scholarly journals Entre leyes y votos. La legislación electoral en la Nueva Granada durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 12-43
Edwin Andrés Monsalvo Mendoza

El presente artículo muestra —a partir del análisis de las normas electorales compiladas en la Codificación Nacional—, el papel que jugó la legislación electoral colombiana en los comicios durante la primera mitad de siglo XIX. El interés principal se centra en la descripción y análisis de los requisitos para ser sufragante y elector, el desarrollo de las elecciones parroquiales, las transgresiones a las normas y el papel de los jueces durante los comicios. Nuestra hipótesis es que las normas se iban construyendo en la medida que las prácticas electorales hacían necesario su regulación.Palabras claves: legislación electoral, elecciones, electores, Nueva Granada.Between Legislation and Votes. The Electoral Legislation in the Nueva Granada During the First Half of the 19th CenturyAbstractThis article shows —from the analysis of compiled electoral standards in national encoding— the role played by the Colombian electoral legislation on the elections during the first half of the 19th century. The main interest focuses on the description and analysis of the requirements to be an elector, the development of the local elections, the violations to the rules and the role of judges during these elections. Our hypothesis is that standards were building to the extent that electoral practices made it necessary to its regulation. Keywords: electoral legislation, elections, voters, New Granada.

2019 ◽  
pp. 219-246
Pablo Martínez Riquelme

Los procesos de producción de espacios turísticos se expresan en sendas espacio-temporales, asociadas a una producción material, como las infraestructuras, equipamiento y conectividad, pero también en una producción inmaterial, basada en la difusión de imaginarios territoriales vinculados a la experiencia turística. Se busca analizar dicho proceso, en la Araucanía andino-lacustre chilena, entre 1900-1940, a partir de los relatos de los primeros viajeros con motivaciones turísticas a finales del siglo XIX y el rol de Estado como actor promotor de la turistificación del territorio en el sur de Chile. The processes of production of tourist spaces are expressed in space-time paths, associated with a material production, such as infrastructures, equipment and connectivity, but also in an immaterial production, based on the diffusion of territorial imaginaries linked to the tourist experience. It is sought to analyze this process, in the Chilean Andean-lacustrine Araucanía, between 1900-1940, based on the account of the first travelers with tourist motivations at the end of the 19th century and the role of the State as a promoter of the touristification of the territory in the South of Chile.

José Antonio Cañizares Márquez

Tras los fracasados intentos de reforma colonial de la metrópoli española en la isla de Cuba en el siglo XIX, la Guerra de los Diez Años (1868-1878) representó la primera fase de una revolución independentista coordinada, de diferentes grupos organizados, en la que el papel de los catedráticos fue muy relevante. No obstante, existe un vacío en el trabajo historiográfico sobre el protagonismo político de los catedráticos de institutos en el proceso independentista. Resulta de sumo interés el estudio de estos actores para entender la política colonial de instrucción pública en Cuba, ya que durante la Guerra Grande el sesenta y cinco por ciento de los catedráticos fueron declarados insurrectos, acusados de delitos de infidencia, separados de sus cátedras, encarcelados y algunos ejecutados. Los objetivos de esta investigación no sólo pretenden contribuir al estudio del independentismo en Cuba sino que también pueden ayudar a consolidar los estudios de acción colectiva poco frecuentes en la historiografía española.After the unsuccessful attempts of colonial reform from the Spanish metropolis on the island of Cuba in the 19th century, the Ten Years’ War (1868-1878) represented the first phase of a coordinated independence revolution by different organized groups, in which the role of the professors was quite relevant. Nevertheless, there is a gap in the historiographic work about the political importance of these professors in the independence process. Therefore, it is highly relevant to study these actors to understand the colonial policy of public instruction in Cuba, due to the fact that sixty-five percent of the professors were declared insurgents, accused of treason, dispossessed of their positions, imprisoned and many of them were executed during the Great War. As a result, the objectives of this research are not only intended to contribute to the study of the independence movement in Cuba, but also help consolidate collective action studies that are uncommon in Spanish historiography.

