development of Confucianism in today's China.

Diana Bogueva ◽  
Kurt Schmidinger

In the West, meat is acceptable, tasty, delicious, palatable, and enjoyable. It has a well-established position in the consumers' food habits shaping the taste of the affluent eating culture and accepted as normal, natural, necessary, and nutritious. Although recent scientific evidence recognizes that meat has a high negative environmental impact, there is still lack of attention on the fact that we live on a planet with limited resources which need to be preserved. Part of this is a transition to more sustainable consumption habits and diets. This chapter examines the social readiness and acceptability of new meat alternatives as normal, natural, necessary, and nutritious amongst Gen Y and Gen Z consumers. It concludes that a reduction in meat consumption should be an essential part of creating a more sustainable diet in light of the projected increase of the world population, expected human health benefits, and improved environmental wellbeing of the planet.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-159
Gary M. Burge

Kenneth E. Bailey (1930–2016) was an internationally acclaimed New Testament scholar who grew up in Egypt and devoted his life to the church of the Middle East. He also was an ambassador of Arab culture to the West, explaining through his many books on the New Testament how the context of the Middle East shapes the world of the New Testament. He wed cultural anthropology to biblical exegesis and shaped the way scholars view the Gospels today.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-64
Dariusz Brążkiewicz

Abstrakt: Współczesna polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej na Bliskim Wschodzie jest elementem szerokiej strategii ukierunkowanej na cele w środowisku międzynarodowym oraz na cele wewnątrzpaństwowe. Polityka ta jest konfrontacyjna na płaszczyźnie Rosja – Zachód i stanowi koło zamachowe w dążeniu kraju do odzyskania dominującej roli w świecie. Zaangażowanie Federacji Rosyjskiej w konflikt w Syrii jest konsekwencją jej mocarstwowej polityki w zmieniającym się środowisku międzynarodowym. Głównym celem było wyeliminowanie rozwiązań USA i innych państw Zachodu w zakresie interwencji humanitarnej w Syrii. Poza tym utrzymując reżim Baszara al-Asada Federacja Rosyjska podjęła realizację własnego ładu na Bliskim Wschodzie, gdzie chce odgrywać kluczową rolę. Pomagają jej w tym Iran – wieloletni oponent USA oraz Turcja – nowy koalicjant, które mają też swoje partykularne cele w regionie. W przypadku polityki wewnętrznej, rosyjskie elity polityczne chcą utrwalić władzę populistyczną, oferując narodowi drogę dokonań państwa, szczególnie w wymiarze międzynarodowym – wskazując siłę militarną i wyższość polityczną, jako podstawowe elementy odbudowy mocarstwowej roli Federacji Rosyjskiej w świecie. Te kierunki polityki zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej dają obraz konsekwentnych, a jednocześnie zaskakujących działań Federacji Rosyjskiej na Bliskim Wschodzie. Abstract: Contemporary policy of the Russian Federation in the Middle East is an element of a broad strategy focused on international and internal purposes. This policy is confrontational at the level of Russia - the West and constitutes a flywheel in the pursuit of the country to regain its dominant role in the world. The involvement of the Russian Federation in the conflict in Syria is a consequence of its superpower policy in the changing international environment. The main goal was to eliminate the solutions of the USA and other Western countries in the field of humanitarian intervention in Syria. What is more, maintaining the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Russian Federation has embarked on the implementation of its own order in the Middle East, where it wants to play a key role. Iran, a long-term opponent of the USA, and Turkey, a new coalition partner that also has its particular goals in the region, are the countries which help Russia in this area. In the case of domestic policy, Russia’s power elites want to consolidate populist power by presenting the nation country’s accomplishments, especially in the international dimension, indicating military strength and political superiority as the basic elements of rebuilding the superpower role of the Russian Federation in the world. These external and internal policies give a picture of the consistent and also surprising actions of the Russian Federation in the Middle East

