PENDIDIKAN BUDI PEKERTI ( Integrasi Nilai Moral Agama dengan Pendidikan Budi Pekerti )

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-141
Su’dadah Su’dadah

National educational orientations that tend to ignore the development of value dimension have inflicted students both individually and collectively. The problem that arises is that the students will know much about anything but they are lack of system of values, attitudes, interests and positive appreciation of what they know. The students will experience an unbalanced intellectual development compared to their maturity of personality, wherein this condition can bring out a figure who is less concerned with the surrounding environment and susceptible to distortion of value. As a result, the students will practice moral offense easily, because the value system that should become a benchmark for standardized everyday behaviors is not so sturdy. By reflecting on the limited efforts of the educational institutions to equip the students with moral values nowadays, a number of people committed to providing character education. Character education as a part of religious education aims to develop values, attitudes and behaviors of students who bring out noble characters. Orientasi pendidikan Nasional yang cenderung melupakan pengembangan dimensi nilai, telah merugikan peserta didik secara individual maupun kolektif. Tendensi yang muncul adalah, peserta didik akan mengetahui banyak tentang sesuatu, namun ia menjadi kurang memiliki sistem nilai, sikap,minat maupun apresiasi secara positif terhadap apa yang diketahui. Anak akan mengalami perkembangan intelektual tidak seimbang dengan kematangan kepribadian sehingga melahirkan sosok spesialis yang kurang peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan rentan mengalami distorsi nilai, sebagai dampaknya, peserta didik akan mudah tergelincir dalam praktik pelanggaran moral karena sistem nilai yang seharusnya menjadi standar dan patokan berperilaku sehari-hari belum begitu kokoh.Bercermin pada keterbatasan upaya lembaga pendidikan dalam membekali nilai-nilai moral peserta didik selama ini telah mengilhami munculnya komitmen dari sejumlah kalangan untuk memberikan pendidikan budi pekerti. Pendidikan budi pekerti sebagai bagaian yang memperkaya pendidikan agama bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai, sikap dan prilaku siswa yang memancarkan akhlak mulia / budi pekerti.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
M. Kristanto

<p>Folklore that are emerging in various regions in Indonesia have ethical moral values that are beneficial to the formation of a golden generation of Indonesia. Folklore when inherited or inculcated into children early on will equip students motor and psychomotor development, especially in students' character membangan early winning personality. Planting of ethics is intended to form a person's character that leads to positive things. Planting good ethics can certainly build character, attitudes, and behaviors that reinforce soft skills to instill good habits. Utilization of folklore that there are very effective to teach ethics and good morals. Through the characters in the story can be conveyed attitudes, behaviors, and said words that reflect the character and moral ethics. In the story reflected the presence of noble values, among others, honesty, cooperation, hard work, responsibility, religion. These values can be used as a means of character education. Keywords: folklore, values, ethics, character education.</p><p>Cerita rakyat yang banyak berkembang di berbagai daerah di Indonesia memiliki nilai-nilai ajaran etika yang sangat bermanfaat bagi proses terbentuknya generasi emas bangsa Indonesia. Cerita rakyat apabila diwariskan atau ditanamkan pada anak-anak didik sejak dini akan membekali perkembangan motorik dan psikomotorik, terlebih dalam membangan karakter anak didik sejak dini yang berkepribadian unggul. Penanaman etika tersebut dimaksudkan untuk membentuk karakter seseorang yang mengarah pada hal-hal positif. Penanaman etika yang baik tentunya dapat membangun watak, sikap, dan perilaku yang<br />memperkuat softskill untuk menanamkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan baik. Pemanfaatan cerita rakyat yang ada sangat efektif untuk mengajarkan etika maupun moral yang baik. Melalui para tokoh yang ada dalam cerita dapat disampaikan sikap, perilaku, maupun tutur kata tokoh yang mencerminkan etika maupun moral. Dalam cerita tersebut tercermin adanya nilai-nilai luhur, antara lain kejujuran, kerja sama, kerja keras, tanggung jawab, religi. Nilai-nilai tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana pendidikan karakter.</p>

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Agus Supriyadi

Character education is a vital instrument in determining the progress of a nation. Therefore the government needs to build educational institutions in order to produce good human resources that are ready to oversee and deliver the nation at a progressive level. It’s just that in reality, national education is not in line with the ideals of national education because the output is not in tune with moral values on the one hand and the potential for individuals to compete in world intellectual order on the other hand. Therefore, as a solution to these problems is the need for the applicationof character education from an early age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-161
Khurin In'Ratnasari ◽  
Yovita Dyah Permatasari ◽  
Mar’atus Sholihah

