2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-178
Reza Umami Zakiyah ◽  
Eneng Nuraeni

Ideally, a married couple lives together to carry out their respective duties and obligations. However, because the demands of work cause some of them must be far apart and live the life of Long Distance Relationship (LDR) as happened in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. The problem that arises is how the pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of husband and wife in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. How to communicate on LDR and how to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two. Through research using descriptive analysis method, the results of the study show that: (1) The pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of a husband and wife who are on a LDR at Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang can be understood in three aspects, namely the Financial/material aspect is done by meeting in person/transferring money through Alfamart/ATM/POS. The biological aspect when far apart is by interacting by telephone, occupying with homework. Psychological aspects, namely by giving attention over the phone or when meeting by serving all their needs. (2) The way of LDR husband and wife communication via telephone, massage, whatsapp, and video call, but for those who do not use the telephone as a communication tool, the communication is carried out directly when meeting. (3) The way to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two is to maintain mutual trust, understanding, commitment, intensive communication, mutual attitude. The difficulties faced are financial, trust, communication, cooperation and sexual needs.Idealnya pasangan  suami istri hidup bersama dalam satu  rumah untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban masing-masing. Namun, karena tuntutan pekerjaan menyebabkan sebagian dari mereka harus berjauhan dan menjalani kehidupan Long Distance Relationship (LDR) seperti yang terjadi di Desa Batujaya, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. Masalah  yang timbul yaitu bagaimana pola pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami istri di Desa Batujaya, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. Bagaimana cara komunkasi suami istri LDR dan bagaimana cara mengatasi kesulitan yang timbul diantara keduanya. Melalui penelitian yang menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis ini, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Pola pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami istri Long Distance Relationship (LDR) di Desa Batujaya, Kec. Batujaya. Kab. Karawang dipahami dalam tiga aspek yaitu Aspek Finansial/materi dilakukan dengan pola bertemu langsung/mentransfer uang melalui Alfamart/ATM/POS. Aspek biologis ketika berjauhan yaitu dengan berinteraksi melalui telepon, menyibukan diri dengan pekerjaan rumah. Aspek psikologis yaitu dengan memberikan perhatian lewat telepon ataupun saat bertemu secara langsung dengan melayani segala kebutuhan masing-masing. (2) Cara komunikasi suami istri LDR melalui telephone, sms, whatshap, dan Video call, tetapi untuk mereka yang tidak menggunakan telepon sebagai alat komunikasi, maka komunikasinya dilakukan secara langsung pada saat bertemu. (3) Cara mengatasi kesulitan yang timbul diantara keduanya yaitu saling menjaga kepercayaan, pengertian, komitmen, komunikasi intensif, sikap saling terbuka. Adapun kesulitan yang dihadapi yaitu masalah keuangan, kepercayaan, komunikasi, kerjasama dan kebutuhan seksual.

Reza Umami Zakiah

Ideally, a married couple lives together to carry out their respective duties and obligations. However, because the demands of work cause some of them must be far apart and live the life of Long Distance Relationship (LDR) as happened in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. The problem that arises is how the pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of husband and wife in Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang. How to communicate on LDR and how to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two. Through research using descriptive analysis method, the results of the study show that: (1) The pattern of fulfilling the rights and obligations of a husband and wife who are on a LDR at Batujaya Village, Kec. Batujaya, Kab. Karawang can be understood in three aspects, namely the Financial/material aspect is done by meeting in person/transferring money through Alfamart/ATM/POS. The biological aspect when far apart is by interacting by telephone, occupying with homework. Psychological aspects, namely by giving attention over the phone or when meeting by serving all their needs. (2) The way of LDR husband and wife communication via telephone, massage, whatsapp, and video call, but for those who do not use the telephone as a communication tool, the communication is carried out directly when meeting. (3) The way to overcome the difficulties that arise between the two is to maintain mutual trust, understanding, commitment, intensive communication, mutual attitude. The difficulties faced are financial, trust, communication, cooperation and sexual needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
M Muhsin ◽  
Soleh Hasan Wahid

