scholarly journals Censos en Fredonia (Antioquia): Una mirada a la composición familiar, 1830-1851

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-111
Sandy Bibiana Gonzalez Toro

El texto analiza la composición familiar de los habitantes de Fredonia (Antioquia) entre 1830 y 1851. La autora caracteriza la población a partir de factores tales como la edad, el género, el parentesco y el estado civil. El artículo utiliza como fuentes de información los censos que se realizaron de acuerdo a la reglamentación del Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada en el trascurso del siglo XIX.Palabras clave: demografía, censos, población, familia, Fredonia (Antioquia). Fredonia (Antioquia) censuses: An overview of household composition, 1830-1851AbstractThis article analyses family composition from Fredonia (Antioquia) population between 1830 and 1851. The author describes the population based on factors such as age, gender, relationship and marital status. The article uses as information sources, censuses carried out in accordance with the New Granada Constitutional Congress regulations during the course of the 19th century. Keywords: demography, censuses, population, family, Fredonia (Antioquia)

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 12-43
Edwin Andrés Monsalvo Mendoza

El presente artículo muestra —a partir del análisis de las normas electorales compiladas en la Codificación Nacional—, el papel que jugó la legislación electoral colombiana en los comicios durante la primera mitad de siglo XIX. El interés principal se centra en la descripción y análisis de los requisitos para ser sufragante y elector, el desarrollo de las elecciones parroquiales, las transgresiones a las normas y el papel de los jueces durante los comicios. Nuestra hipótesis es que las normas se iban construyendo en la medida que las prácticas electorales hacían necesario su regulación.Palabras claves: legislación electoral, elecciones, electores, Nueva Granada.Between Legislation and Votes. The Electoral Legislation in the Nueva Granada During the First Half of the 19th CenturyAbstractThis article shows —from the analysis of compiled electoral standards in national encoding— the role played by the Colombian electoral legislation on the elections during the first half of the 19th century. The main interest focuses on the description and analysis of the requirements to be an elector, the development of the local elections, the violations to the rules and the role of judges during these elections. Our hypothesis is that standards were building to the extent that electoral practices made it necessary to its regulation. Keywords: electoral legislation, elections, voters, New Granada.

Ima Poveda

ResumenEn el siglo XIX, en la Nueva Granada, la forma de vestir femenina, enmarcada en un fenómeno moderno como la moda, fue vista con recelo ya que conllevaba a las mujeres a expresar su individualidad y a generar otros comportamientos inapropiados para los “ángeles del hogar”. Por esto, era duramente criticada y vigilada en los discursos de urbanidad y comportamiento. Sin embargo, muchos de estos llamados, especialmente a la modestia, solo quedaron en el discurso.Palabras clave: Moda, mujeres, individualidad, urbanidad, siglo XIX, burguesía********************************************************************Women in the elite of Bogotá in the 19th century and fashionAbstractIn the 19th century, in Nueva Granada, the feminine way of dressing, framed within a modern phenomenon like fashion was seen suspiciously as it meant expressing women’s individuality and generating other inappropriate behaviors for the angels of the home. Because of this, it was harshly criticized and invigilated through the discourse of behavior and urbanity. However, many of these calls, especially to modesty, remained only as discourse.Key words: fashion, women, individuality, urbanity, 19th Century, burgeoisie.********************************************************************As mulheres da elite bogotana de século XIX e a modaResumoNo século XIX, na Nueva Granada, a forma de vestir feminina, enquadrada num fenômeno moderno como a moda, foi vista com receio, já que levava a expressar sua individualidade e a gerar outros comportamentos inapropriados para os anjos do lar. Por isto, era duramente criticado e vigiado nos discursos de urbanidade e comportamento. No entanto, muitos destes chamados, especialmente à modéstia, só ficaram no discurso.Palavras chave: moda, mulheres, individualidade, urbanidade, século XIX, burguesia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 169-179
Renata E. Paliga

Communicable diseases have accompanied humanity since the beginning of its existence. The first descriptions of diseases appeared in the 8th century B.C. in the Iliad, Homer. Epidemics of communicable diseases were often described in social context by poets, historians, and chroniclers. Medicine as a science until the 19th century could not provide answers concerning the aetiology of epidemic diseases or propose therapies with measurable benefits. For centuries the fight against epidemics was the duty of administrative services. Quarantine, isolation (including forced isolation), sanitary cordons, and disinfection procedures involving the moxibustion, burning of objects, clothing and bodies, etc. were introduced very early on. The knowledge of practical measures taken during repeated epidemics of various communicable diseases in Europe laid the foundations for the development of social medicine in the 18th century. In the 19th century, methods such as statistics, comparison of patient groups, mathematics and others were introduced to assess the effectiveness of prophylactic and therapeutic measures. In the 19th century it became possible to distinguish a new science – epidemiology. The missing element was the so-called “bacteriological breakthrough”. After the discovery and description of bacteria, there was a tumultuous development of bacteriology, vaccines were created and huge financial resources were allocated to bacteriological institutes. After extensive use of chemotherapeutics and antibiotics, it turned out in the mid-20th century that the mortality from communicable diseasesis statistically lower in some countries than in others.In the 1940s, population-based cardiological studies using epidemiological patterns were introduced in the United States, and in the 1950s epidemiological congresses worldwide accepted that it was reasonable for epidemiology to investigate the occurrence and causes of communicable and non-communicable diseases. In Poland, in 1964, at the 4th Congress of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases in Cracow, a decision was made to extend epidemiological studies to non-communicable diseases.

