scholarly journals Pengaruh Sense of Humor dan Religiusitas Terhadap Kebahagiaan pada Lansia

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-95
Ananda Rachma Aulia ◽  
Yufi Adriani

AbstractHappiness is what everyone wants. With happiness, individuals can feel various positive effects in influencing every aspect of life. This study aims to prove the effect of sense of humor, religiosity and demographic factors on elderly’s happiness. The subject in this study were 211 elderly aged 60 years or above in DKI Jakarta. The sampling method used non-probability sampling. The instrument used were adapted and modified The Happiness Scale Interval Study (HSIS) (Kalmijn et al., 2011), Multidimensional Sense of humor Scale (MSHS) (Thorson & Powell, 1993), and The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS)(Huber & Huber, 2012). Test the validity of measuring instruments using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique and hypotesis was tested using multiple regression analysis. This results showed that there was a significant effect of sense of humor, religiosity, and demographic factors on elderly’s happiness with contribution of 36.3%, while the remaining 63.4% were variables outside of this study. AbstrakKebahagiaan merupakan hal yang diinginkan oleh semua orang. Dengan adanya kebahagiaan, individu dapat merasakan berbagai efek positifnya dalam mempengaruhi setiap aspek kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh sense of humor, religiusitas, dan faktor demografi terhadap kebahagiaan pada lansia. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 211 lansia berusia 60 tahun ke atas yang tinggal di DKI Jakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang diperoleh menggunakan non-probability sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan merupakan adaptasi serta modifikasi dari The Happiness Scale Interval Study (HSIS)(Kalmijn et al., 2011)), Multidimensional Sense of humor Scale (MSHS) (Thorson & Powell, 1993) dan The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) (Huber & Huber, 2012) Uji validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), sedangkan uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari sense of humor, religiusitas serta faktor demografi terhadap kebahagiaan lansia sebesar 36.6%, sedangkan 63.4% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel di luar penelitian ini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Amalia Ridha Sudirman ◽  
Rena Latifa

AbstractThis study aims to examine validity of items in Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (MMS) scale which was first formulated by Dasti and Sitwat (1988). There are eight aspects of Islamic spirituality in this construct, namely: 1) quest and search for divinity, 2) feelings of connectedness with Allah, 3) self discipline, 4) anger-expansive, 5) self-aggrandizement, 6) meanness-generosity, 7) tolerance-intolerance, and 8) Islamic practices. Through 199 participants who are Moslem women and used to live in big cities, we conducted the validity of measuring instruments by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method and assisted by software Lisrel 8.7. CFA test results show that MMS scale that has been adapted into 46 items is valid. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas item dalam skala Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (MMS) yang pertama kali dirumuskan oleh Dasti dan Sitwat (1988). Ada delapan aspek kerohanian Islam dalam konstruksi ini, yaitu: 1) pencarian keilahian, 2) perasaan terhubung dengan Allah, 3) disiplin diri, 4) kemarahan-ekspansif, 5) peningkatan diri, 6) kejelekan -generositas, 7) toleransi-intoleransi, dan 8) praktik Islam. Melalui 199 responden yang tinggal di kota-kota besar, kami melakukan validitas alat ukur dengan menggunakan metode Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Hasil tes CFA menunjukkan bahwa skala MMS yang telah diadaptasi menjadi 46 item valid. 

2020 ◽  
Jordan Change ◽  
Erik Menke

The Attitude toward the Subject of Chemistry Inventory (ASCI V1), as well as two modified versions of the ASCI V1, were administered twice (pre- and post-semester) to three samples of students. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to compare the survey structure with prior work by others, and showed similar structure for the three versions. The survey results were then evaluated to compare student attitude with respect to chemistry, biology, and math as well as changes in attitudes. This work was approved by UC Merced's IRB.

Osman NA ◽  
Bedwani RN ◽  
Shehata GM ◽  
Emam MM ◽  
Rabie AM

Introduction: The undisputed increase of the relevance of measuring the work-related psychosocial factors is confronted with a lack of qualified well-documented measuring instruments covering all important aspects. Aim: To develop and validate a standardized Arabic version of the COPSOQ II for evaluating the psychosocial environment at the oil and gas workplace. Method: COPSOQ network guidelines for validation studies were followed. The original Danish COPSOQ II (Long version) was meticulously translated and comprehensively validated among an adaptation sample of 500 oil and gas industry workers in the Suez Oil Processing Company in Egypt. Only 438 workers completed the questionnaire in Arabic and English languages with demonstrated sociodemographic data (Yielding a response rate of 87.6%). Psychometric properties of COPSOQ II scale items were depicted in terms of descriptive statistics, feasibility analysis, and internal consistency. Furthermore, A-COPSOQ II was tested for factorial validity using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Mean age of the study participants was 35 ± 6 years. Scales of Arabic COPSOQ depicted a great Concordance and Reliability (C-α > 0.7). Content Validity Index (CVI) was estimated to be 0.87; ranging from 0.7 - 0.9. Models of exploratory factor analyses projected a reflective working model with reasonable results in 33 out of 41 overall scales. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable fit (X2 = 745.67, X2/df = 2.09, SRMR = 0.058, CFI = 0.87). Conclusion: Arabic version of COPSOQ II is a relevant and culturally accepted conceptual instrument for tracking psychosocial hazards and promoting a safe environment for all workers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Bambang Subahri