2001 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
Issam S. Mousa

Abstract: Scholars unanimously agree that the development of the alphabet is a cornerstone of civilization and that Greece played a central role in the spread of this medium in the West. Both Latin and Arabic scripts were derived from the Phoenician, which represents a shared cultural heritage between the Middle East and the West. However, the question of the development of the second most used alphabet in the world, Arabic, is riddled with uncertainty for scholars. They disagree on the origin of this significant medium, which has been used by Arabs, Persians, and other nations for the past 15 centuries. This paper examines how critical communication theory may help solve this enduring mystery and finds compelling evidence to suggest that the Arabic script evolved from the Nabataean rather than the Syriac. Résumé : Les spécialistes sont tous d'accord que le développement de l'alphabet a été une pierre angulaire de la civilisation et que la Grèce a joué un rôle primordial dans la diffusion de l'alphabet à travers l'Occident. Les textes latins et arabes sont tous les deux originaires du phénicien, représentant un héritage culturel partagé entre le Moyen Orient et l'Occident. Cependant, la question du développement de l'alphabet arabe, le deuxième plus répandu au monde, est entourée d'incertitude pour les spécialistes. Ceux-ci sont en désaccord sur les origines de ce mode de transmission important, que les Arabes, les Perses et d'autres nations utilisent depuis quinze siècles. Cet article examine comment la théorie critique en communication peut aider à résoudre ce mystère persistant et découvre des indices importants suggérant que l'écriure arabe a évolué du nabatéen plutôt que du syriaque.

Giovani Rubert Librelotto ◽  
Leandro Oliveira Freitas ◽  
Ederson Bastiani ◽  
Cicero Ribeiro ◽  
Samuel Vizzotto

Every year the queues in hospitals publics and privates grows due to, among others, the increasing of the world population and the delay in the patients service. This is a serious problem faced by administrators of hospitals, which believe that it is increasingly difficult to offer a service of quality to those who search for them. One of the ways to decrease these queues is through the development of homecare systems that allow the patient to receive the clinic treatment directly in his house. The development of these kinds of systems would help to decrease the queues and consequently, would improve the attendance of those who goes to the hospitals looking for assistance. Considering this, this work has as main purpose to present the architecture modeling of a pervasive system to be applied in homecare environments. The pervasive systems developed from this modeling aim to improve the services provided by healthcare professionals in the treatment of patients that are located in their houses. The architecture proposed by the methodology uses concepts of pervasive computing to provide access to information any- time and wherever the user is, once that a homecare environment has a high level of dynamicity. The knowledge representation of the homecare environment needed in the modeling of the architecture is made through ontologies due to the possibility of reuse of the information stored, as well as the interoperability of information among different computational devices. To validate the proposed methodology, we present two use cases, which are also used to demonstrate the workflow of the pervasive system of homecare.

2014 ◽  
Vol 40 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 439-447 ◽  
Nader Hashemi

The relationship between religion and politics is a bone of political contention and a source of deep confusion across the Islam–West divide. When most western liberals cast their gaze on Muslim societies today, what they see is deeply disconcerting. From their perspective there is simply too much religion in public life in the Arab-Islamic world, which raises serious questions for them about the prospects for democracy in this part of the world. This article critically explores the relationship between religion and political legitimacy with a geographical and cultural focus on the Muslim Middle East. The broad historical question that shapes this inquiry is: Why is religion a source of political legitimacy in Muslim societies today while in the West, broadly speaking, religion is a source of disagreement and illegitimacy?

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Ina Zainah Nasution

Ibnu Khaldun was the greatest Muslim scientist of his time. His thoughts are futuristic and still be used for today. As a recognized scientist both in the West and in the East, we should take the wisdom points of his thinking in the field of education. Ibnu Khaldun set educational goals that are free from materialistic elements, an integrated curriculum and even holistic teaching and learning methods. Khaldun's view later in the 20th century, along with the development of contemporary learning psychology, we know him with the term gestalt psychology which was introduced by Wolfgang Kohler in 1912 in Germany. Khaldun's three steps in the delivery of teaching material are also in accordance with the theory issued by Kohlerberg about the maturity of one's cognition affecting one's ability to receive things. Therefore, to make closer to the true concept of Ibn Khaldun's education, the writer uses the method of content research which is to make Ibn Khaldun's monumental work: The Muqaddimah as the main reference and several other supporting books. So with this effort we can know that Ibn Khaldun was truly "the great Muslim thinker" whose idea in the field of education is very inspiring and even continue to be used for today. Another idea that is even used as a trend in the world of education today is the study tour learning method (rihlah) and homeschooling (sekolah rumah) and it’s curriculum. Nowadays, Khaldun's bright ideas in the world of education, along with the methods he offered that were global and holistic, are still being used. That’s becoming clear evidence that Ibn Khaldun was a great thinker throughout history.

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