2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Witrin Gamayanti

Violent behaviors conducted by children were unimaginable by our mind that we have set our mind that children are group of people who still innocent, and the hope for our future. Violence—in our mind—is perhaps the trait that labeled to some thugs, robbers, and many criminals whose world are full of violence they lived in. What is happening with our society and our children? Violence conducted by children can be seen as social behavior disturbance since there are violations to the moral values and humanity, family and society normative rules. Violent behavior—verbal and non verbal—including bad attitudes and behaviors that disturb many our environment are violation to what we call as society norms and laws. Children who conducted violent behavior were not a result of instant process but a cumulative result of many aspects they have seen, heard and felt in daily life. Aggression and anti social behavior are a learned behavior which means that children learned it from imitation process from something and someone who they meet, see, heard and copied.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 409
Fery Diantoro

Religious behavior becomes an important point that is very fundamental to be owned by every student, because this is closely related to the attitudes and behaviors that will be demonstrated by students in their daily life. Therefore, the schools should be able to present good behavior and religious attitudes to students. Religious behavior coaching is the process of behavior formation, morality and character for students to stock the present and future life. Behavior coaching of students into the work domain of the student management. The school must manage the students well to create students that are in accordance with what has been expected and aspired. In this study using a descriptive qualitative approach, describe the student management in the religious behavior coaching in MTs Al-Burhan Watulimo. With the findings consists of students' orientation activities, the worship habituation, reading Al-Qur'an, scientific and Islamic studies, and guidance of discipline and character.يصبح السلوك الديني نقطة مهمة جدا أن تكون مملوكة من قبل كل المتعلم، لأن هذا يرتبط ارتباطا وثيقا المواقف والسلوكيات التي سيتم إثباتها من قبل المتعلمين في حياتهم اليومية. لذلك، ينبغي أن تكون المدرسة قادرة على تقديم السلوك الجيد والمواقف الدينية للمتعلمين. توجيه السلوك الديني هو عملية تشكيل السلوك والأخلاق والطابع للمتعلمين لتخزن الحياة الحالية والمستقبلية. توجيه سلوك المتعلمين في مجال عمل إدارة المتعلمين. يجب على المدرسة إدارة المتعلمين بشكل جيد لخلق المتعلمين التي تتوافق مع ما كان متوقعا وتطلعا. في هذه الدراسة استخدم المنهج الوصفي النوعي، وصف إدارة المتعلمين في السلوك الديني في المدرسة الثناوية "البرهان" واتوليمو. مع النتائج التى تتكون من أنشطة توجيه المتعلمين، والعبادة التعود، وتعزيز قراءة القرآن، ودراسة علمية والإسلامية، وكذلك تدريب الانضباط والأخلاق.

2020 ◽  
Laura Ruiz-Eugenio ◽  
Sandra Racionero-Plaza ◽  
Elena Duque-Sanchez ◽  
Lidia Puigvert-Mallart

Abstract Background Gender-based violence among young women is a growing problem worldwide. The consequences of this victimization have been well reported in the scientific literature, among which negative health outcomes stand out. The factors influencing this problem are many; one highlighted by research is socialization into a dominant coercive discourse that associates sexual-affective attraction to males with violent attitudes and behaviors, while in turn, such discourse empties males with egalitarian behaviors from sexual attractiveness. This coercive discourse may be shaping the sexual preferences of female youth. The current paper explores young women’s preferences for different types of sexual relationships and, more particularly, for what type of sexual affective relationships they coercively preferred men with violent attitudes and behavior. Methods A quantitative, mixed-design vignette study was conducted with 191 college females in Spain. We focused the analysis only on responses about vignettes including narratives of men with violent attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we examined whether participants would report higher coerced preferences for violent men when asked about the coerced preferences of their female friends than when asked about their own preferences. Results Only 28.95% of participants responded that their female friends would prefer a young man with violent behavior for a stable relationship, meanwhile 58.42% would do it for hooking up. When reporting about themselves, the difference was greater: 28.42% would prefer a young man with violent behavior for hooking up and just 5.78% for a stable relationship. Conclusions The dominant coercive discourse that links attractiveness to people with violent attitudes and behaviors may be explaining the results obtained in this study. The findings can help eliminate the stereotype largely adopted by some intervention and prevention programs which assume that gender-based violence occurs mainly in stable relationships, considering that falling in love is the reason that lead women to suffer from violence. Our results can also support health professionals and others serving young women to enhance their identification of gender violence victimization, as well as our findings point to the need to include the evidence of gender violence in sporadic relationships in prevention programs and campaigns addressed to young women.

