scholarly journals Kajian Adaptive Reuse Bangunan dalam Konteks Mitigasi Bencana di Kota Denpasar

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Ida Bagus Gede Parama Putra

Abstract: Adaptive reuse in general is modifying a place for the function proposed or adapted to the existing function. Studies on the benefits of Adaptive Reuse are considered capable of providing three benefits such as, environmental aspects, social aspects and economic aspects and if associated with the context of disaster mitigation, the application of Adaptive Reuse is an alternative strategy in providing temporary shelter. The selection of Denpasar City as a research location is based on several considerations such as, the high number of unused buildings, strategic locations and infrastructure in accommodating refugees from outside the region and challenges to the lack of green land as a place of refuge. This study examines old buildings that begin with an understanding of evaluation criteria, the second stage is mapping and measuring old buildings which will be categorized based on the type of building, the third stage is building valuation. The results of the study obtained four buildings that were feasible to be used as temporary dwellings, namely, hotel lodging facilities on Jalan Puputan, Renon; sports facilities and parks namely Gor Kompyang Sujana on the road of Mt. Agung No.160 Pemecutan Kaja ; commercial facility building, namely the Shopping Block at Dewi Sartika Street, Dauh Puri Klod ; and cultural and entertainment facilities, namely Ardha Candra open stage at Nusa Indah No.1 street, Panjer.Keywords: Adaptive Reuse; Natural Disaster; Temporary Shelter, Denpasar City.Abstrak: Adaptive reuse secara umum yaitu memodifikasi sebuah tempat untuk fungsi yang diusulkan atau disesuaikan dengan fungsi eksisting. Kajian-kajian megenai manfaat Adaptive reuse dinilai mampu memberikan tiga manfaat yaitu, aspek lingkungan, aspek sosial dan aspek ekonomi dan jika dikaitkan dengan konteks mitigasi bencana, penerapan Adaptive reuse adalah strategi alternatif dalam penyediaan hunian sementara. Pemilihan Kota Denpasar sebagai lokasi penelitian yang didasari oleh beberapa pertimbangan seperti, tingginya jumlah bangunan yang tak terpakai, lokasi dan infrastruktur yang strategis dalam mengakomodasi pengungsi dari luar daerah dan tantangan terhadap minimnya lahan hijau sebagai tempat pengungsian.  Penelitian ini mengkaji bangunan tua yang dimulai dengan pemahaman kriteria evaluasi, tahap kedua yaitu pemetaan dan pengukuran bangunan tua yang akan di kategorikan berdasarkan tipe bangunan, tahap ketiga yaitu penilaian bangunan. Hasil penelitian memperoleh empat bangunan yang layak untuk digunakan sebagai tempat tinggal sementara yaitu, bangunan dan fasilitas penginapan hotel di jalan Raya Puputan, Renon, Denpasar; bangunan fasilitas olahraga dan taman yaitu Gor Kompyang Sujana di jalan Gn. Agung No.160 Pemecutan Kaja, Denpasar; bangunan fasilitas komersial yaitu Blok Pertokoan di jalan Dewi Sartika, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar; dan bangunan fasilitas budaya dan hiburan yaitu panggung terbuka Ardha Candra di jalan Nusa Indah No.1, Panjer, Denpasar.Kata Kunci: Penggunaan Kembali, Bencana Alam, Hunian Sementara, Kota Denpasar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Jolanta Brzykcy

The article is an analysis of the poetry of Gisella Lachman (1895–1969), poet of the “first wave” of Russian emigration, from the perspective of the poetics of space. The poet expressed her emigration experience (multiple changes of residence: Russia, Germany, Switzerland, USA) in her poems in spatial relations. They appear on different levels of the works’ morphology: in the construction of the lyrical “I”, in the organisation of the presented world, in the repertoire of motifs and the selection of poetic lexis and genre forms. Space plays a literal role in Lachman’s poetry; it is a representation of extra-literary reality, seen subjectively. It is also subject to metaphorisation, becoming a tool for expressing philosophical content. The poet creates not only a spatial model of the world, but also a spatial model of human life, which she perceives as a transit on the road to eternity.

Mulika K.M.