Ima Poveda

ResumenEn el siglo XIX, en la Nueva Granada, la forma de vestir femenina, enmarcada en un fenómeno moderno como la moda, fue vista con recelo ya que conllevaba a las mujeres a expresar su individualidad y a generar otros comportamientos inapropiados para los “ángeles del hogar”. Por esto, era duramente criticada y vigilada en los discursos de urbanidad y comportamiento. Sin embargo, muchos de estos llamados, especialmente a la modestia, solo quedaron en el discurso.Palabras clave: Moda, mujeres, individualidad, urbanidad, siglo XIX, burguesía********************************************************************Women in the elite of Bogotá in the 19th century and fashionAbstractIn the 19th century, in Nueva Granada, the feminine way of dressing, framed within a modern phenomenon like fashion was seen suspiciously as it meant expressing women’s individuality and generating other inappropriate behaviors for the angels of the home. Because of this, it was harshly criticized and invigilated through the discourse of behavior and urbanity. However, many of these calls, especially to modesty, remained only as discourse.Key words: fashion, women, individuality, urbanity, 19th Century, burgeoisie.********************************************************************As mulheres da elite bogotana de século XIX e a modaResumoNo século XIX, na Nueva Granada, a forma de vestir feminina, enquadrada num fenômeno moderno como a moda, foi vista com receio, já que levava a expressar sua individualidade e a gerar outros comportamentos inapropriados para os anjos do lar. Por isto, era duramente criticado e vigiado nos discursos de urbanidade e comportamento. No entanto, muitos destes chamados, especialmente à modéstia, só ficaram no discurso.Palavras chave: moda, mulheres, individualidade, urbanidade, século XIX, burguesia.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-111
Sandy Bibiana Gonzalez Toro

El texto analiza la composición familiar de los habitantes de Fredonia (Antioquia) entre 1830 y 1851. La autora caracteriza la población a partir de factores tales como la edad, el género, el parentesco y el estado civil. El artículo utiliza como fuentes de información los censos que se realizaron de acuerdo a la reglamentación del Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada en el trascurso del siglo XIX.Palabras clave: demografía, censos, población, familia, Fredonia (Antioquia). Fredonia (Antioquia) censuses: An overview of household composition, 1830-1851AbstractThis article analyses family composition from Fredonia (Antioquia) population between 1830 and 1851. The author describes the population based on factors such as age, gender, relationship and marital status. The article uses as information sources, censuses carried out in accordance with the New Granada Constitutional Congress regulations during the course of the 19th century. Keywords: demography, censuses, population, family, Fredonia (Antioquia)

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 97-126 ◽  
Juan Guillermo Zapata Avila

 El presente artículo expone cómo se produjo en Antioquia el proceso de reacción conservadora a las reformas liberales que se emprendieron en la Nueva Granada a mediados de siglo XIX. En el contexto histórico se referencia un discurso político que enfrentaba dos ideologías que comenzaban a consolidarse, a partir de la emergencia de los partidos políticos. El texto analiza los diferentes discursos que se emitieron a lo largo de la revolución conservadora, que en buena medida configuraron la conciencia política de Antioquia. Provincia que se convirtió en epicentro del accionar conservador en el país, ya que, después se crean las bases, no sólo para asegurar un discurso y una ideología política propiamente conservadora en esta provincia, sino también, una serie de estrategias electorales que favorecieron al conservatismo en esta parte del país.  Palabras claves: reacción conservadora, federalismo, religión, liberalismo y Antioquia. Conservative Reaction: Ideological Processes and Referents from the Conservative Party Opposition to the Liberal Party Reformism AbstractThis article shows how it was originated in Antioquia the conservative party reaction process against liberal party reforms; reforms undertaken along the New Granada in the mid 19th century. In the historical context it is mentioned a political speech which faced two ideologies that were starting to be shaped due to the political parties emergency. The text analyses the different speeches broadcasted during the conservative party revolution that in a large extent shaped the political conscience in Antioquia. Antioquia became the headquarters  for the conservative party, as later are created the basis for ensuring not only an strictly conservative political view, but also the election strategies that helped the conservative party in that region of the country.Keywords: Conservative Reaction, Federalism, Religion, Liberal Party and Antioquia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 699-721
María Teresa Lajoinie Dominguez