2018 ◽  
pp. 18-32
Sissel Bjerrum Fossat ◽  
Lone Kølle Martinsen ◽  
Jesper Lundsby Skov

Contesting the concept of Woman: Perspectives from conceptual history.The main argument of this article is that the concept of kvinde (woman) was redefined in the 19th century in Denmark, and that it can be studied alongside other central concepts. Kvinde re-entered the Danish vocabulary as a universal term for woman not bound to social or marital status. Early romanticists such as Adam Oehlenschläger (1779-1850) and N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) used and disseminated sagas and myths from Old Norse mythology to re-conceptualize the concept of kvinde in romantic poetry. Gradually the concept of kvinde entered other spheres of society. The article seeks to present a framework for further studies, not only in the debates and themes proposed here, but also in relation to other gendered discussions of the 19th century. The article is a preliminary attempt to establish the concept of kvinde in a conceptual framework, arguing that the concept needs to be studied in more depth as central to the discussions of the 19th century

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 97-126 ◽  
Juan Guillermo Zapata Avila

 El presente artículo expone cómo se produjo en Antioquia el proceso de reacción conservadora a las reformas liberales que se emprendieron en la Nueva Granada a mediados de siglo XIX. En el contexto histórico se referencia un discurso político que enfrentaba dos ideologías que comenzaban a consolidarse, a partir de la emergencia de los partidos políticos. El texto analiza los diferentes discursos que se emitieron a lo largo de la revolución conservadora, que en buena medida configuraron la conciencia política de Antioquia. Provincia que se convirtió en epicentro del accionar conservador en el país, ya que, después se crean las bases, no sólo para asegurar un discurso y una ideología política propiamente conservadora en esta provincia, sino también, una serie de estrategias electorales que favorecieron al conservatismo en esta parte del país.  Palabras claves: reacción conservadora, federalismo, religión, liberalismo y Antioquia. Conservative Reaction: Ideological Processes and Referents from the Conservative Party Opposition to the Liberal Party Reformism AbstractThis article shows how it was originated in Antioquia the conservative party reaction process against liberal party reforms; reforms undertaken along the New Granada in the mid 19th century. In the historical context it is mentioned a political speech which faced two ideologies that were starting to be shaped due to the political parties emergency. The text analyses the different speeches broadcasted during the conservative party revolution that in a large extent shaped the political conscience in Antioquia. Antioquia became the headquarters  for the conservative party, as later are created the basis for ensuring not only an strictly conservative political view, but also the election strategies that helped the conservative party in that region of the country.Keywords: Conservative Reaction, Federalism, Religion, Liberal Party and Antioquia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 209-214
Tanzin Sultana ◽  
Durdana Nower

This paper attempts to bring out the nineteenth century's women’s quest for self-respect and self-actuality in the mirror of Nora’s developing consciousness following Marianne’s growing sensibility.  Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House are two prominent genres of ninetieth century’s English literature where both writers show the contemporary women’s soul being entangled to social norms as well as their gradual try to be non-conformist against these norms by their thought and action. In the 19th century, English society creates impediments for unmarried women like Marianne and married women like Nora to think and to talk in their way.  It is the patriarchal society where women’s social dignity and security depend on their marital status and husbands. Since marriage is their identity, they show their loyalty and sincerity to their husbands or the men they love. In Austen’s novel, as an ordinary woman, Marianne takes Willoughby’s attention as a scared bonding and challenges the seniors’ matured advice. In Ibsen’s play, Nora does forgery and secretly takes a loan to save her sick husband’s life. She considers it a spouse’s duty and believes that her husband will understand her as he cares for her. When the time comes, both Marianne and Nora betray their loyalty from their partners to whom they are not human beings but puppets to be entertained. From this violation of trust, they realize that they need to be considered human beings first before being respected women in a family and society. It is their strength that despite being taken as soulless creatures, they dare to think about own self beyond the society and become self-reliant. Their growing self-reliance makes today’s women progressive in creating a space in society and family for themselves as human beings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-55
Takashi Takekoshi

In this paper, we analyse features of the grammatical descriptions in Manchu grammar books from the Qing Dynasty. Manchu grammar books exemplify how Chinese scholars gave Chinese names to grammatical concepts in Manchu such as case, conjugation, and derivation which exist in agglutinating languages but not in isolating languages. A thorough examination reveals that Chinese scholarly understanding of Manchu grammar at the time had attained a high degree of sophistication. We conclude that the reason they did not apply modern grammatical concepts until the end of the 19th century was not a lack of ability but because the object of their grammatical descriptions was Chinese, a typical isolating language.

1970 ◽  
pp. 47-55
Sarah Limorté

Levantine immigration to Chile started during the last quarter of the 19th century. This immigration, almost exclusively male at the outset, changed at the beginning of the 20th century when women started following their fathers, brothers, and husbands to the New World. Defining the role and status of the Arab woman within her community in Chile has never before been tackled in a detailed study. This article attempts to broach the subject by looking at Arabic newspapers published in Chile between 1912 and the end of the 1920s. A thematic analysis of articles dealing with the question of women or written by women, appearing in publications such as Al-Murshid, Asch-Schabibat, Al-Watan, and Oriente, will be discussed.

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