scholarly journals Alternative Learning Methods Employed by Language Teachers in the New Normal of COVID-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-246
Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra ◽  
Nengah Dwi Handayani ◽  
Anak Agung Istri Yudhi Pramawati

ABSTRACTLearning activities should be conducted effectively to create conducive learning conditions to develop students’ creativity and their higher learning competence. Through conducting appropriate and effective learning activities, the learning objectives and learning competencies are easier to achieve. To create effective learning activities, teachers are required to have adequate understanding and competence in employing learning methods. This study aims to explore effective learning methods to create more creative learning activities for the students. This study found several alternative learning methods that can be utilized in the time of the new normal of covid-19 to continually improve the students’ competence. This study implies that teachers should continually expose themselves to various learning methods to establish conducive learning conditions in the classroom. ABSTRAKKegiatan pembelajaran harus dilakukan secara efektif untuk menciptakan kondisi pembelajaran yang kondusif untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan kompetensi belajar siswa yang lebih tinggi. Melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran yang tepat dan efektif, tujuan pembelajaran dan kompetensi pembelajaran lebih mudah dicapai. Untuk menciptakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang efektif, guru dituntut memiliki pemahaman dan kompetensi yang memadai dalam menggunakan metode pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali metode pembelajaran yang efektif untuk menciptakan kegiatan belajar yang lebih kreatif bagi siswa. Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa metode pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada masa new normal covid-19 untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Studi ini menyiratkan bahwa guru harus terus-menerus mengekspos diri mereka kedalam berbagai metode pembelajaran untuk membangun kondisi pembelajaran yang kondusif di dalam kelas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 469
Muhammad Anwar HM

The aim of this paper is to provide the information to educators on hypnoteaching as one of the alternative methods that can be used to create effective learning. The effective learning is the learning that enables learners to learn easy, fun, and can achieve the learning objectives that have been set. Hypnoteaching is the learning methods in delivering the subject matter, the teacher uses the communication techniques are very persuasive and suggestive with the aim that students easily understand the subject matter. Hypnoteaching steps include: 1) intention and motivation within yourself; 2) pacing or equalize the position, gestures, language, and brain waves with others or learners; 3) leading or directing learners; 4) using positive words; giving a compliment; 6) modeling or exemplify through speech and behavior. If teachers apply hypnoteacing in the learning activities, the classroom atmosphere will be more conducive, learners feel important, safe and comfortable so that the goal of learning more easily is achieved

2021 ◽  
pp. 985
Enny Irawaty ◽  
Evelin Maharani Widjaja ◽  
Juliana Sanjaya

Online learning methods utilize technology as an intermediary medium between teachers and teaching participants that can be done by not face to face, using computer media or gadgets based on the internet network. Online learning methods cause learners difficulty in receiving information and concepts of lecture materials. Students have no enthusiasm in learning, avoid classes, do not participate in classroom activities, and have poor learning outcomes. To foster motivation and increase academic self efficacy of students, we conduct extension activities with effective learning tips during online learning. This activity aims to increase interest, student ability so that students can adapt to the learning process and satisfactory academic achievement during counseling lectures related to information about improving the quality of learning with effective online learning tips that were held on November 7, 2021 and attended by 31 participants can be carried out properly. There is an increase in knowledge of 20.3% this can be seen from the average results of pretes and postes values, namely 60.6 to 72.9. Effective online learning tips extension activities can be developed for further extension because the form to improve the quality of student learning is especially needed during this pandemic, because many learning activities are done at home.  Metode pembelajaran daring memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media perantara antara pengajar dan peserta ajar yang dapat dilakukan dengan tidak bertatap muka langsung, menggunakan media komputer atau gadget berbasis pada jaringan internet. Metode pembelajaran daring menyebabkan peserta didik kesulitan dalam menerima informasi serta konsep materi perkuliahan. Mahasiswa tidak memiliki antusias dalam belajar, menghindari kelas, tidak berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan di kelas, dan memiliki hasil belajar yang buruk. Untuk menumbuhkan motivasi dan meningkatkan academic self efficacy mahasiswa maka kami melakukan kegiatan penyuluhan dengan materi kiat belajar efektif selama pembelajaran daring. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat, kemampuan mahasiswa agar mahasiswa dapat beradaptasi dalam proses pembelajaran serta prestasi akademik yang memuaskan selama perkuliahan Penyuluhan terkait informasi tentang peningkatan kualitas belajar dengan tips efektif belajar secara daring yang dilaksanakan 7 November 2021 dan dihadiri 31 peserta dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 20.3% ini dapat dilihat dari hasil rata-rata nilai pretes dan postes yaitu 60.6 menjadi 72.9. Kegiatan penyuluhan tips efektif belajar secara daring dapat dikembangkan untuk penyuluhan selanjutnya karena bentuk untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar mahasiswa/i terutama sangat dibutuhkan pada masa pandemi ini, dikarenakan banyak kegiatan pembelajaran dikerjakan di rumah.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
R. Dicky Agus Purnama ◽  
Benny Agus Pribadi