El objetivo del presente artículo es determinar la existencia de vedettes animales rastreando, para ello, la superposición de aquellos mecanismos y dinámicas conducentes a la adquisición de dicho estatus en el caso de actores y actrices humanos. Cogiendo como ejemplo paradigmático el caso de la elefanta Mlle. Djeck, presente en los escenarios europeos del siglo XIX, se analizarán los elementos que permiten tanto la inclusión del animal-actor en el fenómeno de la celebridad, cuanto aquellas características que resultan en su singularización. Asimismo, se estudiarán las nociones de voyerismo e intimidad como principales ejes en torno a los cuales se construye la nueva relación entre público y vedette propia de esta figura. Por último, se atenderá al papel fundamental de la prensa, así como otros medios mediáticos, en cuanto que intermediarios necesarios para la construcción, promoción y popularización de la vedette y/o celebridad. The main of this article is to determine the existence of the animal stars by analysing the mechanisms and dynamics conducive to the acquisition of this status in the case of human actors and actresses. Taking as a paradigmatic example the case of the elephant Mlle. Djeck, present in the European stages of the 19th century, will analyse the elements that allow both the inclusion of the animal-actor in the phenomenon of celebrity, as well as those characteristics that result in its singularization. Likewise, the notions of voyeurism and intimacy will be studied as the main axes around which the new relationship between the public and the star of this figure is built. Lastly, the fundamental role of the press, as well as other media, will be addressed as intermediaries necessary for the construction, promotion and popularization of the star and/or celebrity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Ahmad Tohri ◽  
H. Habibuddin ◽  
Abdul Rasyad

This article discusses the Sasak people’s resistance against MataramKarangasem and Dutch colonial rulers in the 19th century in Lombok, Indonesia. It particularly focuses on Tuan Guru Umar Kelayu and his central role in the emergence of Sasak people’s resistance which transformed into Sasak physical revolution local and global imperialismcolonialism. Using the historical method, this article collected data through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis involved the historical methods of heuristics, verification or criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The findings show that Sasak people’s resistance was not only caused by economic factors but also related to other factors such as social, cultural, and religious ones. Tuan Guru Umar Kelayu played a key role in the Sasak people’s resistance in that it was under his leadership and influence that the resistance transformed into a physical struggle against MataramKarangasem and Dutch colonialism as seen in Sakra War and Praya War which were led by his students and friends.

D.R. Zhantiev

Аннотация В статье рассматривается роль и место Сирии (включая Ливан и Палестину) в системе османских владений на протяжении нескольких веков от османского завоевания до периода правления султана Абдул-Хамида II. В течение четырех столетий османского владычества территория исторической Сирии (Билад аш-Шам) была одним из важнейших компонентов османской системы и играла роль связующего звена между Анатолией, Египтом, Ираком и Хиджазом. Необходимость ежегодной организации хаджа с символами султанской власти и покровительства над святынями Мекки и Медины определяла особую стратегическую важность сирийских провинций Османской империи. Несмотря на ряд серьезных угроз во время общего кризиса османской государственности (конец XVI начало XIX вв.), имперскому центру удалось сохранить контроль над Сирией путем создания сдержек и противовесов между местными элитами. В XIX в. и особенно в период правления Абдул- Хамида II (18761909 гг.), сохранение Сирии под османским контролем стало вопросом существования Османской империи, которая перед лицом растущего европейского давления и интервенции потеряла большую часть своих владений на Балканах и в Северной Африке. Задача укрепления связей между имперским центром и периферией в сирийских вилайетах в последней четверти XIX в. была в целом успешно решена. К началу XX в. Сирия была одним из наиболее политически спокойных и прочно связанных со Стамбулом регионов Османской империи. Этому в значительной степени способствовали довольно высокий уровень общественной безопасности, развитие внешней торговли, рост образования и постепенная интеграция местных элит (как мусульман, так и христиан) в османские государственные и социальные механизмы. Положение Сирии в системе османских владений показало, что процесс ослабления и территориальной дезинтеграции Османской империи в эпоху реформ не был линейным и наряду с потерей владений и влияния на Балканах, в азиатской части империи в течение XIX и начала XX вв. происходил параллельный процесс имперской консолидации.Abstract The article examines the role and place of Greater Syria (including Lebanon and Palestine) in the system of Ottoman possessions over several centuries from the Ottoman conquest to the period of the reign of Abdul Hamid II. For four centuries of Ottoman domination, the territory of historical Syria (Bilad al-Sham) was one of the most important components in the Ottoman system and played the role of a link between Anatolia, Egypt, Iraq and Hijaz. The need to ensure the Hajj with symbols of Sultan power and patronage over the shrines of Mecca and Medina each year determined the special strategic importance of the Syrian provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Despite a number of serious threats during the general crisis of the Ottoman state system (late 16th early 19th centuries), the imperial center managed to maintain control over Syria by creating checks and balances between local elites. In the 19th century. And especially during the reign of Abdul Hamid II (18761909), keeping Syria under Ottoman control became a matter of existence for the Ottoman Empire, which, in the face of increasing European pressure and intervention, lost most of its possessions in the Balkans and North Africa. The task of strengthening ties between the imperial center and the periphery in Syrian vilayets in the last quarter of the 19th century was generally successfully resolved. By the beginning of the 20th century, Syria was one of the most politically calm and firmly connected with Istanbul regions of the Ottoman Empire. This was greatly facilitated by a fairly high level of public safety, the development of foreign trade, the growth of education and the gradual integration of local elites (both Muslims and Christians) into Ottoman state and social mechanisms. Syrias position in the system of Ottoman possessions clearly showed that the process of weakening and territorial disintegration of the Ottoman Empire during the era of reform was not linear, and along with the loss of possessions and influence in the Balkans, in the Asian part of the empire during the 19th and early 20th centuries there was a parallel process of imperial consolidation.

