adequate understanding
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261248
Aurelia Schütz ◽  
Katharina Kurz ◽  
Gesa Busch

Apart from improving husbandry conditions and animal welfare, there is a clear public demand to increase transparency in agricultural activities. Personal farm tours have shown to be appreciated by citizens but are limited in their impact because of hygiene requirements and accessibility. Virtual farm tours are a promising approach to overcome these limitations but evidence on their perceptions is missing. This study analyzes how a virtual farm tour is perceived by showing participants (n = 17) a 360-degree video of a conventional pig fattening pen on a tablet and via virtual reality (VR) glasses. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted to analyze perceptions and level of immersion and to elicit differences between media devices. Participants’ perception of the pig fattening pen was rather poor and depended on the recording perspective as well as on the media device. However, housing conditions were perceived more positively compared to the image participants had in mind prior to the study, and thus the stable was considered as a rather positive example. Participants described virtual farm tours as suitable tool to improve transparency and information transfer and to gain insights into husbandry conditions. They appreciated the comfortable and entertaining character of both media devices and named various possibilities for implementation. However, VR glasses were favored regarding the higher realistic and entertaining value, while the tablet was considered beneficial in terms of usability. The presentation of video sequences without additional explanations about the farm or the housing conditions were claimed insufficient to give an adequate understanding of the seen content.

V. L. Malakhova

The article is devoted to peculiarities and differences of two linguistic fields semantics and pragmatics. The objective of the work is to state the extent of participation of semantic and pragmatic parameters in the process of sense formation. The relevance of the study is beyond doubt, since the pragmasemantic analysis of discourse functional space helps to identify the potential of linguistic means in the process of forming meanings and their transformation into integral sense under the influence of contextual factors, and to determine optimal ways of expressing communicative intention of the author of the discourse and of providing adequate understanding of the sense by the referent. The author also describes main features, differences and similarities of the concepts text and discourse. The specificity of semantic and pragmatic meanings, their correlation and the degree of participation in formation of discourse functional space are analyzed. On the basis of this, the algorithm for pragmasemantic sense formation is deduced. The author emphasizes that the initial meaning is formed by a semantic meaning, in the process of speech actualizing it is supplemented with a pragmatic meaning, which is further transformed into a pragmatic and semantic and communicative-pragmatic sense. This process is illustrated by fragments from works of fiction by contemporary English-speaking authors. The research uses semantic and pragmatic analysis and discourse analysis as the principal methods. The author describes their features, and proves the viability of their application to the object of the research. The author comes to the conclusion that the pragmasemantic analysis of English discourse makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of formation of meanings and sense of a speech work. The contribution of both semantics and pragmatics to the overall communicative interaction is undeniable, since any communication is necessarily analyzed taking into account semantic and pragmatic aspects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-246
Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra ◽  
Nengah Dwi Handayani ◽  
Anak Agung Istri Yudhi Pramawati

ABSTRACTLearning activities should be conducted effectively to create conducive learning conditions to develop students’ creativity and their higher learning competence. Through conducting appropriate and effective learning activities, the learning objectives and learning competencies are easier to achieve. To create effective learning activities, teachers are required to have adequate understanding and competence in employing learning methods. This study aims to explore effective learning methods to create more creative learning activities for the students. This study found several alternative learning methods that can be utilized in the time of the new normal of covid-19 to continually improve the students’ competence. This study implies that teachers should continually expose themselves to various learning methods to establish conducive learning conditions in the classroom. ABSTRAKKegiatan pembelajaran harus dilakukan secara efektif untuk menciptakan kondisi pembelajaran yang kondusif untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan kompetensi belajar siswa yang lebih tinggi. Melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran yang tepat dan efektif, tujuan pembelajaran dan kompetensi pembelajaran lebih mudah dicapai. Untuk menciptakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang efektif, guru dituntut memiliki pemahaman dan kompetensi yang memadai dalam menggunakan metode pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali metode pembelajaran yang efektif untuk menciptakan kegiatan belajar yang lebih kreatif bagi siswa. Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa metode pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat dimanfaatkan pada masa new normal covid-19 untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. Studi ini menyiratkan bahwa guru harus terus-menerus mengekspos diri mereka kedalam berbagai metode pembelajaran untuk membangun kondisi pembelajaran yang kondusif di dalam kelas.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Markku Salo