Мета статтіполягає у з’ясуванні психологічного вмісту та значення ставленнєвого складника у структурі конфліктологічної компетентності педагога. Методи. Дослідження послуговувалося теоретичними методами збору, узагальнення, систематизації, порівняння інформації. Системна робота з інформацією здійснювалась у три етапи: на першому етапі на сайтах міжнародних організацій з питань освіти, Верховної Ради України, ручним пошуком за тематичними запитами у різних уточнювальних комбінаціях, відібрано первинні (1997–2004) та останні чинні документи і публікації з питань структури компетентності особистості; другий етап включав відбір найновіших вітчизняних та зарубіжних досліджень за означеною тематикою в базі Google Scholar; на третьому етапі серед усіх відібраних джерел аналізувались ті, які містили в тексті опис психологічної природи, співвідношень ментальних структур у моделях конфліктологічної компетентності особистості. Результати. Показано, що фундатори компетентнісного підходу визначили місце поняття «ставлення» нарівні зі знаннями, уміннями, навичками у структурних моделях конфліктологічної компетентності особистості. Проте через різночитання перекладачами, державотворцями, науковцями та практиками цього поняття категорія «ставлення» втратила свою первинну сутність, описану у працях міжнародних організацій з питань освіти та їх експертів (Rychen, 2004), і вивчається лише через відзначення супідрядних їй феноменів в окремих описах «соціально-особистісних» аспектів компетентності. Обґрунтована солідаризуюча окремі психологічні структури роль «суб’єктивного ставлення» для ефективної діяльності людини у мінливих обставинах. Запропонований психологічний вміст поняття «ставлення» у структурі конфліктологічної компетентності як психічний латентний потенціал реакцій, переживань та дій людини, що актуалізується під час конструювання нею поточної комунікативної ситуації. Висновки. Доведена вагомість суб’єктивного в категорії ставлення у структурі конфліктологічної компетентності як провідної у конструктивних способах переживання і поведінки особистості у ситуа-ції професійних конфліктів. Від психологічних ставлень особистості залежить як засвоєння суб’єктом взаємодії спеціальних знань та вмінь з конфліктології, так і їх прояв у діяльності. Ключові слова: ставленнєвий складник конфліктологічної компетентності, моделі конфлікто-логічної компетентності, атитюди, соціальні настановлення (настанови), цінності, особистісний потенціал. The aim of this paper is to clarify the psychological content and significance of the attitude component in the structure of conflict competence of the educator’s personality. Methods. The study used theoretical methods of collecting, summarizing, systematizing, comparing information. Systematic work with information was carried out in three stages. The first stage was on the sites of international organizations on education, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, manual search for thematic queries in various clarifications, selected primary (1997–2004) and latest valid documents and publications on the structure of personal competence. The second stage included selection of the latest domestic and foreign research on this topic in the Google Scholar database. At the third stage, work was with all the analyzed and selected sources, contained the description of the psychological nature, relations of mental structures in the models of conflictological competence of the person.Results. It is shown that the founders of the competence approach have defined the place of the concept of “attitude”, along with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the structural models of conflict competence of the person. Nevertheless, due to different interpretations of this concept by translators, statesmen, scholars and practitioners, the category “attitude” has lost its original essence, that was described in works of international organizations in education and their experts (Rychen, 2004) and is studied only through subcontracted to it phenomena in separate descriptions of “socio-personal” aspects of competence. The role of “subjective attitude” for effective human activity in changing circumstances, which plays a solidarity role for certain psychological structures is substantiated. The psychological content of the concept of “attitude” in the structure of conflictological competence as a mental latent potential of reactions, experiences and actions of a person, which is actualized in the construction of the current communicative situation.Conclusions. The importance of the subjectivity in the category of “attitude” in the structure of conflict competence, as the leading one, in the constructive ways of experiencing and behaving of the educator’s personality in the situation of professional conflicts is proved. Both the assimilation of special knowledge and skills in conflictology by the subject of interaction and their manifestation in activity depend on the psychological attitudes of the individual.Key words: attitude component of conflict competence, models of conflict competence, attitudes, social attitudes, values, personal potential1 On key competences for lifelong learning (2006/962/EC): Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18.12.2006. URL: (дата звернення 26.07.2020).

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 060-067 ◽  
Luciana Maximino ◽  
Ticiana Zambonato ◽  
Mirela Picolini-Pereira ◽  
Camila Castro Corrêa ◽  
Mariza Feniman ◽  

Introduction Cleft lip and cleft palate can result in impairments in communication, specifically in hearing, making the use of technological resources such as blogs a fundamental guideline for health professionals. Objective The aim of this study was to prepare and analyze the access to a blog about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing as a pedagogical tool for health professionals. Methods The first stage for the development of the blog was the selection of the content that would be addressed and the respective illustrations. The second stage was making the blog available through the WordPress platform, and the third stage included the evaluation of the blog, of the access to the WordPress statistical features, and of the quality of the blog through the Emory questionnaire, which was answered by 75 professionals. Results The blog, titled “Fissure and Hearing”, was developed with the architecture of a digital information environment containing a system of organization, navigation, labeling and search (first stage). The address hosting the blog was: (second stage). The result of the third stage included 56,269 views of the blog from different countries, and Brazil was the country with the highest viewing. Regarding the assessment by the Emory questionnaire, we found that for most of the major issues, the percentages obtained were or equal to 90%, while the analysis of the scales, navigation and structure presented the lowest scores. Conclusion The blog was developed and enabled greater access to information available on the web about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing.

