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Published By STDI Imam Syafi'i Jember

2477-8001, 2339-2630

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-445
Muhammad Nur Ihsan

  The book “Riyadhus Sholihin” is a monumental work written by one of the great scholars who has a high reputation among the Muslims, namely Imam Nawawi. Although the main topic of the book is about encouragement and warningsand also purification of the self, the book also includes themes of faith and oneness of Allah conceptualized by the author in separate chapters accompanied by the arguments from the Qur’an and hadiths, including the Chapters Talqin “al-Muhtadhar” LaaIlaahaIllallah. Then, how is the correlation of the hadiths that he presented with this chapter and with the tawhid uluhiyyah ‘oneness of worship’? This qualitative research paper attempts to answer these questions using the library research method with a content analysis approach. The discussion of this paper is divided into several sub-sections: introduction, brief biography of Imam Nawawi, the meaning of tawhid uluhiyyah, the chapter Talqin and the correlation of the chapter and its arguments with tauhid uluhiyyah, and conclusions, including the following conclusions: (1) Riyadhus Sholihin is not a mere hadith book that discusses the themes of encouragement and warnings and purification of the self, but also contains theme on faith, (2) Imam Nawawi’s foresight in conceptualizing the chapters of the book and selecting related arguments withinthem, (3) The correlation between chapter Talqin "al-Muhtadhar" Laa Ilaaha Illallah and tawhid uluhiyyah is obvious, because LaaIlaahaIllallah is a tawhid propositionwhich content is the obligation to give worship only to Allah, that is the essence of tawhid uluhiyyah, (4) The correlation of two hadiths which arestated in the chapter Talqin "alh-Muhtadhar" Laa Ilaaha Illallah with tawhid uluhiyyahis very firm and clear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-350
Muhamad Arifin

The existence of stepchild in a household is often the source of the household disharmony between husband and wife. It is common for this disharmony to lead to divorce.On the other hand, the stepchild often receives discriminatory and even cruel treatment. By using the descriptive analysis method, the author collected the data on the life of the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- with his stepchildren.Then the data were analysed, in order to reveal his practical and applicabletips from living with the stepchildren. The author madethe Prophet life with his stepchildren the object of research, asthe Prophet is a role model for mankind in every aspect of life. He had of course taught a set of applicable and effective tips in living a married life with his stepchildren. Moreover, he married ten widowed women who all had children from their previous marriage. From analysing these data, the author found at least six practical tips that the Prophet exemplified so that he succeeded in interacting with all of his stepchildren.From this research, the author concluded that one of the solutions to the success of the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him-in interacting with his stepchildren is because he positioned them as one of the keys to the Prophet’s marriage with their mothers and as one of the keys to happiness in the household. Likewise, the Prophet never perceived his stepchildren as a threat to the peace of his household.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 462-476
Irsan ◽  
Erwandi Tarmizi ◽  
Hendri Tanjung

يهدف هذا البحث العلمي إلى معرفة مدى موافقة الوقف عند الإمام النووي الشافعي رحمه الله لتنمية الوقف في إندونيسيا. ومنهج هذا البحث هو المنهج التحليلي والمنهج المقارن. المنهج التحليلي هو بأن يحلل الباحث فقه الوقف عند الإمام النووي مستعينا بما في كتاب روضة الطالبين ومنهاج الطالبين, والمنهاج في شرح صحيح مسلم, وفتاوى الإمام النووي التي جمعها تلميذه الشيخ علاء الدين بن عطار. والمنهج المقارن هو بأن يقارن الباحث فقه الوقف عند الإمام النووي وقانون الوقف رقم 41 عام 2004 مقارنة تحليلية حتى يصل إلى مدى الموافقة بينهما. وخلص هذا البحث إلى أن للإمام النووي رحمه الله رأيين مخالفين لقانون الوقف, وهما أنه رأى عدم صحة وقف المنفعة والوقف المؤقت, والباحث اختار أن الراجح صحة وقف المنفعة والوقف المؤقت لقوة مستنداتهما. وخلص هذا البحث إلى أن للإمام النووي رحمه الله رأيا يمكن اتخاذها مبدأ لتنمية الوقف في إندونيسياوهو إعطاء الناظر أجرة على عمله لمصالح الوقف, فتعيين الأجرة لنواظر الأوقاف يمكن أن يكون باعثا في انضباط نواظر الأوقاف في إندونيسيا, وأداء توليتهم لها, وفي إكثار الأوقاف الاستثمارية, وهذه هي حقيقة تنمية الوقف.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 425-436