2020 ◽  
Laura Ruiz-Eugenio ◽  
Sandra Racionero-Plaza ◽  
Elena Duque-Sanchez ◽  
Lidia Puigvert-Mallart

Abstract Background: Gender-based violence among young women is a growing problem worldwide. The consequences of this victimization have been well reported in the scientific literature, among which negative health outcomes stand out. The factors influencing this problem are many; one highlighted by research is socialization into a dominant coercive discourse that associates sexual-affective attraction to males with violent attitudes and behaviors, while in turn, such discourse empties males with egalitarian behaviors from sexual attractiveness. This coercive discourse may be shaping the sexual preferences of female youth. The current paper explores young women’s preferences for different types of sexual relationships and, more particularly, for what type of sexual affective relationships they coercively preferred men with violent attitudes and behavior. Methods: A quantitative, mixed-design vignette study was conducted with 191 college females in Spain. We focused the analysis only on responses about vignettes including narratives of men with violent attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we examined whether participants would report higher coerced preferences for violent men when asked about the coerced preferences of their female friends than when asked about their own preferences.Results: Only 28.95% of participants responded that their female friends would prefer a young man with violent behavior for a stable relationship, meanwhile 58.42% would do it for hooking up. When reporting about themselves, the difference was greater: 28.42% would prefer a young man with violent behavior for hooking up and just 5.78% for a stable relationship. Conclusions: The dominant coercive discourse that links attractiveness to people with violent attitudes and behaviors may be explaining the results obtained in this study. The findings can help eliminate the stereotype largely adopted by some intervention and prevention programs which assume that gender-based violence occurs mainly in stable relationships, considering that falling in love is the reason that lead women to suffer from violence. Our results can also support health professionals and others serving young women to enhance their identification of gender violence victimization, as well as our findings point to the need to include the evidence of gender violence in sporadic relationships in prevention programs and campaigns addressed to young women.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-141
Su’dadah Su’dadah

National educational orientations that tend to ignore the development of value dimension have inflicted students both individually and collectively. The problem that arises is that the students will know much about anything but they are lack of system of values, attitudes, interests and positive appreciation of what they know. The students will experience an unbalanced intellectual development compared to their maturity of personality, wherein this condition can bring out a figure who is less concerned with the surrounding environment and susceptible to distortion of value. As a result, the students will practice moral offense easily, because the value system that should become a benchmark for standardized everyday behaviors is not so sturdy. By reflecting on the limited efforts of the educational institutions to equip the students with moral values nowadays, a number of people committed to providing character education. Character education as a part of religious education aims to develop values, attitudes and behaviors of students who bring out noble characters. Orientasi pendidikan Nasional yang cenderung melupakan pengembangan dimensi nilai, telah merugikan peserta didik secara individual maupun kolektif. Tendensi yang muncul adalah, peserta didik akan mengetahui banyak tentang sesuatu, namun ia menjadi kurang memiliki sistem nilai, sikap,minat maupun apresiasi secara positif terhadap apa yang diketahui. Anak akan mengalami perkembangan intelektual tidak seimbang dengan kematangan kepribadian sehingga melahirkan sosok spesialis yang kurang peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan rentan mengalami distorsi nilai, sebagai dampaknya, peserta didik akan mudah tergelincir dalam praktik pelanggaran moral karena sistem nilai yang seharusnya menjadi standar dan patokan berperilaku sehari-hari belum begitu kokoh.Bercermin pada keterbatasan upaya lembaga pendidikan dalam membekali nilai-nilai moral peserta didik selama ini telah mengilhami munculnya komitmen dari sejumlah kalangan untuk memberikan pendidikan budi pekerti. Pendidikan budi pekerti sebagai bagaian yang memperkaya pendidikan agama bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai, sikap dan prilaku siswa yang memancarkan akhlak mulia / budi pekerti.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Laura Ruiz-Eugenio ◽  
Sandra Racionero-Plaza ◽  
Elena Duque ◽  
Lidia Puigvert