This article will elaborate the use of performance assessment to measure students competencies in learning science. What type of performance assessment appropriate to assess students learning outcome of science? The answer of this question is necessary for the teachers to determine the best assessment technique in science. Basically science can be considered as the root of knowledge and technology. Learning activities in science should be designed in order to facilitate students learning. It is a constructive process which requires students to study concepts inductively. Learning activities in science should be based on constructivism learning theory which encourages students to build their own knowledge and to apply it in the real world. Learning science should involve several essentials activities such as student involvement (engagement); extracting knowledge (exploration); presenting the findings (explanation); understanding knowledge (elaboration); and achievement learning competencies (assessment). It is necessary to implement performance assessment to measure the students learning outcome in science. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi implementasi penilaian performa siswa untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari isi atau mata pelajaran sains. Bentuk penilaian seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui kompetensi siswa setelah mempelajari mata pelajaran sains? Jawaban terhadap pertanyaan ini sangat diperlukan untuk dapat merancang dan mengembangkan sistem penilaian untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam mata pelajaran sains. Sains atau science pada hakekatnya merupakan akar perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (iptek). Pembelajaran sains pada semua jenjang pendidikan perlu dirancang agar menarik dan bermakna bagi siswa. Aktivitas dalam pembelajaran sains harus memanfaatkan pendekatan dan teori belajar konstruktivistik yang mendorong siswa dapat membangun pengetahuan dan mengaplikasikannya dalam dunia nyata. Pembelajaran sains berbasis teori belajar konstruktivistik bercirikan belajar seperti: Keterlibatan siswa (engagement); penggalian pengetahuan (exploration); penjelasan (explanation); penjabaran (elaboration); dan penilaian (assessment). Dalam aktivitas pebelajaran sains berbasis teori belajar konstruktivistik penilaian hasil belajar menekankan pada performa siswa dalam mengintegrasikan pengetahuan-fenomena alam. Artikel ini akan mengupas implementasi konsep penilaian performa atau performance assessmentdalam pembelajaran sains berbasis teori belajar konstruktivistik.

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Jennifer Riley ◽  
Kerry Ward

ABSTRACT We report the results of a study to examine the effectiveness of active versus passive learning methods in the accounting information systems area. Two groups of students completed an assignment under two active learning conditions (individual and cooperative), while a third group covered the same topic in a passive lecture. Our findings indicate support for active learning, measured through student performance on exam questions and student feedback on a questionnaire. However, compared to passive learners, we find significantly improved exam performance only for students who work individually in an active environment. Students in the cooperative active environment posted exam scores that were not statistically different from passive participants' scores. Students in both individual and cooperative active environments reported positive feedback on satisfaction, perceived learning, and effectiveness of the method. We conclude that active learning enhances student outcomes, particularly for those who work individually. Data Availability: Data are available upon request.

2021 ◽  
Minu Mathews

BackgroundCreating a conducive environment for learning cultivates engaged and independent learners, allowing for high-level learning (Warren, 2004). When assessing the diverse Psychology courses that exist, the evaluation of Research Methods (RM) teaching and its associated pedagogies is high on the agenda of college based Higher Education (Burton & Schonfield, 2011). ObjectiveThis study aimed at exploring what range of teaching and learning activities (TLA’s) promote effective learning of RM among Psychology students. Additionally, it aimed to understand, from a student perspective, what ‘effective learning’ meant in the context of RM. MethodA mixed methods approach comprising of both surveys as well as focus groups was conducted with undergraduate Psychology students. Thematic analysis and basic frequencies were used to analyse data. Results Results demonstrated that both student and teacher-led activities were beneficial and worked complementarily for students in their understanding of the subject whilst serving different purposes. Practical labs and class exercises were the top activities highlighted (student-led) followed by lectures and flow chart concept checks (teacher-led). Furthermore, ‘effective learning’ encapsulated not just a long-term knowledge acquisition of concepts but the ability to apply one’s knowledge to the wider context. Conclusion and teaching implication Findings are in line with the Conception of Learning which has a nested hierarchy consisting of both surface learning elements and deep learning (Marton,Dall’Alba & Beaty, 1993). RM has been identified as a difficult subject to teach as well for students to learn (Gray et al., 2015) and as a result this study teases apart some of the most beneficial techniques from a student perspective to be considered when designing the structure and delivery of RM courses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-195 ◽  
Jon-Andre Nilsen ◽  
Terje Aaserud ◽  
Cathrine Filstad