Peter Avis ◽  
Joe Sharpe

An essential step on the road to solving the lessons learned challenge is for organizations to “operationalize” the process for lessons learned such that the important lessons are not just observed but are learned over time to improve organizational behaviour. There are seven key findings: the engagement and integration of leadership into the lessons learned process; the development of spheres of influence and the corresponding organizational “loops”; the selection of a limited number of “rolled-up” observations to pursue – “five (good ones) are much better than 500”; the use of symposia to ensure education and collective “buy-in”; the development of action plans to engage the leadership and provide a practical direction on the way ahead; the triggering, packaging, dispatching, and recreation of lessons identified such that they are attainable and welcomed by the receiving stakeholders; and the development of logical, distinct steps in creating a database.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. 394-434 ◽  
Mohamed Saleh

Self-selection of converts is an under-studied explanation of inter-religion socioeconomic status (SES) differences. Inspired by this conjecture, I trace the Coptic-Muslim SES gap in Egypt to self-selection-on-SES during Egypt’s conversion from Coptic Christianity to Islam. Selection was driven by a poll tax on non-Muslims, imposed from 641 until 1856, which induced poorer Copts to convert to Islam leading Copts to shrink into a better-off minority. Using novel data sources, I document that high-tax districts in 641–1100 had in 1848–1868 relatively fewer Copts, but greater SES differentials. Group restrictions on apprenticeships and schooling led the initial selection to perpetuate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3Sup1) ◽  
pp. 21-44
Olga Vladimirovna Yezhova ◽  
Nikolay Anisimov ◽  
Kalina Pashkevich ◽  
Ihor Androshchuk ◽  

The purpose of the research is to identify professionally important qualities of the specialists in design, technology, and service, in particular cutters in the postmodern society. At the first stage, a preliminary list of 39 professionally important qualities of the skilled workers in the fashion industry has been formulated by means of theoretical analysis. The list considers the specifics of the cutter`s work at the intersection of three industries – design, technology, and service. At the second stage, a priori ranking of factors has been conducted by interviewing 5 experts. The list, reduced after a priori ranking, has become a basis for surveying 246 respondents from different groups of stakeholders (teachers, students, graduates of vocational schools, employers` representatives) at the third stage. As a result, the lists of input parameters of the model of specialist, which are professionally important qualities of the skilled cutters, are obtained. The lists contain 28 professionally important personal qualities, which are grouped into the following groups: executive and motor manifestations, cognitive processes, memory and thinking, emotions, business qualities, creative features, specific requirements. The obtained results make it possible to develop optimal prognostic models of training the skilled workers in the fashion industry, as well as to conduct a scientifically grounded selection of personnel and career counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
A Anisa ◽  
F Lissimia

Abstract Menara Kudus area marks the beginning of Kudus City, Central Java, Indonesia. The area is famous for its many historic buildings, including Menara Kudus, Al Aqsa Mosque, the traditional Kudus house, and Sunan Kudus tomb complex. Menara Kudus area is an area visited by pilgrims and tourists. In addition, there are many “pesantren” in the surrounding area that make this area never look deserted. Economic development thrives around the area but doesn’t necessarily change physical setting. This study was designed to describe the impact of historic buildings in Menara Kudus area on the sustainability of the surrounding area. The method used in this research is qualitative interpretive descriptive, which analyzes field data using 3 aspects of sustainability which is economic, social and environmental fields. The analysis phase is carried out through 3 stages. The first stage is the explanation and description of historic buildings around the Holy Tower. The second stage, discuss and describe the economic, social, and environmental aspects around the Menara Kudus. The third stage, interpretation to see the impact toward surrounding area. The results of this study show there are significant influence between historic buildings and the sustainability of the area, especially on the economic aspect. Crowds of pilgrims and tourists visiting the Menara Kudus area make economic activity in the surrounding area flourish. Likewise, with the presence of “santri” from outside the Kudus area which is in the vicinity of Menara Kudus. The existence of a institution that manages the Mosque, the Tomb, and Menara Kudus and the Kudus Cultural Heritage Team makes this area neatly arranged so that it supports the sustainability of the region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-220
Firdaus Firdaus