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Nilai-Nilai Agama dan Kecerdasan Moral terhadap Prestasi Belajar Afektif Siswa, dalam hal ini difokuskan pada Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari Nilai-Nilai Agama yaitu dimensi: daily, meaning, practice, coping dan support. Kecerdasan moral yaitu dimensi: acting, telling, standing, keeping, taking, admitting, embracing, activelyone’s dan abilityothers’  terhadap prestasi belajar afektif siswa mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa dengan klasifikasi usia 13-19 tahun dan sampelnya berjumlah 200 siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling. Untuk mengukur nilai-Nilai agama , peneliti memodifikasi 11 dimesi nilai-Nilai agama  Fetzer (1999) menjadi 5 dimensi dan untuk kecerdasan moral peneliti menggunakan skala yang dikembangkan dari Lennick and Kiel (2011). CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) digunakan untuk menguji validitas alat ukur dan analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Software SPSS 17.0 dan LISREL 8.70. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan IV keseluruhan terhadap prestasi belajar sebagai DV. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan proporsi varians dari prestasi belajar Aqidah Akhlak yang dijelaskan oleh seluruh variabel independen adalah 60.3%, sedangkan 39.7%  sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Nilai-Nilai Agama, Kecerdasan Moral dan Prestasi Belajar Afektif

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-104
Fauzan Salmanto

AbstractThis research was conducted to find out the significance of the HEXACO personality and tawakal on grit on 170 students in Faculty of Psychology UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Sampling conducted using non-probability sampling.  Instruments used in this study there are three scales, namely Academic Grit scale, Brief HEXACO Inventory Scale, and tawakal scale. Test the validity of the measuring instrument using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) technique. While the data analysis using multiple regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of the trait of HEXACO personality and tawakal on grit in students. The amount of influence of all independent variables on grit is 37.4%, while the rest is influenced by other variables outside this research. While the results of the analysis of the proportion of variance of each variable separately, found the largest contribution to grit is conscientiousness, extraversion, trust to God (Allah), not worry, emotionality, and worship. This research will get better results when using a wider population, to obtain more diverse data and can compare with factors that have not been studied. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepribadian HEXACO dan tawakal pada grit pada 170 mahasiswa di Fakultas Psikologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan non-probability sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga skala, yaitu skala Academic Grit, Brief HEXACO Inventory Scale, dan skala tawakal. Uji validitas alat ukur menggunakan teknik analisis faktor konfirmatori (CFA). Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari sifat kepribadian HEXACO dan tawakal pada grit di mahasiswa. Ppengaruh semua variabel independen terhadap grit adalah 37,4%, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Hasil analisis proporsi varians dari masing-masing variabel secara terpisah, ditemukan kontribusi terbesar untuk grit adalah conscientiousness, extraversion, keyakinan kepada Allah, tidak khawatir, emotionality, dan ibadah. Penelitian ini akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik ketika menggunakan populasi yang lebih luas, agar diperoleh data yang lebih beragam dan dapat dibandingkan dengan faktor-faktor yang belum diteliti.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Dien Dinyati Dinyati

Stres merupakan suatu kondisi ketegangan yang mempengaruhi emosi, proses berpikir dan kondisi fisik seseorang. Stres dapat menyebabkan seseorang kehilangan minat, nafsu makan memunculkan perasaan rendah diri bahkan lebih buruknya dapat membuat seseorang ingin bunuh diri. Pengaruh stres terhadap tubuh sangat besar, seseorang dengan tingkat stres yang tinggi dapat berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya daya tahan tubuh seseorang sehingga membuat seseorang menjadi mudah terserang berbagai macam penyakit. Berbagai macam alat ukur untuk mengukur stres dalam hal ini stres di tempat kerja telah banyak digunakan akan tetapi peneliti memilih menggunakan alat ukur yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas konstruk untuk mendeteksi stres di tempat kerja. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 172 pekerja wanita di Jakarta Selatan dengan latar belakang pekerjaan yang berbeda. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan bantuan software Lisrel 8.7. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat beberapa item dalam skala stres kerja yang mengukur lebih dari satu faktor (multidimensional). Stress is a condition of tension that affects emotions, thought processes and one's physical condition. Stress can cause a person to lose interest, appetite to create feelings of inferiority even worse can make someone want to commit suicide. The influence of stress on the body is very large, a person with a high level of stress can affect a person's immune system so that someone becomes susceptible to various diseases. Various types of measuring instruments to measure stress in this case stress in the workplace has been widely used but researchers chose to use a measuring instrument made by the researchers themselves. Therefore this study aims to examine construct validity to detect stress in the workplace. The data used in this study involved 172 female workers in South Jakarta with different occupational backgrounds. The analytical method used is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the help of Lisrel 8.7 software. The results of the study prove that there are several items in the work stress scale that measure more than one (multidimensional) factor.

