2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 211

Abstract, changes in the perspective of students as objects to students as subjects in the learning process become a point of departure in the discovery of various innovative learning approaches. However, it is often overlooked that the essence of learning is students’ learning and not teachers’ teaching. Teachers are required to choose a learning approach that can drive the spirit of every student to be actively involved in their learning experience. One learning alternative that enables the development of students’ thinking skills (reasoning, communication, and connection) in problem solving is Problem Based Learning (PBL). Problem Based Learning is an innovation in learning because it allows the optimization of students’ thinking skills through systematic process of group work, so that students can empower, hone, test, and develop their learning capacity on an ongoing basis. Therefore, it is essential that there is an in-depth study on what and how Problem Based Learning is applied in the learning process, so that the learning is oriented towards students’ activities, value- laden, and more meaningful.Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Learning InnovationAbstrak, Perubahan cara pandang terhadap siswa sebagai objek menjadi subjek dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi titik tolak banyak ditemukannya berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Salah satu kecenderungan yang sering dilupakan adalah melupakan bahwa hakikat pembelajaran adalah belajarnya siswa dan bukan mengajarnya guru. Guru dituntut dapat memilih pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat memacu semangat setiap siswa untuk secara aktif ikut terlibat dalam pengalaman belajarnya. Salah satu alternatif pembelajaran yang memungkinkan dikembangkannya keterampilan berfikir siswa (penalaran, komunikasi, dan koneksi) dalam memecahkan masalah adalah Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah merupakan inovasi dalam pembelajaran karena dalam proses pembelajaran kemampuan berpikir siswa betul-betul dioptimalisasikan melalui proses kerja kelompok atau tim yang sistematis, sehingga siswa dapat memberdayakan, mengasah, menguji, dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikirnya secara berkesinambungan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka perlu kiranya ada sebuah bahan kajian yang mendalam tentang apa dan bagaimana pembelajaran berbasis masalah diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga pembelajaran berorientasi pada aktivitas siswa, sarat nilai dan lebih bermakna.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Inovasi Pembelajaran

Issaura Sherly Pamela ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Asrial Asrial

Innovation is needed in learning to make meaningful learning, so the student constructs their ownknowledge from the learning experience of learning process. One of the innovations is to integrate Problem Based Learning model. Problem Based Learning involves students to be active in every problem. Eleven problems type in Problem Based Learning that have different solving steps, due to every student different metacognition character potential and can change by given treatment. This research is a pre-experimental design: the pretest-posttest control and experimental group design with embedded experimental design. The metacognition character data were analyzed qualitaively, whereas the average grade data were analyzed quantitatively. The analysis of metacognition character shows the different metacognition characters and on learning process there is improvement of student achievement from 14% to 84.4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Maki K. Habib ◽  
Fusaomi Nagata ◽  
Keigo Watanabe

The development of experiential learning methodologies is gaining attention, due to its contributions to enhancing education quality. It focuses on developing competencies, and build-up added values, such as creative and critical thinking skills, with the aim of improving the quality of learning. The interdisciplinary mechatronics field accommodates a coherent interactive concurrent design process that facilitates innovation and develops the desired skills by adopting experiential learning approaches. This educational learning process is motivated by implementation, assessment, and reflections. This requires synergizing cognition, perception, and behavior with experience sharing and evaluation. Furthermore, it is supported by knowledge accumulation. The learning process with active student’s engagement (participation and investigation) is integrated with experimental systems that are developed to facilitate experiential learning supported by properly designed lectures, laboratory experiments, and integrated with course projects. This paper aims to enhance education, learning quality, and contribute to the learning process, while stimulating creative and critical thinking skills. The paper has adopted a student-centered learning approach and focuses on developing training tools to improve the hands-on experience and integrate it with project-based learning. The developed experimental systems have their learning indicators where students acquire knowledge and learn the target skills through involvement in the process. This is inspired by collaborative knowledge sharing, brainstorming, and interactive discussions. The learning outcomes from lectures and laboratory experiments are synergized with the project-based learning approach to yield the desired promising results and exhibit the value of learning. The effectiveness of the developed experimental systems along with the adopted project-based learning approach is demonstrated and evaluated during laboratory sessions supporting different courses at Sanyo-Onoda City University, Yamaguchi, Japan, and at the American University in Cairo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-514
Desika Rinanda ◽  
Suparno Suparno ◽  
Sri Samiati Tarjana