Abstract Background Gender-based violence among young women is a growing problem worldwide. The consequences of this victimization have been well reported in the scientific literature, among which negative health outcomes stand out. The factors influencing this problem are many; one highlighted by research is socialization into a dominant coercive discourse that associates sexual-affective attraction to males with violent attitudes and behaviors, while in turn, such discourse empties males with egalitarian behaviors from sexual attractiveness. This coercive discourse may be shaping the sexual preferences of female youth. The current paper explores young women’s preferences for different types of sexual relationships and, more particularly, for what type of sexual affective relationships they coercively preferred men with violent attitudes and behavior. Methods A quantitative, mixed-design vignette study was conducted with 191 college females in Spain. We focused the analysis only on responses about vignettes including narratives of men with violent attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we examined whether participants would report higher coerced preferences for violent men when asked about the coerced preferences of their female friends than when asked about their own preferences. Results Only 28.95% of participants responded that their female friends would prefer a young man with violent behavior for a stable relationship, meanwhile 58.42% would do it for hooking up. When reporting about themselves, the difference was greater: 28.42% would prefer a young man with violent behavior for hooking up and just 5.78% for a stable relationship. Conclusions The dominant coercive discourse that links attractiveness to people with violent attitudes and behaviors may be explaining the results obtained in this study. The findings can help eliminate the stereotype largely adopted by some intervention and prevention programs which assume that gender-based violence occurs mainly in stable relationships, considering that falling in love is the reason that lead women to suffer from violence. Our results can also support health professionals and others serving young women to enhance their identification of gender violence victimization, as well as our findings point to the need to include the evidence of gender violence in sporadic relationships in prevention programs and campaigns addressed to young women.

2020 ◽  
Laura Ruiz-Eugenio ◽  
Sandra Racionero-Plaza ◽  
Elena Duque-Sanchez ◽  
Lidia Puigvert-Mallart

Abstract Background: Gender-based violence among young women is a growing problem worldwide. The consequences of this victimization have been well reported in the scientific literature, among which negative health outcomes stand out. The factors influencing this problem are many; one highlighted by research is socialization into a dominant coercive discourse that associates sexual-affective attraction to males with violent attitudes and behaviors, while in turn such discourse empties males with egalitarian behaviors from sexual attractiveness. This coercive discourse may be shaping the sexual preferences of female youth. The current paper explores young women’s preferences for different types of sexual relationships and, more particularly, for what type of sexual affective relationships they coercively preferred men with violent attitudes and behavior. Methods: A quantitative, mixed-design vignette study was conducted with 191 college females in Spain. We focused the analysis only on responses about vignettes including narratives of men with violent attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we examined whether participants would report higher coerced preferences for violent men when asked about the coerced preferences of their female friends than when asked about their own preferences. Results: Only 28.95% of participants responded that their female friends would prefer a young man with violent behavior for a stable relationship, meanwhile 58.42% would do it for hooking up. When reporting about themselves, the difference was greater: 28.42% would prefer a young man with violent behavior for hooking up and just 5.78% for a stable relationship. Conclusions: The dominant coercive discourse that links attractiveness to people with violent attitudes and behaviors may be explaining the results obtained in this study. The findings can help eliminate the stereotype largely adopted by some intervention and prevention programs which assume that gender-based violence occurs mainly in stable relationships, considering that falling in love is the reason that lead women to suffer from violence. Our results can also support health professionals and others serving young women to enhance their identification of gender violence victimization, as well as our findings point to the need to include the evidence of gender violence in sporadic relationships in prevention programs and campaigns addressed to young women.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
M. Kristanto