2020 ◽  
Jordan Change ◽  
Erik Menke

The Attitude toward the Subject of Chemistry Inventory (ASCI V1), as well as two modified versions of the ASCI V1, were administered twice (pre- and post-semester) to three samples of students. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to compare the survey structure with prior work by others, and showed similar structure for the three versions. The survey results were then evaluated to compare student attitude with respect to chemistry, biology, and math as well as changes in attitudes. This work was approved by UC Merced's IRB.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. e0252543
Ferrán Padrós-Blázquez ◽  
María Patricia Martínez-Medina ◽  
Karina Salud Montoya-Pérez ◽  
Rocío Montoya-Pérez

Gaudiebility refers to the set of modulators that regulate the enjoyment experienced, there is only one scale to assess gaudiebility, and it is univariate, which is not congruent with the construct. Therefore, this work’s objective was to build a multifactorial scale and study the psychometric properties of the Gaudiebility Scale for Adults of Morelia (GSAM). 1,884 adults participated; 273 in the pilot study and 1,611 in the final study. They responded to the final version of the GSAM, with 24 items and a scale of experienced enjoyment. The adequate fit of the model of 6 related factors of the GSAM was corroborated through confirmatory factor analysis. Adequate Cronbach’s alpha values ​​were observed for the factors (Concentration (α = .796), Enjoyment in Solitude (α = .784), Sense of Humor (α = .760), Imagination (α = .740), Interest (α = .653) and Irrational Beliefs (α = .633)) and the total scale (α = .803). All the factors and the full scale showed positive relationships with the scale of experienced enjoyment. The GSAM obtained good indicators regarding its internal consistency and validity; therefore, it is concluded that the GSAM is adequate to assess gaudiebility in adults.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-104
Fayna Faradiena

AbstractIt cannot be denied that academic dishonesty is one of the problems that happened amongst students all over the world, this construct includes behavior that is intentionally carried out to fulfill assignments or academic assessments. This study aims to examine the validity of the construct of academic dishonesty which was adapted from the Academic Dishonetsry Scale (McCabe & Trevino, 1993) and Academic Dishonesty Instrument (Iyear & Eastman, 2008) using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method. In addition, this study produced three standardized forms of academic dishonesty scale, namely: long-form (20-item), ideal-form (11-item), and short-form (7-item). Regarding the research sample, this finding included 355 students from all faculties at the State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta using snowball non-probability sampling method.AbstrakKetidakjujuran akademik adalah salah satu masalah yang banyak terjadi di kalangan mahasiswa, hal ini mencakup perilaku yang dengan sengaja dilakukan untuk memenuhi penugasan maupun penilaian akademik. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas konstruk ketidakjujuran akademik yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur Academic Dishonesty Scale (McCabe & Trevino, 1993) dan Academic Dishonesty Instrument (Iyer & Eastman, 2008) melalui metode Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) menggunaka software Mplus 8. Selain dilakukan uji validitas, penelitian ini menghasilan tiga bentuk alat ukur ketidakjujuran akademik yang dibakukan, yaitu bentuk yang valid namun kurang ideal (20-item), bentuk yang ideal (11-item), dan bentuk ringkas (7-item). Sampel penelitian ini adalah 355 mahasiswa aktif dari berbagai Fakultas di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta menggunakan teknik snowball non-probability sampling. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 72-84
Sahda Nabilah Kurnia ◽  
Lidia Mayangsari

Nowadays, many companies sell products that they claim as 'green' cosmetics to reach public demand and attention. Yet, women are starting to be concerned about green cosmetics because they wonder if it does bring sustainability and worth the claim. This research aims to analyze women's barrier factors in purchasing green cosmetics in Indonesia. This research target population is women who live in Jakarta, and Bandung, ranging from 18-34 years old, tend to use cosmetics daily and know about green cosmetics in general. The researcher uses a quantitative approach that uses 235 sample sizes and using probability sampling and questionnaire to collect the data. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0 with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results show that the value barrier, usage barrier, risk barrier, tradition barrier, and image barrier positively influenced the purchase intention of green cosmetics products. The findings of this study can help green cosmetics brands in Indonesia sell their products to be accepted in the market.

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