Abstract: Divorce is breaking the ties of marriage and ending the husband and wife relationship. According to Fiqh law, divorce is considered legally binding when a husband pronounces the word talaq to his wife clearly and figuratively. Meanwhile, according to the Marriage Law, it is explained that divorce can only be carried out before the court after the court concerned tries and fails to reconcile the two parties. The focus of the problem in this study is: (1) What is the status of divorce outside the court according to fiqh law and positive law? (2) Which is used as a guideline between the two divorce proceedings on the termination of marriage? The type of research conducted by the author is field research using qualitative methods. The analysis used is the descriptive analysis method. The number of respondents in this study was five people with the category of divorce outside the court. Based on the method used in the study, it was concluded that the divorce handed down out of court was legal, according to fiqh, so that the marriage broke up by fiqh rules. However, the divorce is not legal according to positive law in Indonesia, so that in the eyes of positive law, the marriage has not been broken, and the positive law that applies in Indonesia is used as a guide to the dissolution of marriage because the legal consequences arising after the divorce are more clearly regulated so that obligations and rights that arise after the divorce is more secure.Abstract: Talak adalah melepaskan ikatan pernikahan dan mengakhiri hubungan suami istri. Menurut hukum Fikih perceraian dianggap jatuh hukumnya ketika seorang suami mengucapkan kata talak kepada istrinya baik secara jelas maupun kiasan. Sedangkan menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan dijelaskan bahwa perceraian hanya dapat dilakukan di depan pengadilan setelah pengadilan yang bersangkutan berusaha dan tidak berhasil mendamaikan kedua belah pihak. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana status talak di luar pengadilan menurut hukum fikih dan hukum positif? (2) Manakah yang dijadikan pedoman antara dua proses perceraian terhadap putusnya perkawinan? Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan penulis merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan metode kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak lima orang dengan kategori melakukan penceraian di luar Pengadilan. Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa, talak yang dijatuhkan di luar pengadilan adalah sah menurut fikih, sehingga perkawinannya putus sesuai dengan aturan fikih. Namun perceraian tersebut tidak sah menurut hukum positif di Indonesia, sehingga di mata hukum positif perkawinannya belum putus dan hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman terhadap putusnya perkawinan, dikarenakan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih diatur dengan jelas, sehingga kewajiban dan hak yang timbul setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih terjamin.

Rudi Irawan

Islam came to brought a major contribution to develop society. Among them, enrichment of words absorption from the Al-Qur’an. This is provied by the strong relationship since Islam entered Sunda. This study aims to find out the phonological, and morphological changes of their, and also to determine the method of their use in teaching Arabic. Researcher used a descriptive analysis method. The way to compare the two languages, between Arabic and Sundanese, using two dictionaries. Then describe and analyze them, and try to apply them in teaching Arabic. The results showed changes in them in terms of phonological, which is divided into four: sound removal, sound impairment, addition of sounds and changes in sound, and morphological which can take the form of masdar changes into fa'il, mufrad-jama', jama'-mufrad, Masdar-another masdar, and the addition of morpheme. This research also shows that they can be utilized in teaching Arabic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-350
Muhamad Arifin

The existence of stepchild in a household is often the source of the household disharmony between husband and wife. It is common for this disharmony to lead to divorce.On the other hand, the stepchild often receives discriminatory and even cruel treatment. By using the descriptive analysis method, the author collected the data on the life of the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- with his stepchildren.Then the data were analysed, in order to reveal his practical and applicabletips from living with the stepchildren. The author madethe Prophet life with his stepchildren the object of research, asthe Prophet is a role model for mankind in every aspect of life. He had of course taught a set of applicable and effective tips in living a married life with his stepchildren. Moreover, he married ten widowed women who all had children from their previous marriage. From analysing these data, the author found at least six practical tips that the Prophet exemplified so that he succeeded in interacting with all of his stepchildren.From this research, the author concluded that one of the solutions to the success of the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him-in interacting with his stepchildren is because he positioned them as one of the keys to the Prophet’s marriage with their mothers and as one of the keys to happiness in the household. Likewise, the Prophet never perceived his stepchildren as a threat to the peace of his household.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-86
Sarah Maesaroh

This research reveals about Gus Nur planning on tabligh by using grave media, actualizing / performing tabligh activities, and how feedback from Gus Nur tabligh activity. Researchers use descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. From the result of research that Gus Nur planning include the introduction of audience so that message delivered can influence congregation, use media and method that have harmony can invite attention of pilgrims. Implementation of tabligh in the form of lectures from the podium continued in the grave with the use of shroud and keranda as a visualization of the dead. Feedback received in the form of instantaneous and delayed feedback that is positive and negative. The positive feedback received is to thank Gus Nur who became the way of Allah's guidance so repent. Negative feedback in the form of accusations of magic, heresy, shirk, kafir and misleading. From the feedback that appears, he replied from the book “Dakwah dari dalam Kubur” and facebook "Gus Nur Ngaji Bareng".   Penelitian ini mengungkapkan tentang perencanaan Gus Nur terhadap tabligh dengan menggunakan media kuburan, aktualisasi/pelaksanaan kegiatan tabligh, dan bagaimana feedback dari kegiatan tabligh Gus Nur.  Peneliti menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif  dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian bahwa perencanaan Gus Nur meliputi pengenalan khalayak sehingga pesan yang disampaikan dapat mempengaruhi jamaah, menggunaan media serta metode  yang memiliki keselarasan dapat mengundang perhatian jamaah. Pelaksanaan tabligh yakni berupa ceramah dari podium yang dilanjut di dalam kubur dengan penggunaan kain kafan dan keranda sebagai visualisasi orang meninggal. Feedback yang diterima berbentuk feedback seketika dan tertunda yang bersifat positif dan negatif. Adapun feedback positif yang diterima yakni mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Gus Nur yang menjadi jalan hidayah Allah sehingga bertaubat. Feedback negatif berupa tudingan sihir, bid’ah, syirik, kafir dan menyesatkan. Dari feedback yang muncul, beliau jawab dari buku “Dakwah dari dalam Kubur” dan facebook “Gus Nur Ngaji Bareng”.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 871
Pulung Jati Kusuma ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