The dramatic advancement technologies, particularly mobile applications, have influenced the education sector. The integration of mobile applications in education to change the teaching-learning process has taken place and led to innovative learning, including English language learning. Hence, this study aimed to find out the students’ perceptions and the factors influencing students’ perceptions toward the use of mobile application in learning English particularly speaking. To reach the objectives, this study used case study as the research method. The data were collected mainly through interview and observation. The participants were five vocational school students in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. They were purposively selected because they had been familiar with mobile application and they had been taught speaking English using mobile application by their teacher, so that they could give adequate information.  The research findings showed positive perception from the students toward the use of Learn English Conversation application in learning speaking. They declared that the use of Learn English Conversation application could facilitate them in practicing speaking, bring fun and enjoyable learning during the learning process. Moreover, their positive perceptions were influenced by several factors such as the flexibility and the new learning experience given by the mobile application, the ease to run the mobile application and unrequired a lot of internet quota when the students run the mobile application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-247

  In essence, every learning process will always be related to the emphasis on mastering certain competencies by students through learning experiences. This implies that in the learning process, learning experiences should be created that are activating students and innovative learning. On the one hand, learning outcomes as a component in learning assessment are not only seen from the number of numbers, but also related to the learning process. If the learning process can run well, the learning outcomes of students can also be better. The results of this Classroom Action Research with two cycles have shown that the application of Problem Based Learning is proven to be able to increase the activity of students which leads to an increase in learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education and Morals, especially in the Basic Competence of Understanding the Meaning of Manners, Courtesy and Shame in Students. Class IX D SMP Negeri 5 Ponorogo Academic Year 2021 / 2022 . This is based on observations of the learning process which has increased student activity from cycle-1 to cycle-2 and also an increase in student learning outcomes so that classical completeness can be achieved from cycle -1 by 50% to cycle-2 by 88%. ABSTRAKPada hakekatnya setiap proses pembelajaran akan selalu berkaitan dengan penekanan terhadap penguasaan kompetensi tertentu oleh peserta didik melalui pengalaman belajar. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa dalam proses pembelajaran hendaknya diciptakan pengalaman belajar yang bersifat mengaktifkan peserta didik dan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Di satu sisi hasil belajar sebagai salah satu komponen dalam penilaian pembelajaran tidak hanya dilihat dari adanya deretan angka , tetapi juga terkait dengan proses pembelajarannya. Jika proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik maka hasil belajar peserta didik juga dapat menjadi lebih baik. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan dua siklus ini telah menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Problem Based Learning terbukti dapat meningkatkan keaktifan peserta didik yang bermuara pada peningkatan hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti terutama pada Kompetensi Dasar Memahami Makna Tata Krama, Sopan Santun dan Rasa Malu pada Peserta Didik Kelas IX D SMP Negeri 5 Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2021 / 2022 . Hal ini didasarkan pada pengamatan proses pembelajaran yang mengalami peningkatan keaktifan peserta didik dari siklus-1 ke siklus-2 dan juga adanya peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik sehingga ketuntasan secara klasikal dapat tercapai dari siklus -1 sebesar 50 % ke siklus – 2 sebesar 88%.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-164
Sarwenda Sarwenda

The result of this research reveals that critical thinking skills possessed by the students in the pesantren has been developed through several learning approaches implemented during learning process in the pesantren. Among the approaches are critical awareness on the study of classical books (bahtsul masâil), discussion and debate in which students and teachers are equal in presenting ideas (cooperative and collaborative strategies are also embedded in this approach), and problem solving approach in which contextual issues are posed and solved. While creating students to be critical, such approaches were found to preserve students’ moral attitude to the teachers that has been skeptically seen will be deminished. DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v1i2.1265

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Sudar Kajin

Constructivism-Collaborative-based learning tools in improving critical thinking skills become an interesting learning model and assist the teacher's task in improving the effectiveness of learning, hence the need of an innovative learning tool to improve students' critical thinking ability. One learning tool that includes a set of planned learning experience that is arranged in a systematic, operational, and directed to help students master specific learning objectives is a collaborative-based Constructivist-Collaborative learning tool in improving the ability to think critically. The purpose of this research development is: 1.) To determine the feasibility of constructive collaborative lesson constructivist Islamic Education lesson according to peers. 2) To know the feasibility of constructive collaborative lesson of constructivism of Islamic Religious Education subject by Expert 3) To know the interest of the students of grade V of SDN Meri 1 Kota Mojokerto to the constructivist constructivism lesson of Islamic Education subject. The selection and use of collaborative constructivist-based learning models can effectively streamline and streamline the implementation of learning. For that purpose, collaborative constructivism-based learning model is absolutely necessary. Islamic Religion Education Learning Learning This collaborative constructivism based learning model has been refined based on analysis of trial data. Based on the steps that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). Constructivist constructivist lesson of Islamic Religious Education is feasible according to peers. 2) constructivist constructivism lesson of Islamic Religious Education is feasible according to Expert 3) Grade V students of SDN Meri 1 Kota Mojokerto are interested in collaborative constructivist lesson of subjects of Islamic Religious Education