<p>Folklore that are emerging in various regions in Indonesia have ethical moral values that are beneficial to the formation of a golden generation of Indonesia. Folklore when inherited or inculcated into children early on will equip students motor and psychomotor development, especially in students' character membangan early winning personality. Planting of ethics is intended to form a person's character that leads to positive things. Planting good ethics can certainly build character, attitudes, and behaviors that reinforce soft skills to instill good habits. Utilization of folklore that there are very effective to teach ethics and good morals. Through the characters in the story can be conveyed attitudes, behaviors, and said words that reflect the character and moral ethics. In the story reflected the presence of noble values, among others, honesty, cooperation, hard work, responsibility, religion. These values can be used as a means of character education. Keywords: folklore, values, ethics, character education.</p><p>Cerita rakyat yang banyak berkembang di berbagai daerah di Indonesia memiliki nilai-nilai ajaran etika yang sangat bermanfaat bagi proses terbentuknya generasi emas bangsa Indonesia. Cerita rakyat apabila diwariskan atau ditanamkan pada anak-anak didik sejak dini akan membekali perkembangan motorik dan psikomotorik, terlebih dalam membangan karakter anak didik sejak dini yang berkepribadian unggul. Penanaman etika tersebut dimaksudkan untuk membentuk karakter seseorang yang mengarah pada hal-hal positif. Penanaman etika yang baik tentunya dapat membangun watak, sikap, dan perilaku yang<br />memperkuat softskill untuk menanamkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan baik. Pemanfaatan cerita rakyat yang ada sangat efektif untuk mengajarkan etika maupun moral yang baik. Melalui para tokoh yang ada dalam cerita dapat disampaikan sikap, perilaku, maupun tutur kata tokoh yang mencerminkan etika maupun moral. Dalam cerita tersebut tercermin adanya nilai-nilai luhur, antara lain kejujuran, kerja sama, kerja keras, tanggung jawab, religi. Nilai-nilai tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana pendidikan karakter.</p>

2022 ◽  
Minh-Hoang Nguyen

While mindset plays a crucial role in determining our perceptions, thinking, attitudes, and behaviors in daily life (including creativity making and serendipity), I do not know for sure what forms one’s mindset. Yet, after several discussions with my mentor (Dr. Quan-Hoang Vuong) and my friend (Mr. Tam-Tri Le), I think that the survival demands of humans may heavily influence the mindset because, without these demands, humans would have gone extinct.

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 168-186
Y. Mailan ◽  
M. Okumuslar ◽  

Many religions aim to organize social life. While social rules that individuals must obey are accepted as a part of religion, transferring these rules to individuals is also accepted as the duty of religious education. Because the task of religious education is to teach not only the theological and metaphysical aspects of religion but also the rules of moral and social behavior. Having a healthy social life, creating a sense of national unity and solidarity, contributing to social peace, learning social ethics and values mostly depends on the religious education they receive. At this point, non-formal and formal religious education institutions, which are the most effective institutions for individuals to acquire the right attitudes and behaviors, become more important. For this reason, it is important to examine the contribution and effect of religious education on social life scientifically.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Anasri Anasri

The purpose of this study is to obtain a formula for Islamic Education in the perspective of al quran. The results of the study found that Character in an Islamic perspective is nothing but morality. Noble character is the fruit that results from the process of applying sharia (worship and muamalah) which is based on a solid foundation of aqeedah. Like a building, character or morals are the perfection of the building after the foundation and the building are strong. It is impossible for a character or noble character to manifest in someone if he does not have the right aqeedah and sharia. A Muslim who has true aqeedah or faith will surely manifest in attitudes and behaviors in daily life based on his faith. For example, people who have good and true faith in Allah SWT, he will always obey and carry out all His commands and stay away from all His prohibitions. He will always do good and stay away from things that are prohibited (bad). Faith is not only to Allah SWT, but also to angels, books, Apostles and so on will make their attitudes and behavior directed and controlled, so that they will manifest noble character or character. The same thing happened in the case of sharia implementation. All Islamic sharia provisions lead to the realization of noble character or character

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