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-14
Béla Mester

The paper analyses a well‐known phenomenon, that of the 19th century Central European so‐called “national philosophies”. However, the philosophical heritages of the Central European countries have their roles in the national identities; historians of philosophy in these countries know; our philosophies have common institutional roots with our neighbours. The paper deadlines paradigmatic problems from the Hungarian and Slovakian philosophy: the Latin language in philosophy, the different role of Kantianism and Hegelianism in the national cultures, and the problems of canonisation. Vengrų ir slovakų nacionalinių filosofijų komparatyvistinė istoriografija: Vidurio Europos atvejis Santrauka Straipsnyje tyrinėjamas gerai žinomas fenomenas, XIX a. Vidurio Europoje vadinamas „nacionalinėmis filosofijomis“. Kad ir kaip būtų, filosofiniai Vidurio Europos valstybių palikimai turi įtakos nacionaliniams tapatumams, ir tai žino šių valstybių filosofijos istorikai. Mūsų ir mūsų kaimynų filosofijos turi bendrąsias paprotines šaknis. Straipsnyje brėžiama paradigminių vengrų ir slovakų filosofijos problemų perskyra pagal lotynų kalbą filosofijoje, skirtingą kantizmo ir hėgelizmo vaidmenį tautinėse kultūrose bei kanonizacijos problemas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kanonizacija, Vidurio Europos filosofijos, hėgelizmas, vengrų filosofija, kantizmas, lotynų kalba filosofijoje, tautinis tapatumas, „nacionalinės filosofijos“, slovakų filosofija.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Mário de Andrade

Abstract “The music of sorcery in Brazil” was given as a lecture by Mário de Andrade to the Brazilian Music Association (Associação Brasileira de Música), in Rio de Janeiro, in 1933. The author never managed to complete its revision for publication. This was undertaken by Oneyda Alvarenga, who published the text of the lecture and a series of related documents in Volume XIII - Música de Feitiçaria no Brasil-of the Complete Works of Mário de Andrade (Editora Itatiaia/Instituto Nacional do Livro, 1983, p.23-70). The author is in search for the role of music, with its distinctive rhythms and melodic form, in the mystical trance of Afro-Brazilian religions. The text combines the flavour of his direct research experience in the catimbó of the Brazilian Northeast; his erudite bibliographical studies that were strongly influenced by evolutionary and diffusionist anthropology at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the twentieth; and an analysis of the music of macumba in the Rio de Janeiro around the 1930s as found in the recordings that Andrade so much enjoyed collecting and listening to.

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