The study was conducted at Adira Finance Baturaja Branch. Types of data used are primary and secondary data that are through interviews and questioners to Chairman Branch, business partners and the respondents as many as 100 people. The method of analysis used through three stages; the first stages, the input stage, using matrix analysis EFE and IFE matrix analysis with total score of each were 3,25% and 3,00%; the second stage, the matching stage, using SWOT analysis and IE Matrix Internal External where Adira was on quadrant I that position to grow and built with the selection of alternative strategy is an intensive strategy; the third stage, decision stage, using analysis QSPM with priority strategy is market penetration. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi internal dan eksternal serta strategi bisnis yang sesuai dan cocok pada PT. Adira Finance, Tbk Cabang Baturaja kedepan sehingga mampu bersaing dan maju berkembang untuk masa yang akan datang. Penelitian dilakukan pada Adira Finance Cabang Baturaja. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder melalui wawancara dan kuesioner kepada Pimpinan Cabangperusahaan, mitra bisnis dan responden sebanyak 100 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan melalui tiga tahapan; tahapan pertama disebut dengan penginputan data menggunakan analisis matrik EFE dan analisis matrik IFE dengan total skor masing-masing 3,25% dan 3,00%; tahapan kedua mencocokkan data menggunakan analisis SWOT dan IE Matrik Internal Eksternal dimana adira berada pada kuadran I yaitu posisi tumbuh dan membangun (growth and built) dengan pemilihan strategi alternatif (strategi yang intensif); dan tahap ketiga tahap keputusan menggunakan analisis QSPM dengan prioritas strategi (penetrasi pasar).  Kata Kunci : Matriks EFE, Matrik IFE, SWOT, Matrik IE, dan QSPM

P.V. Vitchuk ◽  
N.D. Reykhert ◽  
N.A. Vitchuk ◽  

The correct choice of elements of the elevator lifting mechanism and their parameters ensures its reliability, durability, energy and economic efficiency. The paper contains recommendations for the selection of the traction elements of the elevator lifting mechanism and the sequence of determining their parameters based on a multivariate calculation. The purpose of the proposed sequence is to obtain the most rational parameters of the traction elements of the elevator lifting mechanism. The initial data for the calculation are the lifting capacity of the elevator, the nominal speed of movement, the height of the lift of the car. It is also necessary to consider the purpose of the elevator. At the first stage of the calculation, the masses of the cab and the counterweight are determined. In this case, the existing data on analogue lifts should be used. In the absence of such data, the approximate dependences proposed by the authors of the article can be used. At the second stage, the kinematic scheme of the elevator is selected. At the third stage, the type of traction element is selected. On the basis of domestic and foreign experience in elevator engineering and well-known literature, recommendations are formulated for choosing the type of traction element. The final stage is a multivariate calculation of traction elements. It is proposed to evaluate the calculation results taking into account the minimum value of the safety factor in accordance with the EN 81-1: 1998 standard. The calculation of the traction elements considered in the work is only a small part of the process of determining the optimal parameters of the elements of the elevator lifting mechanism. At the same time, already at this stage, variability is introduced, which makes the calculation quite laborious to perform it manually. Obviously, a multivariate calculation method that allows you to analyze many different combinations of parameters of the elements of the elevator lifting mechanism and choose the optimal ones is impossible without the use of a computer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 216-223
Yu. V. Burtyl ◽  
M. G. Salodkaya ◽  
Ya. N. Kovalev

The design of road surfaces involves application of  a sophisticated algorithm system based on mathematical calculations and engineering solutions, with the calculation of evaluation criteria.  It is precisely the observance of the standardized requirements in terms of design criteria that makes it possible to consider the design of the pavement as reliable, and the road as safe and convenient for traffic during the specified service life. When calculating the strength, based on the predicted traffic intensity and the composition of the traffic flow, calculations are carried out according to the main criteria: admissible elastic deflection, shear in layers of non-reinforced materials and in asphalt concrete, as well as the ultimate tensile stresses in cast-in-situ materials with the specified reliability level.  However, in the accepted concepts for  calculating the strength and reliability of road pavements,  only the force effect is directly taken into account. To take into account environmental factors, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive indicator of the resulting impact of all factors. The paper presents a complex of factors influencing on traffic safety, road deformations and irregularities the height of unevenness, in particular, an increase in the dynamic impact on the road and the amplitude of vibration of a car wheel on a road with an uneven surface (when detached from the road surface), the coincidence of the vibration frequency of the car with the natural frequencies of vibration of the road surface, and as a consequence, on the behavioral features of driving. The arguments have been substantiated that the predictive models do not take into account a number of factors that have a significant impact on the formation of irreversible deformation in the layers of materials of road structures.

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