Islamic religious education is very important for shaping character, especially in social society. In today's era, students tend not to care about society, therefore forming a good character is very important, especially in the social community in Islamic religious education itself, it teaches us that we are required to have good character as taught by the Prophet Muhammad; Allah SWT said, which means "and indeed you (Muhammad) have a noble character". Because of this, it can be concluded that the Prophet Muhammad, was sent to earth to improve the character of all human beings. Thus, the character of education from an Islamic point of view is needed, especially in Islamic educational institutions. So, from various problems related to morals which are ideally able to realize character education, especially in social society in an Islamic perspective in the form of mutual care. courtesy to parents. sense of responsibility and care for fellow human beings.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Ucok Agus Saputra

Post-fall of the New Order regime, the action of Islamic radicalism spreads out fast in Indonesia. Unluckily, actors and the perpetrators are mostly Muslimand claiming graduated from Islamic educational institutions. Radical Islamic movements nowadays are worrying the people and threaten the life of the nation that contains the values of pluralism, tolerance, and acculturative, including in religion. According to way of life on Indonesian, Pancasila, and the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia which is the basics of nation and state are also threatened. even their movement tends to do with violence. Proven by the presence of several violent incidents that resulted in deaths were not counted. (National Agency for Counter of Terrorism, 28/8/2002). Therefore, Indonesia  (and even the world) needs strategies to prevent the anti-radicalism and terrorism. Learning the last fact, education that be designed by conforming new model of learning for Moslem Teacher is absolutely needed. The approach to the handle the Islamic radicalism must always be strived, One of models is through character education. Education is partly done by reconstructing the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) that is taught in educational institutions. Reconstruction of PAI should be able to produce learners that possess attitude of tolerant, moderate and inclusive. In short, there is a tendency of systematic efforts made by certain religious groups to teach the doctrine of religious hardliners among students of Elementary School (SD), that often reborn radicalization. Here, the writer will show how Moslem teacher can take anti-radicalims learing by some new models that can be implemented, namely the de-radicalization preventive, de-radicalization preservative against moderate Islam, and  curative deradicalised.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-70
Nur Laily Fauziyah

Morality is a trait attached to a person and becomes his identity. Noble character is the main foundation in the formation of a perfect Muslim. In order to form a noble person, it is very important to do an early effort in building the values of noble morals, including through education. However, it is not easy to instill good morals through education. There are a number of problems encountered, namely the lack of teacher exemplary (educator); school atmosphere that is not conducive; schools are less than optimal in the actualization of morals; diverse student characters who come from diverse families; lack of communication between parents of students and schools (institutions); and the negative impact of the current modernization which is increasingly unstoppable. In this case Rasulullah SAW through some of the hadith gives a picture of morals that should be applied by educators and students in everyday life, such as; respect for educators and students, good manners in the majlis of science, being gentle and so on. The implementation of moral values can be done with the method of habituation, giving examples (daily practice), direct advice as well as criticism or satire subtly into all relevant subjects especially in religious education and citizenship, integrating moral education into activities that are programmed or planned, establishing communication or collaboration between educational institutions and parents of students, and optimizing the role models of educators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Budi Juliardi ◽  
Ranti Nazmi ◽  
Lira Suryani

Character education is a must for countries that want to make their citizens have good attitudes and behaviors. The goal to be achieved in Community Service activities is to make students aware of the need to have and implement attitudes that have character. In the school environment, the teacher's role is to educate the character of students. Thus, community service activities want to make students aware and want to instill and develop character attitudes through socialization. Socialization is given to provide direct literacy of character education to students. Socialization is filled with questions and answers so that students who are not familiar with matters relating to character can immediately ask the implementation team.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Witrin Gamayanti

Violent behaviors conducted by children were unimaginable by our mind that we have set our mind that children are group of people who still innocent, and the hope for our future. Violence—in our mind—is perhaps the trait that labeled to some thugs, robbers, and many criminals whose world are full of violence they lived in. What is happening with our society and our children? Violence conducted by children can be seen as social behavior disturbance since there are violations to the moral values and humanity, family and society normative rules. Violent behavior—verbal and non verbal—including bad attitudes and behaviors that disturb many our environment are violation to what we call as society norms and laws. Children who conducted violent behavior were not a result of instant process but a cumulative result of many aspects they have seen, heard and felt in daily life. Aggression and anti social behavior are a learned behavior which means that children learned it from imitation process from something and someone who they meet, see, heard and copied.

