scholarly journals Validitas Konstruk dari Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (MMS) Menggunakan Metode Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Amalia Ridha Sudirman ◽  
Rena Latifa

AbstractThis study aims to examine validity of items in Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (MMS) scale which was first formulated by Dasti and Sitwat (1988). There are eight aspects of Islamic spirituality in this construct, namely: 1) quest and search for divinity, 2) feelings of connectedness with Allah, 3) self discipline, 4) anger-expansive, 5) self-aggrandizement, 6) meanness-generosity, 7) tolerance-intolerance, and 8) Islamic practices. Through 199 participants who are Moslem women and used to live in big cities, we conducted the validity of measuring instruments by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method and assisted by software Lisrel 8.7. CFA test results show that MMS scale that has been adapted into 46 items is valid. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas item dalam skala Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (MMS) yang pertama kali dirumuskan oleh Dasti dan Sitwat (1988). Ada delapan aspek kerohanian Islam dalam konstruksi ini, yaitu: 1) pencarian keilahian, 2) perasaan terhubung dengan Allah, 3) disiplin diri, 4) kemarahan-ekspansif, 5) peningkatan diri, 6) kejelekan -generositas, 7) toleransi-intoleransi, dan 8) praktik Islam. Melalui 199 responden yang tinggal di kota-kota besar, kami melakukan validitas alat ukur dengan menggunakan metode Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Hasil tes CFA menunjukkan bahwa skala MMS yang telah diadaptasi menjadi 46 item valid. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Ari Saptono

The research aims to develop the valid and reliable measurement instruments of entrepreneurship intention in vocational secondary school students. Multi stage random sampling was used as the technique to determine sample (300 respondents). The research method used research and development with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Result of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) at the second order with robust maximum likelihood method shows that valid and reliable instrument with the acquisition value of loading factor is more than 0.5 (> 0,5) and a significance value of t is more than 1,96 (> 1,96). Reliability test results shows that the value of the combined construct reliability (CR) of 0.97and a variance value extract (VE) to 0.52 is greater than the limit of acceptance CR ? 0.70 and VE ? 0.50. The conclusion of the measurement instruments of entrepreneurship intention with three dimensions and 31 items met the standards of validity and reliability in accordance with the instrument development process.

Osman NA ◽  
Bedwani RN ◽  
Shehata GM ◽  
Emam MM ◽  
Rabie AM

Introduction: The undisputed increase of the relevance of measuring the work-related psychosocial factors is confronted with a lack of qualified well-documented measuring instruments covering all important aspects. Aim: To develop and validate a standardized Arabic version of the COPSOQ II for evaluating the psychosocial environment at the oil and gas workplace. Method: COPSOQ network guidelines for validation studies were followed. The original Danish COPSOQ II (Long version) was meticulously translated and comprehensively validated among an adaptation sample of 500 oil and gas industry workers in the Suez Oil Processing Company in Egypt. Only 438 workers completed the questionnaire in Arabic and English languages with demonstrated sociodemographic data (Yielding a response rate of 87.6%). Psychometric properties of COPSOQ II scale items were depicted in terms of descriptive statistics, feasibility analysis, and internal consistency. Furthermore, A-COPSOQ II was tested for factorial validity using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Mean age of the study participants was 35 ± 6 years. Scales of Arabic COPSOQ depicted a great Concordance and Reliability (C-α > 0.7). Content Validity Index (CVI) was estimated to be 0.87; ranging from 0.7 - 0.9. Models of exploratory factor analyses projected a reflective working model with reasonable results in 33 out of 41 overall scales. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable fit (X2 = 745.67, X2/df = 2.09, SRMR = 0.058, CFI = 0.87). Conclusion: Arabic version of COPSOQ II is a relevant and culturally accepted conceptual instrument for tracking psychosocial hazards and promoting a safe environment for all workers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 55-84
Francesca Cuzzocrea ◽  
Sebastiano Costa ◽  
Marco Cannavò ◽  
Maria Cristina Gugliandolo