Premarital agreements on joint property made before or during the marriage took place, the parties may determine the contents of the agreement, especially respect the innate property of each party in a premarital agreement. In Act No. 1 of 1974 About the Marriage of Article 29 paragraph (1) confirms that at the time or before the marriage took place two parties by mutual consent may submit a written agreement authorized by the employee registrar of marriage, after which it shall also apply to third parties lodged. Having made premarital agreement then the next must be registered in the district court clerk's office in legal marriages were held, the purpose of such registration in order to satisfy the principle of publicity. Background of the problem, authors conducted a study entitled "Juridical Study Of Premarital On Joint Property Which Made By Notary And Legal Consequences In The District Of Kudus". This study raises the issue of implementation of joint property on premarital agreement made by the notary in Kudus and the legal consequences of the implementation of a premarital agreement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of the agreement For Premarital of joint property made by a notary in Kudus and to know the legal consequences of a premarital agreement made by the notary. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that Premarital agreements about the estate property that is made before a notary in the Kudus District by husband and wife time before or after the course of the marriage as provided for in Article 29 of Act No. 1 of 1974 About Marriage asserts that the agreement must not violate limits of the law, religion and morality. Agreement it means the contents can be related to any of any one of them the separation of joint property during the agreement was detrimental to the parties and does not conflict with the nature and purpose of marriage. The legal consequences premarital agreement made by a notary it is binding and valid as the Law for the parties. If the premarital agreement that has been made by the husband and wife there was a violation.Keywords: Juridical Study; Premarital Agreements; Joint Property.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Yefta Masipuang ◽  
Ventje Ilat ◽  
Sherly Pinatik

This study aimed to analyze the accounting treatment for fixed assets in Manado what BKD in accordance with Regulation 71 Year 2010 Statement of Government Accounting Standards (PSAP) No. 07 on fixed assets. The method used is descriptive analysis method with a way of understanding reality and compare it with the theory that the researchers studied so it can be concluded. In the research entity accounting treatment of fixed assets has been good. In practice, in the way of acquisition of fixed assets of the entity making a purchase in cash, the entity has not shrunk its fixed assets where it is not in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards applicable, the entities stop fixed assets that are not used by way of eliminating it from the balance sheet and transferred to the post of other fixed assets , as well as in the presentation and disclosure, the entity has revealed the fixed assets in accordance with accounting standards applicable rule.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Peter Ralph Galicia

This descriptive-correlational study aimed at ascertaining   the newly-hired seafarers’ encountered problems onboard ship as basis for a health intervention program. Utilized for data gathering was researcher-constructed questionnaire on newly-hired seafarers’ problems encountered onboard ship. The computer-processed statistics were means, frequency, and Rank for descriptive analysis; and t-test for Independent Samples, and One-way ANOVA for inferential analysis. Alpha level was set at 0.5. The study found out that, generally,        newly-hired seafarers’ had high common problems encountered onboard ship. They have shared five most common problems: they experience homesickness and seasickness in few months, they suffer in a long distance relationship, they adjust on fellow crew or “pakikisama”, and they suffer fatigue onboard ship. On the other hand, they also shared five least common problems: they are not reliable to perform task alone, they ignore “Safety First” while on duty, they cannot be assigned on other tasks, they lack relevant trainings, and they had no experience onboard any ship. Significant differences existed in the newly-hired seafarers’ common problems encountered onboard ship when classified according to age and location of residence. No significant difference existed in the newly-hired seafarers’ common problems encountered onboard ship when classified according to year graduated.     

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-167
Aisyah Nadila Andree ◽  
Nany Ismail ◽  
Nani Darmayanti

Music is one of the way to express emotions, opinions, and also criticism. The lyrics helps us to communicate, and spread its story. Argot in rap song is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that spreads in all languages, including French. The author conducted this study with the aim of knowing the formation of argot used, the meaning behind, and what correlation it has with situation in Marseille. The writer uses descriptive analysis method and theories that support this research are the theory of sociolinguistics and the process of forming argot Calvet (1994), as well as the theory of meaning Baylon and Mignot (1995). The conclusion contains apocope, apheresis, suffixation, and metonymy. The most uses type of formation is metonym. Metonym can deliver a figurative meaning to achieve dramatic effect, but still maintain its secretive nature. Argot has a relation with how singer express their situation and condition within their lyrics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Rizkiyah Afdhaliyah ◽  
Siti Chairunnisa Haq

Language is a communication tool that is usually used by people to work together and interact. Language variation is closely related to language and society. This research on language variations that occur on Twitter social media aims to find out how the meaning of language variations in Twitter social media. There are two languages ​​studied, namely (1) slang whose data is taken from the @Ivanasha, @usaiusulhh, and @aldapstsr accounts, and (2) Javanese whose data is taken from the @nksthi account. This research uses a qualitative approach, with descriptive analysis method. This study collects non-interactively data. The source of the data is humans  who work as subjects or key informants. The research is sociolinguistic studies. This study was chosen because this study looks at the use of language that includes language variation.

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