The aim of this article was to investigate how police investigation leaders learn leadership and whether the facilitation of learning activities and learning methods might bridge the well-known gap between teaching and learning leadership. Using action research, we constructed an ‘i-leader’ learning pool consisting of police investigation leaders. The pool provided interactive and collaborative learning activities that included reflection, knowledge sharing and social support. Participants were receptive to this learning initiative, but also argued that ‘learning by doing’ is most important because it allows for communication and cooperation between colleagues in the context of their everyday leadership practice. They acknowledged the need for reflection and argued that the pool provides important reflection time, which they lack in their everyday practice. Participants also found the learning methods, particularly the ‘group support methodology’ and the new network useful for their own leadership development. However, using these new learning methods ‘back home’ was more challenging. Participants did not have time to prioritize and develop this new network. Providing learning methods and building a network takes time and must be relevant to everyday leadership practice. The significance of their leadership practice and how to accumulate experience as the basis for reflection was acknowledged, but still needs to be applied within leadership practice. Bridging the gap between teaching and learning is not just about providing learning and reflection methods, but also about learning how to apply new knowledge through experience, where reflection ensures that learning in practice is not ‘due to change’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Pudun Tadam

Abstract: Strategic Learning involves Learning Strategies and Teaching Strategies that can help bring success to a student. The research objective answers the question: What is the meaning of a Learning Strategy? What is an Effective Learning Strategy? What are the Learning Strategies among Teachers against Students in the Context of Solving Learning Difficulties? The answer is: Learning strategies are the methods that will be selected and used by a teacher to deliver learning material that aims to make it easier for students to receive and understand learning material, which in the end can be mastered learning objectives at the end of learning activities. Three aspects of effective learning strategies are: (1) Students Need Continuous Strategic Instruction. (2) Teachers Promote Self-Awareness in Metacognition in the Classroom. (3) Teachers Can Recognize and Understand Different Learning Profiles. Learning Strategies between Teachers and Students in the Context of Solving Learning Difficulties are: (1) learning difficulties manifested in classrooms, (2) difficulties demonstrated by students in classrooms, and (3) strategies to help students who have difficulty paying attention in class . Abstrak: Strategic Learning melibatkan Strategi Pembelajaran dan Strategi Pengajaran yang dapat membantu membawa kejayaan kepada seorang mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian menjawab pertanyaan: Apakah pengertian Strategi Pembelajaran? Bagaimanakah Strategi Pembelajaran yang Efektif? Bagaimanakah Strategi Pembelajaran di antara Guru terhadap Siswa dalam Konteks Memecahkan Kesulitan Belajar? Jawabannya adalah: Strategi pembelajaran adalah cara-cara yang akan dipilih dan digunakan oleh seorang pengajar untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan peserta didik menerima dan memahami materi pembelajaran, yang pada akhirnya tujuan pembelajaran dapat dikuasainya di akhir kegiatan belajar. Tiga hal strategi pembelajaran yang efektif adalah: (1) Siswa  Memerlukan Instruksi Strategi yang Berkelanjutan. (2) Guru  Mempromosikan Kesadaran Diri dalam Metakognisi di Kelas. (3) Guru-guru Dapat Mengenali dan Memahami Profil Pembelajaran yang Berbeda. Strategi Pembelajaran di antara Guru terhadap Siswa dalam Konteks Memecahkan Kesulitan Belajar adalah: (1) kesulitan belajar dimanifestasi dalam bilik kelas, (2) kesulitan didemonstrasi oleh siswa dalam bilik kelas, dan (3) strategi-strategi untuk membantu siswa yang kesulitan perhatian di kelas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Umi Fitriyati ◽  
Rifka Fachrunnisa ◽  
Wachidah Hayuana