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan, millaisia tavoitteita kunnalliset tilaajat asettavat asumispalveluille. Millaisia tilaamisen viitekehyksiä on tunnistettavissa asumispalvelujen tilaajien teemahaastattelujen perusteella? Analyysin tuloksena tunnistetaan kolme kehystä: julkishallinnollinen vahvan ohjauksen, tuotteistukseen ohjaava ja markkinaehtoinen vahvan ohjauksen kehys. Kehyksiä yhdistää se, ettei hankintaosaamiseen sisälly riittävää ymmärrystä tilattavista palveluista ja tuotteista. Tilaajien tavoitteiden saavuttaminen edellyttäisi asiantuntemuksen uutta jäsentämistä. Palvelun käyttäjien itsenäisen asumisen ja elämän sekä henkilöstön asumisen tuen asiantuntemusta tarvitaan palvelujen tilaamisessa ja näin ollen myös sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon uudistuksessa – esimerkiksi artikkelissa luonnostellun neljännen, yhteistoiminnallisen kehyksen mukaisesti. Kilpailutus ei ole toimiva väline asumispalvelujen tilaamisessa. Sen merkitystä palvelujen laadun, kustannustehokkuuden ja tuloksellisuuden saavuttamisessa on yliarvioitu. Kilpailutus ei ole suoraan vaikuttanut palvelujen laadun eikä palvelujen käyttäjien aseman kohentumiseen, mihin yhteistoiminnallinen kehys antaa uusia mahdollisuuksia. Avainasemassa on tilaajien aloitteellisuus. Julkisen ohjauksen tehtävänä on velvoittaa kaikkia asianosaisryhmiä tyydyttävään yhteistoimintaan. Abstract Frameworks of Commissioning Residential Facilities for Mental Health and Drug Service Users. In Search of a Collaborative Framework This article analyzes the goals that commissioners of residential facilities for mental health and drug service users try to achieve. Are there specific frameworks of commissioning which can be recognized from analysis of interviews with commissioners? The research material used in this analysis is based on field work in three different parts of Finland. The article recognizes three frameworks of public steering: a strong traditional commissioning; a new model for commodification of services and a strong market based commissioning. The critical common denominator of these frameworks is that the commissioners do not have adequate understanding of the services and the contexts of service provision which they are obliged to commission and purchase. To achieve the goals set by the commissioners, a new model of collaborative framework is duly required – this framework puts stronger emphasis on the expertises of users and ground floor staff. The commissioners play a key role in forming new alliances between private and other service providers, the ground floor staff, the service users and other stakeholders. Keywords: commissioning, housing services for mental health and drug service users, collaborative framework