Although the broad research regarding parental psychological control, instruments to assess the multidimensionality of the construct are lacking. The aim of the present study was to de-velop multidimensional measure of parental psychological control. In the first study, item se-lection of the new Inventory of Parental Psychological Control (IPPC) was conducted using a set of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in a sample of 209 emerging adults. The second study replicated the results by using different sets of analyses and independent sample of 400 emerging adults. In both studies, reliability and concurrent validity were also assessed. Re-sults suggested that both forms of IPPC are parallel with the theoretical assumptions and are psychometrically robust. IPPC can be used to assess multidimensionality of the construct.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61 ◽  
Siti Aisyah Cahyaningrum

Religiusitas dapat dipahami sebagai suatu pencarian individu atau kelompok pada hal yang sakral yang terbuka pada konteks kesakralan tradisional. Menurut. Fetzer (2003), religiusitas tersusun dari 12 dimensi, yaitu: pengalaman beragama sehari-hari (daily spiritual experience), mengalami kebermaknaan hidup dengan beragama (meaning), mengekspresikan keagamaan sebagai sebuah nilai (values), meyakini ajaran agamanya (beliefs), pengampunan (forgiveness), melakukan praktek beragama secara pribadi (private religious practices), menggunakan agama sebagai coping (religious/spiritual coping), mendapat dukungan dari sesama penganut agama (religious support), mengalami sejarah keberagamaan (religious/ spiritual history), komitmen beragama (commitment), mengikuti organisasi atau kegiatan keagamaan (organizational religiosness) dan meyakini pilihan agamanya (religious preference). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas kostruk instrumen tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari remaja di desa Kutruk yang berjumlah 200 orang. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengujinya adalah Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) menggunakan software LISREL 8.70. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bawa seluruh item yang berjumlah 37 item bersifat unidimensional. Artinya seluruh item hanya mengukur satu faktor saja sehingga model satu faktor yang diteorikan oleh Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality (BMMRS) dapat diterima. Religiosity can be understood as a search for individuals or groups on sacred things that are open in the context of traditional sacredness. According to. Fetzer (2003), religiosity is composed of 12 dimensions, namely: daily religious experience (daily spiritual experience), experiencing meaningfulness of life with religion (meaning), expressing religion as a value (values), believing the teachings of religion (beliefs), forgiveness (forgiveness), practicing personal religion, using religion as coping (religious / spiritual coping), getting support from fellow religious followers, experiencing religious history (religious / spiritual history), religious commitment ( commitment), following an organization or religious activity (organizational religiosness) and believing in a religious preference. This study aims to examine the validity of the boarding instrument. The data in this study were obtained from adolescents in Kutruk village, which numbered 200 people. The method used to test it is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using LISREL 8.70 software. The results of this study show that all items totaling 37 items are unidimensional. This means that all items only measure one factor so that the one factor model theorized by the Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness / Spirituality (BMMRS) is acceptable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Dien Dinyati Dinyati

Stres merupakan suatu kondisi ketegangan yang mempengaruhi emosi, proses berpikir dan kondisi fisik seseorang. Stres dapat menyebabkan seseorang kehilangan minat, nafsu makan memunculkan perasaan rendah diri bahkan lebih buruknya dapat membuat seseorang ingin bunuh diri. Pengaruh stres terhadap tubuh sangat besar, seseorang dengan tingkat stres yang tinggi dapat berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya daya tahan tubuh seseorang sehingga membuat seseorang menjadi mudah terserang berbagai macam penyakit. Berbagai macam alat ukur untuk mengukur stres dalam hal ini stres di tempat kerja telah banyak digunakan akan tetapi peneliti memilih menggunakan alat ukur yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas konstruk untuk mendeteksi stres di tempat kerja. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 172 pekerja wanita di Jakarta Selatan dengan latar belakang pekerjaan yang berbeda. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan bantuan software Lisrel 8.7. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat beberapa item dalam skala stres kerja yang mengukur lebih dari satu faktor (multidimensional). Stress is a condition of tension that affects emotions, thought processes and one's physical condition. Stress can cause a person to lose interest, appetite to create feelings of inferiority even worse can make someone want to commit suicide. The influence of stress on the body is very large, a person with a high level of stress can affect a person's immune system so that someone becomes susceptible to various diseases. Various types of measuring instruments to measure stress in this case stress in the workplace has been widely used but researchers chose to use a measuring instrument made by the researchers themselves. Therefore this study aims to examine construct validity to detect stress in the workplace. The data used in this study involved 172 female workers in South Jakarta with different occupational backgrounds. The analytical method used is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the help of Lisrel 8.7 software. The results of the study prove that there are several items in the work stress scale that measure more than one (multidimensional) factor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-95
Ananda Rachma Aulia ◽  
Yufi Adriani