Hadith has its own history which is incorporated in the history of Islamic development and even the history of world development. The flashback to the history of the hadith began when the Prophet Muhammad -may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- was sent as a Prophet, the spread of the Prophet's hadith and the droves of the Companions studying Islam and the enthusiasm of next generation to relay the struggle. In selecting hadith, there are criteria that hadith scholars agreed in research by using several methods to determine the truth of leaning the news on the Prophet. Then came the researchers today who offer an alternative method of hadith research, namely the historical criticism method. The formulation of the problem in this research is about: (1) the meaning of historical criticism, (2) the comparison of historical criticism with hadith text and chain of narration criticism, (3) the relevance of the application of historical criticism to hadith research. The research method used is a qualitative method with a comparative descriptive approach.The result of this study indicates that: (1) Historical criticism is the process of collecting past data critically and systematically from related sources to be critically verified so that it can be interpreted objectively to produce accurate historical writing. (2) There are 4 forms of comparison between historical criticism and hadith text and chain of narration criticism (3) The historical criticism is not relevant to hadith research because there are things that are not accommodated in revealing the authenticity of a hadith, so that historical criticism cannot match the hadith text and chain of narration criticism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 412-424
Moch. Nurcholis

Orientalists, in their viewpoint, place the eastern-Islamic world as an opponent that must be weakened. One of their efforts is done by portraying the face of Islam and Islamic law according to their own constructed point of view. This descriptive writing describes the orientalist view of Islam and Islamic law based on authoritative references in the theme of this study. The data used comes from library data (library research). The technique of collecting data is done in documentation, while the analysis is done with content analysis techniques. The result of the study in this paper conclude three things. First, Islam is not a religion that originates from God according to the orientalist view, but it is considered a form of religious tradition that continues the Christian and Jewish religious traditions. Second, the orientalists are of the view that Islamic law is a product of thought that was systematically compiled in detail in the era of the Umayyad dynasty and the beginning of the Abbasid era. Third, the emergence of these two orientalist views is due to their limited reading toward Islam as to complement and perfect the previous religious teachings. On the other hand, orientalists have deliberately forgotten the fact that Muslims have two legacies from the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, namely al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, as the basis and source in every effort to formulate Islamic law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-373
Winning Son Ashari ◽  
Muhammad Nurul Fahmi

Harmony in the household is a dream and hope for every married couple who is in a marriage relationship. This harmony must have many aspects that can affect it. Among the aspects that might affect this harmony is a tragedy that has befallen. The flood disaster has hit some areas in Jember Regency and has had several impacts on the affected residents. The purpose of this research is to find and analyze things that affect household harmony in an Islamic perspective, the phenomenon of the flood disaster in Kepatihan Jember and the implications of the flood disaster on the household harmony of flood victims in Kepatihan Subdistrict, Kaliwates District, Jember Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of case study. The results of this research are (1) In a Islamic perspektive, there are several efforts that can be made to build family harmony before and after the marriage, (2) residents of Kepatihan Jember Regency have experienced floods five times and the last disaster was the most severe by the number of residents. As many as 32 families and eight houses were affected by damage, (3) this flood disaster greatly affected the husband's ability to fulfill his obligations as head of the household, but this did not have a major negative impact on the harmony of their household.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 446-461
Nandang Husni Azizi ◽  

هذه المقالة تتكلم في مسألة أسباب فساد نقل الأخبار من خلال دراسة حديث "كفى بالمرء إثما أن يحدث بكل ما سمع"، وموضوع هذا البحث محصور في عناصر نقل الأخبار الأربعة التي تمضنه الحديث، وهي المخبَر عنه، والمجبِر، والمخبَر به، والمخبَر. والدافع للبحث هو أن قضية نقل الأخبار التي ابتلت بها الأمة في هذا العصر قد ظهرت بشكل عجيب غريب، يختلط فيها الغث بالسمين، ويلتبس الحق بالباطل، حتى أصبح نقل الأخبار بوسائله المتنوعة أخطر وسيلة يمكن أن تصوغ منهج تفكير الإنسان وتغير تصوراته الفكرية والسلوكية. وأما الغاية من هذا البحث هي معرفة أسباب فساد نقل الأخبار.ولحل تلك المسألة استخدم الباحث المنهج الكيفي الموضوعي وذلك بالسير على الموضوعات المعينة ثم تحليلها، كما أنه يسلك نوع البحث المكتبي حيث أن المراجع المعتمدة التي يتم بها البحث هي الكتب المدونة، والبحوث العلمية، والمقالات، وغيرها من الرسائل العلمية المتعلقة بالموضوع.لخصت نتيجة البحث بأن نقل الأخبار أصبح فاسدا لوجود نوع من أنواع الفساد في أحد عناصره الأربعة، وهي المخبَر عنه، والمخبِر، والمخبَر به، والمخبَر، وأنواع الفساد في المخبر عنه شيئان: كدارة المصدر وجهالته، وفيالمخبِر شيئان:عدم عدالة الناقل، وسوء فهمه، وفي المخبَر به عدم صلاحية الخبر للنشر، وفي المخبَر عدم صلاحية السامع لسماع الخبر،  ومتى سلمت هذه العناصر كلها من نوع من أنواع الفساد سلم نقل الأخبار.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-411
Irfan Yuhadi ◽  
Nurul Budi Murtini