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-147

Предложен ряд решений, проливающих свет на темные и спорные места в десяти стихотворных текстах выдающегося русского и советского поэта О. Э. Мандельштама, критически проанализи- рованы существующие в современной специальной литературе трактовки таких мест. Выявлены тактики, реализующие характерную для позднего Мандельштама «установку на загадку» (О. Ронен), определены базисные функции данной установки в его поэтике. Как показал анализ, основной из таких тактик является метафора, различными способами затемненная, а потому допускающая вари- ативность трактовок либо в той или иной степени герметичная, т. е. закрытая для исчерпывающего и однозначного истолкования. Такие «темные» метафоры, основной субъект которых не поддается уверенной экспликации, поэт именовал «гераклитовыми».В статье приведены доводы в пользу того факта, что внутренняя форма термина гераклитова метафора восходит к прозванию раннеантичного греческого философа Гераклита Эфесского – σκοτεινός ‘темный’. Среди применяемых О. Э. Мандельштамом способов затемнения семантических переносов наиболее востребованными, а значит, характерными для его авторского идиостиля ока- зались: 1) недостаточность контекста, в частности незамкнутый характер метафор указанного типа; тщательно «припрятанная», т. е., как правило, не более чем однословная, аллюзийная опора на прецедентный текст, зачастую малоизвестный, а значит, недоступный для широкой читательской аудитории; 3) «замаскированное» указание на отдельный элемент (или элементы) той актуальной для поэта бытовой либо исторической конситуации, с опорой на которую может быть достигнуто адекватное понимание текста.Это означает, что трактовка, более или менее отвечающая авторскому замыслу, облигаторно предполагает применение контекстуального, конситуативного либо интертекстуального анализа построенных поэтом семантических переносов, в частности «гераклитовых метафор», анализ же семантических переносов настоятельно требует применения трансформационного анализа; соот- ветственно, удаленность исследователя от указанных лингвистических методов, прежде всего от экспериментальных, т. е. дистрибутивного и трансформационного анализа, если не лишает ясной перспективы, то существенно затрудняет дальнейшее герменевтическое осмысление творческого наследия позднего Мандельштама, т. е. тех текстов, которые были написаны им после 1920 года.Исследование показало, что неясность целого ряда таких текстов, иногда вплотную приближаю- щаяся к сфере герметизма, имеет определенное функциональное обоснование. Установка на загадку, или, в античной терминологии, «темный намек» (κάλυμμα, συγκάλυμμα), в подавляющем большин- стве случаев используется в стихотворных текстах О. Э. Мандельштама не как привычный атрибут эзопова языка (мнение Н. Струве), а в эстетических целях, т. е. как прием, который придает тексту эмоционально минорный, стилистически приподнятый, нередко профетический оттенок, характер энигмы.A number of solutions are proposed that shed light on the dark and controversial passages in ten poetic texts of the outstanding Russian and Soviet poet O. Mandelstam. The existing interpretations of such passages in modern special literature are critically analyzed. The tactics that implement the characteristic for late Man- delstam “orientation to riddle” (O. Ronen) are identified, the basic functions of this orientation in his poetics are determined. As the analysis has shown, the main of these tactics is a metaphor that is in various ways darkened, and therefore allows for variability of interpretations, or is more or less hermetic, i.e. closed to an exhaustive and unambiguous interpretation. Such “dark” metaphors, the main subject of which does not lend itself to confident explication, the poet called “heraclitic”.The paper provides arguments in favour of the fact that the internal form of the term heraclitic metaphor goes back to the nickname of the early antique Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus – σκοτεινός ‘dark’. Among the applied by O. Mandelstam methods of darkening of semantic transfers were the most popular, and therefore characteristic for his author’s idiostyle: 1) the lack of context, in particular, the non-closed nature of metaphors of type mentioned above; 2) carefully “hidden”, i.e., as a rule, no more than a one-word, allusive reliance on a precedent text, often little-known, and therefore inaccessible to a wide readership; “disguised” indication of a separate element (or elements) of the actual for the poet everyday or historical consituation, based on which an adequate understanding of the text can be achieved.This means that the interpretation that more or less corresponds to the author’s intention obligatorily involves the use of contextual, consituative, or intertextual analysis of the semantic transfers constructed by the poet, in particular, “heraclitic metaphors”, while the analysis of semantic transfers obligatorily requires the use of transformational analysis. Accordingly, the researcher’s remoteness from the above-mentioned linguistic methods, primarily from experimental, i.e., distributive and transformational analysis, if not de- prives of a clear perspective, then significantly complicates further hermeneutical understanding of the cre- ative heritage of the late Mandelstam, i.e., those texts that were written by him after 1920.The study has shown that the darkness of a number of such texts which sometimes comes close to the sphere of hermeticism has a certain functional justification. “Orientation to riddle”, or, in ancient terminol- ogy, “dark hint” (κάλυμμα, συγκάλυμμα), in the vast majority of cases is used in the poetic texts of O. Man- delstam not as a familiar attribute of the Aesop language (opinion of N. Struve) but for aesthetic purposes, i.e. as a technique that gives the text an emotionally minor, stylistically elevated, often prophetic shade, the character of Enigma.

2021 ◽  
Pavel Onofrei ◽  
Viorel Dragoș Radu ◽  
Alina-Alexandra Onofrei ◽  
Stoica Laura ◽  
Doinita Temelie-Olinici ◽  

An adequate understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the most common urological cancers is necessary for a correct approach to diagnosis, precise treatment, but also for the follow-up of these patients. It is necessary to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the carcinogenic processes, the molecular pathways involved in this process, and also to describe the biomarkers useful for diagnosis but also for predictability, treatment, and natural history. In addition, it would be useful to describe a list of useful molecules currently under investigation as possible biomarkers to improve the income of cancer patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 807-808
Heena Doshi ◽  
Gracie Chen ◽  
Norma Bostarr ◽  
Debra Cherry ◽  
Mary Mittelman ◽  

Abstract Generation Z, those who are born in 1997 or thereafter, account for six percent of the estimated 53 million family caregivers in the US – and this percentage is growing, especially given the health impacts of the pandemic. This review focuses on caregiving youth (ages 0-18) and young adult caregivers (ages 18-25) who assist household members who need regular assistance with ADLs and IADLs. This presentation will analyze key trends in the literature of this demographic and identify gaps in research. Our review broadens the knowledge base of how caregiving done by this population impacts brain development, and hence their long term physical, emotional, and mental health. In spite of the significant number of caregiving youth and young adults, current publications on these demographics remain sparse, with most studies being conducted on spousal and adult caregivers. Our group found that the existing literature reviewed the adverse implications on the health and education outcomes for young adult caregivers. This included increased anxiety/depression compared to non-caregivers and for those in post-secondary education, the contribution of caregiving to college incompletion. There are no known studies on this population who have entered the workforce and who also continue their caregiving role. Adequate understanding and characterization of caregiving youth and young adult caregivers will inform better interventions and future policy for them. Support for this demographic, in turn, may improve health outcomes for older adults, who are the majority of those in their care.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Savenkov