Abstrak. Matakuliah Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan (KT) memainkan peran penting untuk membekali mahasiswa mempelajari prinsip taksonomi. Taksonomi merupakan salah satu upaya konservasi. Di saat era disrupsi seperti saat ini, konservasi merupakan masalah global yang mendesak. Namun, banyak penelitian yang melaporkan bahwa matakuliah KT sulit untuk dipelajari, sehingga mahasiswa menjadi tidak tertarik untuk belajar. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi minat melalui persepsi mahasiswa calon guru biologi tentang tantangan yang terjadi selama perkuliahan KT berlangsung, serta solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangakan matakuliah KT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa reflective essay yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil eksplorasi persepsi mahasiswa calon guru biologi berupa tantangan dan peluang selama mengikuti perkuliahan KT. Tantangan yang dialami terangkum dalam empat tema: kesulitan pemahaman materi; keterbatasan media pembelajaran; metode pembelajaran kurang efektif; serta kesulitan management waktu. Peluang untuk mengembangkan matakuliah KT terangkum dalam empat tema besar: penguatan materi; optimalisasi media pembelajaran; optimalisasi metode pembelajaran; dan optimalisasi kegiatan praktikum.Abstract. Plant Diversity course (in Bahasa Keanekagaraman Tumbuhan) plays an essential role in facilitating students to learn taxonomic principles. Taxonomy is one of the conservation efforts. In this disruptive era, conservation is an urgent global problem. However, many studies have reported that this course is difficult to study, so that students are not interested in studying. This study is aimed at exploring interest through the perceptions of prospective biology teacher students about the challenges that emerge during KT course, as well as solutions that can be used to improve KT course. The research method used is qualitative research methods. The data collection technique was a reflective essay which  then was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of an exploration of the perceptions of biology teacher candidate students in confronting challenges and opportunities during KT course. The challenges experienced are summarized in four themes: difficulties in understanding the material; limited learning media; less effective learning methods; as well as time management difficulties. Meanwhile, the opportunities to develop KT course are also summarized in four major themes: strengthening material; optimization of learning media; optimization of learning methods; and optimization of practicum activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Suwarno Suwarno ◽  
Teguh Pramono ◽  
Ajie Hanif Muzaqi

ABSTRACT The COVID 19 pandemic has demanded that people adapt to a new normal life, including theeducation sector. This condition is a challenge for schools and the community. To avoid thewidespread spread of the Covid-19 virus, schools must temporarily stop face-to-face learningactivities. The blended learning method is a solution to these conditions. Blended learningactivities are not only seen as a combination of online and face-to-face learning. However,this learning activity has a great opportunity to integrate innovation in educationaltechnology and can be done online or face-to-face. Besides, blended learning is a solution toanswering challenges in assembling learning and developing students' creativity. Even in thelong term, blended learning is an important requirement for every school to face a brighterfuture. The implementation method in this program consists of the planning, implementation,and evaluation stages. The partners involved in this program are a team of IT experts at theLocal Government of Kediri. Also, the partners involved are also active as speakers ofeducational technology. The results of this program are expected that teachers and schoolscan innovate in developing learning methods so that education in Indonesia will develop.Keywords: Blended Learning, School, EducationABSTRAKPandemi Covid 19 memaksa masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dengan tatanan kehidupan yangbaru tak terkecuali di dunia pendidikan. Kondisi ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi sekolah,dan masyarakat. Guna menjaga dari semakin maraknya penyebaran virus Covid-19, sekolahterpaksa menghentikan kegiatan belajar tatap muka di kelas untuk sementara. Metodepembelajaran blended learning menjadi solusi di tengah kondisi seperti ini. Aktivitaspembelajaran blended learning bukan hanya dilihat sebagai kombinasi online denganpembelajaran tatap muka saja. Namun aktivitas pembelajaran ini sangat berpeluang untukmengintegrasikan inovasi di bidang teknologi pendidikan dan dapat di ajarkan secara onlinemaupun tatap muka. Selain itu, blended learning juga sebagai solusi dalam menjawabtantangan dalam merangkai pembelajaran serta pengembangan kreativitas peserta didik,bahkan dalam jangka panjang pembelajaran berbasis blended learning menjadi kebutuhanpenting bagi setiap sekolah guna menyongsong masa depan yang lebih cerah. Metodepelaksanaan dalam pengabdian ini terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi.Mitra yang dilibatkan dalam pengabdian ini adalah tim tenaga ahli IT di Pemerintah Kota Kediri. Selain itu mitra yang terlibat juga aktif sebagai pembicara di bidang teknologipendidikan. Sedangkan sasaran dari pengabdian ini adalah guru dan Dinas Pendidikan. Hasildari program ini diharapkan guru dan sekolah mampu berinovasi mengembangkan metodepembelajaran agar dunia pendidikan di Indonesia semakin berkembang.Kata Kunci: Blended Learning, Sekolah, Pendidikan 

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