In human life, it always revolves between happiness and sadness, ease and difficulty, even life and death. All the calamities that occur have been determined by Allah in the Lawh al-Mahfuz. Not a single disaster befell someone except with the permission of Allah. Allah will give guidance to the heart of believers to be patient in accepting calamities. Jember Regency consists of 226 villages, 22 subdistricts, and 31 districts, among which is Kepatihan subdistrict. In February 2021, there were floods in Jember, among the areas affected was Kepatihan. The purpose of this research is to analyze and to find the redaction of hadiths about patience, the phenomenon of the flood in Kepatihan Jember, and the implementation of the hadiths about patience in dealing with floods in Kepatihan Jember. The approach in this research is a qualitative approach with a type of case studies. The results of this study indicate that: (1) There are several redactions of hadith about patience, among them are: hadith from Abu Malik Al-Asy'ari, hadith from Anas, hadith from 'Ubadah bin Ash-Shamit, hadith from Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, and hadith from Shuhaib – may Allah be pleased with them. (2) In Kepatihan Jember, 32 families were affected by the flood, among the worst were 8 houses. (3) The residents of Kepatihan Jember have implemented the hadiths of patience in facing the flood disaster that occurred in February 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 374-394
Nur Kholis bin Kurdian

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the hadiths of hope in dealing with the stress of a mother due to sudden death in her child in Gladak Pakem, Sumbersari District, Jember Regency. This research is an action research conducted in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data collection techniques in this study were observation and interviews. The action taken was to provide assistance to the mother by providing advice extracted from the hadiths of hope. The delivery of advice is done verbally, continuously, and adapted to the situation and condition of the mother. The result of the action in the first cycle was a 33,3% reduction in the mother's stress level, while the rest was still 66,7%. Based on these results, it is necessary to carry out a follow-up process by taking action in cycle II. Furthermore, the results in cycle II showed a significant 90% reduction in stress levels which was indicated by an increase in the percentage of the relaxation level, while the rest was only 10%. Based on the indicators, it can be stated that the action in cycle II has been successful, so it can be concluded that the application of the hadiths of hope can overcome a mother's stress due to sudden death in her child in Gladak Pakem, Sumbersari District, Jember Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-144
Anas Burhanuddin

Artikel ini berusaha mengurai kerancuan dalam pemakaian istilah risiko dan spekulasi dengan menjelaskan perbedaan antara keduanya, sekaligus ubungan antara keduanya. Juga menjelaskan konsep klasifikasi spekulasi menjadi positif dan negatif, pun merumuskan serta menganalisis indikator perbedaan dari keduanya. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi komparasi. Sumber datanya adalah kitab-kitab klasik ,artikel jurnal, disertasi terkait, kamus, kamus ekonomi dan artikel internet. Pengumpulan dan analisis datanya dilakukan secara deduktif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1. Adanya hubungan erat antara risiko dan spekulasi. Spekulasi kadang dipakai untuk arti risiko (spekulasi positif), dan kadang dipakai untuk makna spekulasi negatif. 2. Spekulasi positif adalah spekulasi yang kemungkinan ruginya kecil, terjadi pada kegiatan turunan, mengandung maslahat besar, tidak berbahaya dan tidak mengandung unsur akl al-ma>l bi al-ba>t{il. 3. Spekulasi negatif adalah spekulasi yang peluang ruginya besar, terjadi pada kegiatan ekonomi utama, mengandung bahaya besar, tidak maslahat dan mengandung unsur akl al-ma>l bi al-ba>t{il. 4. Tidak semua spekulasi diharamkan oleh Islam. Yang diharamkan hanya spekulasi negatif.

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