The subject of this research is the essential characteristic of the history of legal thought of the last two centuries, which directly pertains to the theoretical-methodological fundamentals of legal theory. In the conditions of the object-disciplinary establishment of legal science as the theory of law since the end of the XVIII century, crucial significance has acquired the orientation towards demarcation of logical-gnoseological and real-psychological aspects of legal understanding. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the corresponding theoretical-methodological opposition, which manifested in the appeals to the construction of “refined” legal concepts that exclude any real arguments of social, historical, political, or psychological nature. By the end of the XIX century, namely in the field of the philosophy of law, has escalated the competition between psychologism and anti-psychologism in law. The novelty of this research lies in determination of the new patterns of theoretical and methodological opposition of psychological and anti-psychological attitudes of legal understanding in the evolution of legal thought in contemporary history. It is demonstrated that the phenomenological approach, which claimed to provide jurisprudence with an authentic scientific methodological apparatus, reduced the problem of legal understanding, however, did not contribute to the adequate understanding of law as a complex gnoseological object. Anti-psychological classification of phenomenology cannot be acknowledged without a profound analysis of the conceptual framework that contributed to the evolution of this approach in the sphere of cognition and interpretation of law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 723-730
Uchenna I.H Eze ◽  
Adepeju Oluwaseyi Tugbobo ◽  
Chinonyerem Ogadi Iheanacho

Introduction: Patient-centred care is critical for enhanced management of mental disorders, this proves the need for an adequate understanding of students’ attitudes and view about it. Aim: The study assessed pharmacy students’ perceptions of collaborations, barriers, and attitudes towards patient-centred care in persons with mental disorders. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted among 87 final year pharmacy students. Descriptive analysis was performed using SPSS version 15.0. Average scores of more than 3.50 were considered positive. Results: Eighty students participated in the study, indicating 94.1% response rate. Lack of access to patients, 47 (58.8%) was mostly perceived to affect patient-centred care to mentally ill patients. Few, 14 (17.5%) experienced full cooperation from other health professionals. Average mean scores of 3.82 ± 0.89 and 4.44 ± 0.731 were observed for students’ attitudes and perceptions of the pharmacist-patient relationship respectively during consultations. Conclusion: Lack of access to patients, low collaborations from other healthcare personnel, positive attitude towards mental illness, and positive perception of pharmacist-patient relationship were observed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227
Ida Kurnia ◽  
Alexander Sutomo ◽  
Cliff Geraldio

Citizens in area RT 10/RW 10, Cibubur ward, Ciracas district, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province often faced problems in online loans. So often stuck on illegal online loans.This community service was held by socialized the Law on Consumer Protection and provide tips, so that the public as a society understands how to make online loans legally, safely and know their rights and understand the problems and risks that can arise in loans. Steps that can be considered is to using online loans when urgent circumstances, knowing the difference between online loans that has been registered to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) or illegal by thoroughly finding out the services to be used,and pay attention to the contents of the loan agreement online both interest rates and the handling process to avoid online loan problems. At this level, online socialization is required. In addition, the achievement target that will be generated is for the public to get an adequate understanding of secure online loans. The output of this community service activity is in the form of writing in articles in journals published by Universitas Tarumanagara. The socialization of community service was carried out using survey methods, lectures about socializetion materials and question and answer sessions. Within this activity, the public could understand the risks that will be faced and able to do online loans safely escpecially in this pandemic situation.Masyarakatnya daerah Blok Duku RT 10/ RW 10, Kelurahan Cibubur, Kecamatan Ciracas, Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur, Prov. DKI Jakarta sering mengalami berbagai permasalahan dalam pinjaman online. Sehingga kerapkali terjebak pada pinjaman online yang tidak resmi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan sosialisasi Undang-undang tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan memberikan kiat-kiat supaya masyarakat sebagai masyarakat memahami cara melakukan pinjaman online secara sah, aman dan mengetahui hak-haknya serta memahami masalah dan risiko yang dapat timbul dari meminjam uang secara online. Langkah yang dapat diperhatikan yaitu gunakan pinjaman online saat keadaan mendesak, mengetahui perbedaan pinjaman online yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atau dengan mencari tahu secara menyeluruh layanan yang akan digunakan, dan perhatikan isi perjanjian pinjam meminjam secara online baik suku bunga dan proses penangihannya agar terhindar dari permasalahan pinjaman online. Pada level ini dilakukan sosialisasi secara online. Selain itu, target capaian yang akan dihasilkan adalah masyarakat mendapatkan suatu pemahaman yang memadai berkenaan dengan pinjaman online yang aman. Luaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa tulisan dalam artikel di jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Tarumanagara. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan metode survei permasalahan yang terjadi, ceramah terkait materi sosialisasi dan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab yang diikuti oleh peserta secara aktif. Dengan diadakannya penyuluhan ini, masyarakat dapat memahami dan melakukan pinjaman online yang aman khususnya di masa pandemi ini.

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