2017 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-426 ◽  
Muhammad Amin Abdullah

In the global socio-political situation today, where rigid, extreme and radical interpretations of religion are commonly found and widespread, the contribution of Indonesian post-graduate education, especially Islamic higher education, come to the front stage and become a topic of serious discussion. In term of education in Indonesia, there is an unavoidable fact that Islamic education including Islamic higher education is not a new phenomenon. The situation led to the fact that some international Islamic scholars began to consider the Islamic higher education in Indonesia as a potential alternative system of graduate education including religious education and its contents and methods in offering innovation and transformation. This seems to be much more conducive approach and research to local, regional and global community and peace. This article will explain descriptively the long history of Islamic education and its development. It also aims at presenting elaboration on how higher education of indigenous Islam can modify their own teaching and research methodologies to be more relevant to the intellectual development and advancement, especially that of sciences and humanities in particular. The focus will be on: what are the key issues and elements of the Indonesian Islamic higher education leading to significantly change and contribute to the welfare of the nation and mankind, especially on the development of research which seems to illustrate the weakness of previous educational institutions system  in Indonesia. Moreover, there is one thing to remember that the worldwide academic community cannot wait for any longer the solution strongly expected to reduce the weakness since development of religious education and Islam in the Middle East, South Asia, and some parts of the Muslim world is not, more or less, promising for the sake of global humanity, prosperity and peace.[Pada situasi sosial-politik global dewasa ini, ketika interpretasi agama yang rigid, ekstrim dan radikal meluas dan mudah dijumpai, kontribusi pendidikan tinggi, khususnya perguruan tinggi Islam, harus tampil dan menjadi bahan diskusi serius. Dalam konteks pendidikan di Indonesia, terdapat fakta tak terbantahkan bahwa pendidikan Islam termasuk pendidikan tinggi Islam, bukanlah hal baru. Situasi di Indonesia ini mendorong akademisi Islam internasional untuk mempertimbangkan pendidikan tinggi Islam sebagai alternatif dalam inovasi dan transformasi pendidikan, baik dalam hal materi ataupun metodologi. Tulisan ini menjelaskan sejarah panjang perkembangan  pendidikan Islam. Selain itu, juga mengelaborasi bagaimana sistem pendidikan Islam memodifikasi metode pengajaran dan risetnya agar lebih sesuai dengan perkembangan dan capaian ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya ilmu sosial humaniora dewasa ini. Tulisan ini berfokus pada isu-isu dan unsur-unsur kunci pendidikan tinggi Islam yang sekiranya mampu berkontribusi dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat manusia dan bangsa, khususnya perkembangan riset yang memetakan kelemahan dari sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, satu hal yang harus diingat bahwa komunitas akademik dunia tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi solusi untuk menutupi kekurangan - kekurangan tersebut, terlebih karena perkembangan pendidikan agama dan Islam di Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, dan wilayah lain dunia Islam tidak terlalu menjanjikan terhadap kemanusiaan, kesejahteraan, dan perdamaian global.] 

Muhammad Nur Adnan Saputra ◽  
Muhammad Nurul Mubin

The phenomenon of radicalism in Indonesia has recently become increasingly commonplace, there are many intolerant activities taking place in various layers of society. In particular, the radicalism carried out by elements who divide the ummah from the Islamic group, has made the image of Islam as a religion of peace for all nature and incompatible with a tolerant and moderate Islamic person. Not to mention that the understanding of intolerance has begun to be detected in educational institutions, many educational institutions are infiltrated with radical and intolerant views. Therefore, this study wants to describe how urgent the deradicalization program is in the curriculum in Indonesia. How is the concept of deradicalization in the curriculum, and how to deradicalise the existing curriculum in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the concept of deradicalization in the curriculum, as well as how to deradicalise existing curricula in Indonesia. The research method uses literature studies by collecting data from documents using descriptive-analysis methods. Deradicalization of the curriculum in Indonesia is very depleted, deradicalization in education can be carried out with a pedagogical approach through careful planning in the curriculum for learning Islamic religious education. In Indonesia, the government has begun to promote curriculum deradicalization with the Strengthening Character Education

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 168-186
Y. Mailan ◽  
M. Okumuslar ◽  

Many religions aim to organize social life. While social rules that individuals must obey are accepted as a part of religion, transferring these rules to individuals is also accepted as the duty of religious education. Because the task of religious education is to teach not only the theological and metaphysical aspects of religion but also the rules of moral and social behavior. Having a healthy social life, creating a sense of national unity and solidarity, contributing to social peace, learning social ethics and values mostly depends on the religious education they receive. At this point, non-formal and formal religious education institutions, which are the most effective institutions for individuals to acquire the right attitudes and behaviors, become more important. For this reason, it is important to examine the contribution and effect of religious education on social life scientifically.

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