AbstractHappiness is what everyone wants. With happiness, individuals can feel various positive effects in influencing every aspect of life. This study aims to prove the effect of sense of humor, religiosity and demographic factors on elderly’s happiness. The subject in this study were 211 elderly aged 60 years or above in DKI Jakarta. The sampling method used non-probability sampling. The instrument used were adapted and modified The Happiness Scale Interval Study (HSIS) (Kalmijn et al., 2011), Multidimensional Sense of humor Scale (MSHS) (Thorson & Powell, 1993), and The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS)(Huber & Huber, 2012). Test the validity of measuring instruments using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique and hypotesis was tested using multiple regression analysis. This results showed that there was a significant effect of sense of humor, religiosity, and demographic factors on elderly’s happiness with contribution of 36.3%, while the remaining 63.4% were variables outside of this study. AbstrakKebahagiaan merupakan hal yang diinginkan oleh semua orang. Dengan adanya kebahagiaan, individu dapat merasakan berbagai efek positifnya dalam mempengaruhi setiap aspek kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh sense of humor, religiusitas, dan faktor demografi terhadap kebahagiaan pada lansia. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 211 lansia berusia 60 tahun ke atas yang tinggal di DKI Jakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang diperoleh menggunakan non-probability sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan merupakan adaptasi serta modifikasi dari The Happiness Scale Interval Study (HSIS)(Kalmijn et al., 2011)), Multidimensional Sense of humor Scale (MSHS) (Thorson & Powell, 1993) dan The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) (Huber & Huber, 2012) Uji validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), sedangkan uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari sense of humor, religiusitas serta faktor demografi terhadap kebahagiaan lansia sebesar 36.6%, sedangkan 63.4% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel di luar penelitian ini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Siti Bahiyah ◽  
Setiawati Intan Savitri

Adaptive self reflection could be done if people could react positively when analyze negative experienced by reflecting emotions, allowing theself to reconstruct the feelings and meaning of the experience rather than recounting what has happened and what is perceived or avoiding it (self-distancing). The purpose of this study is to developed adaptive self reflection questionnaire by validating internal structure some of scales that have the same relation with adaptive self reflection construct. This study used a quantitative approach with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method involving 100 respondents in the trial and 306 respondents in the next test. The Adaptive self reflection questionnaire that produced in this study consisted of 15 items that measure three dimensions, namely theemotional reactivity, thought content, and avoidance. The Adaptive self reflection questionnaire proved to be valid and reliable (CR = 0.80). The test results proved that the measuring adaptive self reflection questionnaire meet the unidimensionality assumption. Abstrak : Seseorang mencapai refleksi diri adaptif apabila dapat bereaksi secara positif ketika mengingat peristiwa negatif yang pernah dialaminya dengan melakukan refleksi diri, membiarkan diri merekonstruksi perasaan dan makna dari pengalaman daripada mengulang apa yang telah terjadi dan apa yang dirasakan secara nyata atau melakukan penghindaran (self-distancing). Tujuan penelitian ini merancang alat ukur refleksi diri adaptif dengan cara memvalidasi struktur internal beberapa alat ukur sejenis yang berkaitan dengan refleksi diri dengan menggunakan metode Confirmatory Faktor Analysis (CFA) yang melibatkan 100 responden pada tahap uji coba dan 306 responden pada pengujian berikutnya. Alat ukur refleksi diri adaptif yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini terdiri dari 15 aitem yang mengukur tiga dimensi yaitu reaksi emosi, konten pikiran dan penghindaran. Alat ukur refleksi diri adaptif terbukti valid dan reliable (CR = 0.80). Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa alat ukur refleksi diri adaptif ini memenuhi asumsi unidimensionalitas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 77E-101E
Melissa J. Mokel ◽  
Juliette M. Shellman