Suyatman Suyatman ◽  
Sulistyo Saputro ◽  
Widha Sunarno ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Analytical thinking skills are critical thinking skills and higher-order thinking skills that meet students’ demands in the 21st century. This study aims to analyze the student’s analytical thinking skills in the natural sciences, particularly in new and renewable energy. This study was a sequential explanatory design with quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was obtained from the interview, observation, and essay test to students of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Program Study at IAIN Surakarta (Indonesia) to determine a characteristic of the students’ analytical thinking skills. The results showed that the mean scores of the pre-test, post-test, and effect size were 54.34, 74.91, and 2.91, respectively. These results revealed that analytical thinking skills in the concept of new and renewable energy in the experimental group were higher than the control group. Innovative learning like PBL had a potential as the alternative method to increase the analytical thinking skills of student. These findings were expected to provide a general characteristic to lecturers and researchers on the students’ analytical thinking skills in higher education in the natural sciences, particularly in the concept of new and renewable energy by implementing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Kultsum Munirah ◽  
Siti Ramdiah ◽  
Budi Prayitno

<em>One of the problems in our education world is the weakness of the learning process, which has an impact on metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills of students. One of the contributing factors is that the teacher only provides existing material without any development related to the real world of students. Thus the effort that can be made is that before carrying out the learning process the teacher as an educator must have a learning plan, which is included in the learning tool. Because in a learning device a teacher can design learning methods and materials that are considered innovative when used. One of the innovative learning methods that can build active learning conditions for students is to use a local wisdom-based learning model. The research objective was to determine the validity of learning tools through a learning model based on local wisdom of South Kalimantan to improve metacognitive skills and critical thinking of students in the classification concept of living things. This study develops products in the form of RPP, LKPD and Questions. The development method used refers to 4-D development which has 4 stages, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The type of data used is qualitative and quantitative data. The instrument used was a validation sheet that was declared valid based on the results of the expert team's assessment. Data analysis techniques were carried out by matching the results of empirical validation from experts with predetermined validity criteria. The results of this study indicate that local wisdom-based learning tools are worth trying out, because the scores obtained from the validation results show validity with a percentage of&gt; 67.19% which is considered valid enough and has no revised information</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-305
Erni Murniarti ◽  
Sarwedi Sirait ◽  
Hotmaulina Sihotang

  The implementation of the 2013 curriculum requires teachers to change their views in implementing learning process in schools. Learning strategies are no longer teacher-centered learning but learner-centered learning. Teachers are required to organize creative and innovative learning as stated in the Lesson Plan. Teachers must master various methods to improve higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) of students. In this context, Problem Based Learning (PBL) is the appropriate model in developing students' thinking skills. The 2013 curriculum has adopted Bloom's taxonomy which was revised by Anderson starting from the level of knowing, understanding, implementing, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Because the demands of the 2013 Curriculum must be at the level of creating, students must be continuously trained to produce something new. This study aims to describe the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning method as a model of effective way to build critical and creative thinking skills of students at SMA Budi Mulia Jakarta. This study also explains HOTS-based assessment as a logical assessment of PBL learning.

Kah Heng Loh ◽  
You Ping Lim

Many educators believe that learners' learning experience can be enhanced by infusing uncertainty into their learning process. The authentic problem-based learning (APBL) model allows uncertainty to be incorporated into ill-structured problem to motivate learners' learning process. This study looks into the relationship between learners' uncertainty level and learning performance in APBL model which involve participation of 78 engineering students from Taylor's American Degree Program. A questionnaire consists of 30 items of uncertainty construct and 10 items of learning satisfaction is developed to measure learners' uncertainty level and satisfaction at the end of APBL. Learners' learning satisfaction, learning attitude, and learning score on APBL activities which form the learning performance is computed. The Cronbach's alphas for uncertainty construct and learning satisfaction are 0.89 and 0.92 respectively. The zero order Pearson's correlation analysis showed a strong negative correlation between uncertainty level and learning performance.

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