Background and Purpose: Sociocultural explanatory frameworks are increasingly being considered to address causes of health disparities, and attention has been focused on religion among Black Americans and its subsequent influence on health. The purpose of this study was to examine a multidimensional measure of religiousness and spirituality (Modified-Fetzer Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness and Spirituality [M-FMMRS]) in a sample of Black older adults. Methods: The M-FMMRS was administered to 130 study participants, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Results: Findings did not support the hypothesized factor structure. Conclusions: Overall, the M-FMMRS is a reliable survey, but the validity needs to be further addressed. Historical documentation, review of data, and participant feedback are used to examine findings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-56
Silvia Febi Putri ◽  
Natris Idriyani

AbstractApplying the main principles of life is important to support the daily life of transmigrant students. As explained by Rokeach (in Sauter, 1984), values are rules and principles which learned to help choose life alternatives, resolve conflicts and make decisions. Related to the concept of value, this study used the basic concepts of Schwartz (2005). The purpose of this research is to test the construct validity of the modified Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) measuring instrument by adjusting the conditions of research respondents. This instrument is used to measure the values of transmigrant students in living their lives and learning processes. Dimensions of this instrument are multidimensional. There are 10 dimensions used in the basic value variable, namely self-direction, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, and universalism with a total of 50 items. This study involved 251 participants, with an age range between 19-21 years. Participants in this study were active students of UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta from outside the Greater Jakarta area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) who currently live in boarding houses, dormitories or rented houses. The factor analysis method used in this study is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with a Lisrel 8.70 program. The test results prove that all subscales fit measure one factor and there are 50 valid items. And these results showed that all of aspect in basic value, which consists of 10 aspects that are multidimensional. CFA test results show that all 10 aspects of basic value are fit with the data.AbstrakUntuk menjalani proses kehidupan dan belajar pada mahasiswa merantau, maka perlu hendaknya mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip utama yang ada di dalam diri. Rokeach (dalam Sauter, 1984)menjelaskan bahwa value merupakan prinsip-prinsip yang dipelajari dan aturan untuk membantu memilih alternatif-alternatif yang ada, menyelesaikan konflik dan membuat keputusan. Terkait konsep tentang value, penelitian ini menggunakan konsep dasar dari Schwartz (2005). Tujuan adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas konstruk alat ukur Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) yang dimodifikasi dengan menyesuaikan kondisi responden penelitian. Instrumen ini digunakan untuk mengukur nilai-nilai yang dimiliki mahasiswa rantau dalam menjalani kehidupan dan proses belajar. Dimensi dalam alat ukur ini merupakan multidimensi. Adapun dimensi yang digunakan pada variabel basic value ini adalah sebanyak 10 dimensi, yaitu self direction, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, security, comformity, tradition, benevolence, dan universalism dengan jumlah total aitem sebanyak 53 aitem. Penelitian ini melibatkan 251 partisipan, yakni sebanyak 123 (49%) partisipan laki-laki dan 128 (51%) partisipan perempuan, dengan rentang usia antara 19-21 tahun. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif UIN Jakarta yang berasal dari luar daerah Jabodetabek, yang saat ini tinggal di kostan, asrama atau rumah kontrakan. Metode analisis faktor yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan program lisrel 8.70. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa seluruh subskala fit (sesuai) mengukur model satu faktor dan terdapat 50 aitem yang valid. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh aspek dalam basic value yang terdiri dari 10 aspek adalah multideimensional. Test CFA menghasilkan 10 aspek basic value yang fit dengan data. 

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